We are experiencing the biggest scandal in America's political history right now.

the real question is why haven't they already done that? Are they all part of the crooked DC cabal? It may be time for a revolution or secession. This country seems to be on its last legs.
In Delaware? Are you joking?
Sorry bro but this is what Mitch told us we would have to do to punish Trump for his insurrection. If Mitch would have convicted Trump in the Senate Trump would be a foot note in history. But he kicked the can and forced us to charge Trump in criminal/federal/state courts.

Mitch said he deserved to be convicted for what he did but he was "no longer president" because he lost so it would be inappropriate to charge him.

And Biden isn't charging Trump. Prosecutors are in state and federal courts. And they have a lot of evidence. Don't act like this is Russian collusion where he's going to be eventually "vindicated".
He "forced" you to charge him? You mean it had nothing to do with any laws he broke?
the real question is why haven't they already done that? Are they all part of the crooked DC cabal? It may be time for a revolution or secession. This country seems to be on its last legs.
The biggest scandal in American history is the left's destruction.
It's true, Trump cult traitors. If you just make up enough craycray stories, reality itself will shift, and all your corrupt traitor leaders will beat the rap!

Not really. But it's cute how Trump cult traitors actually think that's the case. They're going to be ranting lunatic conspiracies until the day they die, and then past that. When they're down in Hell, they'll be screaming how God was corrupted by the DeepState.
Progs don't understand there is a difference between earning and collecting bribes.
The Saudis invested in an investment group funding projects in Israel. Enemy democrats paint this as 2 billion dollars going into Jared's pocket, the way money goes into Hunter Biden's pocket. The Saudis expect a return on their investment. No one ever lost money in Israel.

Democrats have to lie. It's almost like their heads will blow up if they don't lie.
Peddle that nonsense somewhere else, Sealy! Hunter Biden was put on ALL of those boards because of who his father is! Hunter is a piece of shit drug addict and has been for decades! The ONLY reason that he collected that money was because he sold access to Joe Biden!
As for the Chinese? The Chinese company is controlled by the CCP. If Hunter took money from them it's the same thing as taking it from the CCP.
So then neither Trump nor Hunter should be running for president.
Now you go report him to the bribe police. I'm sure they will arrest Biden immediately! LOL!
Naw. Everyone knows Joe is more crooked than a dog's hind leg. Joe really isn't the problem. It's the ignorant corrupt trash that put him in the White House that's the problem. Stupid college kids, union pawns, plantation house neegras, queers and federal government stooges. Your tribe.
He "forced" you to charge him? You mean it had nothing to do with any laws he broke?

Of course we wouldn't be charging a former president for what Trump did if he just went away. But the criminal is back.

You know what Gore did when Bush stole the election from him? He rolled his eyes as he conceded. Just like Mike Pence did. Heck, Gore knew Bush ripped him off. Pence knew Biden won.

The most honest guy in your party says you lost. Who you gonna believe him or lying Trump?

Trust me Pence isn't a globalist corporatist. He's a religious nut that companies say they won't invest in Indiana if a religous nut like that is in charge. Can't get good workers to go to a state that doesn't allow abortion for example. Too extreme. College kids who graduate won't accept job offers in those states.
Naw. Everyone knows Joe is more crooked than a dog's hind leg. Joe really isn't the problem. It's the ignorant corrupt trash that put him in the White House that's the problem. Stupid college kids, union pawns, plantation house neegras, queers and federal government stooges. Your tribe.
So what is your plan?
You didn't pay attention, did you?
You are a Majorie Taylor Greene fan?

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) has said the House of Representatives may open an impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden. But he may lack the votes to make it happen.

While far-right lawmakers like Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) have demanded impeachment, a number of more moderate Republicans sound skeptical. McCarthy can lose only four votes from his own party and still push a resolution through the House without Democratic support.

Republicans have been looking into whether President Biden, when he served as vice president nearly a decade ago, did official favors for his son Hunter Biden, who was in business with foreign nationals from China and Ukraine.

So far, Republican investigators have failed to show wrongdoing by the president, and several moderates have suggested the material they’ve seen doesn’t justify opening an impeachment inquiry.

“We should have some clear evidence of a high crime or misdemeanor, not just assuming there may be one,” Rep. Don Bacon (R-Neb.) told The Hill last week. “I think we need to have more concrete evidence to go down that path.”

House Oversight Committee chair James Comer (R-Ky.) has claimed that when Biden was vice president he pushed for the ouster of a Ukrainian prosecutor in order to benefit Hunter Biden, who received millions serving on the board of a Ukrainian gas company called Burisma.

Former President Donald Trump made the same claim in 2019, and Democrats impeached him for withholding military aid from Ukraine in an effort to make that country announce an investigation into the Bidens. State Department officials testified during the proceedings that Biden had merely carried out their policy recommendation, not done a favor for his son.

Comer’s strongest material so far may have come from Devon Archer, a former Hunter Biden business partner who testified in July that the younger Biden occasionally put his dad on speakerphone in the company of business associates. Republicans have claimed the conversations show Biden lied when he said he never talked business with his son, but according to the transcript, Archer testified that the conversations were never actually about business.

“There’s no evidence that Joe Biden got money, or that Joe Biden, you know, agreed to do something so that Hunter could get money,” an anonymous House Republican told CNN last week. “There’s just no evidence of that. And they can’t impeach without that evidence. And I don’t I don’t think the evidence exists.”
It’s not just moderates who have sounded negative about impeachment. Conservative Rep. Ken Buck (R-Colo.) suggested in July that McCarthy was using “impeachment theater” to distract from disagreements among House Republicans about government spending.

Greene, on the other hand, said last week that she wouldn’t vote for any government funding bill unless the House opens an impeachment inquiry.
White House spokesman Andrew Bates asked in a statement Tuesday whether Republicans would “break their promise and choose to shut down the government” in order to “appease Marjorie Taylor Greene and her far-right friends’ demands for a baseless impeachment stunt.”
McCarthy said Friday that he won’t open an impeachment inquiry without a House vote. He has insisted that the impeachment inquiry would not necessarily lead to an actual impeachment vote, but that it would help lawmakers pry documents from the executive branch and win court cases enforcing their requests. The speaker said last week that Republicans would ask for bank records that would show whether Biden had ever accepted a bribe.

So still looking for evidence. You don't have any. You're just looking. And excuse me but do they think bank records will show a deposit titled BRIBES? LOL

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