We are experiencing the biggest scandal in America's political history right now.

Well, I don't even know what to say to that.
You can't....because either you're lying or you're too stupid to imagine the possibility. You keep calling a riot an insurrection because either you're full of shit or too stupid to know the difference.

Doesn't matter that the same exact crappola is going in several countries right when the WEF is giving orders to kill our pets and take away our private transportation. Giving orders to John Kerry that we need to destroy food sources all over the United States.
Close to 100 food processing plants have caught fire. I wonder why?
I don't believe in one coincidence after another.
Why are people setting fires all over the planet?
You can't answer that.
Arrest them all. Sentence the to long prison terms.
First you have to impeach Biden in the House, and that appears to not be happening. Then convict him in the Senate. Good luck with that.

This explains you don't have hit on Biden. Unless you consider a call from his son who's showing off to co workers that he can reach the VP of the USA by phone. Hi dad. How's it going? How's the weather?
You can't....because either you're lying or you're too stupid to imagine the possibility. You keep calling a riot an insurrection because either you're full of shit or too stupid to know the difference.

Doesn't matter that the same exact crappola is going in several countries right when the WEF is giving orders to kill our pets and take away our private transportation. Giving orders to John Kerry that we need to destroy food sources all over the United States.
Close to 100 food processing plants have caught fire. I wonder why?
To clarify: Do you believe that Jan 6 was a staged Hollywood production?

That's what you said.

Do you believe that?
You are a Majorie Taylor Greene fan?

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) has said the House of Representatives may open an impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden. But he may lack the votes to make it happen.

While far-right lawmakers like Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) have demanded impeachment, a number of more moderate Republicans sound skeptical. McCarthy can lose only four votes from his own party and still push a resolution through the House without Democratic support.

Republicans have been looking into whether President Biden, when he served as vice president nearly a decade ago, did official favors for his son Hunter Biden, who was in business with foreign nationals from China and Ukraine.

So far, Republican investigators have failed to show wrongdoing by the president, and several moderates have suggested the material they’ve seen doesn’t justify opening an impeachment inquiry.

“We should have some clear evidence of a high crime or misdemeanor, not just assuming there may be one,” Rep. Don Bacon (R-Neb.) told The Hill last week. “I think we need to have more concrete evidence to go down that path.”

House Oversight Committee chair James Comer (R-Ky.) has claimed that when Biden was vice president he pushed for the ouster of a Ukrainian prosecutor in order to benefit Hunter Biden, who received millions serving on the board of a Ukrainian gas company called Burisma.

Former President Donald Trump made the same claim in 2019, and Democrats impeached him for withholding military aid from Ukraine in an effort to make that country announce an investigation into the Bidens. State Department officials testified during the proceedings that Biden had merely carried out their policy recommendation, not done a favor for his son.

Comer’s strongest material so far may have come from Devon Archer, a former Hunter Biden business partner who testified in July that the younger Biden occasionally put his dad on speakerphone in the company of business associates. Republicans have claimed the conversations show Biden lied when he said he never talked business with his son, but according to the transcript, Archer testified that the conversations were never actually about business.

“There’s no evidence that Joe Biden got money, or that Joe Biden, you know, agreed to do something so that Hunter could get money,” an anonymous House Republican told CNN last week. “There’s just no evidence of that. And they can’t impeach without that evidence. And I don’t I don’t think the evidence exists.”
It’s not just moderates who have sounded negative about impeachment. Conservative Rep. Ken Buck (R-Colo.) suggested in July that McCarthy was using “impeachment theater” to distract from disagreements among House Republicans about government spending.

Greene, on the other hand, said last week that she wouldn’t vote for any government funding bill unless the House opens an impeachment inquiry.
White House spokesman Andrew Bates asked in a statement Tuesday whether Republicans would “break their promise and choose to shut down the government” in order to “appease Marjorie Taylor Greene and her far-right friends’ demands for a baseless impeachment stunt.”
McCarthy said Friday that he won’t open an impeachment inquiry without a House vote. He has insisted that the impeachment inquiry would not necessarily lead to an actual impeachment vote, but that it would help lawmakers pry documents from the executive branch and win court cases enforcing their requests. The speaker said last week that Republicans would ask for bank records that would show whether Biden had ever accepted a bribe.

So still looking for evidence. You don't have any. You're just looking. And excuse me but do they think bank records will show a deposit titled BRIBES? LOL
The biggest problem here is these dummies dont know how things work. It's always "why isnt this or that happening". It's because they are IGNORANT.
You can't....because either you're lying or you're too stupid to imagine the possibility. You keep calling a riot an insurrection because either you're full of shit or too stupid to know the difference.

Doesn't matter that the same exact crappola is going in several countries right when the WEF is giving orders to kill our pets and take away our private transportation. Giving orders to John Kerry that we need to destroy food sources all over the United States.
Close to 100 food processing plants have caught fire. I wonder why?
What's not true? Did Trump try to have that riot stop the official certification of votes to make Biden president? What do you call attempting that?

In 2000 I guess they called it the Brooks Brother Riots. Not Brooks Brother Insurrection. But that's only because the media is no longer liberal.
Yeah, mostly democrats.
In 2000 National Republicans sent operatives to disrupt the Florida recount. Roger Stone was involved. In 2020 Roger Stone was involved in the Insurrection, riot, whatever you want to call it. Treason if you ask me. But in 2020, rather than send national Republicans to Florida, a heck of a lot of Texans came to Washington to help pull off the coup.

More than 70 Texans have been charged in connection with the 2021 U.S. Capitol riots. Violent insurrections loyal to President Donald Trump try to break through a police barrier at the Capitol in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021 to disrupt the certification of the 2020 election.
In 2000 National Republicans sent operatives to disrupt the Florida recount. Roger Stone was involved. In 2020 Roger Stone was involved in the Insurrection, riot, whatever you want to call it. Treason if you ask me. But in 2020, rather than send national Republicans to Florida, a heck of a lot of Texans came to Washington to help pull off the coup.

More than 70 Texans have been charged in connection with the 2021 U.S. Capitol riots. Violent insurrections loyal to President Donald Trump try to break through a police barrier at the Capitol in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021 to disrupt the certification of the 2020 election.
Way cool. Remember the Alamo.
In 2000 National Republicans sent operatives to disrupt the Florida recount. Roger Stone was involved. In 2020 Roger Stone was involved in the Insurrection, riot, whatever you want to call it. Treason if you ask me. But in 2020, rather than send national Republicans to Florida, a heck of a lot of Texans came to Washington to help pull off the coup.

More than 70 Texans have been charged in connection with the 2021 U.S. Capitol riots. Violent insurrections loyal to President Donald Trump try to break through a police barrier at the Capitol in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021 to disrupt the certification of the 2020 election.

You make me laugh
First you have to impeach Biden in the House, and that appears to not be happening. Then convict him in the Senate. Good luck with that.

This explains you don't have hit on Biden. Unless you consider a call from his son who's showing off to co workers that he can reach the VP of the USA by phone. Hi dad. How's it going? How's the weather?

You are hysterical
To clarify: Do you believe that Jan 6 was a staged Hollywood production?

That's what you said.

Do you believe that?
The video you saw was a Hollywood production.
The causes are pretty clear for anyone who has an open mind.

First Trump offered to Pelosi to station 12,000 National Guard troops around the Capital , but she rejected it. She refused to boost security. Why would she do that? Answer: Because like she said in her daughter's video....she was waiting for this.....and she was going to beat Trump...punch him in the mouth......sounds like a pretty angry, evil bitch to me, and a clear threat of violence against the POTUS.

CNN spread the insurrection BS from the very start, claiming that patriotic Americans peacefully filing thru roped off areas in the Capital was a threat. The pearl-clutching was stupendous. Fucking Wolf Blitzer.

Many of the cops on the ground didn't know what was going on. But the FBI admitted they had dozens of agents embedded in the crowd who were encouraging Trump supporters to enter the Capital. Videos showed instigators that people on the ground knew were feds. They not only encouraged a riot but started rioting themselves.
Members of BLM and ANTIFA were videoed changing into MAGA gear.

Then they lied about how many people died on Jan 6th. The only ones who died in the Capital were two unarmed females, one shot and the other beaten to a pulp by cops. Both were recorded on video.

Now years later we discover that cops were letting people in the Capital and giving them a guided tour. Later, they started pepper spraying them and pushing them toward the exits. Many of those who were trapped in the Capital were arrested days, weeks, and months later and have been held without bail without proper medical attention and no legal representation, and no charges, in various jails for going on 3 years. Sounds like entrapment to me and an abuse of their rights while dishing out excessive punishment for political reasons, just like your average communist/banana republic.
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