We are experiencing the biggest scandal in America's political history right now.

You didn't know?
I'm referring to a viral video (that has been wiped off the internet by the deep state) which showed then-Vice President Biden bragging about an alleged $3 billion dollar package to the Ukraine which he preceded using Air Force 2 to go for a visit, and bragged about demanding an extortionary one billion dollars in cash to be placed on Air Force II in less than six hours (Biden's departure schedule) for whatever he wanted a billion dollars for--parties, wine, wild, wild women?--anyhow, Biden tells his little billion-dollar boys club members that 'soab,' the money was there when he got on AF2 and flew home right away. Brag, brag, brag. What a drag.
the main "cheating" that went on in that election was the conspiracy to cover up the Hunter Biden lap top so that the American people wouldn't know just how corrupt Joe Biden is!
How many years have they had this alleged "laptop" and can't find any evidence to tie Good Old Joe to this alleged corruption?

Did they give it to the same guys AZ hired to audit their election?
I heard a guy on Howard Stern. Former military. Got into trouble as a young man in Utah and they didn't lock him up but he had to leave Utah and never come back. I'd be okay with sending them back to Texas after they serve half their sentences. But they can never go back to DC. Banned!
So you're saying that they no-longer have the constitutional rights as spelled out in the 1st Amendment to peacefully gather and have their grievances addressed.

The primary purpose was to make an example of those people.
Besides, most of those people will never want to set food in that sewer they call D.C. ever again.

Unless you're a Democrat you can no-longer protest peacefully anywhere, correct?
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So why do they get away with claiming it's an insurrection?

I'll tell you why.

Because they wanted to remove Trump from the ballot.

End of story.
You mean all the things he's done don't disqualify him from being president? Yes, if 51% of Republicans are Nazis, we need to nip that shit in the butt. Criminals.

The insurrection. OMG how many people are serving long sentences for violence and the coordination between Trump and Proud Boys and Sidney Powell breaking into right polling stations in the middle of the night in Georgia let in by local republicans so she could hack into a voting machine in a place where 70% of the voters voted for Trump?

You guys. We have so much dirt on Trump. Go after Hunter Biden you idiots! We're charging Trump in Federal court and there is no denying what comes out in those trials. I love it Georgia is going to be on TV. You think OJ was big?
You didn't know?

... demanding an extortionary one billion dollars in cash to be placed on Air Force II in less than six hours (Biden's departure schedule) for whatever he wanted a billion dollars for--parties, wine, wild, wild women?--anyhow, Biden tells his little billion-dollar boys club members that 'soab,' the money was there when he got on AF2 and flew home right away. Brag, brag, brag. What a drag.

LOL That's an awesome denial of reality. Kudos.
How many years have they had this alleged "laptop" and can't find any evidence to tie Good Old Joe to this alleged corruption?

Did they give it to the same guys AZ hired to audit their election?
I beg to differ.

Biden used assumed names to send messages to Hunter's business associates, and that's where they found out he was doing business under names like [email protected]. using a government email account.
So you're saying that they no-longer have the constitutional rights as spelled out in the 1st Amendment to peacefully gather and have their grievances addressed.

The primary purpose was to make an example of those people.
Besides, most of those people will never want set food in that sewer they call D.C.

Unless you're a Democrat you can no-longer protest peacefully anywhere, correct?
I know too much for you to try and talk that shit to me. Peacefully gather? You tried that back in February after the insurrection but not today. Are you serious?

I just showed you the organizers were armed. We may never know how many were armed that day. It didn't go there but boy was it close. Lucky Ashlee Babbot took one or the team and that stopped the push to "get" Pelosi.

You didn't get Pelosi that day but you wouldn't give up

You mean all the things he's done don't disqualify him from being president? Yes, if 51% of Republicans are Nazis, we need to nip that shit in the butt. Criminals.

The insurrection. OMG how many people are serving long sentences for violence and the coordination between Trump and Proud Boys and Sidney Powell breaking into right polling stations in the middle of the night in Georgia let in by local republicans so she could hack into a voting machine in a place where 70% of the voters voted for Trump?

You guys. We have so much dirt on Trump. Go after Hunter Biden you idiots! We're charging Trump in Federal court and there is no denying what comes out in those trials. I love it Georgia is going to be on TV. You think OJ was big?
Yeah....and while we're at it....let's lock up all of those Non-vaxxer bastards too. :auiqs.jpg:
I know too much for you to try and talk that shit to me. Peacefully gather? You tried that back in February after the insurrection but not today. Are you serious?

I just showed you the organizers were armed. We may never know how many were armed that day. It didn't go there but boy was it close. Lucky Ashlee Babbot took one or the team and that stopped the push to "get" Pelosi.

You didn't get Pelosi that day but you wouldn't give up

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I don't give a shit if Pelosi's hubby likes fucking dudes.

This crowd is liable to do just about any perverted act.

Fucking fat homeless dudes is tame compared to the shit Obama and Biden are into.
They are different. One damaged our nation. The other damaged your feelings.
You really have gone down the orange rabbit hole, Gramps. Street riots are worse than Jan 6 to you.

I know you're smarter than that, so either you're lying or you're literally delusional.
I beg to differ.

Biden used assumed names to send messages to Hunter's business associates, and that's where they found out he was doing business under names like [email protected]. using a government email account.
If they have evidence of him doing business, including monkey business, where is it? Were they using secret codes too?
You guys.
I've spent seven years trying to understand the psychology of this. I've asked them a million questions (here and in real life), I've paid attention to what they say, and I understand their fundamental grievances, whether I agree with any specific one or not.

But this madness is still inexplicable to me. Two literal separate realities. One plus one equals frog.

I keep trying, but I'm not making a lot of progress.
Mr. Kudlow seems to forget that it was Republican officials in Arizona and Georgia who went public in defense of acquisitions of improprieties made by Trump and his cronies.
I'm not sure what you think I'm lying about. But I do know that you Trumpsters think someone is lying if they dare to have a different opinion from you.

Whatever you'd like. We exist in different universes. I can live with that.
Opinions are welcome. However, once a fact is established then there are no opinions, only fact.
You really have gone down the orange rabbit hole, Gramps. Street riots are worse than Jan 6 to you.

I know you're smarter than that, so either you're lying or you're literally delusional.
It doesn't matter how bad their Hollywood producers made the Jan 6th protests look. That was clearly staged.

We do know that there were no fires set.
The only people that died were unarmed Trump supporters. (Red-Flag Notice)

However when Trump was sworn in back in 2017, rioting erupted all over the country. Billions of dollars of damage. Dozens of people died. Then during the lockdowns, Democrats organized BLM & ANTIFA protests for 8 solid months leading up to the election. Hundreds of businesses destroyed and people killed. Cops being ambushed all over the country. The VP started a fund to bail these criminals out. Charges against BLM & ANTIFA terrorists were dropped. But to this day dozens of Jan 6th protesters are still in jail waiting on trial living in horrible conditions you wouldn't want an Islamic Terrorist to live in.
Mr. Kudlow seems to forget that it was Republican officials in Arizona and Georgia who went public in defense of acquisitions of improprieties made by Trump and his cronies.
Oh....so you think a Republican never took a bribe?

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