We are experiencing the biggest scandal in America's political history right now.

Thanks, but Mr. McConnell is having mental lapses presently, and he may not recall the difference it seems of a "peaceful and patriotic" assembly and protest and an illegal insurrection. :cranky:

Nobody forced Biden to call on his bought-and-paid-for-by-Soros-comrades to put his very strong political challenger in jail for lies being created/refined as we speak, and put in jail for--what was it?--Sixty five years for his free speech, which Biden is trying to suppress, while saying out of the other side of his mouth that he's being used. IOW, there are so many other words to describe oneself when one very simple word will do; and that word is "weak."
I'm sorry but this disqualifies every Republican from being president. When asked if they'd support a criminal if he were the GOP nominee like sheep they all raised their hands. Some quicker than others

Please do show the evidence to these "obvious crimes"...
Could you state the crimes too..
Income tax evasion
Lying on a gun purchase application
Money Laundering
Lobbying in violation of FARA
There are probably more from his laptop and various whistleblowers.
The evidence is "follow the money and whistleblowers"
Mitch is suffering the effects of being ass-raped repeatedly by Satanists.
They said he fell down or something.
Falling down doesn't make you act the way he does.
He acts like he's no-longer in control.
They tell him what to do and he does it.
Must be something they gave him.

In the 1980's, perhaps?
Tell us more about McConnell being "ass-raped repeatedly by Satanists", since you do seem to be saying it's literally true.

And then tell us why anyone should pay attention to anything you say.
McConnell had a black-eye and his hands appeared bruised....which means he was probably beaten while his hands were tied.
If he's mixing with Satanists like Obama and his buddies....they like tying people up and fucking them in the ass.
Obama's Chef looked beaten up even though somehow they claim he drowned in 3 feet of water while paddle-boarding. Never mind the fact that he was a proficient swimmer. Nobody is going to question the Magic Negro. Case closed.
Income tax evasion
Lying on a gun purchase application
Money Laundering
Lobbying in violation of FARA
There are probably more from his laptop and various whistleblowers.
The evidence is "follow the money and whistleblowers"

Lying about an election

Extorting Ukraine and the Governor of Georgia

Trump Foundation closed because of money laundering

Everything you know about the laptop is it. Trust me. That's why most of what "you know" is made up bullshit. We are talking to a maniac.
Hunter is indicted. That already happened Scooter.
Ok should he go to jail? I guess if Trump's CFO went to jail for it so should Hunter

But then from now on, so should every other rich white man for doing this. And this is why it'll never happen. If you want to go after Hunter, go after all of them equally.
the real question is why haven't they already done that? Are they all part of the crooked DC cabal? It may be time for a revolution or secession. This country seems to be on its last legs.
Lack of evidence. Gossip isn't enough.
We are. We see the budding fascist of the Neo-GOP running cover for their Criminal Presidents' violent attempt to overturn the free and fair election of the 50 States in 2020. The rebel states didn't even resort to sending a mob to attack Congress after Lincoln's victory in 1860, so yeah biggest GOP scandal in history.
And where did you get the phrase "buddying fascist of the Neo-GOP"? President Trump was found innocent of the charges of a House probe, a Senate hearing, the Report given by Mueller aside from his "maybe mutterance" at the last minute to calm the faux feather ruffling of his Democrat associates, two Pelosi-orchestrated fake impeachment charges, a third wannabe impeachment that perished before exercising due to a vacation seasonal equinox, and an election in which pressure was placed on precincts in swing states that received boxes in the middle of the night full of --uh, huh-- boxes full of hundreds of thousands of exclusively Joe Biden and Democrat Congresscritter and Senate runoff, with all the votes in the hidden boxes written in the same people's handwriting, in case Biden didn't win by 3 am, and he didn't. (Nasty Nancy bit back with the third faux impeachment.) No, I didn't misspell "hit" becase Nancy gnaws on people she hates, so "bit" back was more truthful.
Mitch is suffering the effects of being ass-raped repeatedly by Satanists.
They said he fell down or something.
Falling down doesn't make you act the way he does.
He acts like he's no-longer in control.
They tell him what to do and he does it.
Must be something they gave him.
Manchurian candidate.
McConnell had a black-eye and his hands appeared bruised....which means he was probably beaten while his hands were tied.
If he's mixing with Satanists like Obama and his buddies....they like tying people up and fucking them in the ass.
Obama's Chef looked beaten up even though somehow they claim he drowned in 3 feet of water while paddle-boarding. Never mind the fact that he was a proficient swimmer. Nobody is going to question the Magic Negro. Case closed.

Are any of the "Satanists" in the room with you now?
I know... They only tried to take over the government once and kill the VP(2nd is succession) and Speaker of the House(3rd is succession), all while chanting Trump's name....

Don't know we get all worried about..
Weird. Nobody tries to take over the government unarmed, you fucking idiot.

Not one person committed arson in the Capital when they had every opportunity to do so.

They burn everywhere else. Why not the Capital?
It's a crime alright and evidence of Banana Republic politics but it ain't a scandal until the media says it is and that ain't likely to happen.
It's a crime alright and evidence of Banana Republic politics but it ain't a scandal until the media says it is and that ain't likely to happen.
Nothing matters until the media says it matters.
I'm sorry but this disqualifies every Republican from being president. When asked if they'd support a criminal if he were the GOP nominee like sheep they all raised their hands. Some quicker than others

View attachment 825060
Yes....and every Democrat that said Trump stole the election should be disqualified too.


Lying about an election

Extorting Ukraine and the Governor of Georgia

Trump Foundation closed because of money laundering

Everything you know about the laptop is it. Trust me. That's why most of what "you know" is made up bullshit. We are talking to a maniac.
Yep.....and it's clear you like sniffing glue.

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