We are going backwards to the middle ages


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2015
Sometimes when I read some of the socialist economic ideas I feel like I took a time warp back to the fifteenth century where some guy was telling the king spend more money on roads. They say "sire, my lord, obama sir spend more on roads so your feet don't get dirty". When I listen to teachers talk about the wonderful technology and wealth that has occurred during the last two hundred years and not one will cite the free market as the cause of that. It is like we are reverting back to the Middle Ages.
Sometimes when I read some of the socialist economic ideas I feel like I took a time warp back to the fifteenth century where some guy was telling the king spend more money on roads. They say "sire, my lord, obama sir spend more on roads so your feet don't get dirty". When I listen to teachers talk about the wonderful technology and wealth that has occurred during the last two hundred years and not one will cite the free market as the cause of that. It is like we are reverting back to the Middle Ages.

That is because certain elements of Society..... Entire segments of entire Countries, entire Countries and entire Continents have never embraced Capitalism.

Capitalism, true, Free Market Capitalism emerged about the same time as the disease of socialism....... Mid 19th Century.

The Brits and Americans embraced it and followed it to where we are today.

Much, if not most, of the rest of the World did not. Including the very modern, well-educated people of Germany, and the less sophisticated French.

Italy is just Italy. Spain is and has been a mess since the Moors dicked them in their collective asses.

Russia has too many Russians in it. They had a chance to follow Capitalism but decided instead to revert back to a Nanny-like Putin. Then there was the stupidity and mass murders of their prior failed attempt at the diseases of communism.

I could go on and one about the stupidity of those who have rejected Capitalism, but what's the point? It's like the old saying, "You can't fix stupid."

You can't.

It's not that dimocrap scum, socialist filth, et al are moving backwards, it's that they so fucking stupid, they haven't made it into the 19th Century, much less the 20th or 21st Centuries.

dimocraps are not just scum, they're really, really stupid. And backward. Mostly just scum
Sometimes when I read some of the socialist economic ideas I feel like I took a time warp back to the fifteenth century where some guy was telling the king spend more money on roads. They say "sire, my lord, obama sir spend more on roads so your feet don't get dirty". When I listen to teachers talk about the wonderful technology and wealth that has occurred during the last two hundred years and not one will cite the free market as the cause of that. It is like we are reverting back to the Middle Ages.
Seriously, that is two OP's of yours I read in the past five minutes that not only have incomplete sentences, but reference socialism and Obama while failing to state what you consider socialistic, which would in itself be pathetic, but if you read the news, you might notice he and the gop congress are attempting to revive a free trade agreement.
What socialist economic ideas did you read?


Take your 'ideas' and stuff them up your ass.

Results are what counts.

The US has given more wealth to more people at the same time, or at ANY time, than any Country in the History of man. By a WIDE margin.

socialism has murdered over 100,000,000 (One Hundred Million) people

If you had any self respect, you'd remove yourself from the gene pool

But you don't
Sometimes when I read some of the socialist economic ideas I feel like I took a time warp back to the fifteenth century where some guy was telling the king spend more money on roads. They say "sire, my lord, obama sir spend more on roads so your feet don't get dirty". When I listen to teachers talk about the wonderful technology and wealth that has occurred during the last two hundred years and not one will cite the free market as the cause of that. It is like we are reverting back to the Middle Ages.
Seriously, that is two OP's of yours I read in the past five minutes that not only have incomplete sentences, but reference socialism and Obama while failing to state what you consider socialistic, which would in itself be pathetic, but if you read the news, you might not he and the gop congress are attempting to revive a free trade agreement.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth.
Sometimes when I read some of the socialist economic ideas I feel like I took a time warp back to the fifteenth century where some guy was telling the king spend more money on roads. They say "sire, my lord, obama sir spend more on roads so your feet don't get dirty". When I listen to teachers talk about the wonderful technology and wealth that has occurred during the last two hundred years and not one will cite the free market as the cause of that. It is like we are reverting back to the Middle Ages.
Seriously, that is two OP's of yours I read in the past five minutes that not only have incomplete sentences, but reference socialism and Obama while failing to state what you consider socialistic, which would in itself be pathetic, but if you read the news, you might not he and the gop congress are attempting to revive a free trade agreement.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth.
Yeah, Edge, I sorta understood that was his main "idea."
Sometimes when I read some of the socialist economic ideas I feel like I took a time warp back to the fifteenth century where some guy was telling the king spend more money on roads. They say "sire, my lord, obama sir spend more on roads so your feet don't get dirty". When I listen to teachers talk about the wonderful technology and wealth that has occurred during the last two hundred years and not one will cite the free market as the cause of that. It is like we are reverting back to the Middle Ages.
So are you gonna vote for Hilary?
They're only incredibly stupid if they believe in that marxist bullshit.

I would stipulate that the people running the democrook party are fully aware of what a total disaster marxist policy together with keynsian economics is. Since they're criminally insane authoritarian sociopaths, they're more than happy to use these tools to subjugate and enslave the popluation.

The ordinary bed wetter is a blithering idiot, and works blindly to fullfil the goals of tyrants in waiting.

Sometimes when I read some of the socialist economic ideas I feel like I took a time warp back to the fifteenth century where some guy was telling the king spend more money on roads. They say "sire, my lord, obama sir spend more on roads so your feet don't get dirty". When I listen to teachers talk about the wonderful technology and wealth that has occurred during the last two hundred years and not one will cite the free market as the cause of that. It is like we are reverting back to the Middle Ages.
The Middle Ages weren't so bad. The great Ralph Raico explains....

The Importance of the Middle Ages
The stereotype of the Middle Ages as "the Dark Ages" fostered by Renaissance humanists and Enlightenmentphilosophes has, of course, long since been abandoned by scholars. Still, the "consensus" writers on economic development whom Bauer faults have by and large ignored the importance of the Middle Ages for European growth — something that makes as much sense as beginning the explanation of the economic and cultural successes of European Jewry with the eighteenth century. Economic historians, however, following in the footsteps of the great Belgian historian Henri Pirenne (Pirenne 1937), have had a quite different estimation of the medieval period. Carlo M. Cipolla asserts that "the origins of the Industrial Revolution go back to that profound change in ideas, social structures, and value systems that accompanied the rise of the urban communes in the eleventh and thirteenth centuries" (Cipolla 1981, 298).

Of Europe from the late tenth to the fourteenth centuries, Robert S. Lopez states:

Here, for the first time in history, an underdeveloped society succeeded in developing itself, mostly by its own efforts … it created the indispensable material and moral conditions for a thousand years of virtually uninterrupted growth; and, in more than one way, it is still with us. (Lopez 1971, vii)

Lopez contrasts the European evolution with that of a neighboring civilization, Islam, where political pressures smothered the potential for an economic upsurge:

The early centuries of Islamic expansion opened large vistas to merchants and tradesmen. But they failed to bring to towns the freedom and power that was indispensable for their progress. Under the tightening grip of military and landed aristocracies the revolution that in the tenth century had been just around the corner lost momentum and failed. (Ibid., 57)

In Europe, as trade and industry expanded, people discovered that "commerce thrives on freedom and runs away from constriction; normally the most prosperous cities were those that adopted the most liberal policies" (Ibid., 90). The "demonstration effect" that has been a constant element in European progress — and which could exist precisely because Europe was a decentralized system of competing jurisdictions — helped spread the liberal policies that brought prosperity to the towns that first ventured to experiment with them.
Mises Daily Mises Institute
What socialist economic ideas did you read?


Take your 'ideas' and stuff them up your ass.

Results are what counts.

The US has given more wealth to more people at the same time, or at ANY time, than any Country in the History of man. By a WIDE margin.

socialism has murdered over 100,000,000 (One Hundred Million) people

If you had any self respect, you'd remove yourself from the gene pool

But you don't

Who said they were my ideas? Those are real socialist ideas not the jibberish or ramblings "say "sire, my lord, obama sir spend more on roads..." of the OP.

You sure have a heightened anal fixation don't you? (Is it time you finally came out of the closet?) Or perhaps you could just "Blow it out your Ass"
What socialist economic ideas did you read?


Take your 'ideas' and stuff them up your ass.

Results are what counts.

The US has given more wealth to more people at the same time, or at ANY time, than any Country in the History of man. By a WIDE margin.

socialism has murdered over 100,000,000 (One Hundred Million) people

If you had any self respect, you'd remove yourself from the gene pool

But you don't

Who said they were my ideas? Those are real socialist ideas not the jibberish or ramblings "say "sire, my lord, obama sir spend more on roads..." of the OP.

You sure have a heightened anal fixation don't you? (Is it time you finally came out of the closet?) Or perhaps you could just "Blow it out your Ass"
The only reason capitalism is hurting is because socialists are getting their sickening claws in it. Socialism has never worked, only idiots believe otherwise.
What socialist economic ideas did you read?


Take your 'ideas' and stuff them up your ass.

Results are what counts.

The US has given more wealth to more people at the same time, or at ANY time, than any Country in the History of man. By a WIDE margin.

socialism has murdered over 100,000,000 (One Hundred Million) people

If you had any self respect, you'd remove yourself from the gene pool

But you don't

The Poser, insulter of all real veterans, weighs in again. Socialism has not killed 100,000,000 people.
They're only incredibly stupid if they believe in that marxist bullshit.

I would stipulate that the people running the democrook party are fully aware of what a total disaster marxist policy together with keynsian economics is. Since they're criminally insane authoritarian sociopaths, they're more than happy to use these tools to subjugate and enslave the popluation.

The ordinary bed wetter is a blithering idiot, and works blindly to fullfil the goals of tyrants in waiting.

I think you're right when it comes to the people at the very top. Those scumbags, like Htilery, the Lying Cocksucker, etc do't care any more about the condition of their people (us) than do Kim Jong Un or Robert Mugabe.

But the people that blindly back those scum, DO think that socialism has never been given a fair chance.

I'm serious. They think that it's always been "Done Wrong"

That the Russians, and Cubans, and Cambodians and North Koreans and Chinese that murdered all those tens of MILLIONS of people weren't 'true' socialists.

That's why, to them, Hitler wasn't a socialist even though he personally called himself and his Party SOCIALIST.

You simply don't understand the depravity and the sickness that is the dimocrap mind.

These are NOT good people with bad ideas.

dimocraps are scum. I'm telling you. Think of me what you will. I don't care.

dimocraps are scum. Half the dimocraps on this Board wouldn't bat an eye if the dimocrap equivalent of the NKVD locked you up for bad-mouthing gay buttwads and then shot shot you in the back of the head at their version of Lubyanka.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth.

Now...... Some of the people that vote for scumbag dims? They're just stupid. Overwhelmed with propaganda and lies from the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media.

I'm not talking about them. They're just sheep being shorn.

I'm talking about the activists, the people that defend dimocraps at EVERY turn. The people that will never take a side other than that proscribed to them by their dimocrap masters.

They are the SS of the dimocrap party.

The biggest difference between dimocrap scum and the SS?

dimocraps just don't have the power.

God help us all if they ever acquire it.
The Poser, insulter of all real veterans, weighs in again. Socialism has not killed 100,000,000 people.

That dick in your ass must be making your eyes water again, scumbag dicksucker


100,000,000 dead.

And dicksuckers like you apologize for them

At least I did my part in taking out several communists.

Too bad you weren't there
Sometimes when I read some of the socialist economic ideas I feel like I took a time warp back to the fifteenth century where some guy was telling the king spend more money on roads. They say "sire, my lord, obama sir spend more on roads so your feet don't get dirty". When I listen to teachers talk about the wonderful technology and wealth that has occurred during the last two hundred years and not one will cite the free market as the cause of that. It is like we are reverting back to the Middle Ages.
Seriously, that is two OP's of yours I read in the past five minutes that not only have incomplete sentences, but reference socialism and Obama while failing to state what you consider socialistic, which would in itself be pathetic, but if you read the news, you might not he and the gop congress are attempting to revive a free trade agreement.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth.

Yeah, it is easy to vilify people you neither like nor understand. It is a lot harder to learn to live with them. What's next, eh? An American Kristallnacht, where you attempt to purge the country of all "undesirables"? You guys have already started a treasonous thread discussing secession from the U.S. How much more treasonous do you want to be?
Yeah, it is easy to vilify people you neither like nor understand. It is a lot harder to learn to live with them. What's next, eh? An American Kristallnacht, where you attempt to purge the country of all "undesirables"? You guys have already started a treasonous thread discussing secession from the U.S. How much more treasonous do you want to be?

Stupid bitch......... Hitler was a socialist.

What a stupid little girl you are.

I HATE socialists.
Yeah, it is easy to vilify people you neither like nor understand. It is a lot harder to learn to live with them. What's next, eh? An American Kristallnacht, where you attempt to purge the country of all "undesirables"? You guys have already started a treasonous thread discussing secession from the U.S. How much more treasonous do you want to be?

Stupid bitch......... Hitler was a socialist.

What a stupid little girl you are.

I HATE socialists.

Hitler was a National Socialist, which was and still is an ultra-right wing movement more akin to Fascism than anything else. So make up your mind. Do you want to secede from the union, or do you want to rid the country of all people who are "not like you"?
dimocraps are some stupid bitches

Hitler and the socialist dream - Arts and Entertainment - The Independent

Half a century on, there is much to be said. Even thuggery can have its reasons, and the materials that have newly appeared, though they may not transform judgement, undoubtedly enrich and deepen it. Confidants of Hitler. such as the late Albert Speer, have published their reminiscences; his wartime table-talk is a book; early revelations like Hermann Rauschning's Hitler Speaks of 1939 have been validated by painstaking research, and the notes of dead Nazis like Otto Wagener have been edited, along with a full text of Goebbels's diary.

It is now clear beyond all reasonable doubt that Hitler and his associates believed they were socialists, and that others, including democratic socialists, thought so too. The title of National Socialism was not hypocritical.....<snip>

His differences with the communists, he explained, were less ideological than tactical. German communists he had known before he took power, he told Rauschning, thought politics meant talking and writing. They were mere pamphleteers, whereas "I have put into practice what these peddlers and pen pushers have timidly begun", adding revealingly that "the whole of National Socialism" was based on Marx.

That is a devastating remark and it is blunter than anything in his speeches or in Mein Kampf.

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