We Are Going To Build A Wall!

Just remember Trump's business history. Use other people's money, make promises and then leave the investors holding the bag.

So yeah, of course he is asking us to pay for it. And he promises Mexico will pay it back...now just hand over the support and money already and dont think to much about it.
Mexico just might use the Trump philosophy of (not) paying contractors when the bill arrives from the Whitehouse.

Of coursee they will. When was the last time you paid your neighbors bill because they insisted?

But that's the play. Kick the can down the road. Change it from they will pay into "I just need some upfront money" and when you finally realize you've been taken...blame Mexico.
Providing for the general welfare is in our social Contract. The right keeps insisting it is not the private welfare. That means, it has to be solved via public policy.
Capitalism is the solution; the right wing prefers national socialism. coincidence or conspiracy?

That was a meaningless statement.

The fact remains. Millions of people walking across our border against our laws is a border security problem.

Calling it national socialism is not a challenge to the reality of the situation on the ground.
then stop whining about social spending.

Stop trying to derail the thread to distract from your inability to make the case for your position on it's merits vs it's costs.
we have a welfare clause not a warfare clause, or a war on drug clause or even a common offense clause. your point?

The fact remains. Millions of people walking across our border against our laws is a border security problem.
Not a security problem. Just a lousy, social management problem.

Some on the left believe we should be Using capitalism for all of its worth, and generating a market friendly fee to help defray the cost of Government.
the answer, is a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and fourteen dollars an hour for unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed in our at-will employment States.

That is your proposal, which you believe would work.

Which you are incapable of presenting a valid case for, because you refuse to address the negatives of your proposed solution.

AND, which does NOT mean that the current situation does not exist.

You do not get to dismiss current suffering on the parts of workers and crime victims because you think you have a solution.
capitalism works. why do you believe it won't work?

I will not bother to identify which logical fallacy that it.

SUffice it to point out that nothing in your post addresses, let alone challenges my previous post, so all my points stand.


That is your proposal, which you believe would work.

Which you are incapable of presenting a valid case for, because you refuse to address the negatives of your proposed solution.

AND, which does NOT mean that the current situation does not exist.

You do not get to dismiss current suffering on the parts of workers and crime victims because you think you have a solution.
there are no negatives to solving simple poverty on an at-will basis.

Your refusal to seriously and honestly discuss the cost/benefit of your hoped for solution, makes it nothing but a fantasy.

AND, as I have repeatedly pointed out to you, you having a possible solution in your head does not make the reality of the problem go away,

AND your pretending it does, it just you being delusional, weird and rude.

You should really knock that off.
I am serious. You have nothing but right wing fantasy. Why do you believe, capitalism won't work?
a market friendly visa is supposed to make it more convenient to be legal, than to be illegal.
Market friendly visas are supposed to benefit our economy, not those who want to come here. If the government certifies that there is a need for foreign labor, those who come here under a work visa after being vetted are legal only so long as the need for their services exists and then they must leave or become illegal, so if they leave their job for any reason, they must leave. The vast majority of those illegals who are already here would not have qualified for a work visa.
A market friendly visa program could generate revenue that benefits the People of our economy. Capitalism doesn't care about legal status; only lousy socialists whine about it.
We already have a market friendly visa program, so what are you whining about?
Only in right wing fantasy.

That was rude and uninformative.

If you disagreed, you should have just said so, AND then explained the reason for your disagreement, as clearly as you could.

Instead you choose to be a pompous jerk.
so was the claim that we already have market friendly work visas that don't work. we don't. we have command economics visas that don't work. Only the right wing, never gets it.
Yes, we do have a border security problem.
No, we don't. We have a (lack of) Commerce problem at our borders.

Whats your solution?

Open borders.
beats more national socialism while whining about a PoliceStateUSA and how much social services cost; only untermenchen, do that.

The 13 year old girl Tomas Martinez-Maldonado raped might disagree with you on that.

Or do you dismiss her as an inferior?

ps, being pompous is not a supporting argument.
no citizens commit crimes?
Just remember Trump's business history. Use other people's money, make promises and then leave the investors holding the bag.

So yeah, of course he is asking us to pay for it. And he promises Mexico will pay it back...now just hand over the support and money already and dont think to much about it.
Mexico just might use the Trump philosophy of (not) paying contractors when the bill arrives from the Whitehouse.

Of coursee they will. When was the last time you paid your neighbors bill because they insisted?


Was your neighbor a superpower you were highly dependent on?

If he was I would be compelled to pay upfront. Mexico has said go fuck yourself and the only person who says they will pay is asking for your money right now and a promise later.

No matter how many clever questions you have we all know Trump's business model. If you believe he won't follow his own pattern then your faith is about to be tested.

Mexico would do well to start mending fences with the nation they have taken advantage of so much for so long.

BTW, you seem to be dropping the line, that there will be no Wall.

Good to see you getting better.

LMAO..."Mexico would do well" doesnt mean you're going to get paid back by Mexico. Remember they were going to pay for it! Now he just needs your funds first to make the deal happen. Ever seen a con before? This is what it looks like.

"I have a million dollars from the King of Nigeria and you will receive it but I just need your money to release it"
That is your proposal, which you believe would work.

Which you are incapable of presenting a valid case for, because you refuse to address the negatives of your proposed solution.

AND, which does NOT mean that the current situation does not exist.

You do not get to dismiss current suffering on the parts of workers and crime victims because you think you have a solution.
capitalism works. why do you believe it won't work?

I will not bother to identify which logical fallacy that it.

SUffice it to point out that nothing in your post addresses, let alone challenges my previous post, so all my points stand.


That is your proposal, which you believe would work.

Which you are incapable of presenting a valid case for, because you refuse to address the negatives of your proposed solution.

AND, which does NOT mean that the current situation does not exist.

You do not get to dismiss current suffering on the parts of workers and crime victims because you think you have a solution.
there are no negatives to solving simple poverty on an at-will basis.

Your refusal to seriously and honestly discuss the cost/benefit of your hoped for solution, makes it nothing but a fantasy.

AND, as I have repeatedly pointed out to you, you having a possible solution in your head does not make the reality of the problem go away,

AND your pretending it does, it just you being delusional, weird and rude.

You should really knock that off.
I am serious. You have nothing but right wing fantasy. Why do you believe, capitalism won't work?

Market friendly visas are supposed to benefit our economy, not those who want to come here. If the government certifies that there is a need for foreign labor, those who come here under a work visa after being vetted are legal only so long as the need for their services exists and then they must leave or become illegal, so if they leave their job for any reason, they must leave. The vast majority of those illegals who are already here would not have qualified for a work visa.
A market friendly visa program could generate revenue that benefits the People of our economy. Capitalism doesn't care about legal status; only lousy socialists whine about it.
We already have a market friendly visa program, so what are you whining about?
Only in right wing fantasy.

That was rude and uninformative.

If you disagreed, you should have just said so, AND then explained the reason for your disagreement, as clearly as you could.

Instead you choose to be a pompous jerk.
so was the claim that we already have market friendly work visas that don't work. we don't. we have command economics visas that don't work. Only the right wing, never gets it.

Daniel, you're lost and you want to stay lost...by default you're suppose to feel the way you do...you're here illegally either directly or indirectly.
You keep screaming "capitalism" and "work visas"...you're being ignored because your retarded claims are obsured; if you'd put down the Bud Light for a minute and think you might understand.
Privatizing the usage of illegal labor does not benefit private businesses....no one wants illegals here but other illegals and or people of recent illegal descent. You simply long for the day where Domingo who owns two lawnmowers, a weed eater and small lawn service here can scam more of his family members through the system on private work visas...right? Further, how does issuing more work visas help REAL American's...you do realize that American's have to benefit...not foreigners...right? We already have more people here than we have jobs...why more work visas?
capitalism works. why do you believe it won't work?

I will not bother to identify which logical fallacy that it.

SUffice it to point out that nothing in your post addresses, let alone challenges my previous post, so all my points stand.


That is your proposal, which you believe would work.

Which you are incapable of presenting a valid case for, because you refuse to address the negatives of your proposed solution.

AND, which does NOT mean that the current situation does not exist.

You do not get to dismiss current suffering on the parts of workers and crime victims because you think you have a solution.
there are no negatives to solving simple poverty on an at-will basis.

Your refusal to seriously and honestly discuss the cost/benefit of your hoped for solution, makes it nothing but a fantasy.

AND, as I have repeatedly pointed out to you, you having a possible solution in your head does not make the reality of the problem go away,

AND your pretending it does, it just you being delusional, weird and rude.

You should really knock that off.
I am serious. You have nothing but right wing fantasy. Why do you believe, capitalism won't work?

A market friendly visa program could generate revenue that benefits the People of our economy. Capitalism doesn't care about legal status; only lousy socialists whine about it.
We already have a market friendly visa program, so what are you whining about?
Only in right wing fantasy.

That was rude and uninformative.

If you disagreed, you should have just said so, AND then explained the reason for your disagreement, as clearly as you could.

Instead you choose to be a pompous jerk.
so was the claim that we already have market friendly work visas that don't work. we don't. we have command economics visas that don't work. Only the right wing, never gets it.

Daniel, you're lost and you want to stay lost...by default you're suppose to feel the way you do...you're here illegally either directly or indirectly.
You keep screaming "capitalism" and "work visas"...you're being ignored because your retarded claims are obsured; if you'd put down the Bud Light for a minute and think you might understand.
Privatizing the usage of illegal labor does not benefit private businesses....no one wants illegals here but other illegals and or people of recent illegal descent. You simply long for the day where Domingo who owns two lawnmowers, a weed eater and small lawn service here can scam more of his family members through the system on private work visas...right? Further, how does issuing more work visas help REAL American's...you do realize that American's have to benefit...not foreigners...right? We already have more people here than we have jobs...why more work visas?
because, silly; we subscribe to Capitalism and capitalism requires competition.
I will not bother to identify which logical fallacy that it.

SUffice it to point out that nothing in your post addresses, let alone challenges my previous post, so all my points stand.


That is your proposal, which you believe would work.

Which you are incapable of presenting a valid case for, because you refuse to address the negatives of your proposed solution.

AND, which does NOT mean that the current situation does not exist.

You do not get to dismiss current suffering on the parts of workers and crime victims because you think you have a solution.
there are no negatives to solving simple poverty on an at-will basis.

Your refusal to seriously and honestly discuss the cost/benefit of your hoped for solution, makes it nothing but a fantasy.

AND, as I have repeatedly pointed out to you, you having a possible solution in your head does not make the reality of the problem go away,

AND your pretending it does, it just you being delusional, weird and rude.

You should really knock that off.
I am serious. You have nothing but right wing fantasy. Why do you believe, capitalism won't work?

We already have a market friendly visa program, so what are you whining about?
Only in right wing fantasy.

That was rude and uninformative.

If you disagreed, you should have just said so, AND then explained the reason for your disagreement, as clearly as you could.

Instead you choose to be a pompous jerk.
so was the claim that we already have market friendly work visas that don't work. we don't. we have command economics visas that don't work. Only the right wing, never gets it.

Daniel, you're lost and you want to stay lost...by default you're suppose to feel the way you do...you're here illegally either directly or indirectly.
You keep screaming "capitalism" and "work visas"...you're being ignored because your retarded claims are obsured; if you'd put down the Bud Light for a minute and think you might understand.
Privatizing the usage of illegal labor does not benefit private businesses....no one wants illegals here but other illegals and or people of recent illegal descent. You simply long for the day where Domingo who owns two lawnmowers, a weed eater and small lawn service here can scam more of his family members through the system on private work visas...right? Further, how does issuing more work visas help REAL American's...you do realize that American's have to benefit...not foreigners...right? We already have more people here than we have jobs...why more work visas?
because, silly; we subscribe to Capitalism and capitalism requires competition.

I give in to your ignorant, multiple requests for a debate and that's all you come up with?
Are you fucking serious right now?
How many millions of people do we need competing for the job of mower pusher? Just as I'm stupid to rocket science your people are stupid to our entire system...they can't and won't even speak our language...they are extremely limited as to what they are capable of doing here.
That was a meaningless statement.

The fact remains. Millions of people walking across our border against our laws is a border security problem.

Calling it national socialism is not a challenge to the reality of the situation on the ground.
then stop whining about social spending.

Stop trying to derail the thread to distract from your inability to make the case for your position on it's merits vs it's costs.
we have a welfare clause not a warfare clause, or a war on drug clause or even a common offense clause. your point?

The fact remains. Millions of people walking across our border against our laws is a border security problem.
Not a security problem. Just a lousy, social management problem.

Some on the left believe we should be Using capitalism for all of its worth, and generating a market friendly fee to help defray the cost of Government.

You don't get to dismiss millions of people that have walked over the border against our laws.

That is a border security problem.

Your desire to reframe the problem does not make the reality on the ground go away.
That is your proposal, which you believe would work.

Which you are incapable of presenting a valid case for, because you refuse to address the negatives of your proposed solution.

AND, which does NOT mean that the current situation does not exist.

You do not get to dismiss current suffering on the parts of workers and crime victims because you think you have a solution.
capitalism works. why do you believe it won't work?

I will not bother to identify which logical fallacy that it.

SUffice it to point out that nothing in your post addresses, let alone challenges my previous post, so all my points stand.


That is your proposal, which you believe would work.

Which you are incapable of presenting a valid case for, because you refuse to address the negatives of your proposed solution.

AND, which does NOT mean that the current situation does not exist.

You do not get to dismiss current suffering on the parts of workers and crime victims because you think you have a solution.
there are no negatives to solving simple poverty on an at-will basis.

Your refusal to seriously and honestly discuss the cost/benefit of your hoped for solution, makes it nothing but a fantasy.

AND, as I have repeatedly pointed out to you, you having a possible solution in your head does not make the reality of the problem go away,

AND your pretending it does, it just you being delusional, weird and rude.

You should really knock that off.
I am serious. You have nothing but right wing fantasy. Why do you believe, capitalism won't work?

Your refusal to seriously and honestly discuss the cost/benefit of your hoped for solution, makes it nothing but a fantasy.

Your attempts at changing the subject are noted and dismissed.
Market friendly visas are supposed to benefit our economy, not those who want to come here. If the government certifies that there is a need for foreign labor, those who come here under a work visa after being vetted are legal only so long as the need for their services exists and then they must leave or become illegal, so if they leave their job for any reason, they must leave. The vast majority of those illegals who are already here would not have qualified for a work visa.
A market friendly visa program could generate revenue that benefits the People of our economy. Capitalism doesn't care about legal status; only lousy socialists whine about it.
We already have a market friendly visa program, so what are you whining about?
Only in right wing fantasy.

That was rude and uninformative.

If you disagreed, you should have just said so, AND then explained the reason for your disagreement, as clearly as you could.

Instead you choose to be a pompous jerk.
so was the claim that we already have market friendly work visas that don't work. we don't. we have command economics visas that don't work. Only the right wing, never gets it.

A visa program is a function of a government. To complain that it is a command economy solution when you are arguing for nothing but an expanded version is dishonest at best.

You still refuse to serious address the costs of your proposals.
No, we don't. We have a (lack of) Commerce problem at our borders.

Whats your solution?

Open borders.
beats more national socialism while whining about a PoliceStateUSA and how much social services cost; only untermenchen, do that.

The 13 year old girl Tomas Martinez-Maldonado raped might disagree with you on that.

Or do you dismiss her as an inferior?

ps, being pompous is not a supporting argument.
no citizens commit crimes?

Nice strawman.

I won't be bothering to defend the odd ideas you come up with in your head. That's your job.

My position stands.

The 13 year old girl Tomas Martinez-Maldonado raped might disagree with you on that.

Or do you dismiss her as an inferior?

ps, being pompous is not a supporting argument.[
A market friendly visa program could generate revenue that benefits the People of our economy. Capitalism doesn't care about legal status; only lousy socialists whine about it.
We already have a market friendly visa program, so what are you whining about?
Only in right wing fantasy.

That was rude and uninformative.

If you disagreed, you should have just said so, AND then explained the reason for your disagreement, as clearly as you could.

Instead you choose to be a pompous jerk.
so was the claim that we already have market friendly work visas that don't work. we don't. we have command economics visas that don't work. Only the right wing, never gets it.

A visa program is a function of a government. To complain that it is a command economy solution when you are arguing for nothing but an expanded version is dishonest at best.

You still refuse to serious address the costs of your proposals.

That requires deeper thought...deeper than fantasizing about a not so clever way for illegals here that won a lotto ticket in the form of citizenship to keep bringing in their fellow human cockroaches.

Haha...Daniel 'Palos' thought he had it all figured out...a circumvention and more gray area....NEGATIVE...try again Senor Palos!
Last edited:
Mexico just might use the Trump philosophy of (not) paying contractors when the bill arrives from the Whitehouse.

Of coursee they will. When was the last time you paid your neighbors bill because they insisted?


Was your neighbor a superpower you were highly dependent on?

If he was I would be compelled to pay upfront. Mexico has said go fuck yourself and the only person who says they will pay is asking for your money right now and a promise later.

No matter how many clever questions you have we all know Trump's business model. If you believe he won't follow his own pattern then your faith is about to be tested.

Mexico would do well to start mending fences with the nation they have taken advantage of so much for so long.

BTW, you seem to be dropping the line, that there will be no Wall.

Good to see you getting better.

LMAO..."Mexico would do well" doesnt mean you're going to get paid back by Mexico. Remember they were going to pay for it! Now he just needs your funds first to make the deal happen. Ever seen a con before? This is what it looks like.

"I have a million dollars from the King of Nigeria and you will receive it but I just need your money to release it"

Mexico would do well to pay, and the harder they fight it, the more ill will they will be building.
Of coursee they will. When was the last time you paid your neighbors bill because they insisted?


Was your neighbor a superpower you were highly dependent on?

If he was I would be compelled to pay upfront. Mexico has said go fuck yourself and the only person who says they will pay is asking for your money right now and a promise later.

No matter how many clever questions you have we all know Trump's business model. If you believe he won't follow his own pattern then your faith is about to be tested.

Mexico would do well to start mending fences with the nation they have taken advantage of so much for so long.

BTW, you seem to be dropping the line, that there will be no Wall.

Good to see you getting better.

LMAO..."Mexico would do well" doesnt mean you're going to get paid back by Mexico. Remember they were going to pay for it! Now he just needs your funds first to make the deal happen. Ever seen a con before? This is what it looks like.

"I have a million dollars from the King of Nigeria and you will receive it but I just need your money to release it"

Mexico would do well to pay, and the harder they fight it, the more ill will they will be building.

If that was the case we'd make them pay
Was your neighbor a superpower you were highly dependent on?

If he was I would be compelled to pay upfront. Mexico has said go fuck yourself and the only person who says they will pay is asking for your money right now and a promise later.

No matter how many clever questions you have we all know Trump's business model. If you believe he won't follow his own pattern then your faith is about to be tested.

Mexico would do well to start mending fences with the nation they have taken advantage of so much for so long.

BTW, you seem to be dropping the line, that there will be no Wall.

Good to see you getting better.

LMAO..."Mexico would do well" doesnt mean you're going to get paid back by Mexico. Remember they were going to pay for it! Now he just needs your funds first to make the deal happen. Ever seen a con before? This is what it looks like.

"I have a million dollars from the King of Nigeria and you will receive it but I just need your money to release it"

Mexico would do well to pay, and the harder they fight it, the more ill will they will be building.

If that was the case we'd make them pay

Mmmm, I don't see the connection between my statement and your conclusion.

That being said, maybe we will.
there are no negatives to solving simple poverty on an at-will basis.

Your refusal to seriously and honestly discuss the cost/benefit of your hoped for solution, makes it nothing but a fantasy.

AND, as I have repeatedly pointed out to you, you having a possible solution in your head does not make the reality of the problem go away,

AND your pretending it does, it just you being delusional, weird and rude.

You should really knock that off.
I am serious. You have nothing but right wing fantasy. Why do you believe, capitalism won't work?

Only in right wing fantasy.

That was rude and uninformative.

If you disagreed, you should have just said so, AND then explained the reason for your disagreement, as clearly as you could.

Instead you choose to be a pompous jerk.
so was the claim that we already have market friendly work visas that don't work. we don't. we have command economics visas that don't work. Only the right wing, never gets it.

Daniel, you're lost and you want to stay lost...by default you're suppose to feel the way you do...you're here illegally either directly or indirectly.
You keep screaming "capitalism" and "work visas"...you're being ignored because your retarded claims are obsured; if you'd put down the Bud Light for a minute and think you might understand.
Privatizing the usage of illegal labor does not benefit private businesses....no one wants illegals here but other illegals and or people of recent illegal descent. You simply long for the day where Domingo who owns two lawnmowers, a weed eater and small lawn service here can scam more of his family members through the system on private work visas...right? Further, how does issuing more work visas help REAL American's...you do realize that American's have to benefit...not foreigners...right? We already have more people here than we have jobs...why more work visas?
because, silly; we subscribe to Capitalism and capitalism requires competition.

I give in to your ignorant, multiple requests for a debate and that's all you come up with?
Are you fucking serious right now?
How many millions of people do we need competing for the job of mower pusher? Just as I'm stupid to rocket science your people are stupid to our entire system...they can't and won't even speak our language...they are extremely limited as to what they are capable of doing here.
in other words, right wing, Orwellian fantasy is ok; because we can "ditch capitalism", to get national and social, for the alleged, public good.
Market friendly visas are supposed to benefit our economy, not those who want to come here. If the government certifies that there is a need for foreign labor, those who come here under a work visa after being vetted are legal only so long as the need for their services exists and then they must leave or become illegal, so if they leave their job for any reason, they must leave. The vast majority of those illegals who are already here would not have qualified for a work visa.
A market friendly visa program could generate revenue that benefits the People of our economy. Capitalism doesn't care about legal status; only lousy socialists whine about it.
We already have a market friendly visa program, so what are you whining about?
Only in right wing fantasy.

That was rude and uninformative.

If you disagreed, you should have just said so, AND then explained the reason for your disagreement, as clearly as you could.

Instead you choose to be a pompous jerk.
so was the claim that we already have market friendly work visas that don't work. we don't. we have command economics visas that don't work. Only the right wing, never gets it.
It works for Americans, as it is intended to do.
A market friendly visa program could generate revenue that benefits the People of our economy. Capitalism doesn't care about legal status; only lousy socialists whine about it.
We already have a market friendly visa program, so what are you whining about?
Only in right wing fantasy.

That was rude and uninformative.

If you disagreed, you should have just said so, AND then explained the reason for your disagreement, as clearly as you could.

Instead you choose to be a pompous jerk.
so was the claim that we already have market friendly work visas that don't work. we don't. we have command economics visas that don't work. Only the right wing, never gets it.
It works for Americans, as it is intended to do.
no, it doesn't. you just don't realize it.

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