We Are In Deep Sh!t

Liberals see the world completely differently than conservatives. The cabinet picks and Trump is a failure to them because the most noble position in life is confiscating wealth and redistributing it while growing government. That's how they define success.
Yep, and a "solution" to a problem always means some massive government program. If you don't propose a program, you have no "solution." That's why the constantly claim that Republicans have no "solutions."
Liberals see the world completely differently than conservatives. The cabinet picks and Trump is a failure to them because the most noble position in life is confiscating wealth and redistributing it while growing government. That's how they define success.
Yep, and a "solution" to a problem always means some massive government program. If you don't propose a program, you have no "solution." That's why the constantly claim that Republicans have no "solutions."
You define the very essence of democrat fascism.....democrats create .gov to empower themselves....conservatives empower the individual to create .gov......
Go Trump! Dump the dupes! Idiot (90% chance racist) dupe. Try some real news some day....

Ah, you already played out your Race Card. You lost. Hitlery's done. And Trump will likely win even easier next time. Sorry bout that.
True believer dupe, you're still mainly racist fools, a disgrace. I hope Trump works great, unlike GOP party first a-hole bigots and Obama. First thing Trump is doing is dumping all his promises to you fools....you'll never notice, dupe. Won't be reported on Fox/Rush etc etc....

Ha, still playing your stale Race Card. Y'all hater wingnuts will never learn. You're stuck on stupid. And i don't believe you when you say 'I hope Trump works great.' The truth is, you're already in full sabotage-mode. But it doesn't matter. I think Trump will likely win even easier next time around. You haters just don't have anything to offer. You're losing average everyday working Americans in droves. Soon all you'll be left with, is screeching extremist Left loons.

And those extremist Left loons won't be enough to get you over the top. You guys are in bigger trouble than you think. Your Left/Globalist policies have decimated American Workers. And more & more Americans are realizing that. Once you've lost the American Worker, you're all done for many years to come. They use to be the backbone of your Party. So go on screeching 'RACIST!', and other deranged rantings all you want. It won't be enough for you to win in the future.
Without Putin and Comey, you would have lost by 10, dupe. Even with the worst candidate possible.

Y'all better be careful. You're losing American Worker support in droves. Your Left/Globalist policies are killing them. And any drop in Worker support for your Party, spells doom. They were the backbone of your Party. You can't win with just rabid loony Left nutters. It won't be enough. I think you guys are in big trouble.
Preppy Progressives

Those born in the upper class despise, hate, and fear those born in the working class. Liberals are agents of the Right Wing they were born in. Their insincere agenda's purpose is to drive the majority into voting against its economic interests in reaction to them. It is very significant that before Hillary infiltrated and perverted the Democratic Party, she worked for Goldwater. That's all you need to know, but it was presented as a change of heart. Don't believe what you are told to think by those who have been illegitimately placed above you.
RW idiocy even Trump isn't dumb enough to believe.

AGW idiocy is all left-wing.
Quick, go buy some carbon offsets, before Trump bans them. LOL!
And all the climatologists not on Fox or employed by Big Oil, superdupe.

Oil is the worst......cheap and reliable and all that.
You should heat your home with wind and solar.
What could go wrong?
RW "common sense" lol

Avoiding freezing to death is common sense.
Heating your home with wind and solar is stupid. Potentially fatal.
Clean Air Is the Most Toxic of All

Especially dangerous is the hidden fact that "pollution" below certain levels is actually antiseptic, eliminating killer viruses. If we ever go completely over to the Eco-Eunuchs' alternative energy, expect plague after plague, as it was before byproducts of modernization prevented those mass murderers from spreading.
Ah, you already played out your Race Card. You lost. Hitlery's done. And Trump will likely win even easier next time. Sorry bout that.
True believer dupe, you're still mainly racist fools, a disgrace. I hope Trump works great, unlike GOP party first a-hole bigots and Obama. First thing Trump is doing is dumping all his promises to you fools....you'll never notice, dupe. Won't be reported on Fox/Rush etc etc....

Ha, still playing your stale Race Card. Y'all hater wingnuts will never learn. You're stuck on stupid. And i don't believe you when you say 'I hope Trump works great.' The truth is, you're already in full sabotage-mode. But it doesn't matter. I think Trump will likely win even easier next time around. You haters just don't have anything to offer. You're losing average everyday working Americans in droves. Soon all you'll be left with, is screeching extremist Left loons.

And those extremist Left loons won't be enough to get you over the top. You guys are in bigger trouble than you think. Your Left/Globalist policies have decimated American Workers. And more & more Americans are realizing that. Once you've lost the American Worker, you're all done for many years to come. They use to be the backbone of your Party. So go on screeching 'RACIST!', and other deranged rantings all you want. It won't be enough for you to win in the future.
Without Putin and Comey, you would have lost by 10, dupe. Even with the worst candidate possible.

Y'all better be careful. You're losing American Worker support in droves. Your Left/Globalist policies are killing them. And any drop in Worker support for your Party, spells doom. They were the backbone of your Party. You can't win with just rabid loony Left nutters. It won't be enough. I think you guys are in big trouble.
Preppy Progressives

Those born in the upper class despise, hate, and fear those born in the working class. Liberals are agents of the Right Wing they were born in. Their insincere agenda's purpose is to drive the majority into voting against its economic interests in reaction to them. It is very significant that before Hillary infiltrated and perverted the Democratic Party, she worked for Goldwater. That's all you need to know, but it was presented as a change of heart. Don't believe what you are told to think by those who have been illegitimately placed above you.
She was also 15 or so, was Daddy Hugh's GOP daughter, and was transformed by 1968 etc etc etc. Liberals are lw DUH and the rich ones want to pay more in taxes and help the country DUH. You're OFF lol.
True believer dupe, you're still mainly racist fools, a disgrace. I hope Trump works great, unlike GOP party first a-hole bigots and Obama. First thing Trump is doing is dumping all his promises to you fools....you'll never notice, dupe. Won't be reported on Fox/Rush etc etc....

Ha, still playing your stale Race Card. Y'all hater wingnuts will never learn. You're stuck on stupid. And i don't believe you when you say 'I hope Trump works great.' The truth is, you're already in full sabotage-mode. But it doesn't matter. I think Trump will likely win even easier next time around. You haters just don't have anything to offer. You're losing average everyday working Americans in droves. Soon all you'll be left with, is screeching extremist Left loons.

And those extremist Left loons won't be enough to get you over the top. You guys are in bigger trouble than you think. Your Left/Globalist policies have decimated American Workers. And more & more Americans are realizing that. Once you've lost the American Worker, you're all done for many years to come. They use to be the backbone of your Party. So go on screeching 'RACIST!', and other deranged rantings all you want. It won't be enough for you to win in the future.
Without Putin and Comey, you would have lost by 10, dupe. Even with the worst candidate possible.

Y'all better be careful. You're losing American Worker support in droves. Your Left/Globalist policies are killing them. And any drop in Worker support for your Party, spells doom. They were the backbone of your Party. You can't win with just rabid loony Left nutters. It won't be enough. I think you guys are in big trouble.
Preppy Progressives

Those born in the upper class despise, hate, and fear those born in the working class. Liberals are agents of the Right Wing they were born in. Their insincere agenda's purpose is to drive the majority into voting against its economic interests in reaction to them. It is very significant that before Hillary infiltrated and perverted the Democratic Party, she worked for Goldwater. That's all you need to know, but it was presented as a change of heart. Don't believe what you are told to think by those who have been illegitimately placed above you.
She was also 15 or so, was Daddy Hugh's GOP daughter, and was transformed by 1968 etc etc etc. Liberals are lw DUH and the rich ones want to pay more in taxes and help the country DUH. You're OFF lol.
No one is stopping them from paying more taxes, moron.
View attachment 104419

Trump's list of incompetents as it stands so far. The idiot Sarah Palin must be on his short list.



It's amazing that after 8 long years of the "Barack Obama Amateur Hour" that you're suddenly concerned about incompetency in the White House!

Trump's choices seem to be based on one thing...getting things done! Not talking about getting things done but actually DOING them!
View attachment 104419

Trump's list of incompetents as it stands so far. The idiot Sarah Palin must be on his short list.



It's amazing that after 8 long years of the "Barack Obama Amateur Hour" that you're suddenly concerned about incompetency in the White House!

Trump's choices seem to be based on one thing...getting things done! Not talking about getting things done but actually DOING them!
Let's hope he doesn't get things done like the catastrophe W, dupe.

dupe (n.) - Online Etymology Dictionary
1680s, from French dupe "deceived person," from Middle French duppe (early ... "of the hoopoe," an extravagantly crested and reputedly stupid bird. dupe (v.) ...
Last edited:
View attachment 104419

Trump's list of incompetents as it stands so far. The idiot Sarah Palin must be on his short list.



It's amazing that after 8 long years of the "Barack Obama Amateur Hour" that you're suddenly concerned about incompetency in the White House!

Trump's choices seem to be based on one thing...getting things done! Not talking about getting things done but actually DOING them!
Let's hope he doesn't get things done like the catastrophe W, dupe.

New Years resolution for ya... Find an alternative to the word 'Dupe.' I now you can do it. Good luck. :)
View attachment 104419

Trump's list of incompetents as it stands so far. The idiot Sarah Palin must be on his short list.



It's amazing that after 8 long years of the "Barack Obama Amateur Hour" that you're suddenly concerned about incompetency in the White House!

Trump's choices seem to be based on one thing...getting things done! Not talking about getting things done but actually DOING them!
Let's hope he doesn't get things done like the catastrophe W, dupe.

New Years resolution for ya... Find an alternative to the word 'Dupe.' I now you can do it. Good luck. :)
Not a chance. Read the book lol. Glad you don't like it.

dupe (n.) - Online Etymology Dictionary
1680s, from French dupe "deceived person," from Middle French duppe (early ... "of the hoopoe," an extravagantly crested and reputedly stupid bird. dupe (v.) ...
View attachment 104419

Trump's list of incompetents as it stands so far. The idiot Sarah Palin must be on his short list.



It's amazing that after 8 long years of the "Barack Obama Amateur Hour" that you're suddenly concerned about incompetency in the White House!

Trump's choices seem to be based on one thing...getting things done! Not talking about getting things done but actually DOING them!
Let's hope he doesn't get things done like the catastrophe W, dupe.

New Years resolution for ya... Find an alternative to the word 'Dupe.' I now you can do it. Good luck. :)
Not a chance. Read the book lol. Glad you don't like it.

dupe (n.) - Online Etymology Dictionary
1680s, from French dupe "deceived person," from Middle French duppe (early ... "of the hoopoe," an extravagantly crested and reputedly stupid bird. dupe (v.) ...

Oh i like the word. I just don't like your deranged excessive use of it. Try to come up with an alternative. Seriously, make it your New Years resolution. I really think you can do it. Good luck.
View attachment 104419

Trump's list of incompetents as it stands so far. The idiot Sarah Palin must be on his short list.



It's amazing that after 8 long years of the "Barack Obama Amateur Hour" that you're suddenly concerned about incompetency in the White House!

Trump's choices seem to be based on one thing...getting things done! Not talking about getting things done but actually DOING them!
Let's hope he doesn't get things done like the catastrophe W, dupe.

New Years resolution for ya... Find an alternative to the word 'Dupe.' I now you can do it. Good luck. :)
Not a chance. Read the book lol. Glad you don't like it.

dupe (n.) - Online Etymology Dictionary
1680s, from French dupe "deceived person," from Middle French duppe (early ... "of the hoopoe," an extravagantly crested and reputedly stupid bird. dupe (v.) ...

Oh i like the word. I just don't like your deranged excessive use of it. Try to come up with an alternative. Seriously, make it your New Years resolution. I really think you can do it. Good luck.
Not a chance. It's a perfect, succinct description of the New BS GOP voter/fanatic.
It's amazing that after 8 long years of the "Barack Obama Amateur Hour" that you're suddenly concerned about incompetency in the White House!

Trump's choices seem to be based on one thing...getting things done! Not talking about getting things done but actually DOING them!
Let's hope he doesn't get things done like the catastrophe W, dupe.

New Years resolution for ya... Find an alternative to the word 'Dupe.' I now you can do it. Good luck. :)
Not a chance. Read the book lol. Glad you don't like it.

dupe (n.) - Online Etymology Dictionary
1680s, from French dupe "deceived person," from Middle French duppe (early ... "of the hoopoe," an extravagantly crested and reputedly stupid bird. dupe (v.) ...

Oh i like the word. I just don't like your deranged excessive use of it. Try to come up with an alternative. Seriously, make it your New Years resolution. I really think you can do it. Good luck.
Not a chance. It's a perfect, succinct description of the New BS GOP voter/fanatic.

Check out a dictionary or something. I'm sure you can find an alternative. I mean, it'll make you sound reasonably sane for a change. I'm actually helping you here. Consider it a holiday gift. It is the season for giving after all. Good luck.
AGW idiocy is all left-wing.
Quick, go buy some carbon offsets, before Trump bans them. LOL!
And all the climatologists not on Fox or employed by Big Oil, superdupe.

Oil is the worst......cheap and reliable and all that.
You should heat your home with wind and solar.
What could go wrong?
RW "common sense" lol

Avoiding freezing to death is common sense.
Heating your home with wind and solar is stupid. Potentially fatal.
You better read up on how the electric grid uses solar power etc...lol

People of reason the world over do not expect the right-wingers to understand the reality that exists today. Their responses to this and other posts prove this.

The right's limited intelligence continues to serve the fat cats' agenda to establish an oligarchy in the U.S..

Yeah......WE'RE supposedly the idiots!!!LOL!!!

And all the climatologists not on Fox or employed by Big Oil, superdupe.

Oil is the worst......cheap and reliable and all that.
You should heat your home with wind and solar.
What could go wrong?
RW "common sense" lol

Avoiding freezing to death is common sense.
Heating your home with wind and solar is stupid. Potentially fatal.
You better read up on how the electric grid uses solar power etc...lol

Works fine, fatalist.

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