We Are In Deep Sh!t

I don't think you understand the word you keep using. Dupe is also a contraction of "duplicitous", meaning traitor in its basest form. The Democrat Party was exposed as being duplicitous in how they screwed over Bernie, and then how they adopted Sturm Abtailung tactics to try and make the trumpsters look bad. So, super dupe, it is YOU who is the "dupe". And a powerfully ignorant, AND stupid one, at that.
There's no evidence anyone messed with Bernie. Bernie says so too. Just staffers at the stupid DNC BSing- just like all the e-mails the 24/7 media made mountains out of...dupe means you've been fooled, dupe. lol

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: Talk about a dumb as snot dupe! The DNC emails that were released CONFIRM it dumb bunny. We don't need Bernie saying they didn't we have the DNC talking about how they are going to do it! It takes a special breed of stupid to spout the inane crap that you do. Hello stupid!:bye1:
Funny how none of your stupid bs ever makes it to the courts, isn't it, dupe?
Sure, dupe. Don't you EVER get tired of being 100% wrong? LOL
dupe (n.) - Online Etymology Dictionary

1680s, from French dupe "deceived person," from Middle French duppe (early ... "of the hoopoe," an extravagantly crested and reputedly stupid bird. dupe (v.) ...

Poor little dumb ass dupe, of course WE know what the word means. It is YOU who keeps using it incorrectly. The descriptor fits YOU, not us. We have shown you chapter and verse how the Democrat Party has been corrupted and you ignore it. That means that not only are you a dupe, you're a half assed one at that!

I think anyone using the word 'dupe' that much, has to be a dupe themselves. Most Democrats have conveniently ignored the evidence proving their Party is one of the most corrupt institutions on earth. They've instead tried to make it all about Russia and Trump. They're disingenuous cowards.
Nonsensical drivel.
True believer dupe, you're still mainly racist fools, a disgrace. I hope Trump works great, unlike GOP party first a-hole bigots and Obama. First thing Trump is doing is dumping all his promises to you fools....you'll never notice, dupe. Won't be reported on Fox/Rush etc etc....

I don't think you understand the word you keep using. Dupe is also a contraction of "duplicitous", meaning traitor in its basest form. The Democrat Party was exposed as being duplicitous in how they screwed over Bernie, and then how they adopted Sturm Abtailung tactics to try and make the trumpsters look bad. So, super dupe, it is YOU who is the "dupe". And a powerfully ignorant, AND stupid one, at that.
There's no evidence anyone messed with Bernie. Bernie says so too. Just staffers at the stupid DNC BSing- just like all the e-mails the 24/7 media made mountains out of...dupe means you've been fooled, dupe. lol

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: Talk about a dumb as snot dupe! The DNC emails that were released CONFIRM it dumb bunny. We don't need Bernie saying they didn't we have the DNC talking about how they are going to do it! It takes a special breed of stupid to spout the inane crap that you do. Hello stupid!:bye1:
Funny how none of your stupid bs ever makes it to the courts, isn't it, dupe?
Sure, dupe. Don't you EVER get tired of being 100% wrong? LOL
dupe (n.) - Online Etymology Dictionary

1680s, from French dupe "deceived person," from Middle French duppe (early ... "of the hoopoe," an extravagantly crested and reputedly stupid bird. dupe (v.) ...

Poor little dumb ass dupe, of course WE know what the word means. It is YOU who keeps using it incorrectly. The descriptor fits YOU, not us. We have shown you chapter and verse how the Democrat Party has been corrupted and you ignore it. That means that not only are you a dupe, you're a half assed one at that!
Obviously you don't.
Sure, dupe. Don't you EVER get tired of being 100% wrong? LOL
dupe (n.) - Online Etymology Dictionary

1680s, from French dupe "deceived person," from Middle French duppe (early ... "of the hoopoe," an extravagantly crested and reputedly stupid bird. dupe (v.) ...
He is a super dupe, just not very functional. Typical lib.
Enjoy the giant tax cut for the rich and more crap for the nonrich, chumps. Praying Don is a genius beside that. Just like I did with W 1.0.

Yes, the tax cuts will be great. Rolling back damaging regulations and AGW idiocy will be great too.
You dupes never learn. I HOPE Don will succeed, but I expect Booosh 2.0. Dereg means some corrupt GOP/crony bubble, no AGW means we leave an industry of the future to the Chinese and Euros. But let your hatred of Dems make you a MORON. lol

but I expect Booosh 2.0. Dereg

What Bush deregulation? Any specifics?

no AGW means we leave an industry of the future to the Chinese and Euros

Yes, we should leave the industry of fixing fake AGW to the Chinese and Euros.
RW idiocy even Trump isn't dumb enough to believe.

AGW idiocy is all left-wing.
Quick, go buy some carbon offsets, before Trump bans them. LOL!
Enjoy the giant tax cut for the rich and more crap for the nonrich, chumps. Praying Don is a genius beside that. Just like I did with W 1.0.

Yes, the tax cuts will be great. Rolling back damaging regulations and AGW idiocy will be great too.
You dupes never learn. I HOPE Don will succeed, but I expect Booosh 2.0. Dereg means some corrupt GOP/crony bubble, no AGW means we leave an industry of the future to the Chinese and Euros. But let your hatred of Dems make you a MORON. lol

but I expect Booosh 2.0. Dereg

What Bush deregulation? Any specifics?

no AGW means we leave an industry of the future to the Chinese and Euros

Yes, we should leave the industry of fixing fake AGW to the Chinese and Euros.
RW idiocy even Trump isn't dumb enough to believe.

AGW idiocy is all left-wing.
Quick, go buy some carbon offsets, before Trump bans them. LOL!
And all the climatologists not on Fox or employed by Big Oil, superdupe.
Yes, the tax cuts will be great. Rolling back damaging regulations and AGW idiocy will be great too.
You dupes never learn. I HOPE Don will succeed, but I expect Booosh 2.0. Dereg means some corrupt GOP/crony bubble, no AGW means we leave an industry of the future to the Chinese and Euros. But let your hatred of Dems make you a MORON. lol

but I expect Booosh 2.0. Dereg

What Bush deregulation? Any specifics?

no AGW means we leave an industry of the future to the Chinese and Euros

Yes, we should leave the industry of fixing fake AGW to the Chinese and Euros.
RW idiocy even Trump isn't dumb enough to believe.

AGW idiocy is all left-wing.
Quick, go buy some carbon offsets, before Trump bans them. LOL!
And all the climatologists not on Fox or employed by Big Oil, superdupe.

But duperman, there is no empirical data to support it. Surely you understand what "empirical" means.....don't you?
There's no evidence anyone messed with Bernie. Bernie says so too. Just staffers at the stupid DNC BSing- just like all the e-mails the 24/7 media made mountains out of...dupe means you've been fooled, dupe. lol

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: Talk about a dumb as snot dupe! The DNC emails that were released CONFIRM it dumb bunny. We don't need Bernie saying they didn't we have the DNC talking about how they are going to do it! It takes a special breed of stupid to spout the inane crap that you do. Hello stupid!:bye1:
Funny how none of your stupid bs ever makes it to the courts, isn't it, dupe?
Sure, dupe. Don't you EVER get tired of being 100% wrong? LOL
dupe (n.) - Online Etymology Dictionary

1680s, from French dupe "deceived person," from Middle French duppe (early ... "of the hoopoe," an extravagantly crested and reputedly stupid bird. dupe (v.) ...

Poor little dumb ass dupe, of course WE know what the word means. It is YOU who keeps using it incorrectly. The descriptor fits YOU, not us. We have shown you chapter and verse how the Democrat Party has been corrupted and you ignore it. That means that not only are you a dupe, you're a half assed one at that!

I think anyone using the word 'dupe' that much, has to be a dupe themselves. Most Democrats have conveniently ignored the evidence proving their Party is one of the most corrupt institutions on earth. They've instead tried to make it all about Russia and Trump. They're disingenuous cowards.
Nonsensical drivel.

You forgot 'dupe.' You're slippin man. :lol:
You dupes never learn. I HOPE Don will succeed, but I expect Booosh 2.0. Dereg means some corrupt GOP/crony bubble, no AGW means we leave an industry of the future to the Chinese and Euros. But let your hatred of Dems make you a MORON. lol

but I expect Booosh 2.0. Dereg

What Bush deregulation? Any specifics?

no AGW means we leave an industry of the future to the Chinese and Euros

Yes, we should leave the industry of fixing fake AGW to the Chinese and Euros.
RW idiocy even Trump isn't dumb enough to believe.

AGW idiocy is all left-wing.
Quick, go buy some carbon offsets, before Trump bans them. LOL!
And all the climatologists not on Fox or employed by Big Oil, superdupe.

But duperman, there is no empirical data to support it. Surely you understand what "empirical" means.....don't you?
So if you don't understand, it doesn't exist? Your arguments start to make sense. So dupe comes from duplicitous? lol
Sure, dupe. Don't you EVER get tired of being 100% wrong? LOL
dupe (n.) - Online Etymology Dictionary

1680s, from French dupe "deceived person," from Middle French duppe (early ... "of the hoopoe," an extravagantly crested and reputedly stupid bird. dupe (v.) ...
Last edited:
Yes, the tax cuts will be great. Rolling back damaging regulations and AGW idiocy will be great too.
You dupes never learn. I HOPE Don will succeed, but I expect Booosh 2.0. Dereg means some corrupt GOP/crony bubble, no AGW means we leave an industry of the future to the Chinese and Euros. But let your hatred of Dems make you a MORON. lol

but I expect Booosh 2.0. Dereg

What Bush deregulation? Any specifics?

no AGW means we leave an industry of the future to the Chinese and Euros

Yes, we should leave the industry of fixing fake AGW to the Chinese and Euros.
RW idiocy even Trump isn't dumb enough to believe.

AGW idiocy is all left-wing.
Quick, go buy some carbon offsets, before Trump bans them. LOL!
And all the climatologists not on Fox or employed by Big Oil, superdupe.

Oil is the worst......cheap and reliable and all that.
You should heat your home with wind and solar.
What could go wrong?
You dupes never learn. I HOPE Don will succeed, but I expect Booosh 2.0. Dereg means some corrupt GOP/crony bubble, no AGW means we leave an industry of the future to the Chinese and Euros. But let your hatred of Dems make you a MORON. lol

but I expect Booosh 2.0. Dereg

What Bush deregulation? Any specifics?

no AGW means we leave an industry of the future to the Chinese and Euros

Yes, we should leave the industry of fixing fake AGW to the Chinese and Euros.
RW idiocy even Trump isn't dumb enough to believe.

AGW idiocy is all left-wing.
Quick, go buy some carbon offsets, before Trump bans them. LOL!
And all the climatologists not on Fox or employed by Big Oil, superdupe.

Oil is the worst......cheap and reliable and all that.
You should heat your home with wind and solar.
What could go wrong?
RW "common sense" lol
but I expect Booosh 2.0. Dereg

What Bush deregulation? Any specifics?

no AGW means we leave an industry of the future to the Chinese and Euros

Yes, we should leave the industry of fixing fake AGW to the Chinese and Euros.
RW idiocy even Trump isn't dumb enough to believe.

AGW idiocy is all left-wing.
Quick, go buy some carbon offsets, before Trump bans them. LOL!
And all the climatologists not on Fox or employed by Big Oil, superdupe.

But duperman, there is no empirical data to support it. Surely you understand what "empirical" means.....don't you?
So if you don't understand, it doesn't exist? Your arguments start to make sense. So dupe comes from duplicitous? lol
Sure, dupe. Don't you EVER get tired of being 100% wrong? LOL
dupe (n.) - Online Etymology Dictionary

1680s, from French dupe "deceived person," from Middle French duppe (early ... "of the hoopoe," an extravagantly crested and reputedly stupid bird. dupe (v.) ...

Don't you EVER get tired of repeating the word 'dupe?' You know you sound deranged, right?
RW idiocy even Trump isn't dumb enough to believe.

AGW idiocy is all left-wing.
Quick, go buy some carbon offsets, before Trump bans them. LOL!
And all the climatologists not on Fox or employed by Big Oil, superdupe.

But duperman, there is no empirical data to support it. Surely you understand what "empirical" means.....don't you?
So if you don't understand, it doesn't exist? Your arguments start to make sense. So dupe comes from duplicitous? lol
Sure, dupe. Don't you EVER get tired of being 100% wrong? LOL
dupe (n.) - Online Etymology Dictionary

1680s, from French dupe "deceived person," from Middle French duppe (early ... "of the hoopoe," an extravagantly crested and reputedly stupid bird. dupe (v.) ...

Don't you EVER get tired of repeating the word 'dupe?' You know you sound deranged, right?
It's THE story of US politics the last 30 years. A disgrace, RW bs propaganda machine and dupes like you. Tough.
National bird of Israel- fitting right now...
AGW idiocy is all left-wing.
Quick, go buy some carbon offsets, before Trump bans them. LOL!
And all the climatologists not on Fox or employed by Big Oil, superdupe.

But duperman, there is no empirical data to support it. Surely you understand what "empirical" means.....don't you?
So if you don't understand, it doesn't exist? Your arguments start to make sense. So dupe comes from duplicitous? lol
Sure, dupe. Don't you EVER get tired of being 100% wrong? LOL
dupe (n.) - Online Etymology Dictionary

1680s, from French dupe "deceived person," from Middle French duppe (early ... "of the hoopoe," an extravagantly crested and reputedly stupid bird. dupe (v.) ...

Don't you EVER get tired of repeating the word 'dupe?' You know you sound deranged, right?
It's THE story of US politics the last 30 years. A disgrace, RW bs propaganda machine and dupes like you. Tough.
National bird of Israel- fitting right now...

Ha, couldn't help yourself. You had to get one 'dupe' in there, hah? :cuckoo: :lmao:
People of reason the world over do not expect the right-wingers to understand the reality that exists today. Their responses to this and other posts prove this.

The right's limited intelligence continues to serve the fat cats' agenda to establish an oligarchy in the U.S..


Sorry, Trump wasn't my choice but you are off the rails insane. If Trump gets out of line we have protections in the Constitution to deal with it all.
but I expect Booosh 2.0. Dereg

What Bush deregulation? Any specifics?

no AGW means we leave an industry of the future to the Chinese and Euros

Yes, we should leave the industry of fixing fake AGW to the Chinese and Euros.
RW idiocy even Trump isn't dumb enough to believe.

AGW idiocy is all left-wing.
Quick, go buy some carbon offsets, before Trump bans them. LOL!
And all the climatologists not on Fox or employed by Big Oil, superdupe.

Oil is the worst......cheap and reliable and all that.
You should heat your home with wind and solar.
What could go wrong?
RW "common sense" lol

Avoiding freezing to death is common sense.
Heating your home with wind and solar is stupid. Potentially fatal.
RW idiocy even Trump isn't dumb enough to believe.

AGW idiocy is all left-wing.
Quick, go buy some carbon offsets, before Trump bans them. LOL!
And all the climatologists not on Fox or employed by Big Oil, superdupe.

Oil is the worst......cheap and reliable and all that.
You should heat your home with wind and solar.
What could go wrong?
RW "common sense" lol

Avoiding freezing to death is common sense.
Heating your home with wind and solar is stupid. Potentially fatal.
You better read up on how the electric grid uses solar power etc...lol
People of reason the world over do not expect the right-wingers to understand the reality that exists today. Their responses to this and other posts prove this.

The right's limited intelligence continues to serve the fat cats' agenda to establish an oligarchy in the U.S..


Sorry, Trump wasn't my choice but you are off the rails insane. If Trump gets out of line we have protections in the Constitution to deal with it all.

And all the climatologists not on Fox or employed by Big Oil, superdupe.

But duperman, there is no empirical data to support it. Surely you understand what "empirical" means.....don't you?
So if you don't understand, it doesn't exist? Your arguments start to make sense. So dupe comes from duplicitous? lol
Sure, dupe. Don't you EVER get tired of being 100% wrong? LOL
dupe (n.) - Online Etymology Dictionary

1680s, from French dupe "deceived person," from Middle French duppe (early ... "of the hoopoe," an extravagantly crested and reputedly stupid bird. dupe (v.) ...

Don't you EVER get tired of repeating the word 'dupe?' You know you sound deranged, right?
It's THE story of US politics the last 30 years. A disgrace, RW bs propaganda machine and dupes like you. Tough.
National bird of Israel- fitting right now...

Ha, couldn't help yourself. You had to get one 'dupe' in there, hah? :cuckoo: :lmao:

Actually, this is a better shot:
Last edited:
AGW idiocy is all left-wing.
Quick, go buy some carbon offsets, before Trump bans them. LOL!
And all the climatologists not on Fox or employed by Big Oil, superdupe.

Oil is the worst......cheap and reliable and all that.
You should heat your home with wind and solar.
What could go wrong?
RW "common sense" lol

Avoiding freezing to death is common sense.
Heating your home with wind and solar is stupid. Potentially fatal.
You better read up on how the electric grid uses solar power etc...lol
More like how solar power was forced into the grid......
Liberals see the world completely differently than conservatives. The cabinet picks and Trump is a failure to them because the most noble position in life is confiscating wealth and redistributing it while growing government. That's how they define success.

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