We Are In Deep Sh!t

People of reason the world over do not expect the right-wingers to understand the reality that exists today. Their responses to this and other posts prove this.

The right's limited intelligence continues to serve the fat cats' agenda to establish an oligarchy in the U.S..

Yeah......WE'RE supposedly the idiots!!!LOL!!!

King's College Chapel. And a lie.
Terrifying image. You can almost hear the incompetency sizzling out of the pic. But, this is what conservatives want. They can't wait for the USA to collapse.

Why are these people incompetent? Each has found success in their chosen profession.

Exactly! The current deputy NSA was a flippin' speechwriter when Ohbummer was elected. What exactly were his national security qualifications?
Terrifying image. You can almost hear the incompetency sizzling out of the pic. But, this is what conservatives want. They can't wait for the USA to collapse.

Why are these people incompetent? Each has found success in their chosen profession.

Exactly! The current deputy NSA was a flippin' speechwriter when Ohbummer was elected. What exactly were his national security qualifications?
Wrong AGAIN, dupe. Wiki:
Avril Dannica Haines (born August 29, 1969) is the current, and first female, White House Deputy National Security Advisor. She previously served as Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency—the first woman to hold this position. Prior to her appointment to the CIA, she served as Deputy Counsel to the President for National Security Affairs in the Office of White House Counsel.

Her term as CIA Deputy Director coincided with the Global surveillance disclosures, the CIA hacking into the computers of U.S. Senate employees, and the release of the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee report on CIA torture. On December 18, 2014, President Obama announced that he would appoint Haines to replace Tony Blinken as White House Deputy National Security Advisor.[1]
Liberal low IQ people post the stupidest ideas, and the most fantastic lines of though to ever exist. How about this, people who know all there is to know about a particular thing are much better as executives responsible for those things than off the street ignorant contributors to a campaign that don't know shit about anything but bitching and moaning. Your list in the picture of the OP is a list of some of the most COMPETENT people in this country for their jobs. You liberals have NO idea what these people are capable of BUT everyone in the list is so vastly superior in intellect AND CHARACTER to the shit you chose for president eight years ago and to run for president this time it is NOT EVEN CLOSE. Go cry some more and try to think up an argument that at least has a modicum of substance. Why do you libshits always have to go to wiki? I guess it is because you don't KNOW what you are talking about and have to try to find something to support your lies and talking points.
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This cabi etis bad like every other presidential cabinet...full of uber wreLtnhy haters of working class people!e. NOT ONE knows what a hard days work is. Same old with every administration. I hope they struggle....but they will be protected....li!me every other crooked american administration.
Oil is the worst......cheap and reliable and all that.
You should heat your home with wind and solar.
What could go wrong?
RW "common sense" lol

Avoiding freezing to death is common sense.
Heating your home with wind and solar is stupid. Potentially fatal.
You better read up on how the electric grid uses solar power etc...lol

Works fine, fatalist.

Awesome. You should use it to heat your home this winter.
Put a nice solar panel on your roof and disconnect your fossil fuel sources.
RW "common sense" lol

Avoiding freezing to death is common sense.
Heating your home with wind and solar is stupid. Potentially fatal.
You better read up on how the electric grid uses solar power etc...lol

Works fine, fatalist.

Awesome. You should use it to heat your home this winter.
Put a nice solar panel on your roof and disconnect your fossil fuel sources.
I already do use wind and solar power and so do you. I've got 200 turbines within 30 miles. Chicago is not the windy city.
Avoiding freezing to death is common sense.
Heating your home with wind and solar is stupid. Potentially fatal.
You better read up on how the electric grid uses solar power etc...lol

Works fine, fatalist.

Awesome. You should use it to heat your home this winter.
Put a nice solar panel on your roof and disconnect your fossil fuel sources.
I already do use wind and solar power and so do you. I've got 200 turbines within 30 miles. Chicago is not the windy city.

I already do use wind and solar power and so do you.

Stop cheating, use wind and solar exclusively.
Liberals see the world completely differently than conservatives. The cabinet picks and Trump is a failure to them because the most noble position in life is confiscating wealth and redistributing it while growing government. That's how they define success.
Yep, and a "solution" to a problem always means some massive government program. If you don't propose a program, you have no "solution." That's why the constantly claim that Republicans have no "solutions."
You define the very essence of democrat fascism.....democrats create .gov to empower themselves....conservatives empower the individual to create .gov......


BOTH the "liberals" and the "conservatives" love big government

We have a gargantuan bankrupt welfare/warfare police state adopted with BIPARTISAN support.

Liberals see the world completely differently than conservatives. The cabinet picks and Trump is a failure to them because the most noble position in life is confiscating wealth and redistributing it while growing government. That's how they define success.
Yep, and a "solution" to a problem always means some massive government program. If you don't propose a program, you have no "solution." That's why the constantly claim that Republicans have no "solutions."
You define the very essence of democrat fascism.....democrats create .gov to empower themselves....conservatives empower the individual to create .gov......


BOTH the "liberals" and the "conservatives" love big government

We have a gargantuan bankrupt welfare/warfare police state adopted with BIPARTISAN support.

Bullshit. You don't know what a conservative is then. Warfare and police state? You don't know what those are either.
Sara Palin is a wonderful woman who defied the political establishment and became mayor and later governor. What's not to like about her? My guess is that the sissie left is at war with genetic women and hates anything in a dress unless it's a hairy man.
You better read up on how the electric grid uses solar power etc...lol

Works fine, fatalist.

Awesome. You should use it to heat your home this winter.
Put a nice solar panel on your roof and disconnect your fossil fuel sources.
I already do use wind and solar power and so do you. I've got 200 turbines within 30 miles. Chicago is not the windy city.

I already do use wind and solar power and so do you.

Stop cheating, use wind and solar exclusively.
That, and you, are stupid.
Liberals see the world completely differently than conservatives. The cabinet picks and Trump is a failure to them because the most noble position in life is confiscating wealth and redistributing it while growing government. That's how they define success.
Yep, and a "solution" to a problem always means some massive government program. If you don't propose a program, you have no "solution." That's why the constantly claim that Republicans have no "solutions."
You define the very essence of democrat fascism.....democrats create .gov to empower themselves....conservatives empower the individual to create .gov......


BOTH the "liberals" and the "conservatives" love big government

We have a gargantuan bankrupt welfare/warfare police state adopted with BIPARTISAN support.

Bullshit. You don't know what a conservative is then. Warfare and police state? You don't know what those are either.

The Problem with American Conservatism

“The problem with American conservatism is that it hates the left more than the state, loves the past more than liberty, feels a greater attachment to nationalism than to the idea of self-determination, believes brute force is the answer to all social problems and thinks it is better to impose truth rather than risk losing one’s soul to heresy. It has never understood the idea of freedom as a self-ordering principle of society. It has never seen the state as the enemy of what conservatives purport to favor. It has always looked to presidential power as the saving grace of what is right and true about America.”

Liberals see the world completely differently than conservatives. The cabinet picks and Trump is a failure to them because the most noble position in life is confiscating wealth and redistributing it while growing government. That's how they define success.
Yep, and a "solution" to a problem always means some massive government program. If you don't propose a program, you have no "solution." That's why the constantly claim that Republicans have no "solutions."
You define the very essence of democrat fascism.....democrats create .gov to empower themselves....conservatives empower the individual to create .gov......


BOTH the "liberals" and the "conservatives" love big government

We have a gargantuan bankrupt welfare/warfare police state adopted with BIPARTISAN support.

Bullshit. You don't know what a conservative is then. Warfare and police state? You don't know what those are either.

The Problem with American Conservatism

“The problem with American conservatism is that it hates the left more than the state, loves the past more than liberty, feels a greater attachment to nationalism than to the idea of self-determination, believes brute force is the answer to all social problems and thinks it is better to impose truth rather than risk losing one’s soul to heresy. It has never understood the idea of freedom as a self-ordering principle of society. It has never seen the state as the enemy of what conservatives purport to favor. It has always looked to presidential power as the saving grace of what is right and true about America.”

Lew Rockwell? Give me a break. I think I know myself better than Lew Rockwell. He's completely full of shit and has the worse reputation you can find anywhere. He's a tin foil hat wearing whack job.
Yep, and a "solution" to a problem always means some massive government program. If you don't propose a program, you have no "solution." That's why the constantly claim that Republicans have no "solutions."
You define the very essence of democrat fascism.....democrats create .gov to empower themselves....conservatives empower the individual to create .gov......


BOTH the "liberals" and the "conservatives" love big government

We have a gargantuan bankrupt welfare/warfare police state adopted with BIPARTISAN support.

Bullshit. You don't know what a conservative is then. Warfare and police state? You don't know what those are either.

The Problem with American Conservatism

“The problem with American conservatism is that it hates the left more than the state, loves the past more than liberty, feels a greater attachment to nationalism than to the idea of self-determination, believes brute force is the answer to all social problems and thinks it is better to impose truth rather than risk losing one’s soul to heresy. It has never understood the idea of freedom as a self-ordering principle of society. It has never seen the state as the enemy of what conservatives purport to favor. It has always looked to presidential power as the saving grace of what is right and true about America.”

Lew Rockwell? Give me a break. I think I know myself better than Lew Rockwell. He's completely full of shit and has the worse reputation you can find anywhere. He's a tin foil hat wearing whack job.

Conservatives BEFORE 1935 supported freedom

now they support a behemoth government to prevent Americans from consuming "drugs" , they support a massive military to defend and support the Jewish State, supporting Israel caused 09/11 which provided Bush tthe pretext to engage in very expensive wars in AfPAk and Iraq. Those two wars caused the 2008 depression. Supporting Israel also forced fedgov to create yet another expensive and inconvenient government agency : TSA.

So how are the "conservatives" different than "liberals"?


Awesome. You should use it to heat your home this winter.
Put a nice solar panel on your roof and disconnect your fossil fuel sources.
I already do use wind and solar power and so do you. I've got 200 turbines within 30 miles. Chicago is not the windy city.

I already do use wind and solar power and so do you.

Stop cheating, use wind and solar exclusively.
That, and you, are stupid.

Planet killer! LOL!

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