We are in the midst of a cold civil war

We are in the midst of a cold civil war. As a nation, we are at least as divided as we were prior to the civil war of 1860's.
Just like our prior civil war, the main point of separation is civil rights. It was slavery in 1860. Today, it is the civil rights of many minority groups

I love when white people tell brown people what their struggle is

Everybody has their own problems, baby. I'm not one to claim mine are bigger than anyone else's.
We are in the midst of a cold civil war. As a nation, we are at least as divided as we were prior to the civil war of 1860's.
Just like our prior civil war, the main point of separation is civil rights. It was slavery in 1860. Today, it is the civil rights of many minority groups.

Let's hope our current civil war stays cold and it will be fought at the ballot box.

Just like our prior civil war, the side for equal civil rights for all will win out.
There would be no trump if there was no Obama, Karma is a bitch
Possibly so. Obama scared the hell out of insecure old white people.
Obama showed that people who are not white are as capable as whites.
Obama showed what socialism really is, a world of piss and shit....

He showed how damaging progressive control freaks really are to our country, How socialist entitlement programs are against the interests of most Americans.
Possibly so. Obama scared the hell out of insecure old white people.
Obama showed that people who are not white are as capable as whites.

How so? Obama pissed off most Americans, that's why Trump is president.

^Take that for what you will, but I ain't bullshittin' in the least.
We are in the midst of a cold civil war. As a nation, we are at least as divided as we were prior to the civil war of 1860's.
Just like our prior civil war, the main point of separation is civil rights. It was slavery in 1860. Today, it is the civil rights of many minority groups.

Let's hope our current civil war stays cold and it will be fought at the ballot box.

Just like our prior civil war, the side for equal civil rights for all will win out.
There would be no trump if there was no Obama, Karma is a bitch
Possibly so. Obama scared the hell out of insecure old white people.
Obama showed that people who are not white are as capable as whites.

Obama showed that people who are not white are as stupid as socialist pink liberal tree hugging commie whites.

Fixed it for you... You're welcome.

Most Americans are still not happy with the way the government is doing, too. Keep that in mind. Trump is a real American, probably the 1st since Reagan or Truman. We're tired of the bullshit, I'm tellin' ya. People do know how to tie nooses and lynch. That's what America was founded on..the people as the ruling class.
We are in the midst of a cold civil war. As a nation, we are at least as divided as we were prior to the civil war of 1860's.
Just like our prior civil war, the main point of separation is civil rights. It was slavery in 1860. Today, it is the civil rights of many minority groups.

Let's hope our current civil war stays cold and it will be fought at the ballot box.

Just like our prior civil war, the side for equal civil rights for all will win out.
What planet are you posting from? We just elected a black man to two terms in the WH and prominent Hispanics are under consideration for the job.
the side for equal civil rights for all

which would require a society that treats everyone the same, which the Democrats have never done, since the Democrats have always been obsessed with some form of fascist state sponsored DNA discrimination

"affirmative" action

Unfortunately the first two have nothing to do with political parties and the third was launched by Republicans.

But do carry on making pretzels.
Obama showed that people who are not white are as stupid as socialist pink liberal tree hugging commie whites.

Then why did the MLK family reject QUEER-O and end up supporting Trump?

You do no good when you become just as petty and bigoted as QUEER-O.

Indeed, when black America is confronted with the irrefutable truth that QUEER-O is a cocksucker and his "wife" is a man, they will reject him much more than they do now...
Unfortunately the first two have nothing to do with political parties and the third was launched by Republicans.

I don't think the late Marion Barry could make a more foolish and easily discredited comment...
Unfortunately the first two have nothing to do with political parties and the third was launched by Republicans.

I don't think the late Marion Barry could make a more foolish and easily discredited comment...

I didn't post about Marion Barry. I posted about your post. And apparently you have no response except to call for "Marion Barry".

By the way speaking of bizarre posts what the fuck is this "Queero" you keep referring to? My tinfoil hat is in the shop.
We just won the cold war with the left, Kavanaugh gives us control of the SC. Dem's can pass all the crazy ass socialist crap they want now we'll slap it down in the SCOTUS. That's why Dem's are so unhinged over Kavanaugh.

We can't underestimate democrats, they know they lost the Kavanaugh vote because they no longer control the FBI.

What needs to happen is any and all involved in manufacturing false claims including any members of the media knowingly promoting false claims should be indicted. The false claims against Kavanaugh were far greater and caused tremendous more damage than a hoax crime.

If no one is held accountable, democrats will have an easier time doing this again and persuading more people to lie with the understanding of there being no risk involved, but a chance of a big gofundme payout.
We just won the cold war with the left, Kavanaugh gives us control of the SC. Dem's can pass all the crazy ass socialist crap they want now we'll slap it down in the SCOTUS. That's why Dem's are so unhinged over Kavanaugh.

We can't underestimate democrats, they know they lost the Kavanaugh vote because they no longer control the FBI.

What needs to happen is any and all involved in manufacturing false claims including any members of the media knowingly promoting false claims should be indicted. The false claims against Kavanaugh were far greater and caused tremendous more damage than a hoax crime.

If no one is held accountable, democrats will have an easier time doing this again and persuading more people to lie with the understanding of there being no risk involved, but a chance of a big gofundme payout.

That's a good point, it is werid all of a sudden how the left lost their grip on the FBI.
We just won the cold war with the left, Kavanaugh gives us control of the SC. Dem's can pass all the crazy ass socialist crap they want now we'll slap it down in the SCOTUS. That's why Dem's are so unhinged over Kavanaugh.

We can't underestimate democrats, they know they lost the Kavanaugh vote because they no longer control the FBI.

What needs to happen is any and all involved in manufacturing false claims including any members of the media knowingly promoting false claims should be indicted. The false claims against Kavanaugh were far greater and caused tremendous more damage than a hoax crime.

If no one is held accountable, democrats will have an easier time doing this again and persuading more people to lie with the understanding of there being no risk involved, but a chance of a big gofundme payout.

Absolutely, prosecute her!

What are people waiting for? The evidence she didn't reveal needs to be examined.
We just won the cold war with the left, Kavanaugh gives us control of the SC. Dem's can pass all the crazy ass socialist crap they want now we'll slap it down in the SCOTUS. That's why Dem's are so unhinged over Kavanaugh.

Are you new to this country or what?

The Supreme Court isn't supposed to be political. It's there to interpret and uphold the Constitution, not to descend into petty squabbles between "us" and "them" or "left" and "right". There is no "left", "right" or "them" in the Constitution. It's all "US".

This is like basic fourth-grade civics.

And that's what was so concerning about Kavanaugh's partisan-paranoia tirade.
Yes this is a cold civil war that will certainly become hot. Neither party is willing to put up with the ideology of the other. It can only end in violence. Not with lines of demarcation as in the civil war but in street by street, town by town. Like Syria.
We are in the midst of a cold civil war. As a nation, we are at least as divided as we were prior to the civil war of 1860's.
Just like our prior civil war, the main point of separation is civil rights. It was slavery in 1860. Today, it is the civil rights of many minority groups.

Let's hope our current civil war stays cold and it will be fought at the ballot box.

Just like our prior civil war, the side for equal civil rights for all will win out.

Which civil rights and of which groups are being challenged?

No one is going to lay down their lives, or encourage dumber, younger people to lay down theirs for a cause you can't even define.
We are in the midst of a cold civil war. As a nation, we are at least as divided as we were prior to the civil war of 1860's.
Just like our prior civil war, the main point of separation is civil rights. It was slavery in 1860. Today, it is the civil rights of many minority groups.

Let's hope our current civil war stays cold and it will be fought at the ballot box.

Just like our prior civil war, the side for equal civil rights for all will win out.
Slavery was wrong and supported by the Democrats. Today, the Democrats are supporting murdering babies and perversion. The Democrats were wrong then and they're wrong now.
Democrats of 1860 are the Republicans of 2016. Abortion is just one issue. Probably the toughest one. The rights of a woman against the rights of the unborn child.
Murdering an unborn human isn't a "right", not is it "health care".

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