We are in the midst of a cold civil war

We are in the midst of a cold civil war. As a nation, we are at least as divided as we were prior to the civil war of 1860's.
Just like our prior civil war, the main point of separation is civil rights. It was slavery in 1860. Today, it is the civil rights of many minority groups.

Let's hope our current civil war stays cold and it will be fought at the ballot box.

Just like our prior civil war, the side for equal civil rights for all will win out.
Slavery was wrong and supported by the Democrats. Today, the Democrats are supporting murdering babies and perversion. The Democrats were wrong then and they're wrong now.
Unlike the left I'm fine with the SC ruling against conservatives if the ruling is grounded in the Constitution. I don't expect every SC ruling to go my way and the SC is the SC of all the American people. SC justices who ignore the Constitution, twist it, undermine it so they can rule in favor of the left yeah I have a big problem with that.
We are in the midst of a cold civil war. As a nation, we are at least as divided as we were prior to the civil war of 1860's.
Just like our prior civil war, the main point of separation is civil rights. It was slavery in 1860. Today, it is the civil rights of many minority groups.

Let's hope our current civil war stays cold and it will be fought at the ballot box.

Just like our prior civil war, the side for equal civil rights for all will win out.

Yes, we are in a civil war. The issue is civil rights for each individual, not the phony b'loney variety limited to identity-politics groups you loons promote.

You're not going to like it when the Normals really fight back.
One person's normal is another person's idiot
We just won the cold war with the left, Kavanaugh gives us control of the SC. Dem's can pass all the crazy ass socialist crap they want now we'll slap it down in the SCOTUS. That's why Dem's are so unhinged over Kavanaugh.

From around the web...

This is how stupid liberals are, they think they can win politically even though they lost the court for at least 30 years.

Wake up to the Supreme Court's delegitimization of itself
The Court has turned into a partisan institution where the justices are treated as some kind of god-like figures. While we have made some meager gains (striking down parts of DOMA, kind of saving Obamacare, etc.), the court has proven itself to be on the side of the monied and tyrants.

The writing was on the wall with Bush v. Gore. Bush allowed 9/11 to happen by ignoring the "imminent threat" warnings, thereby replacing criticism of government with hollow patriotism.

Conservatives are worse than liars and snakes. They are cruel, backward authoritarians who seek to strip women of their agency for reproductive rights. They hide behind a fig leaf of textualism, where they can use the constitution like prophesies from Nostradamus -- where they make the constitution fit whatever whim they have pulled from their collective ass.

So fuck the GOP. Fuck conservatives. Fuck everything about them and their judges. The court helped make some progressive gains, but it hasn't been on our side for more than two decades.

Unless we change the makeup of the court, it is a barrier to progressive ideals. Therefore, we either change the institution when we have power, or we wake up and treat the court as it has cast itself and how the GOP has shaped it -- as a corrupt cancer on the body politic.

And we will have political power again. We are the majority.
We have the fire of resistance burning in our bellies. The vote in November is our opportunity to start turning the worm.
We are in the midst of a cold civil war. As a nation, we are at least as divided as we were prior to the civil war of 1860's.
Just like our prior civil war, the main point of separation is civil rights. It was slavery in 1860. Today, it is the civil rights of many minority groups

I love when white people tell brown people what their struggle is
The biggest minority demanding equality are women of all colors.
There are many women who do not think for themselves and think like their husbands tell them too. A few on this site. "Uncle Tom" women
What kind of stupid ass shit is this? Women are a minority?

Do you ever think before you post?
We are in the midst of a cold civil war. As a nation, we are at least as divided as we were prior to the civil war of 1860's.
Just like our prior civil war, the main point of separation is civil rights.

Actually, the main point of separation here is a free republic versus totalitarian rule.
We are in the midst of a cold civil war. As a nation, we are at least as divided as we were prior to the civil war of 1860's.
Just like our prior civil war, the main point of separation is civil rights. It was slavery in 1860. Today, it is the civil rights of many minority groups.

Let's hope our current civil war stays cold and it will be fought at the ballot box.

Just like our prior civil war, the side for equal civil rights for all will win out.
Yeah but today its all contrived bullshit for the weak minded....some people just can't accept that the civil rights movement is over....not needed anymore...get over it....people are equal in America...if you want to bitch about real civil right misdeeds move to China....or Obama's home nation and continent.....
The biggest minority demanding equality are women of all colors.
There are many women who do not think for themselves and think like their husbands tell them too. A few on this site. "Uncle Tom" women

Sure there are. :cuckoo:

Tell my wife that. Please bring a small baggie to carry your teeth home in...I would take care of the injury to my wife's hand...but she'll likely just walk it off.
We are in the midst of a cold civil war. As a nation, we are at least as divided as we were prior to the civil war of 1860's.
Just like our prior civil war, the main point of separation is civil rights. It was slavery in 1860. Today, it is the civil rights of many minority groups.

Let's hope our current civil war stays cold and it will be fought at the ballot box.

Just like our prior civil war, the side for equal civil rights for all will win out.
Slavery was wrong and supported by the Democrats. Today, the Democrats are supporting murdering babies and perversion. The Democrats were wrong then and they're wrong now.
Democrats of 1860 are the Republicans of 2016. Abortion is just one issue. Probably the toughest one. The rights of a woman against the rights of the unborn child.
We are in the midst of a cold civil war. As a nation, we are at least as divided as we were prior to the civil war of 1860's.
Just like our prior civil war, the main point of separation is civil rights. It was slavery in 1860. Today, it is the civil rights of many minority groups.

Let's hope our current civil war stays cold and it will be fought at the ballot box.

Just like our prior civil war, the side for equal civil rights for all will win out.

Yes, we are in a civil war. The issue is civil rights for each individual, not the phony b'loney variety limited to identity-politics groups you loons promote.

You're not going to like it when the Normals really fight back.
One person's normal is another person's idiot

It's easy to see why you equate the two.

We just won the cold war with the left, Kavanaugh gives us control of the SC. Dem's can pass all the crazy ass socialist crap they want now we'll slap it down in the SCOTUS. That's why Dem's are so unhinged over Kavanaugh.

From around the web...

This is how stupid liberals are, they think they can win politically even though they lost the court for at least 30 years.

Wake up to the Supreme Court's delegitimization of itself
The Court has turned into a partisan institution where the justices are treated as some kind of god-like figures. While we have made some meager gains (striking down parts of DOMA, kind of saving Obamacare, etc.), the court has proven itself to be on the side of the monied and tyrants.

The writing was on the wall with Bush v. Gore. Bush allowed 9/11 to happen by ignoring the "imminent threat" warnings, thereby replacing criticism of government with hollow patriotism.

Conservatives are worse than liars and snakes. They are cruel, backward authoritarians who seek to strip women of their agency for reproductive rights. They hide behind a fig leaf of textualism, where they can use the constitution like prophesies from Nostradamus -- where they make the constitution fit whatever whim they have pulled from their collective ass.

So fuck the GOP. Fuck conservatives. Fuck everything about them and their judges. The court helped make some progressive gains, but it hasn't been on our side for more than two decades.

Unless we change the makeup of the court, it is a barrier to progressive ideals. Therefore, we either change the institution when we have power, or we wake up and treat the court as it has cast itself and how the GOP has shaped it -- as a corrupt cancer on the body politic.

And we will have political power again. We are the majority.
We have the fire of resistance burning in our bellies. The vote in November is our opportunity to start turning the worm.

Lets review, Dem's lost the House so they tried to delegitimize the Rep controlled House with Obama's pen and phone. They lost to Trump and immediately tried to delegitimize the election and attempt to delegitimize his presidency to this day. Then they tried to delegitimize Kavanaugh and failing that now they are trying to delegitimize the SCOTUS. Dem's refuse to accept the will of the people no matter how many times they lose.
We are in the midst of a cold civil war. As a nation, we are at least as divided as we were prior to the civil war of 1860's.
Just like our prior civil war, the main point of separation is civil rights. It was slavery in 1860. Today, it is the civil rights of many minority groups.

Let's hope our current civil war stays cold and it will be fought at the ballot box.

Just like our prior civil war, the side for equal civil rights for all will win out.
There would be no trump if there was no Obama, Karma is a bitch
The biggest minority demanding equality are women of all colors.
There are many women who do not think for themselves and think like their husbands tell them too. A few on this site. "Uncle Tom" women

Sure there are. :cuckoo:

Tell my wife that. Please bring a small baggie to carry your teeth home in...I would take care of the injury to my wife's hand...but she'll likely just walk it off.
Your wife does not listen to you, God bless her.
Are you saying "I'm still bitter, clinging to my guns, and religion?"
We are in the midst of a cold civil war. As a nation, we are at least as divided as we were prior to the civil war of 1860's.
Just like our prior civil war, the main point of separation is civil rights. It was slavery in 1860. Today, it is the civil rights of many minority groups

I love when white people tell brown people what their struggle is
The biggest minority demanding equality are women of all colors.
There are many women who do not think for themselves and think like their husbands tell them too. A few on this site. "Uncle Tom" women
Says the typical control freak
We are in the midst of a cold civil war. As a nation, we are at least as divided as we were prior to the civil war of 1860's.
Just like our prior civil war, the main point of separation is civil rights. It was slavery in 1860. Today, it is the civil rights of many minority groups.

Let's hope our current civil war stays cold and it will be fought at the ballot box.

Just like our prior civil war, the side for equal civil rights for all will win out.
There would be no trump if there was no Obama, Karma is a bitch
Possibly so. Obama scared the hell out of insecure old white people.
Obama showed that people who are not white are as capable as whites.
The biggest minority demanding equality are women of all colors.
There are many women who do not think for themselves and think like their husbands tell them too. A few on this site. "Uncle Tom" women

Sure there are. :cuckoo:

Tell my wife that. Please bring a small baggie to carry your teeth home in...I would take care of the injury to my wife's hand...but she'll likely just walk it off.
Your wife does not listen to you, God bless her.

To her, I'm a moderate.

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