we are teaching young people to hate

I am not a spelling or grammer nazi cause I know I really suck at both. You need to slow down or sober up, I do not understand what you are saying.
i had disabiity bully democrat. STFU and move on.
I am not a spelling or grammer nazi cause I know I really suck at both. You need to slow down or sober up, I do not understand what you are saying.
"Educated" People Deserve No Respect

I understand it, but it gives me a headache. Besides, until the Netrix posters quit using they with a singular antecedent and all the other grammatical monstrosities parroted from the Diploma Dumbo media, they live in glass houses and shouldn't throw stones.

"People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" was intentionally disfigured into "If someone lives in a glass house, they shouldn't throw stones."
You do realize the Klan were democrats, right?


what you fail to acknowledge and accept is that those Southern Democrats were Conservative Confederates.

You see,^^^^^, the Confederate flag waving conservative generation of today was those old Southern Dixiecrats, in other words, todays Conservatives.

Deny it all you want.

what you fail to acknowledge and accept is that those Southern Democrats were Conservative Confederates.

You see,^^^^^, the Confederate flag waving conservative generation of today was those old Southern Dixiecrats, in other words, todays Conservatives.

Deny it all you want.
nope dem never take credit for what they cause.
The Republican Plutocrats Freed the Slaves So They Could Have Cheap and Grateful Scab Labor

Republicans love the rich. The rich look down upon all other White people. That's why GOPers virtue-signal about racism.
yep republicans freed the slaves they came to be because of evil democrats. who still are today all they care about is money, power and communism. their dumb leader biden wants us to be like communist china he has said many times. Dude can make sentence or know were the hell he is.
"Educated" People Deserve No Respect

I understand it, but it gives me a headache. Besides, until the Netrix posters quit using they with a singular antecedent and all the other grammatical monstrosities parroted from the Diploma Dumbo media, they live in glass houses and shouldn't throw stones.

"People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" was intentionally disfigured into "If someone lives in a glass house, they shouldn't throw stones."
your not educated at all. i can tell. picking on people with disabilities like any other democratic bully. Follow your own advice. Learning disabilities have nothing to do with intelligence. Educate yourself on it and you would know. Students with specific learning disabilities have average to above average intelligence. STFU!

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