We are Trump Supporters

I do hesitate to call people Nazis. It diminishes the horrific nature of the accusation. I leave that to the leftists.
Hilarious fuckup

I call you sycophants or christian national socialists.

Both of which are true.
DeSantis has a record of beating the democrats. He's got a record of increasing his parties majority.
Trump doesn't.

The dems blocked Trump because Trump is weak. The ONLY time the left can run over a Republican president is when they're in the majority and/or when the president is weak. But even when the GOP had the house and senate, the democrats still ran over Trump like a rag doll.
FFS, even Dementia Joe is not as weak as Trump. He's not letting Johnson run over him.
Mmkay we agree on DeSantis. rinos helped democrats block trump. They would probably have done the same thing if DeSantis was president. Trump is one tough son of a bitch, I bet he could run circles around you! Comparing dementia Joe to Trump hahaha. How lame. So dishonest. Trump deserves another chance he was obstructed so badly. I'm going to vote for him and we'll see how he does. I have good feelings
With Trump and his tax cuts, you lost money. All that over spending ($8 trillion) devalued the currency way more than you got in tax cuts. Trump can take his tax cuts back. Just give me the value of the USD before he took office. And I'll be way ahead.
Trump gave us money.
How many kids has Joe sent into the sex trade business with his open borders? A lot. Many many. You do realize when you commit crimes sometimes you can be separated from your parents?

You trying to get me to say Biden sucks? No shit, Sherlock. He does suck. But you can't just keep blaming Biden for doing the same shit that Trump did, and pretend that Trump didn't it to?
Either you're against what's been done and all those who did it. Or you're a bias Trump ball washer.

You nitwitz claim that "it's not about Trump." But when both Biden and Trump do the same exact thing, you only blame Biden for it.

Trump OWNS you.
Just give me the value of our money before Biden took over! What a deflection hahaha

The value of the currency hasn't dropped much since Biden's been in office. The inflation he'll create isn't going to show up in the economy until later next year or maybe into 2026.

You really don't know much about monetary policy or how inflation works, do you? I even turned you on to Milton Friedman. I guess you didn't watch the video's and hear him explain how that works. Because you don't want to. You like being a blind lemming, following Trump around.

My advice to you...... Don't get into discussions about monetary policy, inflation, debt, deficits or things that pertain to the USD value. Because you look like a fucking retard.
You trying to get me to say Biden sucks? No shit, Sherlock. He does suck. But you can't just keep blaming Biden for doing the same shit that Trump did, and pretend that Trump didn't it to?
Either you're against what's been done and all those who did it. Or you're a bias Trump ball washer.

You nitwitz claim that "it's not about Trump." But when both Biden and Trump do the same exact thing, you only blame Biden for it.

Trump OWNS you.
Trump is nothing like Biden. To claim that he is is ignorance at a high degree. You don't want to be known for being ignorant do you?
The value of the currency hasn't dropped much since Biden's been in office. The inflation he'll create isn't going to show up in the economy until later next year or maybe into 2026.

You really don't know much about monetary policy or how inflation works, do you? I even turned you on to Milton Friedman. I guess you didn't watch the video's and hear him explain how that works. Because you don't want to. You like being a blind lemming, following Trump around.

My advice to you...... Don't get into discussions about monetary policy, inflation, debt, deficits or things that pertain to the USD value. Because you look like a fucking retard.
My money is worth about 20% less for what I'm buying right now. I may not be an an economic expert but I know that. You sound like an arrogant son of a bitch, one of those "experts" that the government relies on to control the population. Fuck your advice
You trying to get me to say Biden sucks? No shit, Sherlock. He does suck. But you can't just keep blaming Biden for doing the same shit that Trump did, and pretend that Trump didn't it to?
Either you're against what's been done and all those who did it. Or you're a bias Trump ball washer.

You nitwitz claim that "it's not about Trump." But when both Biden and Trump do the same exact thing, you only blame Biden for it.

Trump OWNS you.
Biden loves to brag he took us out of a bad economy. Give him full credit for importing child sex slaves and is the leading importer of illegal aliens and also the champion of fentanyl.
In case anyone is confused. Trump supporters do not worship Trump.
It has never been about a man. It has always been about an idea.
We support free speech, the Constitution, the Second Amendment, and America.
We support freedom, not a man. We are not Trump supporters we are freedom supporters and that will never change. It doesn't matter who is in charge. We will never be silenced.
lol this absolute bullshit.
Biden loves to brag he took us out of a bad economy. Give him full credit for importing child sex slaves and is the leading importer of illegal aliens and also the champion of fentanyl.

Well Biden is lying as much as Trump did. Trump didn't make our economy better, any more than Biden did. The government has almost no control over the economy. "We the People" get the economy back up and running, after the government screws it up.

They don't control the flow of those coming here either. Or what they bring. That's determined BEFORE they reach the border. Trump couldn't control it. Biden couldn't control it. And neither one has any solution what so ever.
It must suck to be as gullible As You Are
Oh really? So I’m way off base with a moron who sells laughable, childish products like NFT’s or $400 sneakers? How about donating money to a billionaire’s legal cases? That all to you isn’t cult behavior?
My money is worth about 20% less for what I'm buying right now. I may not be an an economic expert but I know that. You sound like an arrogant son of a bitch, one of those "experts" that the government relies on to control the population. Fuck your advice

That 20% is mostly from the Trump era spending and by now some of Biden's. Inflation doesn't just fall from the sky every time there's a huge spending bill signed into law. Or a bunch of money borrowed from the Fed. It takes years to show up in the economy. And just as long for we the people to adjust to it. To recoup from Trumps spending, Biden borrowed a bunch and dumped it into the economy. The inflation that Biden is creating, isn't going to show up until the end of next year or more likely, in 2026.
But by then you'll have forgotten about the 8% inflation increase and the 15% USD devaluation that Trump created. So sometime in 2026, you'll be right back to blaming Biden for the high inflation. The only difference is, you'll be correct with your blame game. Right now, you're just washing Trumps balls and ignoring the fact that Trumps a big spending, big government, left leaning, lying politician.

Don't take my advice. Here's some from an expert.

It's ONLY 3 minutes.
Trump is nothing like Biden. To claim that he is is ignorance at a high degree. You don't want to be known for being ignorant do you?

They're not the same? Really? Well, let's check the facts. Shall we?

Both increased the debt ceiling, the debt and inflation. Both funded gender studies. Both are anti 2A. (But Biden didn't ban bump stocks). Both dropped bombs in the middle east (but at least Biden got us out of Afghanistan) Both funded Obamacare. Both funded Planned Parenthood. Even to those states that perform abortions. Both reauthorized FISA 702 (warrantless spying on Americans), the NDAA and the Patriot acts. (all which have some very unconstitutional clauses in them)...
Bro, I could go on and on and on with the similarities of these two lefties. And you still wouldn't agree that Trump is a lefty.

FFS, do you even know what makes someone a lefty? It's not their party affiliation. It's their actions. It's what they do, not what they say.

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