We are Trump Supporters

You must be a fuck up from some ghetto somewhere. Ignorant as hell. A government cuck
Awww, don't be triggered fuckup. You have the graph in your aviator and think it shows fraud right.

Typical GNF from waukasaw.
The lies that you've posted? We were victimized by the left and their budgets that Trump had to pass to keep the government open. You have an ass backward idea of what the left is and what the left is all about if you think Trump is a leftist. Trump is the freedom candidate. Stop lying
Awww, don't be triggered fuckup. You have the graph in your aviator and think it shows fraud right.

Typical GNF from waukasaw.
Did I hurt your feelings? Well deserved on your part I might say As You Are almost too stupid for words LOL. That sucks you don't like my graph, don't look at it fuck up hahaha
Loser lol

Did I hurt your feelings? Well deserved on your part I might say As You Are almost too stupid for words LOL. That sucks you don't like my graph, don't look at it fuck up hahaha
It just shows that you stupidity believe in a lie.

And shows you an idiot for defending the lie.

But hey, you live in waukashaw.
It just shows that you stupidity believe in a lie.

And shows you an idiot for defending the lie.

But hey, you live in waukashaw.
You are such a buffoon! Is there anyone in your family that's not mentally ill that you could bring on here so we don't have to listen to your drivel? Or are they as stupid as you are. LOL
The lies that you've posted? We were victimized by the left and their budgets that Trump had to pass to keep the government open. You have an ass backward idea of what the left is and what the left is all about if you think Trump is a leftist. Trump is the freedom candidate. Stop lying

I didn't lie one time. I wanted the Trump that was campaigning. The one that said he was going to get the wall built, zero out the national debt, reduce the deficit, balance trade with China & Mexico, bring jobs back, save the US trillions, repeal the ACA, protect our gun rights. And "lock her up."
That's the Trump I, and everyone who leans right, wanted. But it's not what we got. Not even in his first 2 years with a GOP majority in the House and Senate.

But Trump didn't even try to do any of those. FFS, a week after the election he told his supporters he wasn't going to go after Hillary. Within 3 months of taking office, he was trying to replace our government ran healthcare system with another government ran healthcare system. What the fuck ISN'T left leaning about that. No republican should be supporting a government ran healthcare system. But Trump does.
And you support that. Which makes you just as left leaning as Trump. You just don't realize how far left of center Trump has taken you, his supporters and the party.
I have waited since 1938 for that to happen. We keep getting Democrat assholes pretty often.

Donald Trump’s political action committees spent more than $50m on legal fees over the course of 2023, as the former president’s legal troubles intensified in the face of 91 felony counts across four criminal cases.

According to documents filed with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) on Wednesday night, Save America, Trump’s leadership Pac that has shouldered most of the financial burden of his legal battles, entered 2024 with just $5m in cash on hand after spending more than $25m on legal expenses over the last six months of 2023.
I didn't lie one time. I wanted the Trump that was campaigning. The one that said he was going to get the wall built, zero out the national debt, reduce the deficit, balance trade with China & Mexico, bring jobs back, save the US trillions, repeal the ACA, protect our gun rights. And "lock her up."
That's the Trump I, and everyone who leans right, wanted. But it's not what we got. Not even in his first 2 years with a GOP majority in the House and Senate.

But Trump didn't even try to do any of those. FFS, a week after the election he told his supporters he wasn't going to go after Hillary. Within 3 months of taking office, he was trying to replace our government ran healthcare system with another government ran healthcare system. What the fuck ISN'T left leaning about that. No republican should be supporting a government ran healthcare system. But Trump does.
And you support that. Which makes you just as left leaning as Trump. You just don't realize how far left of center Trump has taken you, his supporters and the party.
Trump didn't want to build a wall? The Democrats fought him tooth and nail and gave him nothing for his effort. You are out of your mind if you think Trump is a leftist. Yeah he wanted to get rid of Obamacare the leftist Socialist program that was bankrupting the middle class. It was the rino McCain that stopped that! WTF are you talking about you are as dumb as a rock and a liar as well. Trump is no leftist, he hates socialism. Socialism is leftism dumbass.
Trump didn't want to build a wall?

I didn't say he didn't want to. Obviously he did. But he was a good enough leader to get it done. He was as "ineffective" as Jimmy Carter was. Even when his own party had the majority. Funny how Trump says that Biden could secure the border with an EO. But he never did that himself when he was president. In fact, all Trump did was beg Pelosi for the money. Again, ineffective.
One of his promises was to have the "art of the deal." To get republicans and democrats to come together and get things done. He was supposedly the master at doing that. You know, something only a business man can do. But again, he didn't get it done.
Blaming the left coming in 3........2.....1

The Democrats fought him tooth and nail and gave him nothing for his effort. You are out of your mind if you think Trump is a leftist. Yeah he wanted to get rid of Obamacare the leftist Socialist program that was bankrupting the middle class. It was the rino McCain that stopped that! WTF are you talking about you are as dumb as a rock and a liar as well. Trump is no leftist, he hates socialism. Socialism is leftism dumbass.

Trump wanted a government ran healthcare system.<<<< What part of that do you not understand? No republican, that leans right of center, would ever, EVER propose something that leans that far left.

FFS, and you still don't see how that makes him a lefty.

You're fucking blind. You're RINO blind.

BTW, You might take a gander at this. Remember, I told you I'd already explained what makes a RINO?
Here's my thread on it, from months ago.


Donald Trump’s political action committees spent more than $50m on legal fees over the course of 2023, as the former president’s legal troubles intensified in the face of 91 felony counts across four criminal cases.
Democrats believe their path to success is breaking Trump and the PAC's you mention. How would you like it happening to Biden?
I didn't say he didn't want to. Obviously he did. But he was a good enough leader to get it done. He was as "ineffective" as Jimmy Carter was. Even when his own party had the majority. Funny how Trump says that Biden could secure the border with an EO. But he never did that himself when he was president. In fact, all Trump did was beg Pelosi for the money. Again, ineffective.
One of his promises was to have the "art of the deal." To get republicans and democrats to come together and get things done. He was supposedly the master at doing that. You know, something only a business man can do. But again, he didn't get it done.
Blaming the left coming in 3........2.....1

Trump wanted a government ran healthcare system.<<<< What part of that do you not understand? No republican, that leans right of center, would ever, EVER propose something that leans that far left.

FFS, and you still don't see how that makes him a lefty.

You're fucking blind. You're RINO blind.

BTW, You might take a gander at this. Remember, I told you I'd already explained what makes a RINO?
Here's my thread on it, from months ago.


Trump overestimated the amount of resistance was going to receive from the Democrats. That was a fault of his thinking that he could actually work with them. The Democrats are the leftist scum, You don't know what you're talking about. A rino is a republican in the name only and leans left. Trump is not a leftist, he proves it by hating socialism. The Democrats would not give him one dime towards his wall. The leftist Biden started dismantling any wall that was there as soon as he got into office. It is too bad that Trump caved to the Democrats in their ridiculous budget and debt ceiling that cost so much money. Oh well. The money spent towards the pandemic was necessary at the time however. Biden exacerbated the spending and caused the inflation we are experiencing now. Please post a trump quote wanting a government-run Health Care system. Either that or you're a liar. This conversation is amazing at the level of projection you leftists are stooping to.
Trump overestimated the amount of resistance was going to receive from the Democrats. That was a fault of his thinking that he could actually work with them. The Democrats are the leftist scum, You don't know what you're talking about. A rino is a republican in the name only and leans left. Trump is not a leftist, he proves it by hating socialism. The Democrats would not give him one dime towards his wall. The leftist Biden started dismantling any wall that was there as soon as he got into office. It is too bad that Trump caved to the Democrats in their ridiculous budget and debt ceiling that cost so much money. Oh well. The money spent towards the pandemic was necessary at the time however. Biden exacerbated the spending and caused the inflation we are experiencing now. Please post a trump quote wanting a government-run Health Care system. Either that or you're a liar. This conversation is amazing at the level of projection you leftists are stooping to.

Trump couldn't work with democrats because he's used to giving orders and bashing people for not following them. Which makes him a sucky leader. Imagine having a boss like that. Or better yet, working with someone like that, that you don't have to take orders from.

I'm not sure why the left gave Trump so much trouble. Especially since he caved to the left on so many issues. He practically gave Pelosi everything she wanted. She steam rolled him at every turn. When begging didn't work, he would appease her. (IE Assaulting our 2A, just to appease the left)

Fact is, Trump was so good for the left, they should be trying to recruit him. He was better for the left than he was the conservative wing of the GOP. He was fine and dandy for the RINO and the democrats.

You've got one excuse after another for Trump don't you? It's always the democrats fault. Even when Trump had a full GOP congressional majority, you still blame the left.
Why is it that RINO's NEVER hold their own accountable? Seriously, what is it about Trump that keeps you defending a republican with such a left leaning record?
We through G HW Bush under the bus for being so left leaning. Now a days, you RINO's hold them on high.
Trump couldn't work with democrats because he's used to giving orders and bashing people for not following them. Which makes him a sucky leader. Imagine having a boss like that. Or better yet, working with someone like that, that you don't have to take orders from.

I'm not sure why the left gave Trump so much trouble. Especially since he caved to the left on so many issues. He practically gave Pelosi everything she wanted. She steam rolled him at every turn. When begging didn't work, he would appease her. (IE Assaulting our 2A, just to appease the left)

Fact is, Trump was so good for the left, they should be trying to recruit him. He was better for the left than he was the conservative wing of the GOP. He was fine and dandy for the RINO and the democrats.

You've got one excuse after another for Trump don't you? It's always the democrats fault. Even when Trump had a full GOP congressional majority, you still blame the left.
Why is it that RINO's NEVER hold their own accountable? Seriously, what is it about Trump that keeps you defending a republican with such a left leaning record?
We through G HW Bush under the bus for being so left leaning. Now a days, you RINO's hold them on high.
Seriously I don't agree with everything Trump did or said. I know the Democrats are extremely dishonest and one of Trump's major defeats was in believing he could work with them. They went behind his back and attacked on every level, it was disgusting the way the Democrats acted with their lies. Imagine working with people like that who used lawfare

Screenshot_20220723-100823_Chrome.jpg against you and lied about your every move. To use your analogy. What I saw with Trump was a person willing to work from dawn to dusk to try to improve things and get things done. I saw Democrats bringing forth bill after Bill of pork and waste and putting it on his desk holding the country hostage to keep its government running. You can project and lie all you want but those are the things that I saw

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