We are Trump Supporters

Trump was responsible for not one of those deaths as he didn't invade Afghanistan

and Biden is responsible for the doha agreement that Trump negotiated?
I can see someone as short-sighted and shallow as you comparing January 6th of something racist. Makes perfect sense for the idiot class.

Let's see. A riot at a protest or a coordinated effort by the president of the fucking united states to overthrow the government.

You're a nazi or Putin supporter. Think about it. The same assholes in Russia who say they like Putin are just like the assholes in this country who like Trump.
Let's see. A riot at a protest or a coordinated effort by the president of the fucking united states to overthrow the government.

You're a nazi or Putin supporter. Think about it. The same assholes in Russia who say they like Putin are just like the assholes in this country who like Trump.
Let's see. A riot at a protest or a coordinated effort by the president of the fucking united states to overthrow the government.

Nah, that's not what happened. You really are a tool. Is everyone you don't like a Nazi? LOL
You're wrong. That's NOT what a RINO is. Not even close. The only difference between Romney and Trump is that they don't like each other. Policy wise, they're almost identical.
The correct acronym for RINO is CINO... Wait, I've already explain all this too you and you did exactly what I said you'd do.

Projecting? Not at all. As I've said, I've explained all this in length, many times here. And not once did any of you die hard Trump supporters even try to understand. The definition of insanity applies here. So I'm not going to spell it all out for you, when you're only going to try and spin it, dodge it or change the subject. Like in this very instance. You're changing the subject to to "me," instead of trying to understand what's being said. It's simply not worth all the effort. I spent months trying to understand monetary issues, the Federal Reserve, how inflation starts and end. Trying to explain something as easy, but still complex, in "cliff notes," to someone who doesn't want to understand it, would be insane on my part.
That's exactly what a rino is. Republican in name only. People like John McCain, james comey, john brennon, chris christie. people frightened of trump that claim to be Republicans but work closely with the left and their propaganda. Selfish people who care little about patriotism in their country. How did you get it so wrong?
You're wrong. That's NOT what a RINO is. Not even close. The only difference between Romney and Trump is that they don't like each other. Policy wise, they're almost identical.
The correct acronym for RINO is CINO... Wait, I've already explain all this too you and you did exactly what I said you'd do.

Projecting? Not at all. As I've said, I've explained all this in length, many times here. And not once did any of you die hard Trump supporters even try to understand. The definition of insanity applies here. So I'm not going to spell it all out for you, when you're only going to try and spin it, dodge it or change the subject. Like in this very instance. You're changing the subject to to "me," instead of trying to understand what's being said. It's simply not worth all the effort. I spent months trying to understand monetary issues, the Federal Reserve, how inflation starts and end. Trying to explain something as easy, but still complex, in "cliff notes," to someone who doesn't want to understand it, would be insane on my part.

You're wrong. That's NOT what a RINO is. Not even close. The only difference between Romney and Trump is that they don't like each other. Policy wise, they're almost identical.
The correct acronym for RINO is CINO... Wait, I've already explain all this too you and you did exactly what I said you'd do.

spent months trying to understand monetary issues, the Federal Reserve, how inflation starts and end. Trying to explain something as easy, but still complex, in "cliff notes," to someone who doesn't want to understand it, would be insane on my part.

My question is how did you fail so catastrophically? LOL must be a matter of intelligence.
That's exactly what a rino is. Republican in name only. People like John McCain, james comey, john brennon, chris christie. people frightened of trump that claim to be Republicans but work closely with the left and their propaganda. Selfish people who care little about patriotism in their country. How did you get it so wrong?

You're misinformed.

RINO is meant for Republicans who aren't fiscal and constitutional conservative. Big spending, big government republicans.
It's always been that, since the 70's. It's why Reagan was first big time RINO.
That's exactly what a rino is. Republican in name only. People like John McCain, james comey, john brennon, chris christie. people frightened of trump that claim to be Republicans but work closely with the left and their propaganda. Selfish people who care little about patriotism in their country. How did you get it so wrong?

This is not the definition of a RINO

people frightened of trump that claim to be Republicans but work closely with the left and their propaganda. Selfish people who care little about patriotism in their country.

Is Mike Pence a RINO? Why? He wasn't afraid of Trump just unwilling to go along with breaking the law and constitution.
This is not the definition of a RINO

people frightened of trump that claim to be Republicans but work closely with the left and their propaganda. Selfish people who care little about patriotism in their country.

Is Mike Pence a RINO? Why? He wasn't afraid of Trump just unwilling to go along with breaking the law and constitution.

Pence's voting record made Pence a RINO. Anyone with less than 90%, on this site, is a RINO.
I rely on their actions, not their words. Voting records are the easiest way to determine if they're a RINO or not.
My state is solid red. But every last one of them are RINO's.
This is not the definition of a RINO

people frightened of trump that claim to be Republicans but work closely with the left and their propaganda. Selfish people who care little about patriotism in their country.

Is Mike Pence a RINO? Why? He wasn't afraid of Trump just unwilling to go along with breaking the law and constitution.
I do not consider Mike Pence a rino. Not afraid of trump. Not afraid of a little patriotism. Never really spouted leftist drivel and propaganda.
You're misinformed.

RINO is meant for Republicans who aren't fiscal and constitutional conservative. Big spending, big government republicans.
It's always been that, since the 70's. It's why Reagan was first big time RINO.
Wrong. Ronald Reagan was never considered a rino. Republican in name only.
Pence's voting record made Pence a RINO. Anyone with less than 90%, on this site, is a RINO.
I rely on their actions, not their words. Voting records are the easiest way to determine if they're a RINO or not.
My state is solid red. But every last one of them are RINO's.
He's so right wing that corporations wouldn't do business in Indiana.
Pence's voting record made Pence a RINO. Anyone with less than 90%, on this site, is a RINO.
I rely on their actions, not their words. Voting records are the easiest way to determine if they're a RINO or not.
My state is solid red. But every last one of them are RINO's.
Trump would not make the list.
Probably the more similar a comparison would be comparing you to the Russians who today support and like Putin. I'm sure like here 45% love him.
I don't think you're Russian conspiracy theories really fly. Normal people don't really believe the Russian collusion and Russian interference crap .faux outrage and propaganda has become so common from your side . The only thing that you've accomplished is make me laugh hahaha
I don't think you're Russian conspiracy theories really fly. Normal people don't really believe the Russian collusion and Russian interference crap .faux outrage and propaganda has become so common from your side . The only thing that you've accomplished is make me laugh hahaha
Why are you changing the subject? I was simply saying you Trump supporters remind me of Putin supporters in Russia. No matter what bad thing he does, they love him. Just like you Trump supporters.

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