We are Trump Supporters

We do not have a revenue issue, we have a spending issue,

You're partially right. And he's partially right

Quoting bendog : Unfortunately Trump was no better than anyone else. He cut taxes, with more $ going on avg to the rich than the workers, but then increased spending .... and deficits
I looked up the final report on Floyd. He died of a heart attack. He did have fentanyl and methamphetamine in his system but he did not die because of that. Nor did it say it was the policeman's fault. It was most likely a combination of all of the above. And it was unnecessary. The jury found the correct verdict.

I disagree. The LEO's did what was necessary to get Floyd off the streets. Even going so far as to not force him into the back of the car. They tried. But he resisted arrest and fought like crazy. The dude was a mad man.
I'm not a democrat. I'm a fiscal conservative. Something the GOP used to be, before the started leaning left. It was fiscal and constitutional conservatism that made this country great to start with. Then you RINO's joined forces with the left and started tearing it apart.
I'm not a rhino and I would never join forces with the left. Looks like you are though
In case anyone is confused. Trump supporters do not worship Trump.
It has never been about a man. It has always been about an idea.
We support free speech, the Constitution, the Second Amendment, and America.
We support freedom, not a man. We are not Trump supporters we are freedom supporters and that will never change. It doesn't matter who is in charge. We will never be silenced.
We do not approve every word Trump says but did they approve every word said by Washington, Jefferson or Lincoln?
I'm not a rhino and I would never join forces with the left. Looks like you are though

If you support Trump, you're a rino. There's no way of spinning yourself out of that category or column. That would be like if you were a biological man claiming to be a woman. RINO's are just republicans who identify as conservatives.
If you support Trump, after spending $8 trillion, signing 3 omnibus bills, signing 12 cr's, assaulting our 2A, trying to give blacks $500 Billion (with a B) in reparations, not ending the war in Afghanistan and only vetoing 1 spending bill in 4 years, then you're a RINO.

Do you even understand what RINO means? FFS, it's not a republican who opposes Trump. There's plenty of actual conservatives that oppose Trump, for the things I listed above. (and then some)

Do you even understand fiscal conservatism?
If you support Trump, you're a rino. There's no way of spinning yourself out of that category or column. That would be like if you were a biological man claiming to be a woman. RINO's are just republicans who identify as conservatives.
If you support Trump, after spending $8 trillion, signing 3 omnibus bills, signing 12 cr's, assaulting our 2A, trying to give blacks $500 Billion (with a B) in reparations, not ending the war in Afghanistan and only vetoing 1 spending bill in 4 years, then you're a RINO.

Do you even understand what RINO means? FFS, it's not a republican who opposes Trump. There's plenty of actual conservatives that oppose Trump, for the things I listed above. (and then some)

Do you even understand fiscal conservatism?
Maybe you should explain to me what rino means. Maybe you should explain to me the principles of fiscal conservatism. Sounds to me like you don't know what you're talking about.
I know there are millions who put one man's word over the courts, elections and law enforcement.

Think long and hard about what you are willing to do for one man.
It is not me at all. I do not understand those believing in Biden and his courts. His justice system is jailing Republicans only.
An idea of making America great again
Pretty good thing though you hate and think it's a cult. That shows your ignorance an hatred to everything of American greatness.
What has Trump done to make us great?

Every president or presidential candidate claims he wants to make America great. But unlike the Nobel Prize people, I will reward the president when he accomplishes it.
What has Trump done to make us great?

Every president or presidential candidate claims he wants to make America great. But unlike the Nobel Prize people, I will reward the president when he accomplishes it.
I would want to read Biden saying he wants to make America great again. So far, nothing.
Maybe you should explain to me what rino means. Maybe you should explain to me the principles of fiscal conservatism. Sounds to me like you don't know what you're talking about.

I have quite a long history here of explaining those things.

I can explain all that, in length. But you're so devoted to Trump, that I doubt you'd bother reading much of it. Because it would be pretty lengthy. And Trump supporters attentions spans aren't normally very active after about 5 lines. This would take probably 100 lines.

But I'll turn you on to a few people who would be more articulate than I. But first you have to removed your orange colored glasses and at least try to understand some of it. Then compare it to Trumps 12cr's, all the omnibus bills he signed, the debt ceiling increases he was responsible for.

We'll start here.

P.S. RINO's acronym should be CINO. (conservative in name only) The RINO acronym came about when most republicans were conservative. A left leaning republican like Johnson and Trump, were abnormal for the GOP up until the 70's. Then Reagan put the debt and deficit into hyperdrive and became the first radical RINO.
We do not approve every word Trump says but did they approve every word said by Washington, Jefferson or Lincoln?

Let me put it a different way: "Assholes come and go. But America is here to stay."

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