We are Trump Supporters

Raising taxes on anyone does not add to inflation, because it is literally money that consumers cannot spend. Not that raising taxes to raise taxes excites anyone besides "the Squad."

Unfortunately Trump was no better than anyone else. He cut taxes, with more $ going on avg to the rich than the workers, but then increased spending .... and deficits. At least he didn't start an elective war that was not necessary, like W.

Trump's actual policies are not all bad. Closing the border (which he did, and which "should" help wages rise from the bottom up. ) Tariffs? See above - consumer goods are more expensive, which means people will buy less .... unless some idiot gives consumers "free money" to buy more shit with. Biden's kept the tariffs. Wonder why? The answer is obvious, even if tariffs do NOT cause US wages to rise on products not made here.

Even the gop congress handed Trump his own ass when he tried repealing Obamacare, but he didn't have an alternative. Abortion illegal .... that's a clusterfk for the gop. So, imo, Trump was least effective when he tried to govern with 44%.
We do not have a revenue issue, we have a spending issue, it starts with generational welfare, and it will get worse for states taking high amounts of illegals because well someone will have to pay for them!
In case anyone is confused. Trump supporters do not worship Trump.
It has never been about a man. It has always been about an idea.
We support free speech, the Constitution, the Second Amendment, and America.
We support freedom, not a man. We are not Trump supporters we are freedom supporters and that will never change. It doesn't matter who is in charge. We will never be silenced.
Lets break it down....

We support :
free speech, : Trump has asked to increase liable laws
the Constitution,
There is plenty of examples of Trump Supporters saying that US should governed by the Bible over the costitution.
That is anti Constution

the Second Amendment,
There are plenty of politicians who willing to let children get killed for the Second Amendment... Rest of want to know how many kids a year is it worth...

and America.
Kissed Putin's ass, an US enemy. Made US considerably weaker internationaly while in office... Other country leader were laughing at him... Trump is an international embarrassment, Americans who travel to Europe just apologise... Europeans answer back by saying, we all made mistakes...
Trump is a mistake, he oversaw the COVID response which killed 1.3m Americans and the only victim as far as he is concerned, was himself..
Hard for the gullible to understand but much of our Justice system has been corrupted by leftist ideology. That is the only way to explain the lawfare that's going on right now and the tilted two tiered system in place. We need to elect Trump to send a message that this is not okay.

Apparently, you've been drinking too much of Trump's Koolaid!

Delusion much?

BTW - The Justice system in the U.S. has always been, and is now, heavily biased in favor of the wealthy. That's the only reason Trump hasn't yet been put in prison. That's why his idiot minions that attacked the Capitol are in prison while he's still free.
You'll notice that they're fiercely against any American institution that can hold Trump accountable: The press, the courts, and the DOJ.

So the goal is to take care of that.

I hope that SCOTUS realizes that if Trump gets elected the first thing he's going to do is to destroy the independence on the judiciary - including SCOTUS.

This is a story that's been played out many times before.
....and the overthrow of elections when you don't like the results. Thus completely reversing your OP.

You assholes are the ones who have denied every rwpublican election win simce George W ....and whn Trump won you tried to get electora to vote against him and then obama began the Russia collusion hoax coup
I hope that SCOTUS realizes that if Trump gets elected the first thing he's going to do is to destroy the independence on the judiciary - including SCOTUS.

This is a story that's been played out many times before.
You really want to believe that, unlike Trump, the judges have grown into their critical positions. I guess we can just keep our fingers crossed.

And yeah, these people are having to completely ignore history. Or, they're thinking, "WE'LL be the ones who get this right wing authoritarian thing right. Pinochet was an amateur".
I hope that SCOTUS realizes that if Trump gets elected the first thing he's going to do is to destroy the independence on the judiciary - including SCOTUS.

This is a story that's been played out many times before.

Which he disnt do the first4 years....you dumb ass
Which he disnt do the first4 years....you dumb ass

The first 4 years were just a warmup. He dismissed enough good people for no good reason.

He's made it clear that his next administration will remove massive numbers of people from their jobs and put his mindless minions in their place.

He's going to remove all the guard rails that restricted his last administration.

And he's not even being secretive about it!

Don't believe me, believe Trump.
No it doesn't. Reagan, Bush and Trump all gave huge tax breaks to the rich did

Apparently, you've been drinking too much of Trump's Koolaid!

Delusion much?

BTW - The Justice system in the U.S. has always been, and is now, heavily biased in favor of the wealthy. That's the only reason Trump hasn't yet been put in prison. That's why his idiot minions that attacked the Capitol are in prison while he's still free.
Capital rioters are in prison, BLM rioters are not. Two-tiered justice system
Like you are doing, I can see the Nazi's on trial defending themselves by comparing themselves to Jewish shoplisfters.
I can see someone as short-sighted and shallow as you comparing January 6th of something racist. Makes perfect sense for the idiot class.
Do you always post without knowing any of the facts?

I found your article to be extremely biased. Here is a passage because I don't think you read it.
"The mob of Trump supporters whipped up by the former president’s lies about the election descended on the Capitol and pushed past police barriers, assaulted officers, smashed windows and sent lawmakers running in a stunning attempt to overturn the presidential election."

It is obvious that the election was rigged so that is not a lie. The protesters did not attempt to overturn an election, they were demonstrating what they perceived as a rigged election.
Many of the January 6th protesters are still languishing in jail awaiting sentence. The most they talked about anyone in the BLM getting was 5 years. January 6th protesters got up to 20. Two tier justice system in action.

Are the BLM protesters languishing in jail without a trial?
He (Trump) cut taxes, with more $ going on avg to the rich than the workers, but then increased spending .... and deficits. At least he didn't start an elective war that was not necessary, like W.

Spoken like a true Marxist. Envy and covet the "rich" - EEEVIL rich, right?

1. The "rich" pay the overwhelming majority of federal income taxes.
2. The "rich" pay far higher tax rates than the bottom 30 to 40% who pay next to nothing. So you CANNOT "cut taxes" on people who don't pay any.

Get that through your Marxist skull, please. Tax cuts usually increase the amount of federal income taxes the "rich" pay overall.
You Democrats certainly did your best to discourage him winning anything that's for sure. Doesn't matter to you what's good for the country. As long as you can obstruct. #spoiledlittlebrats

I'm not a democrat. I'm a fiscal conservative. Something the GOP used to be, before the started leaning left. It was fiscal and constitutional conservatism that made this country great to start with. Then you RINO's joined forces with the left and started tearing it apart.

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