We are Trump Supporters

Don't you realize when Reagan/Bush/Trump gave the rich tax breaks that shifted the tax burden more on to you? We have to raise your taxes because makers don't pay taxes anymore. Only takers. If you pay too much that means you're a taker. So STFU stupid.
Taxing the rich pushes taxes on me through inflation idiot! What do you have against successful people moron! Oh yeah you aren't one of them!
Don't you realize when Reagan/Bush/Trump gave the rich tax breaks that shifted the tax burden more on to you? We have to raise your taxes because makers don't pay taxes anymore. Only takers. If you pay too much that means you're a taker. So STFU stupid.
Do you realize that their was a projected 1.2 trillion dollar surplus after Clinton? That is money the Government didn't need screw you tell the Government to stop spending money on ignorant things
I think you're in a cult. Frankly, I'd VOTE FOR TRUMP on most issues. Even his idiotic tariffs - Joes kept them. Close the border. Screw the Pales.

But, there's Jan 6,
Indeed, I am in the liberty cult with our Founding Fathers. You, on the other hand, have fallen for the media's ongoing tropes, marching orders handed to them by the Democrats who own the media.
Looks like Biden is trying to imprison his political competition.

I know it's difficult for fascists like yourself to conceive, but in America the Justice system is independent of the political system.

That will only change if Trump gets reelected.
I know it's difficult for fascists like yourself to conceive, but in America the Justice system is independent of the political system.

That will only change if Trump gets reelected.
Hard for the gullible to understand but much of our Justice system has been corrupted by leftist ideology. That is the only way to explain the lawfare that's going on right now and the tilted two tiered system in place. We need to elect Trump to send a message that this is not okay.
Here's a clue, Goody Two Shoes, Butter Won't Melt in Your Mouth.

SOMEBODY has to be president. Got it? If you think the traitor stumblebum who has sold America out to Communist China is the answer because you can't stand Trump, you are a damned fool. A supercharged idiot. I do not suffer fools gladly and you clearly are a fool. Figure out what that means.

Someone's gotta be president. So why TF is the right trying to get someone as left leaning as Trump to be the next one? One might think that the republicans would want someone who's right of center. You know, someone who would veto huge spending bills. Who would not sign 12 cr's. Who wouldn't increase the debt ceiling or assault our 2A.
You know, things that make someone right of center. It makes no sense for Republicans to support someone who's left of center.

They say this isn't about Trump. But when Trump doesn't most of the things that Trump did, are the same as what Obama and now Biden are doing, then it can't be about the issues. Otherwise they would've thrown Trump under the bus in 2020.
Trump had thee plan, to end the war in Afghanistan Biden sped it up for political gain a nd cost 13 people their lives. Remain in Mexico was widely successful.

13? While Trump was in office and not getting our soldiers out of Afghanistan, 500 of our soldiers were killed. And you're bitching about 13 during their evacuation?

God damn you Trumpbots love to spin things around. Oh yeah, forget about those 500 dead American soldiers, in a war Trump promised to get us out of. Let's focus on the 13 that died trying to leave after Biden gave the order.
I know it's difficult for fascists like yourself to conceive, but in America the Justice system is independent of the political system.

That will only change if Trump gets reelected.
You'll notice that they're fiercely against any American institution that can hold Trump accountable: The press, the courts, and the DOJ.

So the goal is to take care of that.
An idea of making America great again
Pretty good thing though you hate and think it's a cult. That shows your ignorance an hatred to everything of American greatness.
Just like the German people were told by Adolph that it was all about making Germany great again, and they believed it.
Yeah, that is MAGAt.
Taxing the rich pushes taxes on me through inflation idiot! What do you have against successful people moron! Oh yeah you aren't one of them!
Raising taxes on anyone does not add to inflation, because it is literally money that consumers cannot spend. Not that raising taxes to raise taxes excites anyone besides "the Squad."

Unfortunately Trump was no better than anyone else. He cut taxes, with more $ going on avg to the rich than the workers, but then increased spending .... and deficits. At least he didn't start an elective war that was not necessary, like W.

Trump's actual policies are not all bad. Closing the border (which he did, and which "should" help wages rise from the bottom up. ) Tariffs? See above - consumer goods are more expensive, which means people will buy less .... unless some idiot gives consumers "free money" to buy more shit with. Biden's kept the tariffs. Wonder why? The answer is obvious, even if tariffs do NOT cause US wages to rise on products not made here.

Even the gop congress handed Trump his own ass when he tried repealing Obamacare, but he didn't have an alternative. Abortion illegal .... that's a clusterfk for the gop. So, imo, Trump was least effective when he tried to govern with 44%.
Facilitated by bring a druggy thief.

Why? Because the druggy thief was out creating victims and was stopped by LEO's? Why wouldn't be be screaming for Floyd's victims? How TF was Floyd more of a victim than all the other victims he created? Because he literally took his own life when he took all that fentanyl?
Maybe you didn't watch the video as closely as some did. But there were instances where the LEO took the weight off his knee. You can actually see the LEO's hip rise. It wasn't a lack of oxygen to his brain that killed him as reported in the 2nd (paid for) autopsy, that later revealed to be false.
The country, the black community nor BLM gave a shit about Floyd before he died. In fact, Floyd didn't give a shit about his own life. Or the lives of his children. As he was over $30,000 behind on his child support payments. He cared more about high drugs and his homies, than he did his kids.

So please, tells us how bad it was that Floyd took his own life.
I looked up the final report on Floyd. He died of a heart attack. He did have fentanyl and methamphetamine in his system but he did not die because of that. Nor did it say it was the policeman's fault. It was most likely a combination of all of the above. And it was unnecessary. The jury found the correct verdict.
13? While Trump was in office and not getting our soldiers out of Afghanistan, 500 of our soldiers were killed. And you're bitching about 13 during their evacuation?

God damn you Trumpbots love to spin things around. Oh yeah, forget about those 500 dead American soldiers, in a war Trump promised to get us out of. Let's focus on the 13 that died trying to leave after Biden gave the order.
Trump was responsible for not one of those deaths as he didn't invade Afghanistan

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