We are Trump Supporters

Biden's economy is already beating trump's.
Not really.

And it's stable and realistic based on facts not gimmicks like trump
You know that that is not true.
trump's policies left us in a recession. We have been slowly and now rapidly turning that around. We're on stable ground now. Inflation is down , the threat of a recession is gone , even though most of the rest of the world including China are in one. Consumer confidence is up , wages are way up. The future looks positive now. Enough of trump's pessimism and gimmicks. They didn't help anyone.
And it's stable and realistic based on facts not gimmicks like trump

trump's policies left us in a recession. We have been slowly and now rapidly turning that around. We're on stable ground now. Inflation is down , the threat of a recession is gone , even though most of the rest of the world including China are in one. Consumer confidence is up , wages are way up. The future looks positive now. Enough of trump's pessimism and gimmicks. They didn't help anyone.

Wow the delusion runs deep in you.

We are deeper in credit card debt than ever in history.
Stock market has not kept up with inflation, so every dollar is worth less.
The country is deeper in debt than could have been imagined 10 years ago.
No doubt facilitated by a knee to the neck.

Facilitated by bring a druggy thief.
He was able to cry out
For help until he passed out. If I were there I would have screamed and pleaded with that policeman. It makes everyone look bad , especially a skinhead policeman.

Why? Because the druggy thief was out creating victims and was stopped by LEO's? Why wouldn't be be screaming for Floyd's victims? How TF was Floyd more of a victim than all the other victims he created? Because he literally took his own life when he took all that fentanyl?
Maybe you didn't watch the video as closely as some did. But there were instances where the LEO took the weight off his knee. You can actually see the LEO's hip rise. It wasn't a lack of oxygen to his brain that killed him as reported in the 2nd (paid for) autopsy, that later revealed to be false.
The country, the black community nor BLM gave a shit about Floyd before he died. In fact, Floyd didn't give a shit about his own life. Or the lives of his children. As he was over $30,000 behind on his child support payments. He cared more about high drugs and his homies, than he did his kids.

So please, tells us how bad it was that Floyd took his own life.
Wow the delusion runs deep in you.

We are deeper in credit card debt than ever in history.
Stock market has not kept up with inflation, so every dollar is worth less.
The country is deeper in debt than could have been imagined 10 years ago.
I'm not the one telling lies , attempting to make things worse instead of better. You are supporting that scoundrel.
And it's stable and realistic based on facts not gimmicks like trump

trump's policies left us in a recession. We have been slowly and now rapidly turning that around. We're on stable ground now. Inflation is down , the threat of a recession is gone , even though most of the rest of the world including China are in one. Consumer confidence is up , wages are way up. The future looks positive now. Enough of trump's pessimism and gimmicks. They didn't help anyone.
Projections from the current Administration. You really should take responsibility for what you've done.
Agreed. But this ain't about Biden. It's not about the "lesser of two evils" or the worst.

Trumps not even right of center.
I'm not a democrat. I'm further right of center than Trump is, WAAAAY to the right of Trump. And I'm not even that far right (of center).

Trumps sneakers aren't made in the USA. Neither is his clothes or his cologne.

So vote for Biden to show everyone how profoundly superior you are.

Take America right down to Third World status. We are well on the way thanks to
people like you.

`````Biden supporter.png

````Brainwashed Left.jpg
I'm not a democrat. Not a Biden supporter. I'm a fiscal conservative.

When you RINO's figure out what that means, let me know.
Here's a clue, Goody Two Shoes, Butter Won't Melt in Your Mouth.

SOMEBODY has to be president. Got it? If you think the traitor stumblebum who has sold America out to Communist China is the answer because you can't stand Trump, you are a damned fool. A supercharged idiot. I do not suffer fools gladly and you clearly are a fool. Figure out what that means.
No I don't. Democrats are retarded. This is the problem with you Trump supporters and your "lesser of two evils" way of thinking. You're supporting a republican because you think he's better than Biden.

Trump didn't bring soldiers home either. He didn't end one war. He didn't secure the border. He didn't reduce the debt of the deficit. He didn't protect our 2A or the constitution. And he tried to give blacks $500 billion in reparations (Platinum Plan) That doesn't sound like some shit the democrats would do?
Trump had thee plan, to end the war in Afghanistan Biden sped it up for political gain a nd cost 13 people their lives. Remain in Mexico was widely successful.
Hmmm hh

There is no substantive difference between Trump's administration and every other presidential administration bar none going all the way back to the first handful. The eight years that Bush was in office were far more tumultuous, full of demonstrations, turmoil and social horror non-stop... then anything has been since.

Where you keep making your mistake is in trying to push everything off on one side. It just isn't true.

The GOP is clearly the dark side. Democrats chose the light side and of course the GOP had to go opposite.
What you don't support is fiscal conservatism. Which means you'd be supporting those that actually want to cut spending, reduce the size and scope of government. Bring most of our military home and out of all these wars and occupations. Get the government out of our personal and business lives. Protect our 2A. These RINO's like Trump, are completely opposite of what the GOP used to stand for, not so long ago. They're nothing more than dem lite's.

You say it's not about Trump? That's a lie. Because Trump doesn't have a conservative bone in his body. Not one. All he's got is big talk and a revenge fantasy.
Trump assaulted our 2A on several occasions. Including the 2A. With Trump, you lost the freedom to attach a bump stock to your gun. You lost the freedom to say what ever you wanted online, and not have to worry about the NSA storing your data or the FBI showing up at your doorstep asking you why you said what you may have said. You lost the freedom to go see a loved on in a nursing home (during covid). If you rented property, you lost the liberty to collect rent on that property for a year.
I could list for days the freedoms and liberties you either lost, or didn't regain when Trump was president.

How TF does a republican president who publicly states, "I like taking the guns first. Then do due process later," get the RNC nomination? The same way Mitt Romney did in 2012?

Trump certainly has been a loser over the past 7 years.

In case anyone is confused. Trump supporters do not worship Trump.
It has never been about a man. It has always been about an idea.

The idea being, autocracy is good, bigotry is good, white nationalism is good, lies are good, breaking the law is good, despots are good, sexual abuse is good, Putin is good, loyalty to Trump is good, loyalty to the Constitution is bad.

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