We are Trump Supporters

Let me put it a different way: "Assholes come and go. But America is here to stay."
I have waited since 1938 for that to happen. We keep getting Democrat assholes pretty often.
An explanation of what? Not fiscal conservatism or what a RINO is.

Try to keep up.
Explanation of Americas desire to have Trump as president. It shows you a video explaining who are Trump supporters. Biden has lost.
In case anyone is confused. Trump supporters do not worship Trump.
It has never been about a man. It has always been about an idea.
We support free speech, the Constitution, the Second Amendment, and America.
We support freedom, not a man. We are not Trump supporters we are freedom supporters and that will never change. It doesn't matter who is in charge. We will never be silenced.
That’s no change…Now you support convicted frauds. It used to be you supported criminals till they got caught or pardoned. Now you support them regardless.
I have quite a long history here of explaining those things.

I can explain all that, in length. But you're so devoted to Trump, that I doubt you'd bother reading much of it. Because it would be pretty lengthy. And Trump supporters attentions spans aren't normally very active after about 5 lines. This would take probably 100 lines.

But I'll turn you on to a few people who would be more articulate than I. But first you have to removed your orange colored glasses and at least try to understand some of it. Then compare it to Trumps 12cr's, all the omnibus bills he signed, the debt ceiling increases he was responsible for.

We'll start here.

P.S. RINO's acronym should be CINO. (conservative in name only) The RINO acronym came about when most republicans were conservative. A left leaning republican like Johnson and Trump, were abnormal for the GOP up until the 70's. Then Reagan put the debt and deficit into hyperdrive and became the first radical RINO.

I have quite a long history here of explaining those things.

I can explain all that, in length. But you're so devoted to Trump, that I doubt you'd bother reading much of it. Because it would be pretty lengthy. And Trump supporters attentions spans aren't normally very active after about 5 lines. This would take probably 100 lines.

But I'll turn you on to a few people who would be more articulate than I. But first you have to removed your orange colored glasses and at least try to understand some of it. Then compare it to Trumps 12cr's, all the omnibus bills he signed, the debt ceiling increases he was responsible for.

We'll start here.

P.S. RINO's acronym should be CINO. (conservative in name only) The RINO acronym came about when most republicans were conservative. A left leaning republican like Johnson and Trump, were abnormal for the GOP up until the 70's. Then Reagan put the debt and deficit into hyperdrive and became the first radical RINO.

RINO is a Republican in name only. Idiots like mitt romney and paul ryan. Never trumpers who make a living on CNN trashing Trump and call themselves Republicans. Low life deep State chameleons who suck the life out of our politics and our country. No I'm not a rino, neither was Ronald Reagan. It does sound like you may be though. These passages from your blog show that you're a pretty much a bloviating fool
can explain all that, in length. But you're so devoted to Trump, that I doubt you'd bother reading much of it. Because it would be pretty lengthy. And Trump supporters attentions spans aren't normally very active after about 5 lines. This would take probably 100 lines.
Sounds like projection to me.
Yet you can't even come up with definitive proof this is happening. Only the word of one man.
Seems like if you have a brain and you look at what is happening to that one man, you'd be able to make a decision like that yourself. You wouldn't have to count on what Trump says.
RINO is a Republican in name only. Idiots like mitt romney and paul ryan. Never trumpers who make a living on CNN trashing Trump and call themselves Republicans. Low life deep State chameleons who suck the life out of our politics and our country. No I'm not a rino, neither was Ronald Reagan. It does sound like you may be though. These passages from your blog show that you're a pretty much a bloviating fool

You're wrong. That's NOT what a RINO is. Not even close. The only difference between Romney and Trump is that they don't like each other. Policy wise, they're almost identical.
The correct acronym for RINO is CINO... Wait, I've already explain all this too you and you did exactly what I said you'd do.

Sounds like projection to me.

Projecting? Not at all. As I've said, I've explained all this in length, many times here. And not once did any of you die hard Trump supporters even try to understand. The definition of insanity applies here. So I'm not going to spell it all out for you, when you're only going to try and spin it, dodge it or change the subject. Like in this very instance. You're changing the subject to to "me," instead of trying to understand what's being said. It's simply not worth all the effort. I spent months trying to understand monetary issues, the Federal Reserve, how inflation starts and end. Trying to explain something as easy, but still complex, in "cliff notes," to someone who doesn't want to understand it, would be insane on my part.
He's getting ready to attack elections this year if he loses. I'm guessing you will believe him out of hand again.
Hell, they believed him when he first said "the only way I lose is if the election is rigged" early in the campaign.

Zero proof, zero evidence. And they believed him.

They believe the guy who said the fucking EMMYS were rigged against him. This is a cult.
Hell, they believed him when he first said "the only way I lose is if the election is rigged" early in the campaign.

Zero proof, zero evidence. And they believed him.

They believe the guy who said the fucking EMMYS were rigged against him. This is a cult.

Rigging is something that both R & D's do. From the local party headquarters all the way up to those who count the votes. There's not one step that the party leaders don't have a hand in rigging. Especially when it comes to the nominee.
The RNC has been rigging the nomination process for Trump since 2016. The only way to fully understand how the game is played is to try and be a delegate for someone other than the party leaders choice.
Rigging is something that both R & D's do. From the local party headquarters all the way up to those who count the votes. There's not one step that the party leaders don't have a hand in rigging. Especially when it comes to the nominee.
The RNC has been rigging the nomination process for Trump since 2016. The only way to fully understand how the game is played is to try and be a delegate for someone other than the party leaders choice.
Oh bullshit.

If your candidate gets enough votes, they are awarded delegates unless its a winner-take-all state. The most "rigging" the party bosses can do is to decide to make more states WTA so that a clear front-runner emerges quickly. The GOP does this much better than the DNC which is why 2008 went to the convention and 2016 went to the convention and likely 2028 will go to the convention as well for the democrats.
Oh bullshit.

If your candidate gets enough votes, they are awarded delegates unless its a winner-take-all state. The most "rigging" the party bosses can do is to decide to make more states WTA so that a clear front-runner emerges quickly. The GOP does this much better than the DNC which is why 2008 went to the convention and 2016 went to the convention and likely 2028 will go to the convention as well for the democrats.

It's not BS. And until you've gotten involved at the local level, at your local party headquarters, and been through the delegation process, you'll never understand the rigging I'm talking about.

Who's going to get the most votes? The one the nation party leaders are backing the most. The one the media portrays mostly. The ones your local chairman and SIA's pushes mostly. Who's pushed at the state convention. By the time the state conventions have started, the party leaders choice as already been made.
Primaries are just a beauty pageant. By then the rigging is in full force.
It's not BS. And until you've gotten involved at the local level, at your local party headquarters, and been through the delegation process, you'll never understand the rigging I'm talking about.

Who's going to get the most votes? The one the nation party leaders are backing the most. The one the media portrays mostly. The ones your local chairman and SIA's pushes mostly. Who's pushed at the state convention. By the time the state conventions have started, the party leaders choice as already been made.
Primaries are just a beauty pageant. By then the rigging is in full force.
Man, it's a miracle that Biden--with all of this supposed "rigging" lost in both Iowa and New Hampshire in 2020.

Its crazy to think that the GOP leadership is happy about their standard bearer being someone is indicted on 91 felonies and just got his ass kicked royally in the last election. Why aren't they "rigging" it to have someone more electable?

I agree with you that the party bosses steer monies to candidates and favor one over the other. The only goal of the party is to have their candidate win elections. If what you are saying is true though, Biden would have won Iowa and New Hampshire (I think he came in 3rd or 4th in both).

My point is that there is no "rigging". The candidate who gets the most votes, wins in every election except POTUS.
Man, it's a miracle that Biden--with all of this supposed "rigging" lost in both Iowa and New Hampshire in 2020.

Its crazy to think that the GOP leadership is happy about their standard bearer being someone is indicted on 91 felonies and just got his ass kicked royally in the last election. Why aren't they "rigging" it to have someone more electable?

I agree with you that the party bosses steer monies to candidates and favor one over the other. The only goal of the party is to have their candidate win elections. If what you are saying is true though, Biden would have won Iowa and New Hampshire (I think he came in 3rd or 4th in both).

My point is that there is no "rigging". The candidate who gets the most votes, wins in every election except POTUS.

Biden is the one they wanted. He was the only one who didn't have an agenda outside the party. The democrats want the illusion of an unimportant agenda (lgbt, black blah blah blah).. But the main agenda is to keep the money flowing to important things. Well, things that are important to them. Big oil, big pharma, big this and big that.

The DNC was busted in 2016 for rigging the primary for Hillary. So they made some rules changes at their convention, rooted out anyone who wasn't 100% loyal to the DNC, so there was no real opposition to the DNC leaders choice, Biden.

Part of the rigging game is to keep people with the illusion that there's a choice. And to understand how it's all done, is like putting together a 2000 piece picture puzzle. Most folks, including me, don't have the attention span to figure it all out. And even if someone did, hardly anyone would listen to them explain it all.

The leadership of both party's know this. And so, once the system is in place, it all seems like normal business. You know, kind of like how most of us have gotten used to paying taxes on our labor. After a time, it becomes normal. We've even seen citizens bashing others for not paying their income tax. This is the same scenario as how elections and nominations are rigged.
Biden is the one they wanted. He was the only one who didn't have an agenda outside the party. The democrats want the illusion of an unimportant agenda (lgbt, black blah blah blah).. But the main agenda is to keep the money flowing to important things. Well, things that are important to them. Big oil, big pharma, big this and big that.

The DNC was busted in 2016 for rigging the primary for Hillary. So they made some rules changes at their convention, rooted out anyone who wasn't 100% loyal to the DNC, so there was no real opposition to the DNC leaders choice, Biden.

Part of the rigging game is to keep people with the illusion that there's a choice. And to understand how it's all done, is like putting together a 2000 piece picture puzzle. Most folks, including me, don't have the attention span to figure it all out. And even if someone did, hardly anyone would listen to them explain it all.

The leadership of both party's know this. And so, once the system is in place, it all seems like normal business. You know, kind of like how most of us have gotten used to paying taxes on our labor. After a time, it becomes normal. We've even seen citizens bashing others for not paying their income tax. This is the same scenario as how elections and nominations are rigged.

Meanwhile back in reality...

A lot of polls show that voters from both major parties are not happy with the two men who are going to be their party's eventual nominees.

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