We can thank Obama for the fact that we can't shoot down North Korea's missles...

What a friggin crock of propagandized BS.
THE link makes no mention of the two ongoing conflicts during Bushes brainless SDI initiatives. Tax breaks and two wars were conspicuouly absent in the script also. And there was not even a hint about the collapsing economy that Obama inherited but wisely focused on getting a handle on it even as Congressional Repub- lie- cons did nothing to help...all the while grinning on tv saying they want Obama to fail.
So those of us who lived through all of that are not swayed by your feckless twisting op.
You bahs-turds are indeed the masters of deceit. If your IQ ever got to be over 100 you'd be dangerous.
I guess hugs and flowery words read from a teleprompter aren't the best ammunition when dealing with monsters.
I guess hugs and flowery words read from a teleprompter aren't the best ammunition when dealing with monsters.
Obama was smart enough to write his own teleprompter scripts...you wouldn't be.
Can the US really shoot down North Korean missiles?

"We maintain abilities to be able to respond quickly and intercept missiles from North Korea if they do pose a threat to us or our allies," said Navy Capt. Jeff Davis, a Pentagon spokesman

Since 2001, the agency says 75 of 92 hit-to-kill intercept attempts have been successful across all programs, including a perfect 13-for-13 record for THAAD
What a friggin crock of propagandized BS.
THE link makes no mention of the two ongoing conflicts during Bushes brainless SDI initiatives. Tax breaks and two wars were conspicuouly absent in the script also. And there was not even a hint about the collapsing economy that Obama inherited but wisely focused on getting a handle on it even as Congressional Repub- lie- cons did nothing to help...all the while grinning on tv saying they want Obama to fail.
So those of us who lived through all of that are not swayed by your feckless twisting op.
You bahs-turds are indeed the masters of deceit. If your IQ ever got to be over 100 you'd be dangerous.

That's pretty funny. You complain about a one-sided article by being blatantly one-sided yourself. :D
The header isn't true:

The Missile Defense Agency did in late May destroy a mock ICBM launched from the Marshall Islands with an interceptor launched from the Vandenberg Air Force B Base in California.

then Obama took office after campaigning on a promise to cut missile defense. In his first year, the MDA's budget was slashed by 13% and over the next seven years it dropped another 7%, in real terms.
From reliable sources, not Investors Business Daily:

Adam Mount, senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, told CNN the US military could use its THAAD defense system or Aegis destroyers to stop any North Korean projectiles. THAAD, or the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense, is one of the US's main weapons against offensive missiles.

"If they had confidence from their readings that they would not hit US territory, it's possible they'd just let them fall into the sea, but I think they'd also take a very serious look at shooting them down," he said.
If the missiles landed within 40 kilometers (25 miles) of Guam, as threatened, according to UN law, they would fall within the United States' exclusive economic zone although not their territorial waters.

After North Korea's initial threat against Guam, the territory's Homeland Security Advisor George Charfauros told CNN he was confident of their defense systems.
"They've slowly developed their capabilities but we stand in high confidence with the US (Defense Department's) ability to not only defend Guam and the surrounding areas but also the continental US... There are several layers of ballistic missile defense."
But Bruce Bennett, a senior defense analyst at the Rand Corporation, told CNN it would ultimately be US President Donald Trump's decision whether to test their missile defenses.
"This is an experimental system -- we could potentially miss or hit, we don't know for sure. And even people who make cell phones, who have substantially more testing than THAAD does, sometimes have cell phones burn up," he said.

This started with REAGAN, the system was to be in place by 1992.

So where is the carrot hair when Guam is threatened?
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