We Can't Even Agree to Help Japan in the Event of an Attack?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Russia's effortless annexation of Crimea has raised concerns in countries throughout Asia that the U.S. will not honor its commitment to defend them against attacks from other countries, such as China. When America became policeman of the world after WW II, thanks to the Truman Doctrine in 1947, the deal was that other countries could focus on economic growth and not worry about military spending, because America would rescue them if necessary. But after America took no action in Crimea or Syria, and the Obama administration appears to have completely abandoned the Truman Doctrine for the first time, many countries are understandably nervous that now they're completely on their own
. :evil:

This is the latest Obama foreign policy? Turning our backs upon yet another ally? When and where does it end? How is the rest of the world to have any faith at all in our word? Read more @ World View: U.S. Fails to Reaffirm Its Mutual Defense Treaty with Japan
This sounds like a Captain Obvious commercial by Hotel.com. America has withdrawn, we have abandoned our friends and that's when we haven't stabbed them in the back. Why are nations still dithering and deliberating. If they want to protect themselves, take action. Japan will be at war with China before too long. China plans on making it short and sharp.

China training for ?short sharp war? with Japan, Navy official says - Washington Times

Meanwhile, obama is filling out his Ukraine brackets as to how many Ukranians he can kill and blame Russia.
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This sounds like a Captain Obvious commercial by Hotel.com. America has withdrawn, we have abandoned our friends and that's when we haven't stabbed them in the back. Why are nations still dithering and deliberating. If they want to protect themselves, take action. Japan will be at war with China before too long. China plans on making it short and sharp.

China training for ?short sharp war? with Japan, Navy official says - Washington Times

Meanwhile, obama is filling out his Ukraine brackets as to how many Ukranians he can kill and blame Russia.

Japan is in the process of upgrading and expanding its military after decades of depending upon other countries to protect it. In the end, the big problem will be Korea as China is already making noises of backing off support of the north.

Another worry spot is the Philippines which is already asking for more US presence in its territory.
We can't maintain being the world's policeman. It is time other countries start paying their own way when it comes to defense.
Russia's effortless annexation of Crimea has raised concerns in countries throughout Asia that the U.S. will not honor its commitment to defend them against attacks from other countries, such as China. When America became policeman of the world after WW II, thanks to the Truman Doctrine in 1947, the deal was that other countries could focus on economic growth and not worry about military spending, because America would rescue them if necessary. But after America took no action in Crimea or Syria, and the Obama administration appears to have completely abandoned the Truman Doctrine for the first time, many countries are understandably nervous that now they're completely on their own
. :evil:

This is the latest Obama foreign policy? Turning our backs upon yet another ally? When and where does it end? How is the rest of the world to have any faith at all in our word? Read more @ World View: U.S. Fails to Reaffirm Its Mutual Defense Treaty with Japan

Japan is in the process of upgrading and expanding its military after decades of depending upon other countries to protect it.

Japan has not been sitting around "depending upon other countries to protect it."
Russia's effortless annexation of Crimea has raised concerns in countries throughout Asia that the U.S. will not honor its commitment to defend them against attacks from other countries, such as China. When America became policeman of the world after WW II, thanks to the Truman Doctrine in 1947, the deal was that other countries could focus on economic growth and not worry about military spending, because America would rescue them if necessary. But after America took no action in Crimea or Syria, and the Obama administration appears to have completely abandoned the Truman Doctrine for the first time, many countries are understandably nervous that now they're completely on their own
. :evil:

This is the latest Obama foreign policy? Turning our backs upon yet another ally? When and where does it end? How is the rest of the world to have any faith at all in our word? Read more @ World View: U.S. Fails to Reaffirm Its Mutual Defense Treaty with Japan

I believe we will defend Taiwan when it comes down to it. This could be a silent message to Taiwan to dig deeper and try to work it out - there has been alot of commotion lately with the President of Taiwan cutting a deal with China the people were not at all happy about - but in the event of an in invasion? I believe we'll be there.

I hope for our sakes it is a very long way off!
Think of the debt? Oh'yess, that only matters when it comes to our own nation...We can't spend on science, infrastructure or betterment of our own people.

A war with China would cost trillions.
Russia's effortless annexation of Crimea has raised concerns in countries throughout Asia that the U.S. will not honor its commitment to defend them against attacks from other countries, such as China. When America became policeman of the world after WW II, thanks to the Truman Doctrine in 1947, the deal was that other countries could focus on economic growth and not worry about military spending, because America would rescue them if necessary. But after America took no action in Crimea or Syria, and the Obama administration appears to have completely abandoned the Truman Doctrine for the first time, many countries are understandably nervous that now they're completely on their own
. :evil:

This is the latest Obama foreign policy? Turning our backs upon yet another ally? When and where does it end? How is the rest of the world to have any faith at all in our word? Read more @ World View: U.S. Fails to Reaffirm Its Mutual Defense Treaty with Japan

Wait. Wasn't it just last week the right was condemning Obama for even getting involved?

Weren't you guys celebrating The Pootin in his masterful singlehanded whupass on Obama?

Weren't you guys telling us The Pootin was merely retaking his own territory?

Weren't you guys telling us about all the countries Obama has invaded?

And how can you, and the idiots at Breitbart, say the "U.S. Fails to Reaffirm Its Mutual Defense Treaty with Japan" when Hagel is quoted as saying:

[There is no] weakness on the part of the United States as to our complete and absolute commitment to the security of Japan. So I don’t think there is any indication or any evidence that we’re doing anything but strengthening our commitment to the security of Japan."
This sounds like a Captain Obvious commercial by Hotel.com. America has withdrawn, we have abandoned our friends and that's when we haven't stabbed them in the back. Why are nations still dithering and deliberating. If they want to protect themselves, take action. Japan will be at war with China before too long. China plans on making it short and sharp.

China training for ?short sharp war? with Japan, Navy official says - Washington Times

Meanwhile, obama is filling out his Ukraine brackets as to how many Ukranians he can kill and blame Russia.

Japan is in the process of upgrading and expanding its military after decades of depending upon other countries to protect it. In the end, the big problem will be Korea as China is already making noises of backing off support of the north.

Another worry spot is the Philippines which is already asking for more US presence in its territory.

Japan doesn't have time to expand or upgrade their military.
Breitphart. :)

Lets see we have no treaty with Syria or the Ukraine.

Has the treaty with Japan been abrogated?
Breitphart. :)

Lets see we have no treaty with Syria or the Ukraine.

Has the treaty with Japan been abrogated?

In fact you dumb ass we DO have a treaty with Ukraine one where we were supposed to guarantee their borders. Clinton I believe made that treaty.
Breitphart. :)

Lets see we have no treaty with Syria or the Ukraine.

Has the treaty with Japan been abrogated?

In fact you dumb ass we DO have a treaty with Ukraine one where we were supposed to guarantee their borders. Clinton I believe made that treaty.

There is nothing in the Budapest Memorandum that automatically triggers a collective defense obligation by an outside power in the event that someone invades Ukrainian territory or subverts its sovereignty,” Swift said in an e-mail. “This is not like the network of cascading defense commitments that got us into the First World War.”

The agreement’s commitments “are legally binding, but a violation by one of the signatories does not create casus belli for any party to that agreement,” he said. “The only exception would be Ukraine itself.”

Ukraine Gave Up Nuclear Arms in 1994 Deal Russia Flouts - Bloomberg

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