"We can't round up 11 million people" try e-Verify

abu afak

Mar 3, 2006
Even Trump and Cruz, who are anti-illegal immigrant, are Off the wall.
A Wall that does NOT have to be built any more than it is now.
NO, we don't need any more border guards either..
just employER sanctions.
Trump mentioned previously, but doesn't realize how effective it is if enforced, otherise all his giant/beautiful wall talk is redundant/expensive/Goofy.

This Bullcrap about having to 'round up 11 million people' is a Smokescreen for allowing ILLEGAL immigrants to stay.
"Oh it's impossible!"

E-Verify means No verifiable National ID, NO Job.
EmployER sanctions: Fines/Jail.
No Job means NO incentive for them to come and no way for them to afford to be able to stay.
They don't come and many/most WALK back across the border.
Only a token border contingent would be needed, not a 2000 mile Wall and 50,000 border patrol.

The govt could still issue ie, E-permits for Seasonal (ie, Harvest) working NON-citizens.
Many EU countries have temporary non-working foreigners, and NONE have birthright citizenship. Zero.
Wealthy Middle Eastern Gulf States run on Foreign Never-citizen guest workers too.
That's just about All the high-GDP countries.

And further..
If you violate and cross illegally, you will NEVER become a citizen, even if you are awaiting your legal turn.
No current illegals will EVER become legal either.
That just !ncentivizes another Generat!on (probably 5 already) who have bamboozled their way in through various amnesty-and-reunite schemes.
E verify, business criminal reform, and a pathway to legal status.
E verify, business criminal reform, and a pathway to legal status.
Looks like you MISSED the point.
"Pathway to citizenship" is just another form of AMNESTY.
That's why we keep having these problems.
Immigrants know that eventually they Will get Legalized.
The POINT is to NOT encourage that behavior and NOT reward it, but penalize it.
NO one who enters illegally should EVER become a citizen. They have to be made to understand that to stop the problem.

And illegals cost a FORTUNE in benefits, while earning virtually nothing.
They're 98% Net Losers for the economy.
You got 1 worker making 20k Off the books, and his three kids showing up at school and the ER for healthcare.. and much else, like food stamps.
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What if there was a stretch of highway upon which you exceeded the speed limit for many years: Would it be fair to present you NOW with a $100,000 speeding ticket? Shouldn't some recognition of long term self support and law abidance be warranted?
What if there was a stretch of highway upon which you exceeded the speed limit for many years: Would it be fair to present you NOW with a $100,000 speeding ticket? Shouldn't some recognition of long term self support and law abidance be warranted?
1. Not an analogous example becaused the person FINALLY Caught as an illegal .. is still breaking the law.
2. Suppose you catch a Murderer after a Dozen years whose lived an exemplary life since.
He gets a pass from you, I guess.

3. IIllegals are STILL costing us money just Being here.
They have 400,000 Babies per Year who are now 'legal' and entitled to Benefits as well.
So now a whole family is on food stamps, medicaid, filling classrooms/hiring teachers, and going to the ER for medical care.. on OUR Dime.
So in 5 years there are 2 MILLION new 'Birthrighters' without even any additionals who will be encouraged to come yet AGAIN by a/ANOTHER amnesty/path to citizenship (and then adding rest of family under renunite programs)

And... if you're not using illegals (at least 3 or 4) you're Net PAYING For them.
And they cost a fortune, even if on the books.
Illegal Immigrants are Gigantic Net Taxpayer losses. And so, for that matter, are Legals from that part of the world.

Imagine, if you will, the famous Romney "47%" who pay NO Income taxes (tho do pay FICA etc).
They too are losses even if making 35K on the books.
They pay NO share of Defense, Highways, ettc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc,
(47K is the mean salary, if you make less your probably a losing entity for tax purposes)

Now Imagine.. an illegal male, working Off the books making 20-25K, (and sending 3k to his parents Back in Mexico)... while sending 2 or 3 kids to schools here...who were born/dropped here and receive all the benefits.
That instance is Probably a loss of 30K PER illegal family, PER Year.

The Fiscal Cost of Unlawful Immigrants and Amnesty to the U.S. Taxpayer

IOW, he's been Stealing from us EVERY illegal Day he's been here.
Even legal immigrants Cost us big.
We certainly shouldn't pay/Continue paying for Illegal ones.. too.
Whenever he was "pulled over" is not soon enough, not too late.

EDIT to Moonglow's TROLL Below who, UNable to debate....
Stupidly says e-Verify and the economic breakdowns I take the trouble to put up are "Nazi".
So many/Too many contentLESS Trolls like you on this board.

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The Trump Way on Immigration Suits Republicans, Poll Shows
By Lindsey McPhersonPosted at 12:08 p.m. on Nov. 11



Republicans Like Trump's Take on Immigration Reform
What if there was a stretch of highway upon which you exceeded the speed limit for many years: Would it be fair to present you NOW with a $100,000 speeding ticket? Shouldn't some recognition of long term self support and law abidance be warranted?
1. Not an analogous example becaused the person FINALLY Caught as an illegal .. is still breaking the law.

Is remaining in this country after illegal entry a separate criminal offense?
Im just glad somebody else gets it. Thank you OP
No jobs, no schooling, no drivers license, e-verify to rent a house, MASSIVE fines for employers, no ER treatments. And a work requirement for welfare so we can fill up the void of jobs we would be left with.
E verify, business criminal reform, and a pathway to legal status.
Why do you support failure, jake?
E verify, business criminal reform, and a pathway to legal status.
Why do you support failure, jake?
You are the one supporting failure, TN, no two ways about it.
Supporting failure? Would you mind explaining how my platform would be failure? Yours is easy. I have history on my side.
E verify, business criminal reform, and a pathway to legal status.
Why do you support failure, jake?
E verify, business criminal reform, and a pathway to legal status.
Why do you support failure, jake?
You are the one supporting failure, TN, no two ways about it.
Supporting failure? Would you mind explaining how my platform would be failure? Yours is easy. I have history on my side.
No, you have no history on your side. Your history has failed because we have 11 million illegals here. (1) Secure the border, (2) e verify, (3) punish businesses severely, and (4) pathway to legal status.
Arrest, fine, and incarcerate employers knowingly hiring undocumented workers. No work, they won't come.
Arrest, fine, and incarcerate employers knowingly hiring undocumented workers. No work, they won't come.
It is better to be in poverty in the US than in Mexico. They will come, particularly if they have family members here who are citizens.
E verify, business criminal reform, and a pathway to legal status.
Why do you support failure, jake?
E verify, business criminal reform, and a pathway to legal status.
Why do you support failure, jake?
You are the one supporting failure, TN, no two ways about it.
Supporting failure? Would you mind explaining how my platform would be failure? Yours is easy. I have history on my side.
No, you have no history on your side. Your history has failed because we have 11 million illegals here. (1) Secure the border, (2) e verify, (3) punish businesses severely, and (4) pathway to legal status.
Started a thread for you
E verify, business criminal reform, and a pathway to legal status.
Why do you support failure, jake?
E verify, business criminal reform, and a pathway to legal status.
Why do you support failure, jake?
You are the one supporting failure, TN, no two ways about it.
Supporting failure? Would you mind explaining how my platform would be failure? Yours is easy. I have history on my side.
No, you have no history on your side. Your history has failed because we have 11 million illegals here. (1) Secure the border, (2) e verify, (3) punish businesses severely, and (4) pathway to legal status.
Started a thread for you
You can argue it here as poorly as there.

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