We continue to see some very positive trends in America

I agree for once. There is a promising trend...
We will have either Hillary Rodham Clinton or one of her chief campaign contributors as President in November.

It looks like the GOP is finally ready to accept reality and prohibit those on the no-fly list from buying as many guns as their ISIS sponsors can afford

It looks like the attempts to defund Obamacare are no longer in fashion; they haven't done that in months.

It appears that the GOP isn't going to try to shut down the government again until HRC takes over.

She looks primed to appoint 4-5 justices to the Supreme Court thanks to GOP stalling on Obama's nomination

The Democrats are going to take back the Senate and restore some sanity.

EPA regulations will be strengthened

Business regs will be strengthened

Happy days are here again!!!


Gays are out everywhere and everyone is fine with that

gays are marrying and most people don't care

interracial relationships are common

Everyone has sex outside of marriage (especially conservatives and republicans)

divorce is easy to get

most people live together before marrying

many people don't even bother marrying

most people won't stay in a bad relationship

women, blacks and gays are in powerful and prominent positions in politics, business, the military and entertainment

women and blacks are running for president

we just had a black president

even conservatives would vote for a black (herman cain) or a woman (sarah palin)...((how LIBERAL of them!))

pot is being decriminalized and legalized all over the country

the number of Americans claiming "no religion" is rising rapidly.

christians still can't indoctrinate our children with their beliefs in public schools

good times......
More and more women in the workforce is s huge positive trend in the nation. Hard to argue this. It's called moving forward.
More and more women in the workforce is s huge positive trend in the nation. Hard to argue this. It's called moving forward.
That’s comical from the side staunchly supporting islam and Sharia Law. :eusa_doh:
Nice accusation
Sorry to disappoint but my patriotic duty tells me to vote third party. It's time we move on from the corrupt two major parties. The trend will grow. Which is another positive trend.
Sorry to disappoint but my patriotic duty tells me to vote third party. It's time we move on from the corrupt two major parties. The trend will grow. Which is another positive trend.
Uh...I almost exclusively vote third party. I just don’t vote for those that support Sharia Law, like you do.
Just what we need. A bunch of home schooled freaks that are socially clueless .

Nice, dude. I like how you were "ROLFMAFAO," when his point went straight over your fucking head. Talk about being clueless.

He said "socially clueless." He's talking about how home schooled kids don't know how to normally interact with others. Which, I agree, is a totally valid point.
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Just what we need. A bunch of home schooled freaks that are socially clueless .

Nice, dude. I like how you were "ROLFMAFAO," when his point went straight over your fucking head. Talk about being clueless.

He said "socially clueless." He's talking about how home schooled kids don't know how to normally interact with others. Which, I agree, is a totally valid point.
Oh joy :eek2yum: nothing freshens up the place
like the stench of shit coming from a new asshole

Straight over my head....clueless

Bitch, please

I know and understood what was stated in the post I replied to
I don't need the 411 for a 10 worded sentence from anyone,
especially a douchebag newbie!

Nothing went over my head, my reply didn’t meet your approval.
Are you under the impression that I value your opinion?
Trust me, I couldn’t care any less about what you think
If you don't realize that by now, you will soon enough

Furthermore, If you're not the poster who wrote it,
you have no business speaking for the poster who did

When new members begin posting it's insightful
Let me share what I know about you so far

If I wanted to kill myself,
I could climb your ego and jump to your IQ

I am the first to tell you,
that acting like a dick won’t make yours bigger
Just what we need. A bunch of home schooled freaks that are socially clueless .

Nice, dude. I like how you were "ROLFMAFAO," when his point went straight over your fucking head. Talk about being clueless.

He said "socially clueless." He's talking about how home schooled kids don't know how to normally interact with others. Which, I agree, is a totally valid point.
Oh joy :eek2yum: nothing freshens up the place
like the stench of shit coming from a new asshole

Straight over my head....clueless

Bitch, please

I know and understood what was stated in the post I replied to
I don't need the 411 for a 10 worded sentence from anyone,
especially a douchebag newbie!

Nothing went over my head, my reply didn’t meet your approval.
Are you under the impression that I value your opinion?
Trust me, I couldn’t care any less about what you think
If you don't realize that by now, you will soon enough

Furthermore, If you're not the poster who wrote it,
you have no business speaking for the poster who did

When new members begin posting it's insightful
Let me share what I know about you so far

If I wanted to kill myself,
I could climb your ego and jump to your IQ

I am the first to tell you,
that acting like a dick won’t make yours bigger

Lighten up, Francis.
Sure. Home schooling is great. There is no reason for a 7 year old girl to know how to recognize all the letters of the alphabet or to count change. After all, she is just going to become a mother at 13, and she will be too busy raising kids and doing laundry to worry about needing any education. Teaching her misunderstood Bible verses and to hate libruls is enough.
Vintage Bulldog ignorance. Just out of curiosity - do you ever know about a subject before commenting on it?

I have personal knowledge on this subject. Home schooling would be fine if there was a requirement for the children to actually be taught some of what they need to know to be functioning adults, but there is not. Often home school parents are just too lazy to get their kids off to school and are only marginally literate themselves. The children are doomed to a wasted life because of lack of education.
Well well I must have screw up, I got one with a Degree in Chemistry
I got on with a Business Degree

I got on who failed, he got his BS degree in Criminal Justice he works as a Cop. I tried to talk him out of it. I wish I had been not a Deputy for 20 years.
Sure. Home schooling is great. There is no reason for a 7 year old girl to know how to recognize all the letters of the alphabet or to count change. After all, she is just going to become a mother at 13, and she will be too busy raising kids and doing laundry to worry about needing any education. Teaching her misunderstood Bible verses and to hate libruls is enough.
Vintage Bulldog ignorance. Just out of curiosity - do you ever know about a subject before commenting on it?

I have personal knowledge on this subject. Home schooling would be fine if there was a requirement for the children to actually be taught some of what they need to know to be functioning adults, but there is not. Often home school parents are just too lazy to get their kids off to school and are only marginally literate themselves. The children are doomed to a wasted life because of lack of education.
Well well I must have screw up, I got one with a Degree in Chemistry
I got on with a Business Degree

I got on who failed, he got his BS degree in Criminal Justice he works as a Cop. I tried to talk him out of it. I wish I had been not a Deputy for 20 years.

Congratulations. You must be one of the few who actually taught your children. Since there is little or no requirement to do that, many don't.

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