We continue to see some very positive trends in America

Just what we need. A bunch of home schooled freaks that are socially clueless .
retarding their children with christian nonsense, thus making them both socially and intellectually retarded
That's why homeschooled children kick the living shit out of liberal indoctrinated retards on GPA, standardized tests, graduating from college, and being involved in their community. Hateful little atheists like you who are so envious of people who have done better than them in life are pitiful.
As a maker, I no longer hire people with public schooling....

Just because you like reading about the cool projects in Make Magazine, doesn't mean you are a MAKER, and I doubt you will ever need to hire someone to help you sit on the bed in your parents basement and play with the internet.
As a maker, I no longer hire people with public schooling....

Just because you like reading about the cool projects in Make Magazine, doesn't mean you are a MAKER, and I doubt you will ever need to hire someone to help you sit on the bed in your parents basement and play with the internet.
Awww....you're a taker....how precious.....
Sure. Home schooling is great. There is no reason for a 7 year old girl to know how to recognize all the letters of the alphabet or to count change. After all, she is just going to become a mother at 13, and she will be too busy raising kids and doing laundry to worry about needing any education. Teaching her misunderstood Bible verses and to hate libruls is enough.
Vintage Bulldog ignorance. Just out of curiosity - do you ever know about a subject before commenting on it?

I have personal knowledge on this subject. Home schooling would be fine if there was a requirement for the children to actually be taught some of what they need to know to be functioning adults, but there is not. Often home school parents are just too lazy to get their kids off to school and are only marginally literate themselves. The children are doomed to a wasted life because of lack of education.

Why is it that homeschooled children have higher SAT scores, higher acceptance into college?
Teachers have to get masters degrees, but you prefer some stay at hom mom to do the trick ?

Typical sexist libtard. Not only insulting and under valuing the "stay at home mom" but even assuming it's a stay at home mom to begin with. Couldn't possibly be a stay at home dad. Or a grandparent (as is the case with a former executive I worked for - whose wife homeschool's their grandchildren). Nope. The libtard immediately assumes it's a woman who must be staying at home. The 150 year Dumbocrat War on Women continues.

This from the guy generalizing teacher Unions and public schools ??

Here is a quote from a Teacher's Union Official. Says all that needs saying about teachers unions. First step to better education in government schools? Do away with teacher's unions and we move forward.

National Education Association General Counsel Bob Chanin stated in July 2009.

Chanin: "It is not because we care about children. And it is not because we have a vision of a great public school for every child. NEA and its affiliates are effective advocates because we have power. And we have power because there are more than 3.2 million people who are willing to pay us hundreds of millions of dollars in dues...."

Says it all, does it not?
That was a specific girl that I personally know, not some hypothetical kid. We already discussed how the small amount of home schooled kids who actually took the SAT probably had parents that actually prepared them for college. Most don't do that. Unless they are applying for college, there is no reason or requirement to take that test. I never said no parents were educated enough and concerned enough to see that their child got a good education. Only that many don't. There is nothing to make them educate their children adequately.

First of all - who are you to decide what equals "adequate"? Do you have any idea how arrogant that is? Second, even if you were right, who cares? Why are you so worried about other people's children? Worry about your own children. Mind your own business.

Oh wait. That's right. You're a socialist. You believe that everyone has to be prepared to provide for you. You need a strong workforce so you have someone to mooch off of.

It was my daughters half sisters. I couldn't do anything about it, because they weren't my kids, but as soon as my daughter turned 18, she started custody proceedings, and put them in school.




Your ignorance of the subject is not surprising. Much of the time the ignorant are the ones most vocal.

A study by Cogan (2010) was conducted at a private university. It included 27 students who were homeschooled. These students were compared to their public schooled counterparts. The study looked at first-year GPA, fall-to-fall retention, and four-year graduation rates (Cogan, 2010). Although many students start college, this does not mean they finish and are successful.

Due to changes within education and the growing number of students who are homeschooled, there is more assistance now than there used to be by test providers and colleges for students to be able to process the necessary paperwork to attend college and complete testing. Homeschoolers can take tests at public schools for the purpose of reporting the information to HOME SCHOOL VS. PUBLIC SCHOOLED 24 colleges. This is how it is determined that homeschooled kids typically score higher on these tests when compared to public schooled students (Aasen, 2010).With evidence that homeschooled students score higher on standardized tests, it is interesting to note that students’ socioeconomic status is not a factor. This is in direct contrast to students who are in public schools. There are only about 50 percent of the homeschooled student’s parents who have attended college. However, approximately 75 percent of homeschooled students attend college. A staggering 50 percent of the public schooled counterparts drop out of school (Chang et al., 2011).

In addition, this study showed that homeschooled college students tested did better academically than public schooled students. Their test scores, namely ACT, GPA and graduation rates were equal or higher than public school students
(Cogan, 2010).

Read more: https://www.nmu.edu/education/sites/DrupalEducation/files/UserFiles/Moreau_Kathi_MP.pdf
Just what we need. A bunch of home schooled freaks that are socially clueless .
Da Comrade, only GLORIOUS state can make sure the subjects are trained in new think new speak.

No . You can send them to private school if you like .

Public school Teachers are required to have advanced degrees and on going training . But hey, they can easily be replaced by any old yokel who crapped out a kid!

Then why are our public school's such underwhelming failures?

Simple, most school boards are run by far left Progressives. Under their liberal guidance, schools no longer have discipline in the classroom. The inmates run the asylum. Student's cannot be disciplined, teachers are not able to fail students. So the classroom must lag behind so the slackards don't get their feelings hurt. Schools cannot throw out students who are unmanageable.

Simply allow school choice, school vouchers and charter schools.
Just what we need. A bunch of home schooled freaks that are socially clueless .
Da Comrade, only GLORIOUS state can make sure the subjects are trained in new think new speak.

No . You can send them to private school if you like .

Public school Teachers are required to have advanced degrees and on going training . But hey, they can easily be replaced by any old yokel who crapped out a kid!

Then why are our public school's such underwhelming failures?

......schools no longer have discipline in the classroom. The inmates run the asylum. Student's cannot be disciplined, teachers are not able to fail students. So the classroom must lag behind so the slackards don't get their feelings hurt. Schools cannot throw out students who are unmanageable.

This kind of comment reveals the ignorance behind so many discussions about education.
Sure. Home schooling is great. There is no reason for a 7 year old girl to know how to recognize all the letters of the alphabet or to count change. After all, she is just going to become a mother at 13, and she will be too busy raising kids and doing laundry to worry about needing any education. Teaching her misunderstood Bible verses and to hate libruls is enough.
Vintage Bulldog ignorance. Just out of curiosity - do you ever know about a subject before commenting on it?

I have personal knowledge on this subject. Home schooling would be fine if there was a requirement for the children to actually be taught some of what they need to know to be functioning adults, but there is not. Often home school parents are just too lazy to get their kids off to school and are only marginally literate themselves. The children are doomed to a wasted life because of lack of education.

Why is it that homeschooled children have higher SAT scores, higher acceptance into college?

There are some home schooled children who do receive a good education. Their parents are capable and willing to teach their kids what is needed to go on to college and better things. These are the ones with the high SAT scores. The majority don't go on to college, so they aren't required to ever even see the SAT test. These are the ones that suffer from a lack of education.
There are some home schooled children who do receive a good education. Their parents are capable and willing to teach their kids what is needed to go on to college and better things. These are the ones with the high SAT scores. The majority don't go on to college, so they aren't required to ever even see the SAT test. These are the ones that suffer from a lack of education.
How sad that you feel it is acceptable to simply make stuff up. You do it in nearly every post. Here are the indisputable facts...

“A recent study shows that homeschooled kids score almost twice as high on exams as public school students. Other studies show that homeschooled kids score 72 points higher than the national average on SAT exams.

Homeschoolers are more likely to attend college, are more likely to graduate, and have higher college GPAs (Grade Point Averages) than other students.

The old wives’ tale spread by the teachers’ unions (who are afraid of competition) is that homeschoolers are not “socialized.” Well, the facts are in. Homeschoolers are almost twice as involved in their local community or church as public school students, and almost three times as involved in politics. Homeschooled children also have far fewer behavioral problems.”

Excerpt From: Wayne Allyn Root. “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide.” Regnery Publishing, 2013-03-26. iBooks. This material may be protected by copyright.

Check out this book on the iBooks Store: https://itun.es/us/ihu4J.l

Do Homeschool Kids Really Rate Better on Standardized Tests?
That was a specific girl that I personally know, not some hypothetical kid. We already discussed how the small amount of home schooled kids who actually took the SAT probably had parents that actually prepared them for college. Most don't do that. Unless they are applying for college, there is no reason or requirement to take that test. I never said no parents were educated enough and concerned enough to see that their child got a good education. Only that many don't. There is nothing to make them educate their children adequately.

First of all - who are you to decide what equals "adequate"? Do you have any idea how arrogant that is? Second, even if you were right, who cares? Why are you so worried about other people's children? Worry about your own children. Mind your own business.

Oh wait. That's right. You're a socialist. You believe that everyone has to be prepared to provide for you. You need a strong workforce so you have someone to mooch off of.

It was my daughters half sisters. I couldn't do anything about it, because they weren't my kids, but as soon as my daughter turned 18, she started custody proceedings, and put them in school.




Your ignorance of the subject is not surprising. Much of the time the ignorant are the ones most vocal.

A study by Cogan (2010) was conducted at a private university. It included 27 students who were homeschooled. These students were compared to their public schooled counterparts. The study looked at first-year GPA, fall-to-fall retention, and four-year graduation rates (Cogan, 2010). Although many students start college, this does not mean they finish and are successful.

Due to changes within education and the growing number of students who are homeschooled, there is more assistance now than there used to be by test providers and colleges for students to be able to process the necessary paperwork to attend college and complete testing. Homeschoolers can take tests at public schools for the purpose of reporting the information to HOME SCHOOL VS. PUBLIC SCHOOLED 24 colleges. This is how it is determined that homeschooled kids typically score higher on these tests when compared to public schooled students (Aasen, 2010).With evidence that homeschooled students score higher on standardized tests, it is interesting to note that students’ socioeconomic status is not a factor. This is in direct contrast to students who are in public schools. There are only about 50 percent of the homeschooled student’s parents who have attended college. However, approximately 75 percent of homeschooled students attend college. A staggering 50 percent of the public schooled counterparts drop out of school (Chang et al., 2011).

In addition, this study showed that homeschooled college students tested did better academically than public schooled students. Their test scores, namely ACT, GPA and graduation rates were equal or higher than public school students
(Cogan, 2010).

Read more: https://www.nmu.edu/education/sites/DrupalEducation/files/UserFiles/Moreau_Kathi_MP.pdf

You will note that those numbers are based on the ones who actually take the tests offered. About 75% of the ones who actually take the tests go on to college. The fact that they bother to take the test that is purely voluntary is an indication that education is a priority. I never said home schooling could not work for some children. Only that without rigid required tests a large number won't receive the education that is needed to be a productive member of society.
You will note that those numbers are based on the ones who actually take the tests offered....
You will note that you continue to make stuff up out of thin air while the rest of us have hammered you with facts, statistics, data, etc. all backed up with links to reliable sources.
There are some home schooled children who do receive a good education. Their parents are capable and willing to teach their kids what is needed to go on to college and better things. These are the ones with the high SAT scores. The majority don't go on to college, so they aren't required to ever even see the SAT test. These are the ones that suffer from a lack of education.
How sad that you feel it is acceptable to simply make stuff up. You do it in nearly every post. Here are the indisputable facts...

“A recent study shows that homeschooled kids score almost twice as high on exams as public school students. Other studies show that homeschooled kids score 72 points higher than the national average on SAT exams.

Homeschoolers are more likely to attend college, are more likely to graduate, and have higher college GPAs (Grade Point Averages) than other students.

The old wives’ tale spread by the teachers’ unions (who are afraid of competition) is that homeschoolers are not “socialized.” Well, the facts are in. Homeschoolers are almost twice as involved in their local community or church as public school students, and almost three times as involved in politics. Homeschooled children also have far fewer behavioral problems.”

Excerpt From: Wayne Allyn Root. “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide.” Regnery Publishing, 2013-03-26. iBooks. This material may be protected by copyright.

Check out this book on the iBooks Store: https://itun.es/us/ihu4J.l

Do Homeschool Kids Really Rate Better on Standardized Tests?

Again, those numbers are taken from the ones who actually bother to take the voluntary tests. If a home school parent isn't capable or willing to educate their children properly, they certainly aren't going to bother have their child take a test that isn't required. You are looking at the small percentage who actually bother to take the extra steps, and trying to say it applies to all of them. If they don't bother to take all those un-required tests, they don't exist as far as your link is concerned.
There are some home schooled children who do receive a good education. Their parents are capable and willing to teach their kids what is needed to go on to college and better things. These are the ones with the high SAT scores. The majority don't go on to college, so they aren't required to ever even see the SAT test. These are the ones that suffer from a lack of education.
How sad that you feel it is acceptable to simply make stuff up. You do it in nearly every post. Here are the indisputable facts...

“A recent study shows that homeschooled kids score almost twice as high on exams as public school students. Other studies show that homeschooled kids score 72 points higher than the national average on SAT exams.

Homeschoolers are more likely to attend college, are more likely to graduate, and have higher college GPAs (Grade Point Averages) than other students.

The old wives’ tale spread by the teachers’ unions (who are afraid of competition) is that homeschoolers are not “socialized.” Well, the facts are in. Homeschoolers are almost twice as involved in their local community or church as public school students, and almost three times as involved in politics. Homeschooled children also have far fewer behavioral problems.”

Excerpt From: Wayne Allyn Root. “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide.” Regnery Publishing, 2013-03-26. iBooks. This material may be protected by copyright.

Check out this book on the iBooks Store: https://itun.es/us/ihu4J.l

Do Homeschool Kids Really Rate Better on Standardized Tests?

Again, those numbers are taken from the ones who actually bother to take the voluntary tests. If a home school parent isn't capable or willing to educate their children properly, they certainly aren't going to bother have their child take a test that isn't required. You are looking at the small percentage who actually bother to take the extra steps, and trying to say it applies to all of them. If they don't bother to take all those un-required tests, they don't exist as far as your link is concerned.
Again...you continue to make stuff up. Throwing aside the facts about the SAT's for a moment - homeschooled students score much higher (twice as high in fact) on exams. And they are more likely to attend college than public school students.

At this point, you just look silly trying to defend the stuff you made up when we have actual data that proves you're wrong. Just admit you made everything up and move along.
There are some home schooled children who do receive a good education. Their parents are capable and willing to teach their kids what is needed to go on to college and better things. These are the ones with the high SAT scores. The majority don't go on to college, so they aren't required to ever even see the SAT test. These are the ones that suffer from a lack of education.
How sad that you feel it is acceptable to simply make stuff up. You do it in nearly every post. Here are the indisputable facts...

“A recent study shows that homeschooled kids score almost twice as high on exams as public school students. Other studies show that homeschooled kids score 72 points higher than the national average on SAT exams.

Homeschoolers are more likely to attend college, are more likely to graduate, and have higher college GPAs (Grade Point Averages) than other students.

The old wives’ tale spread by the teachers’ unions (who are afraid of competition) is that homeschoolers are not “socialized.” Well, the facts are in. Homeschoolers are almost twice as involved in their local community or church as public school students, and almost three times as involved in politics. Homeschooled children also have far fewer behavioral problems.”

Excerpt From: Wayne Allyn Root. “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide.” Regnery Publishing, 2013-03-26. iBooks. This material may be protected by copyright.

Check out this book on the iBooks Store: https://itun.es/us/ihu4J.l

Do Homeschool Kids Really Rate Better on Standardized Tests?

Again, those numbers are taken from the ones who actually bother to take the voluntary tests. If a home school parent isn't capable or willing to educate their children properly, they certainly aren't going to bother have their child take a test that isn't required. You are looking at the small percentage who actually bother to take the extra steps, and trying to say it applies to all of them. If they don't bother to take all those un-required tests, they don't exist as far as your link is concerned.
Again...you continue to make stuff up. Throwing aside the facts about the SAT's for a moment - homeschooled students score much higher (twice as high in fact) on exams. And they are more likely to attend college than public school students.

At this point, you just look silly trying to defend the stuff you made up when we have actual data that proves you're wrong. Just admit you made everything up and move along.

Again. You are making your judgement on the results of test that are only taken by the ones that are obviously making an effort to go on to college. Those tests are not required. Only a percentage of home schooled children ever even see them.
There are some home schooled children who do receive a good education. Their parents are capable and willing to teach their kids what is needed to go on to college and better things. These are the ones with the high SAT scores. The majority don't go on to college, so they aren't required to ever even see the SAT test. These are the ones that suffer from a lack of education.
How sad that you feel it is acceptable to simply make stuff up. You do it in nearly every post. Here are the indisputable facts...

“A recent study shows that homeschooled kids score almost twice as high on exams as public school students. Other studies show that homeschooled kids score 72 points higher than the national average on SAT exams.

Homeschoolers are more likely to attend college, are more likely to graduate, and have higher college GPAs (Grade Point Averages) than other students.

The old wives’ tale spread by the teachers’ unions (who are afraid of competition) is that homeschoolers are not “socialized.” Well, the facts are in. Homeschoolers are almost twice as involved in their local community or church as public school students, and almost three times as involved in politics. Homeschooled children also have far fewer behavioral problems.”

Excerpt From: Wayne Allyn Root. “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide.” Regnery Publishing, 2013-03-26. iBooks. This material may be protected by copyright.

Check out this book on the iBooks Store: https://itun.es/us/ihu4J.l

Do Homeschool Kids Really Rate Better on Standardized Tests?

Again, those numbers are taken from the ones who actually bother to take the voluntary tests. If a home school parent isn't capable or willing to educate their children properly, they certainly aren't going to bother have their child take a test that isn't required. You are looking at the small percentage who actually bother to take the extra steps, and trying to say it applies to all of them. If they don't bother to take all those un-required tests, they don't exist as far as your link is concerned.
Again...you continue to make stuff up. Throwing aside the facts about the SAT's for a moment - homeschooled students score much higher (twice as high in fact) on exams. And they are more likely to attend college than public school students.

At this point, you just look silly trying to defend the stuff you made up when we have actual data that proves you're wrong. Just admit you made everything up and move along.

Again. You are making your judgement on the results of test that are only taken by the ones that are obviously making an effort to go on to college. Those tests are not required. Only a percentage of home schooled children ever even see them.
Again...you lie. Homeschooled children have to take exams that have nothing to do with college (SAT and ACT) and they sore higher. In addition, homeschooled students are more likely to attend college than public school students. Which means statistically - a higher percentage of homeschooled students "see" the SAT's than do public students.

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