We continue to see some very positive trends in America

Another positive trend - trying to rid education of liberal indoctrination and replace it with the facts. If some students (as they inevitably will) want to reject a republic in favor of communism or whatever else, that's fine. They have every right to form their own views and opinions. But they should at least have the facts before forming those views.

Gov. Nikki Haley, a Republican, signed a South Carolina House bill into law that implements the study of U.S. founding documents into the state’s public high schools.

The South Carolina Founding Principles Act requires the study of the United States Constitution, the Federalist Papers, and “the structure of the government and the role of separation of powers and the freedoms guaranteed by the Bill of Rights” to be added into statewide social studies programs.

SC Bill to Teach Founding Principles in Public Schools

A law shouldn't be required to include documents that should already be a part of instruction.
No argument there brother. But that's the sad reality that we've found ourselves in. ...

Most History classes I'm familiar with include this essential information and study of the primary sources.
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Just what we need. A bunch of home schooled freaks that are socially clueless .

Upon what do you base such a bigoted statement?

Same base that allows people to shit all over our current school system.

Be more specific.

How about every thread about education? Funny how we can generalize that "public schools have failed", but generalize home school folks and everyone gets the vapors.
Just what we need. A bunch of home schooled freaks that are socially clueless .

Upon what do you base such a bigoted statement?

Same base that allows people to shit all over our current school system.

Be more specific.

How about every thread about education? Funny how we can generalize that "public schools have failed",

That's not what I asked you.
How about every thread about education? Funny how we can generalize that "public schools have failed", but generalize home school folks and everyone gets the vapors.

Well...since we have indisputable data on the failures of public school and indisputable data on the overwhelming success of homeschooling - it only makes sense that "everyone would get the vapors" when you outrageously claim the exact opposite.
How about every thread about education? Funny how we can generalize that "public schools have failed", but generalize home school folks and everyone gets the vapors.

Well...since we have indisputable data on the failures of public school and indisputable data on the overwhelming success of homeschooling - it only makes sense that "everyone would get the vapors" when you outrageously claim the exact opposite.

What data ? The homies are good at standardized tests ? How does that disprove that they ain't a bunch of misfit nerds ?

And where is this "indisputed data " about public schools ?
How about every thread about education? Funny how we can generalize that "public schools have failed", but generalize home school folks and everyone gets the vapors.

Well...since we have indisputable data on the failures of public school and indisputable data on the overwhelming success of homeschooling - it only makes sense that "everyone would get the vapors" when you outrageously claim the exact opposite.

What data ? The homies are good at standardized tests ? How does that disprove that they ain't a bunch of misfit nerds ?

And where is this "indisputed data " about public schools ?
What data? How about the fact that they have a higher GPA than public school students? How about the fact that they are more likely to attend college and more likely to graduate? How about the fact that they score higher on SAT's?

The bottom line - you have no idea what you are talking about and it shows.
Definitely a positive trend for America that Ted Cruz is a heavy favorite in the future...

"Texas Sen. Ted Cruz galvanized millions of grassroots followers and is almost certain to be a front-runner four years from now should Donald Trump lose."

Even if Trump wins I'd like to see Cruz challenge him in 2020. I just can't foresee a Trump presidency being popular. We are much better off with Ted Cruz in the Oval Office than Donald Trump.

Ted Cruz walks tightrope between Donald Trump and 2020 - CNNPolitics.com
When any school fails, the biggest cause is the parents kids and admin. Most teachers are good but if they have incompetent admin and parents then results arent going to happen. Pretty much common sense.
Cruz is unelectable, otherwise he would be the nominee. I can vote for trump but i cannot ever support lyin ted.
Cruz is unelectable, otherwise he would be the nominee. I can vote for trump but i cannot ever support lyin ted.
Well sure...you're a liberal. But we're talking about a nomination for the conservative party.

I'm sure I'm going to regret this but I have to ask out of sheer morbid curiosity: what exactly has Ted Cruz "lied" about? Are you not smart enough to realize that Donald Trump's entire campaign just targets their biggest challenger by putting 'lyin' in front of their name? First it was 'lyin' Marco. Then it became 'lyin Ted'. Now it's 'lyin' Hitlery.
When any school fails, the biggest cause is the parents kids and admin. Most teachers are good but if they have incompetent admin and parents then results arent going to happen. Pretty much common sense.
Most teachers are good. But the public school system has a miserable track record because it's been taken over by liberalism. The curriculum is absurd and doesn't even remotely prepare students for life. The teachers's union is greedy as hell and chews up all of the budget for education. And of course, the very concept of the public school necessitates a "one size fits all" approach.

Like everything else it ever touched - liberalism has destroyed education.
The most positive trend I could possibly imagine for America. Out of the darkest of darkness - the DNC - which opened with the scandal that the Dumbocrat Party had rigged their elections and ensured a victory by Hitlery, continued with the worst form or propaganda, and ultimately ended with the infamous "Night of a 1,000 Victims", Americans around the world watched that idiot Khizr Khan pull out a Constitution (of which he has zero respect) and inspired them to get their own copy. Nothing could be better for this country than more and more Americans getting a copy of the U.S. Constitution and reading it.

One good thing about Khizr Khan's DNC speech!

A pocket version of the US constitution has become a bestseller on Amazon. The 52-page booklet printed by the National Center for Constitutional Studies sells for $1 (75p) and was in the Top 10 bestselling books on Amazon.com on Saturday afternoon. The site produces an hourly list of its bestsellers.

The constitution emerged as a bestseller days after the Muslim-American lawyer Khizr Khan, whose son was killed while serving in Iraq, flashed a pocket constitution and offered to lend it to the Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump, during a speech at the Democratic national convention.

US constitution is Amazon bestseller after speech criticising Trump

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