We could have been out of Afghanistan in December 2001


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
We could have been out of Afghanistan in December 2001. After seeing the fire power and damage of the US air attack in the first few months of the war, the Taliban was willing to surrender and turn over Osama Bin Laden.
Rumsfield, Cheney and Bush said no.
There have been countless mistakes, in Afghanistan, in the past 20 years.

ElmerMudd total bullshit ....that is some of the most ridiculous bullshit I've seen on USMB--and I've seen a lot
...like I've said, you people don't know much about history/wars/etc
--air attack/firepower!!!!!!!!!!????????
...Japan and Germany were bombed to hell--no surrender
---we ''ran out'' of targets and low on bombs for Japan, we bombed them so much
...we then bombed Vietnam MORE than we did Japan and Germany - no surrender
...yes, you don't know much about wars/etc
ElmerMudd total bullshit ....that is some of the most ridiculous bullshit I've seen on USMB--and I've seen a lot
...like I've said, you people don't know much about history/wars/etc
--air attack/firepower!!!!!!!!!!????????
...Japan and Germany were bombed to hell--no surrender
---we ''ran out'' of targets and low on bombs for Japan, we bombed them so much
...we then bombed Vietnam MORE than we did Japan and Germany - no surrender
...yes, you don't know much about wars/etc

Elmerrrr has another weiner thread
YES, OP. But then the crooked politicians and military industrial complex would not have been able to fleece the American taxpayer for $2 trillion.
…with all of these dumb shit communist useful idiots clapping and barking like trained seals.
Nothing like the mistake your Senile asshole made though

He owns it....and Daily Beast is a leftist hag rag
Members of a cult cannot think for themselves. Simple minded, stupid members of a cult, have to make their leader look good and anyone who defeated the leader look bad.
Both Trump and Biden made mistakes in Afghanistan as have every US President since the war started but that is way too complex for one as stupid as you to comprehend.
Members of a cult cannot think for themselves. Simple minded, stupid members of a cult, have to make their leader look good and anyone who defeated the leader look bad.
Both Trump and Biden made mistakes in Afghanistan as have every US President since the war started but that is way too complex for one as stupid as you to comprehend.

Go away, you've been exposed, Elmmmerrr
ElmerMudd total bullshit ....that is some of the most ridiculous bullshit I've seen on USMB--and I've seen a lot
...like I've said, you people don't know much about history/wars/etc
--air attack/firepower!!!!!!!!!!????????
...Japan and Germany were bombed to hell--no surrender
---we ''ran out'' of targets and low on bombs for Japan, we bombed them so much
...we then bombed Vietnam MORE than we did Japan and Germany - no surrender
...yes, you don't know much about wars/etc
This is a fact, not my opinion.
Trumpsters cannot handle the truth (facts)
We could have been out of Afghanistan in December 2001. After seeing the fire power and damage of the US air attack in the first few months of the war, the Taliban was willing to surrender and turn over Osama Bin Laden.
Rumsfield, Cheney and Bush said no.
There have been countless mistakes, in Afghanistan, in the past 20 years.

Those of us who were against a full-scale invasion and occupation warned against trying to drag a 17th Century civilization into modernity. A sovereign country.

It's not our fuckin' sand. We asked for this.
This is a fact, not my opinion.
Trumpsters cannot handle the truth (facts)
hahhahahahahaha mucho hahhahahahhahahahh
...just like Vietnam, etc---you people think it's a board game/etc!!!!!!!!HAHAH
..'''''IF we just did this ''simple thing'', we could've WON!! we could've been out of there in 2001''''
....if we just looked west, we could've prevented Pearl Harbor disaster
...if we just looked up, we could've prevented 9-11
it's so EASY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahhahahahahahahahhaha
HAHAHAHAHAHH these journalists are idiots and so are you for believing that crap
ElmerMudd total bullshit ....that is some of the most ridiculous bullshit I've seen on USMB--and I've seen a lot
...like I've said, you people don't know much about history/wars/etc
--air attack/firepower!!!!!!!!!!????????
...Japan and Germany were bombed to hell--no surrender
---we ''ran out'' of targets and low on bombs for Japan, we bombed them so much
...we then bombed Vietnam MORE than we did Japan and Germany - no surrender
...yes, you don't know much about wars/etc
You’re actually wrong. We bombed the hell out of the Taliban and with the help of Muhahadeen, drove them out of the country.

Our mistake was not investing the paltry 20 billion it was estimated would take to rebuild roads, schools etc and trusting Karzai (turns out to have been an ISI asset).

We “moved on” to a more target rich environment … Iraq
Lesh hhahahahhahahahah
1. bombing does not win 99.999% of wars
2. no, I'm spot on
3. FYI--ahhhhh-------------------the Taliban are in charge .
We could have been out of Afghanistan in December 2001. After seeing the fire power and damage of the US air attack in the first few months of the war, the Taliban was willing to surrender and turn over Osama Bin Laden.
Rumsfield, Cheney and Bush said no.
There have been countless mistakes, in Afghanistan, in the past 20 years.

Agreed. We should have bugged out the moment we knew bin Laden had fled.
Obviously by the events of the last month with the Taliban retaking the country so quickly it shows me we were no where near winning this war...in all of that time...people got wealthy but we never came close to winning....

Now we will be forced to return...starting up a new war so the military weapons contracts can't flow out of the pentagon again.....its sick...Joe didn't win a war he lost one and may have started another.....

Did you know that an estimated 35% of high tech weapons are illegal to use in Afghanistan?...we have sophisticated weapons deemed too brutal to use in Afghanistan and Iraq...and I'm not talking about nukes....

We never learn...suits can't win wars from DC...lawyers will always slow down any chance of victory....and our leaders do not have the guts to win...
This is a fact, not my opinion.
Trumpsters cannot handle the truth (facts)
There's no such thing as a fact. A "fact" is just an opinion somebody wants very, very, very, very, very much to get people to agree to. So he calls it a fact, which I guess is supposed to be a verbal magic trick.
There's no such thing as a fact. A "fact" is just an opinion somebody wants very, very, very, very, very much to get people to agree to. So he calls it a fact, which I guess is supposed to be a verbal magic trick.

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