We could have been out of Afghanistan in December 2001

We could have been out of Afghanistan in December 2001. After seeing the fire power and damage of the US air attack in the first few months of the war, the Taliban was willing to surrender and turn over Osama Bin Laden.
Rumsfield, Cheney and Bush said no.
There have been countless mistakes, in Afghanistan, in the past 20 years.

sounds like there want a deal at all…sadly though years later we had one, then xiden won and ignored it. and now we have this cluster
Lesh we spent MUCHO $$$$ doing the same thing in Vietnam
....we could've built an entire NEW Afghanistan with 5 TRILLION $$$$ and it would not have changed anything
HAHAHHAAHAH--you fkd up---your post is even WORSE than the OP--here:

''''''Separately, another $5.8 billion went into economic and government development and infrastructure since 2001, with the expressed goal of winning public support and blunting the Taliban insurgency.''''''

Water is wet.

Fire burns

There are facts

Facts exist

Learn the difference between fact and opinion… and lies
Naaaaaaaaah. You should learn to know what it is you don't know.

It's always a bad sign when people start saying, "That's not just my opinion, that's a fact!!" That means it's not only an opinion, it's a particularly dumb one.

Poor quality thinking, to depend on what you insist are "facts." Nobody is going to believe you any more because you relabeled one of your opinions.
There's no such thing as a fact. A "fact" is just an opinion somebody wants very, very, very, very, very much to get people to agree to. So he calls it a fact, which I guess is supposed to be a verbal magic trick.
Elmer is stating opinions and incorrectly calling them facts.

You wanna call him out on THAT and I’ll back you up till the cows come home

But saying there are no facts?

Elmer is stating opinions and incorrectly calling them facts.

You wanna call him out on THAT and I’ll back you up till the cows come home

But saying there are no facts?

Are you sure?

Never mind, you're probably a sure sort of person.
Naaaaaaaaah. You should learn to know what it is you don't know.

It's always a bad sign when people start saying, "That's not just my opinion, that's a fact!!" That means it's not only an opinion, it's a particularly dumb one.

Poor quality thinking, to depend on what you insist are "facts." Nobody is going to believe you any more because you relabeled one of your opinions.
Biden is President is just my opinion? I do not think so.
Lesh we spent MUCHO $$$$ doing the same thing in Vietnam
....we could've built an entire NEW Afghanistan with 5 TRILLION $$$$ and it would not have changed anything
HAHAHHAAHAH--you fkd up---your post is even WORSE than the OP--here:

''''''Separately, another $5.8 billion went into economic and government development and infrastructure since 2001, with the expressed goal of winning public support and blunting the Taliban insurgency.''''''
You’re wrong. There was a moment in time when the Taliban were driven out. The Afghans were tired of that shit THEN and a 20B investment had a real good chance of making that a relatively stable country.

We’ll never know because we didn’t try. We turned our attention to Iraq… and ended up squandering far more than 20B over the ensuing 20 years of failure
And opinions based on facts are still opinions

Opinions based on bullshit… well you find a name for that
Lesh hahhahahah--it's like if we went into North Vietnam--they just would've waited as long as it took .....plain and simple, bombing does not win wars
....you people prove you don't know shit---like with other issues, you think it's a movie or TV show.......we are not going to change the Afghans----you have to be a TOTAL moron to think otherwise
AND--AND----even the people that hate the Taliban, did not like us there and/or hated us --etc
..you don't get it
ElmerMudd total bullshit ....that is some of the most ridiculous bullshit I've seen on USMB--and I've seen a lot
...like I've said, you people don't know much about history/wars/etc
--air attack/firepower!!!!!!!!!!????????
...Japan and Germany were bombed to hell--no surrender
---we ''ran out'' of targets and low on bombs for Japan, we bombed them so much
...we then bombed Vietnam MORE than we did Japan and Germany - no surrender
...yes, you don't know much about wars/etc
Harmonica is an example of the unbelievable ridiculous thinking of Trump supporters.
If Trump says it or if someone says something positive of Trump it is the absolute truth.
If an anti-Trumper says something it is false even if it has nothing to do with Trump.

It is a cult. That is how cult members act. It is how Nazis acted about Hitler.

The Trump supporters are mindless, immoral, unethical, without any principles and the biggest dumbasses you will ever find. We cannot and will not allow them to take our country down.
Harmonica is an example of the unbelievable ridiculous thinking of Trump supporters.
If Trump says it or if someone says something positive of Trump it is the absolute truth.
If an anti-Trumper says something it is false even if it has nothing to do with Trump.

It is a cult. That is how cult members act. It is how Nazis acted about Hitler.

The Trump supporters are mindless, immoral, unethical, without any principles and the biggest dumbasses you will ever find. We cannot and will not allow them to take our country down.
Elmer is an example of the unbelievable ridiculous thinking of Bidumb supporters.
If Bidumb says it or if someone says something positive of Bidumb it is the absolute truth.
If an anti-Bidumb says something it is false even if it has nothing to do with Bidumb.

It is a cult. That is how cult members act. It is how Nazis acted about Hitler.

The Bidumb supporters are mindless, immoral, unethical, without any principles and the biggest dumbasses you will ever find. We cannot and will not allow them to take our country down.
Nope. They were almost entirely gone after we initially got involved
...do you realize how big Afghanistan is --and how tiny an an amount of the country the US forces/etc could cover ?????????
you are in Fairytale land
..they were there----all the time .....etc
@Lesh hahhahahah--it's like if we went into North Vietnam--they just would've waited as long as it took .....plain and simple, bombing does not win wars
It certainly won that one...until we snatched defeat from the jaws of victory and turned our attention to Iraq
It certainly won that one...until we snatched defeat from the jaws of victory and turned our attention to Iraq
When we talk of the military industrial complex, we know it exists. And yet nothing is done about it. Same thing with domestic pork, domestic social programs and the rest. The Congress spend months and months putting a Bill together, usually with goodies and promises from both sides and things we do not know that totals thousands of pages and this is the result. militarily, how do we survive if a fair amount of the budget for procurement is for enriching individuals while wildly overspending with some questionable hardware produce also. The Chinese do not play. they get value. We wasted trillions of dollars.

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