We DO NOT Have a Living Constitution

And I've yet to find judicial review any place in Article III. Judicial review is a power given to the court by itself.

Jefferson held them off the first time they tried it but after he died, they went right back to it.
Judicial review was a concept used in America before Marshall's court. You're being willfully ignorant and disingenuous here
The words of the United States Constitution are not to be reworked or legislatively overturned by activists liberals judges who feel the Constitution is a living document. Strict constructionist view is the correct one.
Loose Construction versus Strict Construction | Conservatism In The United States | United States Government
Do you know what you are talking about and are you able to give examples, or have you been stuck following bumper stickers in rush hour traffic for most of your life?
Abuse of 14th Amendment, FISA warrants, abuse of Necessary and Proper Clause...Roe v. Wade 1973...Obamacare ruling...overturning of California Prop 8 (example of 14th Amendment abuse). If you want to debate constitutional law...let’s do it.
I bet you believe your opinions are the only truth.

The Obamacare ruling is a prime example of the Court trying heard not to interject and over rule the Congress. CJ Roberts lays it all out
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The words of the United States Constitution are not to be reworked or legislatively overturned by activists liberals judges who feel the Constitution is a living document. Strict constructionist view is the correct one.
Loose Construction versus Strict Construction | Conservatism In The United States | United States Government
Jefferson was an agrarian nincompoop, and Hamilton gave us the success story that became American capitalism
Thomas Jefferson was a great American and a patriot.
Many of the founding generation mocked his effeminate nerves and seeming cowardliness when he deserted his government position. He also played it so safe during the revolution
So anyone that knows your SSN can publish it without fear of violating the law?

What about credit card numbers?

You guys okay with that too?
How about a strawman argument?
It’s understandable that you’re afraid to answer the question....poor baby
And, it's understandable that you have to make a strawman argument....poor baby.

No..it’s an example of the idiocy of everything having to fit within the strict confines of the stated words. We wouldn’t have an air force, NASA, FEMA, Social Security, Medicare, and a thousand other vital government services if we listened to this garbage.

But most directly affecting the lives of everyday people is the right to privacy that is not defined in the Constitution but is surely an expectation.

So why don’t you answer the question?
The Constitution protects the people from government. I hope that answers your strawman argument.
The constitution protects citizens from each other. The tyranny of the mobs. After watching how state governments acted, Madison ended up fearing legislative branches more than an executive, and state and local governments more than a central one

But the original main purpose of the US Constitution was to put limits on national power, thereby protecting the autonomy of the states
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