We earn the right to be treated equally by acting like an equal. What's so wrong with this again?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Mama always said: "son you can't expect people to be nice to you when you go around acting like a fool"
What did she mean by this? Why could I at eight years old clearly understand exactly what she meant and grown adults can not?
Equality, like trust and respect is earned. In the real world outside of LibTardo Land that's just the way it is. Legitimate, intelligent people stereotype and profile because that's what good quality smart people do....Ignorant lowlifes hate this as they aren't afforded the luxury of stereotyping for obvious reasons. Think about it....A lowlife himself can't really say: "that guy is such a lowlife"
More argle-bargle from the right wing whiners. Egads guys at least post some empirical data to back up your nonsense. While I doubt you'll read or understand it here's a piece that will challenge and maybe next time come back with more than just whining.

Jonah Gelbach Responds to Amy Wax and Jon Haidt

No nation was ever founded by conservatives, no positive policy was ever created by conservatives, in order to do something, anything, they'd have to stop whining and pointing fingers, but then what would they to be.

"What is conservatism? Is it not adherence to the old and tried, against the new and untried?" Abraham Lincoln Source: February 27, 1860 Cooper Union
No nation was ever founded by conservatives
Uh-huh, as opposed to the plethora of nations that were founded by those that share your particular ideology, the Soviet Union, North Korea, Communist China, Khmer Rouge Cambodia, North Vietnam.... definitely a list you left wing authoritarian gangsters should be proud of. :rolleyes:

On the other hand the U.S. for example was founded by liberals that would be considered conservatives today, the confusion in terminology is all thanks to the "progressives" having to change their masks so often that not even they can keep track of what they're calling their authoritarian anti-social ideology anymore.

BrokeLoser said:
Equality, like trust and respect is earned.
Equality in what context? Treatment before the law? of Outcomes? of Opportunity?
Because black crybabies are so filled with hatred & blame toward whites - with self-loathing white liberals enabling the shit out of their victim mentality - what crybaby-Americans really want is carte blanche to commit crimes against whites scot free. A more vindictive, unaccountable, blame-everyone-else, despicable, stupider, drama-queen race does not exist. I really, honestly hate them. I've seen enough of their toxic attitude/behavior I wouldn't even allow a crybaby-American in my house. We need resegregation for the safety of the 87% of non-blacks because they have proven Abe Lincoln absolutely correct when he said they were unfit for civilized society.

Crybaby-Americans brought all this hate on themselves 100% because their primitive brains are too stupid to consider the consequences of their actions, regardless of what race a person is.
Mama always said: "son you can't expect people to be nice to you when you go around acting like a fool"
What did she mean by this? Why could I at eight years old clearly understand exactly what she meant and grown adults can not?
Equality, like trust and respect is earned. In the real world outside of LibTardo Land that's just the way it is. Legitimate, intelligent people stereotype and profile because that's what good quality smart people do....Ignorant lowlifes hate this as they aren't afforded the luxury of stereotyping for obvious reasons. Think about it....A lowlife himself can't really say: "that guy is such a lowlife"
Before those pesky civil rats 'mendments we didn't have to give em damn thing.

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