We got exactly the kind of President we deserve

So WTF is this supposed to prove? There are no laws stating that you can't do business with foreign countries in the private sector, and certainly no reason to launch an investigation if you later decide to run for President.

So like I said, they started an investigation over a joke Trump made during a debate. Nothing more.

it means... ray ray.... no pay close attention. getting something of value ( goods or serives or plain hard cash from a foreign entity to alter an election is a bozo no no.

conspiracy to defraud the united states is a biggie. so is obstruction, witness tampering, & witness intimidation... my my my.


Trump didn't get anything from Russia. WTF are you even talking about?

Look at your own links. They were highlighting things that happened before 911 through 2008. And the first link you provided you never even looked at because it would take an hour to read. Who has time to read a 20 page BLOG? Not to mention most of the other sites you provided nobody ever heard of before.

This is an investigation that started with zero evidence of any wrongdoing. The Democrats had their emails hacked under a Democrat President. They recounted three states and found the voting to be accurate.

playtime is a brainless shill for the dnc. A playpen is probably the best place for him.

wow wow wow.... i am not a (D) ... nor a him.

you fail.

No, you are a shill for the dnc, that is obvious, and you don't have to be a D to shill for them. As far as whether you are male or female doesn't matter. You post like a incil male, so I address you like a male.

^^^ snowflake ^^^

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