We got exactly the kind of President we deserve

a lot of people voted for him because they hated hillary so much, they would rather have putin's bitch in the whitehouse.

That would have been Obozo.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

who woulda thunk - first another i hate hillary & then a i hate obama post....

Pot, meet kettle. You are the typical uneducated, ignorant, dupe who votes for the ruling class believing they will give you all of these wonderful things for free. Get an education, poor little hater dupe.

a lot of people voted for him because they hated hillary so much, they would rather have putin's bitch in the whitehouse.

That would have been Obozo.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

who woulda thunk - first another i hate hillary & then a i hate obama post....

Pot, meet kettle. You are the typical uneducated, ignorant, dupe who votes for the ruling class believing they will give you all of these wonderful things for free. Get an education, poor little hater dupe.

That would be you dim. I work for everything I get. Always have. I don’t need universal health care, or a pension. Already have it. Your talking about the dim platform. Free college, health care, increased minimum wage for burger flippers. Increased taxes so you’re racist terrorist leaders, can be kept in the lifestyle they have always had. I pay for losers that never worked a day in their life, and don’t exist on paper. Get a job. The economy is good, and unemployment is at an all time low. Or do their dirty work, and protest about nothing you punk.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
let me tell Trump...you can spend all the attack ads you want attacking the Democrat nominee in 2020 but whether you like it or not we are gonna have medicare for all, tuition free colleges, the green new deal and so much else after your ass gets defeated!
you mean the dossier that was first obtained by a (R) nothing in the dossier has been proven untrue. in fact some info has been found true & some just hasn't been verified.

Most of it hasn't. Yes, a Republican got a hold of it out of pure hatred for Trump. But that doesn't discount the fact that it was paid for by Hillary and the DNC. McCain never presented it as real evidence to a FISA court to get a surveillance warrant. Had Hillary become President, it would have been hidden forever.

ya, uh-huh. right.... sure. it was that & only that.

that cheeto dust is there, ray ray.

What else was it? There was only one thing that tied Trump to Russia and that was a stupid joke.
I'm not buying it.

We DO NOT deserve this

You refuse to acknowledge the left is primary responsible for Trump?

Acceptance is the first step toward change

I recently had a couple people raise doubts to me about the Buddhist idea of “accepting what is.” Isn’t it too passive? What if we’re in a situation that’s really unacceptable?

I’ve come across a few things recently that speak to this. Each makes a slightly different point, but they all basically say the same thing. “Accepting what is” does not mean passive acquiescence. Far from it, it’s the first step in making real and lasting change.

San Diego-based therapist Leonard Noel wrote in a recent blog post:

“Acceptance does not mean that we agree with what is happening or that we believe it must continue… Acceptance means that we are able to gaze into the face of the present and say, ’You are in front of me, and I acknowledge you are here.'”

He says that when we avoid things we find unpleasant or fearful, they generally come back bite us. (And often in the most inconvenient way, at the most inconvenient time.) But facing and acknowledging them brings us greater awareness — which creates space for other perspectives to arise. His very practical post covers many points relating to how to face our personal difficulties.

According to Thanissaro Bhikkhu, a highly respected Buddhist monk, acceptance means to accept responsibility for oneself. We can’t blame anyone else for our situation. So it’s about getting real. It’s about not covering things up with excuses and avoidance tactics, and facing our situation squarely as it is. And taking up the challenge to do something about it.

“Many people think that self-acceptance means celebrating what’s there already: that you’re good enough, that you don’t have to make any changes. That’s not the case at all.

Acceptance means accepting the fact that you’re responsible for a lot of your experience right now. You can’t blame anybody else. And ultimately that’s a good thing. If other people were ultimately responsible for shaping your experience, what could you do? You’d have to go around pleasing them all the time. But the key fact is that you’re shaping your pleasures and pains here in the present moment. Some of your experience comes from past actions, but a lot comes from the way you shape things with each present intention.

So learn to be open and honest about the role you’re playing in this moment.”

Joanna Macy, a Buddhist scholar and philosopher of ecology, approaches this topic from the angle of social change. She’s not one to sit quietly and accept the state of our world today. In this interview, she addresses the BIG questions of our time (e.g. climate change, war, the world financial crisis) through the lens of her work as a translator of the poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke. To her, “acceptance” means to show up and offer our loving presence. If our mother is, say, dying of cancer, we wouldn’t turn away, would we? If nothing else, we’d want to at least be there for her. Though it’s painful to see someone we love suffering, we do our best to face our own fears and worries, and do the best we can to help.

By extending the dying mother analogy to the broken state of our world, she said,

“The biggest gift you can give is to be absolutely present, and when you’re worrying about whether you’re hopeful or hopeless or pessimistic or optimistic, who cares? The main thing is that you’re showing up, that you’re here and that you’re finding ever more capacity to love this world because it will not be healed without that. That was what is going to unleash our intelligence and our ingenuity and our solidarity for the healing of our world.”

This is a beautiful interview by the way. If you have an hour to spare, I’d encourage you to listen to it.

If we go back to the words of the Buddha, he never used the phrase “accept what is.” I think the notion probably comes from a reinterpretation of his teaching to a man named Bahiya.

“Herein, Bahiya, you should train yourself thus: ‘In the seen will be merely what is seen; in the heard will be merely what is heard; in the sensed will be merely what is sensed; in the cognized will be merely what is cognized.’ In this way you should train yourself, Bahiya.” (Udana 1.10)

Whether we’re talking about facing our own difficulties, or those of our loved ones, or of the whole world, “acceptance” boils down to the same thing. To stand firm and be willing to look reality in the eye. To face our fears and doubts. To quiet our impulse to run away or distract ourselves in hopes they’ll go away.

As I think about all this, it seems like this teaching is pointing us in a similar direction as the famous serenity prayer from the Christian tradition:

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

So “accepting what is” is not about passivity at all. It’s about clear seeing, and the “wisdom to know the difference.” Paradoxically, it’s when we take responsibility for our own failings and difficulties, or those of the world around us, that the real process of change can begin to take place. I see it as an essential starting point for anything we take on in life.
Remember, Trump is a bad POTUS not because he's ineffective, but for emotional reasons.
a lot of people voted for him because they hated hillary so much, they would rather have putin's bitch in the whitehouse.

That would have been Obozo.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

who woulda thunk - first another i hate hillary & then a i hate obama post....

Pot, meet kettle. You are the typical uneducated, ignorant, dupe who votes for the ruling class believing they will give you all of these wonderful things for free. Get an education, poor little hater dupe.


Yes, maniacal laughing is about all you are good for.
Democrats nominated Clinton, Republicans nominated Trump, two terrible nominees. Two terrible choices, people voting for the lesser of two evils.

I blame both party’s for this mess. The two party system is broken.

I agree completely, and this needs to be repeated.
Both parties were so bad that people voted for Trump as punishment I think.
If things do not improve, they will find someone even worse than Trump to elect.
The tribes are in control now, the loons.

This is the predictable result.

I disagree, with respect.

(I have time to kill...so....)

The reason Trump won is two-fold.

1) 'White', largely male, middle/old aged, lower-middle income and lower to middle education were desperate. There are several reasons for this.

One, they see their power eroding. When they were young, they 'owned America'...especially the men. Now, they see women (finally and rightly) gaining full equality and 'white' people are becoming the minority.
Two, they have seen their incomes/career prospects/buying power erode. Why? Because America is becoming a country of servicing and not of manufacturing. And how is the government dealing with this? INCREDIBLY selfishly. They have abandoned macroeconomic fundamentals and embraced cheap money and central bank stimuli...and both parties higher-ups are loving it (though they are not saying so). And it is happening in almost every, major economy in the world. Coincidence? No chance.
The wealthy have found an easy way to get FAR wealthier - get the Fed to prop up the equity markets which drags everything else 'wealthy' along for the ride.
Unfortunately, since the middle/lower classes have minimal access to this cheap debt - they are falling behind...BIG TIME. Sure, they can get a nibble of the debt tree - but they cannot do anything with it but try and maintain a standard of living they cannot maintain indefinitely. Meanwhile, the wealthy are getting FAR wealthier. And the wealth gap is growing.
Bottom line. The American dream is dying for the 'little' guy/gal. Working hard is not enough - in fact, it's almost pointless. You MUST have access to lots of cheap credit and then invest it wisely. Because since 2001 to some extent and since 2008 to a large extent - macroeconomic fundamentals have gone on vacation.
And virtually no Americans seem to realize it (other than a fed who understand business). And those that know it are keeping their mouth shut so that the ignorant masses cannot figure it out....so the former can keep getting richer.

So why does all this lead to the above described people voting for Trump?

Because they feel betrayed by their politicians. It is them who let this situation occur. So they want a POTUS who will fix it and who will talk their language...who talks like they do. No slick talk...just down and dirty. And they want that POTUS to promise to make America once 'again' like it was back in the 1950's-70's...when it was 'great'.

And Trump offered all of this. An INCREDIBLY plain spoken, simplistic guy who told them EXACTLY what they wanted to hear. The fact that he is rich means he MUST know what he is talking about (as far as they are concerned). He is flawed - like them. He is xenophobic/fearful of losing 'white' power in America - like many of them. He is chauvinistic - like many of them (even some of the women). He IS them...with nicer suits and his Daddy's money.
And he has given them lots of people to blame - the 'swamp', illegals, foreign countries, etc.

And how has the left reacted to this macroeconomic mess that the Fed/Washington elites have created?

They want big government. They want the government to fix everything. To make everything a socialistic utopia where the government takes care of them from cradle to grave.
And that was - in 2016 - just what Bernie Sanders was promising.
And now, they have FULL ON embraced it.
And Sanders (and now Ocasio-Cortez and others) have given the Left lots of people to blame - big business, free enterprise and corrupt government that refuses to spend enough on social programs.

The Right wants to go back in time and the Left wants the government to make everything better. And - with respect - it is not because they are 'loons'. It is because they are fed up (pardon the pun), desperate and have lost faith in traditional American politics (as well they should). 99% of them have NO IDEA what is really going on (that the Fed/elites are the cause) - they just know things are getting worse for them...slowly.
So they are falling back on their core beliefs...and America is getting politically fractured in the process.

I have no idea what will happen - other then eventually the 'cheap debt' house of cards has to collapse. But that could take decades - just ask the Japanese.

But I do know it is not because Americans have suddenly gotten 'looney'. It's because they have been horribly let down (though hardly any of them know exactly why/how) and they are getting VERY desperate.

Good day.

Disagree with parts of that.

I think you're giving the American voter (especially the Trump supporters) too much credit for weighting the pluses and minuses of the candidates rationally and arriving at a decision.

How would you account for HRC getting 3,000,000 more votes than Trump in that case? He won 3 states that swung the election by about 100,000 in total. It's still a victory but if what you're describing is true, the margin would have been much more pronounced.

Where you're right is that Trump validated the fear and said he'd fix it. Clearly the fear is still there even greater than it was before.

Trump voters weighed no 'pluses and minuses'. Trump was the ONLY plain spoken candidate who promised them a 1950's-style utopia. And Hillary won the PV because the progressive movement had not fully taken hold yet. She was a traditional Democrat.

Plus, the interior of America (Trump country) has been hit much harder financially then the coasts have (Democrat country). So the former were more desperate for change. The Reps did not suddenly get stupid. They just suddenly got desperate and completely rejected 'traditional' politicians.

And the same thing is happening now to the Dems. They are going FAR more to the left then they were in 2016...because they are reaching their limits with traditional politics. If Hillary ran today, I say she would have little chance to get the nomination. Things have changed that fast over the last two years.

Anyway, you are missing the main problem...the reason for this extreme voter dissatisfaction.
And that is the pattern around the world of massive, central bank intervention to stimulate equity markets which is causing huge increases in wealth disparity.

Insulting voters won't help anything. Realizing the cause of the problems and fixing them is what needs to occur.

And I GUARANTEE you that trying to relive the 'good ole days' or trying to make the government pay for everything are NOT the answers. They will just make things much worse.

Removing the Fed's 'full employment' mandate, balancing the budget by cutting military spending/wasteful social programs and guaranteeing full healthcare for the poor/children will go a long way to fix what is ailing America.
1: There are 3,141 counties in the United States. Trump won 3,084 of them. Clinton won 57.
2: There are 62 counties in New York State. Trump won 46 of them. Clinton won 16.
3: Clinton won the popular vote by approx. 1.5 million votes.
4: In the 5 counties that encompass NYC, (Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Richmond & Queens) Clinton received well over 2 million more votes than Trump. (Clinton only won 4 of these counties; Trump won Richmond) Therefore these 5 counties alone, more than accounted for Clinton winning the popular vote of the entire country.
5: These 5 counties comprise 319 square miles. The United States is comprised of 3,797,000 square miles.
6: When you have a country that encompasses almost 4 million square miles of territory, it would be ludicrous to even suggest that the vote of those who inhabit a mere 319 square miles should dictate the outcome of a national election.
Large, densely populated Democrat cities (NYC, Chicago, LA, etc) don’t and shouldn’t speak for the rest of the country.

This is WHY you have an Electoral College. It's a safety net so that EVERYONE'S vote counts.
The truth is that in too many districts the American voters do not really keep their elected officials accountable at any level of gov't, and unfortunately the media does not accurately and impartially report the truth to us. Which makes it damn hard to figure out what to do and which people and programs to support. So, we get the gov't we deserve because we keep voting them in office, not just the President but all of 'em.
Just minutes ago Jeffery Toobin of CNN fame said something very interesting. Obviously I am forced to paraphrase here, so be kind and I will try to be as accurate as I can be.

News commentators on CNN were discussing the many times Trump has lied or misled the American people. Toobin asked why should Trump change? He got elected acting the way he does.

I paused the television and thought about that. Toobin was right.

By November 8, 2016, voters knew Trump was a prolific liar. He even bragged about it in his biography, The Art of the Deal. He called it truthful hyperbole. Here is what he said about the euphemism for outright lying.

“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.”

Voters could see truthful hyperbole in play in nearly every speech, statement, and tweet Trump made during the Presidential campaign of 2016.

In addition to being a prolific liar, we knew from the Access Hollywood tapes that Trump was a sexual predator while married to the current First Lady. Voters heard Trump tell us in his own words about his sexual prowess with women. It was enough to make a Marine blush.

Voters also heard Trump ask for help from the Russian government. “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Trump said. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

American voters were informed in October of 2016 that Russia was interfering in our Presidential election, and that WikiLeaks was acting as a conduit for the product of Russian hacking. American voters heard Trump praise WikiLeaks for the great job they were doing.

  • October 10, 2016 in Wilkes-Barre, PA: "This just came out," Trump said. "WikiLeaks, I love WikiLeaks."
  • October 12, 2016 in Ocala, FL: "This WikiLeaks stuff is unbelievable," Trump said. "It tells you the inner heart, you gotta read it."
And so on, Trump repeated his unremitting praise of WikiLeaks during the remainder of the Presidential campaign.

In addition, Trump did nothing to hide his true character, a narcissistic, self-centered bigmouth. In fact, he made a point of everyone knowing that he was a narcissistic, self-centered bigmouth. He was proud of his overbearing characteristics. He was the ultimate alpha male.

Sixty-three million Americans thought Trump was a good choice for the President of the United States. Ninety million Americans stayed home on Election Day, and another ten million threw their vote away on a candidate who had no chance of winning, thinking they were protesting. No one listened to their protests as sixty-three million Americans cheered mightily as Trump won the election and became our President.

Toobin was right. Those sixty-three million Americans knew what they were getting, and to this day they are proud of their choice. Trump was exactly the kind of man they wanted as President. After all, they say so on this venue every day.

We got exactly the kind of President we deserve.

Last edited: 3 minutes ago

Democrats nominated Clinton, Republicans nominated Trump, two terrible nominees. Two terrible choices, people voting for the lesser of two evils.

I blame both party’s for this mess. The two party system is broken.

I agree completely, and this needs to be repeated.
Both parties were so bad that people voted for Trump as punishment I think.
If things do not improve, they will find someone even worse than Trump to elect.
Do you believe we ever might elect a dictator?

I believe it has been a dictatorship for many decades, but the candidates are all just front men/women.
The same likely was true with Hitler.
The real dictatorship both in 1933 German and the US now, is the Industrial Military Complex.
In Germany it was the aristocracy, military and wealthy corporate owners.
But now in the US is about the same thing, even though we don't give the aristocrats titles.
you mean the dossier that was first obtained by a (R) nothing in the dossier has been proven untrue. in fact some info has been found true & some just hasn't been verified.

Most of it hasn't. Yes, a Republican got a hold of it out of pure hatred for Trump. But that doesn't discount the fact that it was paid for by Hillary and the DNC. McCain never presented it as real evidence to a FISA court to get a surveillance warrant. Had Hillary become President, it would have been hidden forever.

ya, uh-huh. right.... sure. it was that & only that.

that cheeto dust is there, ray ray.

What else was it? There was only one thing that tied Trump to Russia and that was a stupid joke.

' Most of it hasn't. Yes, a Republican got a hold of it out of pure hatred for Trump. But that doesn't discount the fact that it was paid for by Hillary and the DNC. McCain never presented it as real evidence to a FISA court to get a surveillance warrant. Had Hillary become President, it would have been hidden forever'

FISA warrants get reviewed for renewal every few months & go by strict protocol each time.

Rules of Procedure | Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court | United States

nothing has been proven untrue, only some haven't been verified.

The Steele Dossier: A Retrospective

Clapper: 'More and more' of Steele dossier proving to be true

'What else was it? There was only one thing that tied Trump to Russia and that was a stupid joke.'

gotta say, you sure regurgitate trump's pablum pretty well, raymond. but i' can help you out with that... m'k?

try some of the drop down menus:

The Moscow Project

Committee to Investigate Russia
a lot of people voted for him because they hated hillary so much, they would rather have putin's bitch in the whitehouse.

That would have been Obozo.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

who woulda thunk - first another i hate hillary & then a i hate obama post....

Pot, meet kettle. You are the typical uneducated, ignorant, dupe who votes for the ruling class believing they will give you all of these wonderful things for free. Get an education, poor little hater dupe.


Yes, maniacal laughing is about all you are good for.

i'm a great popcorn connoisseur too..........

Just minutes ago Jeffery Toobin of CNN fame said something very interesting. Obviously I am forced to paraphrase here, so be kind and I will try to be as accurate as I can be.

News commentators on CNN were discussing the many times Trump has lied or misled the American people. Toobin asked why should Trump change? He got elected acting the way he does.

I paused the television and thought about that. Toobin was right.

By November 8, 2016, voters knew Trump was a prolific liar. He even bragged about it in his biography, The Art of the Deal. He called it truthful hyperbole. Here is what he said about the euphemism for outright lying.

“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.”

Voters could see truthful hyperbole in play in nearly every speech, statement, and tweet Trump made during the Presidential campaign of 2016.

In addition to being a prolific liar, we knew from the Access Hollywood tapes that Trump was a sexual predator while married to the current First Lady. Voters heard Trump tell us in his own words about his sexual prowess with women. It was enough to make a Marine blush.

Voters also heard Trump ask for help from the Russian government. “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Trump said. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

American voters were informed in October of 2016 that Russia was interfering in our Presidential election, and that WikiLeaks was acting as a conduit for the product of Russian hacking. American voters heard Trump praise WikiLeaks for the great job they were doing.

  • October 10, 2016 in Wilkes-Barre, PA: "This just came out," Trump said. "WikiLeaks, I love WikiLeaks."
  • October 12, 2016 in Ocala, FL: "This WikiLeaks stuff is unbelievable," Trump said. "It tells you the inner heart, you gotta read it."
And so on, Trump repeated his unremitting praise of WikiLeaks during the remainder of the Presidential campaign.

In addition, Trump did nothing to hide his true character, a narcissistic, self-centered bigmouth. In fact, he made a point of everyone knowing that he was a narcissistic, self-centered bigmouth. He was proud of his overbearing characteristics. He was the ultimate alpha male.

Sixty-three million Americans thought Trump was a good choice for the President of the United States. Ninety million Americans stayed home on Election Day, and another ten million threw their vote away on a candidate who had no chance of winning, thinking they were protesting. No one listened to their protests as sixty-three million Americans cheered mightily as Trump won the election and became our President.

Toobin was right. Those sixty-three million Americans knew what they were getting, and to this day they are proud of their choice. Trump was exactly the kind of man they wanted as President. After all, they say so on this venue every day.

We got exactly the kind of President we deserve.

Last edited: 3 minutes ago

Democrats nominated Clinton, Republicans nominated Trump, two terrible nominees. Two terrible choices, people voting for the lesser of two evils.

I blame both party’s for this mess. The two party system is broken.

I agree completely, and this needs to be repeated.
Both parties were so bad that people voted for Trump as punishment I think.
If things do not improve, they will find someone even worse than Trump to elect.
Do you believe we ever might elect a dictator?

I believe it has been a dictatorship for many decades, but the candidates are all just front men/women.
The same likely was true with Hitler.
The real dictatorship both in 1933 German and the US now, is the Industrial Military Complex.
In Germany it was the aristocracy, military and wealthy corporate owners.
But now in the US is about the same thing, even though we don't give the aristocrats titles.
We are all manipulated. In many ways. The German people were manipulated. I know they take abuse in movies/documentaries/TV shows and much more. But from 1914 to after World War 2 they have been skewered. And since WW 2 they have been put on a leash.
you mean the dossier that was first obtained by a (R) nothing in the dossier has been proven untrue. in fact some info has been found true & some just hasn't been verified.

Most of it hasn't. Yes, a Republican got a hold of it out of pure hatred for Trump. But that doesn't discount the fact that it was paid for by Hillary and the DNC. McCain never presented it as real evidence to a FISA court to get a surveillance warrant. Had Hillary become President, it would have been hidden forever.

ya, uh-huh. right.... sure. it was that & only that.

that cheeto dust is there, ray ray.

What else was it? There was only one thing that tied Trump to Russia and that was a stupid joke.

' Most of it hasn't. Yes, a Republican got a hold of it out of pure hatred for Trump. But that doesn't discount the fact that it was paid for by Hillary and the DNC. McCain never presented it as real evidence to a FISA court to get a surveillance warrant. Had Hillary become President, it would have been hidden forever'

FISA warrants get reviewed for renewal every few months & go by strict protocol each time.

Rules of Procedure | Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court | United States

Silence of 'the lambs': The deafening quietude of the FISA court and John Roberts

nothing has been proven untrue, only some haven't been verified.

The Steele Dossier: A Retrospective

Clapper: 'More and more' of Steele dossier proving to be true

Do you even read your own links? What it says (even if true) is that eventually parts of the dossier were accurate. The problem (as the link above states) it wasn't fully vetted before presenting it to the court which is mandated. Furthermore nobody told the judge anything about Hillary and the DNC paying for it. They put it in a footnote which the judge apparently overlooked.

No judge would issue a surveillance warrant based on opposition research that was unverified and provided by a foreign agent who got his information from Putin.

'What else was it? There was only one thing that tied Trump to Russia and that was a stupid joke.'

gotta say, you sure regurgitate trump's pablum pretty well, raymond. but i' can help you out with that... m'k?

try some of the drop down menus:

The Moscow Project

This doesn't tell you anything.

Committee to Investigate Russia

So WTF is this supposed to prove? There are no laws stating that you can't do business with foreign countries in the private sector, and certainly no reason to launch an investigation if you later decide to run for President.

So like I said, they started an investigation over a joke Trump made during a debate. Nothing more.
you mean the dossier that was first obtained by a (R) nothing in the dossier has been proven untrue. in fact some info has been found true & some just hasn't been verified.

Most of it hasn't. Yes, a Republican got a hold of it out of pure hatred for Trump. But that doesn't discount the fact that it was paid for by Hillary and the DNC. McCain never presented it as real evidence to a FISA court to get a surveillance warrant. Had Hillary become President, it would have been hidden forever.

ya, uh-huh. right.... sure. it was that & only that.

that cheeto dust is there, ray ray.

What else was it? There was only one thing that tied Trump to Russia and that was a stupid joke.

' Most of it hasn't. Yes, a Republican got a hold of it out of pure hatred for Trump. But that doesn't discount the fact that it was paid for by Hillary and the DNC. McCain never presented it as real evidence to a FISA court to get a surveillance warrant. Had Hillary become President, it would have been hidden forever'

FISA warrants get reviewed for renewal every few months & go by strict protocol each time.

Rules of Procedure | Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court | United States

Silence of 'the lambs': The deafening quietude of the FISA court and John Roberts

nothing has been proven untrue, only some haven't been verified.

The Steele Dossier: A Retrospective

Clapper: 'More and more' of Steele dossier proving to be true

Do you even read your own links? What it says (even if true) is that eventually parts of the dossier were accurate. The problem (as the link above states) it wasn't fully vetted before presenting it to the court which is mandated. Furthermore nobody told the judge anything about Hillary and the DNC paying for it. They put it in a footnote which the judge apparently overlooked.

No judge would issue a surveillance warrant based on opposition research that was unverified and provided by a foreign agent who got his information from Putin.

'What else was it? There was only one thing that tied Trump to Russia and that was a stupid joke.'

gotta say, you sure regurgitate trump's pablum pretty well, raymond. but i' can help you out with that... m'k?

try some of the drop down menus:

The Moscow Project

This doesn't tell you anything.

Committee to Investigate Russia

So WTF is this supposed to prove? There are no laws stating that you can't do business with foreign countries in the private sector, and certainly no reason to launch an investigation if you later decide to run for President.

So like I said, they started an investigation over a joke Trump made during a debate. Nothing more.

it means... ray ray.... no pay close attention. getting something of value ( goods or serives or plain hard cash from a foreign entity to alter an election is a bozo no no.

conspiracy to defraud the united states is a biggie. so is obstruction, witness tampering, & witness intimidation... my my my.

you mean the dossier that was first obtained by a (R) nothing in the dossier has been proven untrue. in fact some info has been found true & some just hasn't been verified.

Most of it hasn't. Yes, a Republican got a hold of it out of pure hatred for Trump. But that doesn't discount the fact that it was paid for by Hillary and the DNC. McCain never presented it as real evidence to a FISA court to get a surveillance warrant. Had Hillary become President, it would have been hidden forever.

ya, uh-huh. right.... sure. it was that & only that.

that cheeto dust is there, ray ray.

What else was it? There was only one thing that tied Trump to Russia and that was a stupid joke.

' Most of it hasn't. Yes, a Republican got a hold of it out of pure hatred for Trump. But that doesn't discount the fact that it was paid for by Hillary and the DNC. McCain never presented it as real evidence to a FISA court to get a surveillance warrant. Had Hillary become President, it would have been hidden forever'

FISA warrants get reviewed for renewal every few months & go by strict protocol each time.

Rules of Procedure | Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court | United States

Silence of 'the lambs': The deafening quietude of the FISA court and John Roberts

nothing has been proven untrue, only some haven't been verified.

The Steele Dossier: A Retrospective

Clapper: 'More and more' of Steele dossier proving to be true

Do you even read your own links? What it says (even if true) is that eventually parts of the dossier were accurate. The problem (as the link above states) it wasn't fully vetted before presenting it to the court which is mandated. Furthermore nobody told the judge anything about Hillary and the DNC paying for it. They put it in a footnote which the judge apparently overlooked.

No judge would issue a surveillance warrant based on opposition research that was unverified and provided by a foreign agent who got his information from Putin.

'What else was it? There was only one thing that tied Trump to Russia and that was a stupid joke.'

gotta say, you sure regurgitate trump's pablum pretty well, raymond. but i' can help you out with that... m'k?

try some of the drop down menus:

The Moscow Project

This doesn't tell you anything.

Committee to Investigate Russia

So WTF is this supposed to prove? There are no laws stating that you can't do business with foreign countries in the private sector, and certainly no reason to launch an investigation if you later decide to run for President.

So like I said, they started an investigation over a joke Trump made during a debate. Nothing more.

it means... ray ray.... no pay close attention. getting something of value ( goods or serives or plain hard cash from a foreign entity to alter an election is a bozo no no.

conspiracy to defraud the united states is a biggie. so is obstruction, witness tampering, & witness intimidation... my my my.


Trump didn't get anything from Russia. WTF are you even talking about?

Look at your own links. They were highlighting things that happened before 911 through 2008. And the first link you provided you never even looked at because it would take an hour to read. Who has time to read a 20 page BLOG? Not to mention most of the other sites you provided nobody ever heard of before.

This is an investigation that started with zero evidence of any wrongdoing. The Democrats had their emails hacked under a Democrat President. They recounted three states and found the voting to be accurate.

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