"we got nothin" says Issa

How is Brian Terry and several Mexicans "nothing"?

Oh good another fucking moron using terry as a political football..

You don't give two shits about terry. And you certainly don't give a shit about some mexicans.

Fucking bottom feeder.
Issa never said that. It's a left wing interpretation of what they hoped to hear. He tried to give the president a break but the left is always looking for an angle. There is no news today, everything is an op-ed with a political spin.
Some people in the Mexican government are calling Holder's idiocy an act of war...

Yeah, well you'll excuse us if we don't give even a single solitary shit over what that particular government thinks of our actions, know what I mean? Considering they have a goddamned Civil war for intents and purposes going on down there, maybe those "some people" (LOL Fox News) should shut the fuck up and contain the violence in their country a little better.
Here is a timeline of some of the events in the Fast and Furious investigation:

December 14, 2010: Border Patrol Agent Brian A. Terry is killed in the Arizona desert. Two guns found at the site are later linked to the ATF Fast and Furious program.

January 2011: Congress begins asking questions about the ATF program.

February 4, 2011: Responding to an inquiry from Sen. Charles Grassley, Assistant Attorney General Ronald Weich writes that top officials had only recently learned about the ATF gun-running program, but that nothing improper was done in the operation. Weich also asserts that any allegation that the ATF knowingly allowed the sale of assault weapons to a straw purchaser who then transported them into Mexico is false. "ATF makes every effort to interdict weapons that have been purchased illegally and prevent their transportation to Mexico," Weich wrote.

March 3, 2011: An ATF whistleblower tells "CBS Evening News" that the ATF intentionally allowed guns to go into Mexico. Just minutes before the broadcast, ATF Acting Director Kenneth Melson issues a statement saying the agency is forming a panel to "review the bureau's current firearms trafficking strategies employed by field division managers and special agents."

Fast and Furious investigation started with agent's death – This Just In - CNN.com Blogs
Some people in the Mexican government are calling Holder's idiocy an act of war...

Yeah, well you'll excuse us if we don't give even a single solitary shit over what that particular government thinks of our actions, know what I mean? Considering they have a goddamned Civil war for intents and purposes going on down there, maybe those "some people" (LOL Fox News) should shut the fuck up and contain the violence in their country a little better.

Or keep the violence in Mexico by taking a stance on protecting our own borders, instead of giving amnesty for Political gain.

No evidence of White House cover-up in gun case: lawmaker | Reuters

(Reuters) - The congressman heading an investigation into a botched gun-trafficking case said on Sunday he had no evidence the White House was involved in a cover-up about the operation or in providing misleading information to Congress.



So why are we here?

So much for "worse than watergate".

Her thread and OP ARE misleading but you knew that already.
If the WH isn't involved, hello ...

You know what? Let somebody else explain why the White. House. Not. Being. Involved. Means. It. Cannot. Be. Worse. Than. Watergate.

So why are we here?

So much for "worse than watergate".

Her thread and OP ARE misleading but you knew that already.

Issa said this is all DOJ. So much for everyone salivating about a cover up.

Issa knows the Administration called his bluff. Now he looks like the fucking tool that he is and is backing down.
Some people in the Mexican government are calling Holder's idiocy an act of war...

Yeah, well you'll excuse us if we don't give even a single solitary shit over what that particular government thinks of our actions, know what I mean? Considering they have a goddamned Civil war for intents and purposes going on down there, maybe those "some people" (LOL Fox News) should shut the fuck up and contain the violence in their country a little better.

I thank Fox every day for that lttle gem.

Some people are saying Little Debbie would be somewhere in the realm of normal if he'd take his meds and wear his helmet.
So why are we here?

So much for "worse than watergate".

Her thread and OP ARE misleading but you knew that already.

Issa said this is all DOJ. So much for everyone salivating about a cover up.

Issa knows the Administration called his bluff. Now he looks like the fucking tool that he is and is backing down.

Issa never once accused the white house of any wrong doing. The OP is misleading
no evidence the White House was involved

Could that be because of the fact that the White House is stonewalling the investigation? Issa has subpoenaed documents that may or may not show WH involvement. obama has claimed executive privilege. The smart money is on "President obama is in this up to his very prominent ears."
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If the WH isn't involved, hello ...

You know what? Let somebody else explain why the White. House. Not. Being. Involved. Means. It. Cannot. Be. Worse. Than. Watergate.

If the WH isn't involved, why claim Executive Privilege? What is Obama hiding?
If the WH isn't involved, hello ...

You know what? Let somebody else explain why the White. House. Not. Being. Involved. Means. It. Cannot. Be. Worse. Than. Watergate.

The hearing was dealing with the DOJ not the white house, the white house wasn't involved until obama made it involved.
If the WH isn't involved, hello ...

You know what? Let somebody else explain why the White. House. Not. Being. Involved. Means. It. Cannot. Be. Worse. Than. Watergate.

If the WH isn't involved, why claim Executive Privilege? What is Obama hiding?

The White House wasn't involved until obama made it involved.
Oh!! Now I get it! So that big old flame thread about Watergate was just the usual clutch of suspects, screaming and clutching their pearls. See, I never went to that thread, because I've been in enough of those threads to see how y'all roll.
Her thread and OP ARE misleading but you knew that already.

Issa said this is all DOJ. So much for everyone salivating about a cover up.

Issa knows the Administration called his bluff. Now he looks like the fucking tool that he is and is backing down.

Issa never once accused the white house of any wrong doing. The OP is misleading

Oh, it was just all the rest of the conservative jack nuts.

Thanks for reaffirming what we already knew; this has nothing to do with justice and everything to do with politics.
If the WH isn't involved, hello ...

You know what? Let somebody else explain why the White. House. Not. Being. Involved. Means. It. Cannot. Be. Worse. Than. Watergate.

If the WH isn't involved, why claim Executive Privilege? What is Obama hiding?

The White House wasn't involved until obama made it involved.

My question exactly.

Why the EP? Why get the WH involved by using EP??

EP isn't enacted just for the hell of it.

If theres nothing to hide then why are they hiding behind executive priviledge??
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