"we got nothin" says Issa

2 dead Americans here

That's what government is supposed to do, investigate crimes prosecute the guilty

I agree. That's why they need to call officials from the Bush Administration to get the truth. It works better if you go back to where it all started.

Why don't you call henry ford to build a 2012 Ford after all he built the first Ford.

Ford is dead, Bush administration officials are not.
I agree. That's why they need to call officials from the Bush Administration to get the truth. It works better if you go back to where it all started.

Why don't you call henry ford to build a 2012 Ford after all he built the first Ford.

Ford is dead, Bush administration officials are not.

Miss the point I see
Since Ford has nothing to do with or have knowledge of a 2012 ford he could not build one.
Since the Bush administration has no knowledge of fast and furious they could not answer any questions pertaining to fast and the furious and since holder has already said Fast and the furious and wide receiver are two different programs it would just be a witch hunt of the left after Bush.
I agree. That's why they need to call officials from the Bush Administration to get the truth. It works better if you go back to where it all started.

Why don't you call henry ford to build a 2012 Ford after all he built the first Ford.

Ford is dead, Bush administration officials are not.

Let me get this right. You don't believe AG Holder when he says former AG Mukasey knew nothing about Operation Fast and Furious.

Is that correct?
ongoing cases being FUCKED by the republican party wanting to manufacture a scandal.

Look what they did to ongoing cases when they outed Plame for poltical benifit

Former State Department official Richard Armitage disclosed Plame's identity to reporters, and the witch hunt continued by a headline seeking special prosecutor. No one was ever charged, let alone convicted of the leak of Plame's name itself.

The lawsuit former CIA agent Valerie Plame filed against Vice President Dick Cheney, Scooter Libby, Richard Armitage, and Karl Rove was dismissed by a federal judge.

You were saying!
Plames husband outed her before anybody. Libtards couldn't deal with that so they made up a scandal.

Yet they could care less about the leaks from the present Oval Office :eusa_whistle:
How is Brian Terry and several Mexicans "nothing"?
Exploiting the death of an American for political gain - it's the Republican way!

What a fucking asshole.

Yeah this from a guy who supported the countdown of how many troops were killed. Couldnt wait to report that round number like 3000 or 4000. Hmmmmm.
Sorry man, Holder lied, people died.
I'm going to say whether or not you agree with me. Fast and the Furious was a failed attempt to push for support for more gun control.
There's to many variables to say it's not true
The cover up, the lies, executive privilege used when it was said under oath the president does not have knowledge of the operation, Holder's and Clinton's 2009 comments on gun going into Mexico. There's just too many thing that happen just to over look them.
I'm going to say whether or not you agree with me. Fast and the Furious was a failed attempt to push for support for more gun control.
There's to many variables to say it's not true
The cover up, the lies, executive privilege used when it was said under oath the president does not have knowledge of the operation, Holder's and Clinton's 2009 comments on gun going into Mexico. There's just too many thing that happen just to over look them.

And I'm going to say you're a lunatic and anyone who buys into the conspiracy should have their voting rights stripped.
I'm going to say whether or not you agree with me. Fast and the Furious was a failed attempt to push for support for more gun control.
There's to many variables to say it's not true
The cover up, the lies, executive privilege used when it was said under oath the president does not have knowledge of the operation, Holder's and Clinton's 2009 comments on gun going into Mexico. There's just too many thing that happen just to over look them.

And I'm going to say you're a lunatic and anyone who buys into the conspiracy should have their voting rights stripped.

Sorry Derps, CBS says you're wrong. They got the documents.
I'm going to say whether or not you agree with me. Fast and the Furious was a failed attempt to push for support for more gun control.
There's to many variables to say it's not true
The cover up, the lies, executive privilege used when it was said under oath the president does not have knowledge of the operation, Holder's and Clinton's 2009 comments on gun going into Mexico. There's just too many thing that happen just to over look them.

And I'm going to say you're a lunatic and anyone who buys into the conspiracy should have their voting rights stripped.

Sorry Derps, CBS says you're wrong. They got the documents.

Let him disagree that will not change anything.
There is one thing I didn't mention the fact that the operation fast and the furious was conducted in a sovereign nation without the knowledge or consent of it's government by allowing firearms into it's country into the hands of Terrorists and not be able to keep track of them.
If what I said earlier combined with this is not an attempt to get support for gun control. It shows that holder is grossly incompetent and obama is out of his league
Ok, I didn't read the whole thread but how could the President invoke executive privilege if he has nothing about F&F??

I didn't think executive privilege could be used to merely cover up evidence. I thought Watergate proved that.

So when Issa says they have nothing, and by invoking executive privilege the Pres says they don't have what he doesn't want them to see. Something that could include him.

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