We have a chance to elect the most conservative person to potus in DECADES

It's what we've been screaming for for YEARS. "We always ge stuck with a rino" is the mantra every election. With Cruz we finally have the option to vote in a conservative and unbelievably most of you are gonna vote for a guy that has more liberal positions in his closet than Obama. It just blows my mind that you all can so easily kick your convictions to the curb just to vote for the bullhorn that hits the right talking points the loudest.
In the latest Iowa polls every GOP candidate beats Hillary but one, Trump.

America has never voted for a true Conservative for President, and never will...

You mean an extremist radical right winger. No we won't. Thank G-d

One chance to name a actual Fiscal Conservative President that was from the GOP or even the Democrats that was not Andrew Jackson?

not Andrew Jackson democrat Indian slayer

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