We have a chance to elect the most conservative person to potus in DECADES

It's what we've been screaming for for YEARS. "We always ge stuck with a rino" is the mantra every election. With Cruz we finally have the option to vote in a conservative and unbelievably most of you are gonna vote for a guy that has more liberal positions in his closet than Obama. It just blows my mind that you all can so easily kick your convictions to the curb just to vote for the bullhorn that hits the right talking points the loudest.
In the latest Iowa polls every GOP candidate beats Hillary but one, Trump.

Painting with a very broad brush aren't you?
It's what we've been screaming for for YEARS. "We always ge stuck with a rino" is the mantra every election. With Cruz we finally have the option to vote in a conservative and unbelievably most of you are gonna vote for a guy that has more liberal positions in his closet than Obama. It just blows my mind that you all can so easily kick your convictions to the curb just to vote for the bullhorn that hits the right talking points the loudest.
In the latest Iowa polls every GOP candidate beats Hillary but one, Trump.

why on earth would the attorney of Mitch McConnell

start a super PAC for Cruz

pretty odd

is there a possibility you have been played by the gop once again

remember Cruz was all for John Roberts

“As an individual, John Roberts is undoubtedly a principled conservative, as is the president who appointed him,” Cruz said.
It's what we've been screaming for for YEARS. "We always ge stuck with a rino" is the mantra every election. With Cruz we finally have the option to vote in a conservative and unbelievably most of you are gonna vote for a guy that has more liberal positions in his closet than Obama. It just blows my mind that you all can so easily kick your convictions to the curb just to vote for the bullhorn that hits the right talking points the loudest.
In the latest Iowa polls every GOP candidate beats Hillary but one, Trump.

Man, that's got to be frustrating watching the people you once counted as your friends here call you names because you're trying to tell them the truth. What are you going to do about it? I mean, for 8 years, the clarion call has been "We don't run a conservative" and now with the most conservative turd in the history of conservative turds to ever come down the sewer (Ted Cruz) has some momentum and a favorable primary/caucus schedule to go along with it...your boys are listening to a carnival barker named Donald Trump who was quoted saying the following about his presumptive opponent:



That has got to be frustrating for you.
And you can't do squat about it.

What's worse is that you're the one who is correct!!!!!

I'd remember this if I were you.
There are some aspects of Ted Cruz I like, but he is a first term senator with very little experience. Just like Obama was. He does not have the legislative chops to get things done. It takes a long time to develop those.

Can anyone name a significant bill sponsored by Cruz which was enacted? Even if we lower the bar, can anyone name one passed by Congress?

Cruz is intensely disliked by his fellow Senators, and so he will not get any cooperation from them if he is President.

I also find it ironic he named a chapter in his book "Mendacity", but is mendacious himself when it comes to saying he would abolish the IRS and that your tax form would fit on a postcard.
I know someone who has known the Cruz family for years. It gets down to his actions throughout his life, and I would be happy with Cruz.

I could vote for him as well especially if his opponent is Hitlery.

I like Cruz.

Do I think he's perfect?? Hell no. I'm sure he would do some things I don't like but I would have no problem supporting him for POTUS.
I've got two articles for you...read them, and then come back to me and tell me if you still think Cruz can actually first win the nomination and then win the general election.

The GOP’s Primary Rules Might Doom Carson, Cruz And Trump

In 2016, GOP Faces Daunting Task of Breaching the “Blue Wall”

This is why Trump scares the GOP Establishment and the Liberals equally.

I was once a true believer myself...and if we were electing the President of Missouri, sure, he might have a chance. But not everyone agrees with us, and we have to take that into account if we want to win a general election.
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I've got two articles for you...read them, and then come back to me and tell me if you still think Cruz can actually first win the nomination and then win the general election.

The GOP’s Primary Rules Might Doom Carson, Cruz And Trump

In 2016, GOP Faces Daunting Task of Breaching the “Blue Wall”

This is why Trump scares the GOP Establishment and the Liberals equally.

There's a problem with your theory...Liberals aren't scared of Trump. Liberals would be quite happy with either Trump or Cruz as the GOP's candidate...and the Establishment is looking at Trump and Cruz...and deciding to go with Trump. What does that tell you?
I've got two articles for you...read them, and then come back to me and tell me if you still think Cruz can actually first win the nomination and then win the general election.

The GOP’s Primary Rules Might Doom Carson, Cruz And Trump

In 2016, GOP Faces Daunting Task of Breaching the “Blue Wall”

This is why Trump scares the GOP Establishment and the Liberals equally.

There's a problem with your theory...Liberals aren't scared of Trump. Liberals would be quite happy with either Trump or Cruz as the GOP's candidate...and the Establishment is looking at Trump and Cruz...and deciding to go with Trump. What does that tell you?

That they have come to the same conclusion that I have...Trump is the one that can win.

Of course liberals are afraid of Trump. It would be foolish not to be. Trump is a genius. Look at what he is doing right now. Instead of being pulled to the right, he is being attacked from the right...and by Fox News, which liberals hate with a passion.

At 41% in a 10 person field, he can afford it. Nor has he been pulled to the right in a grueling primary like Romney was. If Hillary is the candidate...Trump pulls union and blue collar Democrats and Trump wins. If Bernie is the candidate, Trump pulls conservative democrats and Trump wins. Plus...Trumps is a teflon man...no attack stick to him. If he comes out of this Fox News Debate dust-up smelling like a rose...it's over...Trump is officially unstoppable.
I've got two articles for you...read them, and then come back to me and tell me if you still think Cruz can actually first win the nomination and then win the general election.

The GOP’s Primary Rules Might Doom Carson, Cruz And Trump

In 2016, GOP Faces Daunting Task of Breaching the “Blue Wall”

This is why Trump scares the GOP Establishment and the Liberals equally.

There's a problem with your theory...Liberals aren't scared of Trump. Liberals would be quite happy with either Trump or Cruz as the GOP's candidate...and the Establishment is looking at Trump and Cruz...and deciding to go with Trump. What does that tell you?

That they have come to the same conclusion that I have...Trump is the one that can win.

Of course liberals are afraid of Trump. It would be foolish not to be. Trump is a genius. Look at what he is doing right now. Instead of being pulled to the right, he is being attacked from the right...and by Fox News, which liberals hate with a passion.

At 41% in a 10 person field, he can afford it. No pulled to the right in a grueling primary that Romney had. If Hillary is the candidate...Trump pulls union and blue collar Democrats and Trump wins. If Bernie is the candidate, Trump pulls conservative democrats and Trump wins. Plus...Trumps is a teflon man...no attack stick to him. If he comes out of this Fox News Debate dust-up smelling like a rose...it's over...Trump is officially unstoppable.

I agree, Trump's unstoppable in the GOP primary. (and liberals are rejoicing)
I agree, Trump's unstoppable in the GOP primary. (and liberals are rejoicing)

If liberals were really rejoicing, they certainly wouldn't be announcing the fact. They wouldn't want to skew their desired result.

But good effort anyway. :D
I agree, Trump's unstoppable in the GOP primary. (and liberals are rejoicing)

If liberals were really rejoicing, they certainly wouldn't be announcing the fact. They wouldn't want to skew their desired result.

But good effort anyway. :D

You're right again...we really would prefer you picked Cruz over Trump, but either one will ensure Barry Goldwater's loss goes into the history books. It will be eclipsed by the Trump or Cruz loss.
You're right again...we really would prefer you picked Cruz over Trump, but either one will ensure Barry Goldwater's loss goes into the history books. It will be eclipsed by the Trump or Cruz loss.

I don't think that false bravado is going to fool anyone. But the silver lining is, we're likely going to get to find out.

PS - Doesn't Walter Mondale hold the modern record for worst shellacking in U.S. General election...one Midwestern state and D.C.?

BP Soda Mortar.png

Just sayin'...​
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It's what we've been screaming for for YEARS. "We always ge stuck with a rino" is the mantra every election. With Cruz we finally have the option to vote in a conservative and unbelievably most of you are gonna vote for a guy that has more liberal positions in his closet than Obama. It just blows my mind that you all can so easily kick your convictions to the curb just to vote for the bullhorn that hits the right talking points the loudest.
In the latest Iowa polls every GOP candidate beats Hillary but one, Trump.

why on earth would the attorney of Mitch McConnell

start a super PAC for Cruz

pretty odd

is there a possibility you have been played by the gop once again

remember Cruz was all for John Roberts

“As an individual, John Roberts is undoubtedly a principled conservative, as is the president who appointed him,” Cruz said.
Everyone thought Robert's was a good choice and I remember this board being STUNNED when he voted with Obamacare
Trump and Cruz are neck and neck. So nobody knows which way the people are going to cast their vote. there's really no use wringing our hands over it. Look how we warned people about putting in the nobody community agitation thug, and they went and did it anyway. that's just the American voters today. they can be easily duped. Back in the day they were more informed that's for sure

Recall that the main issues of 2008 were the Iraq war and then the economy.

Only Ron Paul and most Democrats talked about getting out of Iraq.
Hillary Clinton wanted to stay.

Thus we had only Democrats to choose from since Ron Paul did not win his nominee.

America was not going to vote to stay in Iraq, stef. Even if it took a thug to get out of it.

People got what the basically wanted from 2008. The problem is you still don't understand why.
Trump and Cruz are neck and neck. So nobody knows which way the people are going to cast their vote. there's really no use wringing our hands over it. Look how we warned people about putting in the nobody community agitation thug, and they went and did it anyway. that's just the American voters today. they can be easily duped. Back in the day they were more informed that's for sure

Recall that the main issues of 2008 were the Iraq war and then the economy.

Only Ron Paul and most Democrats talked about getting out of Iraq.
Hillary Clinton wanted to stay.

Thus we had only Democrats to choose from since Ron Paul did not win his nominee.

America was not going to vote to stay in Iraq, stef. Even if it took a thug to get out of it.

People got what the basically wanted from 2008. The problem is you still don't understand why.

And with this evaluation, I agree 100%. Arm has spoken the truth.

This election is different. The left is on the wrong side of almost every issue. Yes, they like Trump or Cruz because they are not like able. Then again, Hillary is not Obama, so if they do not throw her overboard and bring in Warren or Biden............when both candidates are virtually likable or unlikable, the question reverts back to the issues, and the Democrats will not win on that in 2016.

Look at exit polls circa 2012. Romney won on every issue, from economy to foreign policy. The only question he lost, and lost huge was.........cares about someone like me. It was 80 something to next to nothing. Experts proclaim that if that one question was 65-35 Obama, Romney would have been President!

This is again, why the GOP is in the drivers seat. Nobody likes Hilly, not even Bill, meaning it will revert to the issues. Look at what is important by wide margins to Americans, discover Cruz/Trump and Hilly's position, then come back and tell me if the people come out and vote, a Democrat will be POTUS next time, without the Democrats ejecting Hilly!
we dont need the most conservative or the most liberal.....we need a LEADER....someone who can unite this country,regardless of your "party", and get this place rolling again....and i dont see anyone like that out there.....not even looking through the Hubble.....

The problem is the GOP has been hijacked by the TP... They have painted all compromise as weak...

Fiscally Responsible Conservatives have a simple choice. The previous Clinton Presidency brought them to nirvana if only for a short time... Truth is Obama have spending increases the lowest in the last 70 years and reduced the deficit.

Hillary looks like the best to control spending because she isn't going to war anytime soon. She like her husband know that the economy is strong without war... The GOP candidates are falling over themselves trying to get more troops in either Syria, Iraq or Iran...

It is simple the next president has to bring the deficit to the GDP growth rate while not robbing education(another form of borrowing, just way more expensive), increasing R & D in areas that are growing(Alternative Energy, Distribution of Energy...), Get Healthcare Spending to somewhere close to European levels before the Baby Boomers hang a large stone over the economy (tough job with vested interests and US obesity levels), Do something serious about Climate Change...

Gun Violence, Abortion, Gay Marriage..... are all side issues.
vote for hillary then,me?.....i wont even consider her,she is too old and has more baggage dragging behind her than paris hilton checking into a hotel....

shes younger than Trump.

Hillary has a lot of health issues, Trump none.
Hillary will dance on Trumps grave
Stop the presses. Liberals get the dirt on Cruz. Appears he had the audacity to have a sense of humor in public!

Anyone posting this crap as being the least bit relevant needs to have the dunce cap stitched to their skulls

It did foreshadow his political ambitions early on. He entered the Senate, and was campaigning for POTUS within a couple years. He renounced his Canadian citizenship only so nobody questioned where his loyalties lied. He's a weasel.

A better choice for potus by far

Rand Paul is far more conservative, and not a weasel. That's why he doesn't stand a chance. Voters are retarded.

If the GOP wasn't nuts Kasich would be the nominee.
It's what we've been screaming for for YEARS. "We always ge stuck with a rino" is the mantra every election. With Cruz we finally have the option to vote in a conservative and unbelievably most of you are gonna vote for a guy that has more liberal positions in his closet than Obama. It just blows my mind that you all can so easily kick your convictions to the curb just to vote for the bullhorn that hits the right talking points the loudest.
In the latest Iowa polls every GOP candidate beats Hillary but one, Trump.

America has never voted for a true Conservative for President, and never will...

You mean an extremist radical right winger. No we won't. Thank G-d

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