We have a chance to elect the most conservative person to potus in DECADES

Please! No one can take that crown from you. Ever!
But if Calgary Cruz thought about this then, well.!!!!!

Stop the presses. Liberals get the dirt on Cruz. Appears he had the audacity to have a sense of humor in public!

Anyone posting this crap as being the least bit relevant needs to have the dunce cap stitched to their skulls
It's what we've been screaming for for YEARS. "We always ge stuck with a rino" is the mantra every election. With Cruz we finally have the option to vote in a conservative and unbelievably most of you are gonna vote for a guy that has more liberal positions in his closet than Obama. It just blows my mind that you all can so easily kick your convictions to the curb just to vote for the bullhorn that hits the right talking points the loudest.
In the latest Iowa polls every GOP candidate beats Hillary but one, Trump.

cruz is the opposite of "conservative". he's a radical.

and everyone who has ever known him seems to hate him.

and no, you don't have the chance to elect him... he's unelectable.
Stop the presses. Liberals get the dirt on Cruz. Appears he had the audacity to have a sense of humor in public!

Anyone posting this crap as being the least bit relevant needs to have the dunce cap stitched to their skulls

It did foreshadow his political ambitions early on. He entered the Senate, and was campaigning for POTUS within a couple years. He renounced his Canadian citizenship only so nobody questioned where his loyalties lied. He's a weasel.

A better choice for potus by far

Rand Paul is far more conservative, and not a weasel. That's why he doesn't stand a chance. Voters are retarded.
Stop the presses. Liberals get the dirt on Cruz. Appears he had the audacity to have a sense of humor in public!

Anyone posting this crap as being the least bit relevant needs to have the dunce cap stitched to their skulls

It did foreshadow his political ambitions early on. He entered the Senate, and was campaigning for POTUS within a couple years. He renounced his Canadian citizenship only so nobody questioned where his loyalties lied. He's a weasel.

A better choice for potus by far
We don't need the "most conservative person".

We need the conservative person who can get his programs passed thru Congress.

Might not be the same guy.
If all we needed was "the most conservative", that would unquestionably be Rand Paul, despite his kooky foreign policy.

But Rand Paul couldn't enact a cookie sale in a Girl Scout troop.

We need a conservative who can get his conservative programs enacted into law.
It's what we've been screaming for for YEARS. "We always ge stuck with a rino" is the mantra every election. With Cruz we finally have the option to vote in a conservative and unbelievably most of you are gonna vote for a guy that has more liberal positions in his closet than Obama. It just blows my mind that you all can so easily kick your convictions to the curb just to vote for the bullhorn that hits the right talking points the loudest.
In the latest Iowa polls every GOP candidate beats Hillary but one, Trump.
His deeply religious overtone makes him repulsive in the eyes of non-religious yet conservative leaning voters. Personally, I don't worry about it since it takes more than the POTUS to enact laws. (Although, we see a very aggressive one with executive orders left and more left)
I hear those tones from Santorum. Never felt that way about Huckabee or Cruz

Paul is probably the most conservative on the stage and he barely gets a wink. Sad.
Oh well. We have cruz. The guy that votes for unfair trade, presidential fast track trade authority and is absent on votes on legislation that GAVE HIM HIS REPUTATION. (fed audit)
Cruz is the smartest guy running in either party and would make an excellent president. The problem is the GOP establishment assholes have already said if he's the candidate they want Hillary to win. Cruz doesn't have a billion dollars to spend on his campaign, with the GOP big money sitting on the sidelines what's he going to do?
It's what we've been screaming for for YEARS. "We always ge stuck with a rino" is the mantra every election. With Cruz we finally have the option to vote in a conservative and unbelievably most of you are gonna vote for a guy that has more liberal positions in his closet than Obama. It just blows my mind that you all can so easily kick your convictions to the curb just to vote for the bullhorn that hits the right talking points the loudest.
In the latest Iowa polls every GOP candidate beats Hillary but one, Trump.
Apparently, a Populist political revolution has begun, with formidable manifestations on both sides of the aisle; a revolution in which conventional thinking falls upon deaf ears.
It's what we've been screaming for for YEARS. "We always ge stuck with a rino" is the mantra every election. With Cruz we finally have the option to vote in a conservative and unbelievably most of you are gonna vote for a guy that has more liberal positions in his closet than Obama. It just blows my mind that you all can so easily kick your convictions to the curb just to vote for the bullhorn that hits the right talking points the loudest.
In the latest Iowa polls every GOP candidate beats Hillary but one, Trump.

America has never voted for a true Conservative for President, and never will...
Trump and Cruz are neck and neck. So nobody knows which way the people are going to cast their vote. there's really no use wringing our hands over it. Look how we warned people about putting in the nobody community agitation thug, and they went and did it anyway. that's just the American voters today. they can be easily duped. Back in the day they were more informed that's for sure
Trump and Cruz are neck and neck. So nobody knows which way the people are going to cast their vote. there's really no use wringing our hands over it. Look how we warned people about putting in the nobody community agitation thug, and they went and did it anyway. that's just the American voters today. they can be easily duped. Back in the day they were more informed that's for sure

On what day were you ever more informed? There must be a commemorative plaque.
It's what we've been screaming for for YEARS. "We always ge stuck with a rino" is the mantra every election. With Cruz we finally have the option to vote in a conservative and unbelievably most of you are gonna vote for a guy that has more liberal positions in his closet than Obama. It just blows my mind that you all can so easily kick your convictions to the curb just to vote for the bullhorn that hits the right talking points the loudest.
In the latest Iowa polls every GOP candidate beats Hillary but one, Trump.
If cruz is the person conservatives want to represent them.. well, they need a "RINO."
It's what we've been screaming for for YEARS. "We always ge stuck with a rino" is the mantra every election. With Cruz we finally have the option to vote in a conservative and unbelievably most of you are gonna vote for a guy that has more liberal positions in his closet than Obama. It just blows my mind that you all can so easily kick your convictions to the curb just to vote for the bullhorn that hits the right talking points the loudest.
In the latest Iowa polls every GOP candidate beats Hillary but one, Trump.
Yet many conservatives will vote for the most leftist Republican candidate in history. I just can't understand why conservatives are acting so gullible to simple rhetoric.

It's what they do. Even cruz is just a religionist demagogue.
we dont need the most conservative or the most liberal.....we need a LEADER....someone who can unite this country,regardless of your "party", and get this place rolling again....and i dont see anyone like that out there.....not even looking through the Hubble.....

The problem is the GOP has been hijacked by the TP... They have painted all compromise as weak...

Fiscally Responsible Conservatives have a simple choice. The previous Clinton Presidency brought them to nirvana if only for a short time... Truth is Obama have spending increases the lowest in the last 70 years and reduced the deficit.

Hillary looks like the best to control spending because she isn't going to war anytime soon. She like her husband know that the economy is strong without war... The GOP candidates are falling over themselves trying to get more troops in either Syria, Iraq or Iran...

It is simple the next president has to bring the deficit to the GDP growth rate while not robbing education(another form of borrowing, just way more expensive), increasing R & D in areas that are growing(Alternative Energy, Distribution of Energy...), Get Healthcare Spending to somewhere close to European levels before the Baby Boomers hang a large stone over the economy (tough job with vested interests and US obesity levels), Do something serious about Climate Change...

Gun Violence, Abortion, Gay Marriage..... are all side issues.
vote for hillary then,me?.....i wont even consider her,she is too old and has more baggage dragging behind her than paris hilton checking into a hotel....

shes younger than Trump.
oh wow a whole year younger....i have already said in a few threads that trump is to old...there i said it again....
ok mods, please look into who it is going around sticking smilie faces on posting when there is no calling for it. . this is a form of harassing the person who has them on their ignore list. We discussed this once before. thank you.
we dont need the most conservative or the most liberal.....we need a LEADER....someone who can unite this country,regardless of your "party", and get this place rolling again....and i dont see anyone like that out there.....not even looking through the Hubble.....

The problem is the GOP has been hijacked by the TP... They have painted all compromise as weak...

Fiscally Responsible Conservatives have a simple choice. The previous Clinton Presidency brought them to nirvana if only for a short time... Truth is Obama have spending increases the lowest in the last 70 years and reduced the deficit.

Hillary looks like the best to control spending because she isn't going to war anytime soon. She like her husband know that the economy is strong without war... The GOP candidates are falling over themselves trying to get more troops in either Syria, Iraq or Iran...

It is simple the next president has to bring the deficit to the GDP growth rate while not robbing education(another form of borrowing, just way more expensive), increasing R & D in areas that are growing(Alternative Energy, Distribution of Energy...), Get Healthcare Spending to somewhere close to European levels before the Baby Boomers hang a large stone over the economy (tough job with vested interests and US obesity levels), Do something serious about Climate Change...

Gun Violence, Abortion, Gay Marriage..... are all side issues.
vote for hillary then,me?.....i wont even consider her,she is too old and has more baggage dragging behind her than paris hilton checking into a hotel....

shes younger than Trump.

Hillary has a lot of health issues, Trump none.
It's what we've been screaming for for YEARS. "We always ge stuck with a rino" is the mantra every election. With Cruz we finally have the option to vote in a conservative and unbelievably most of you are gonna vote for a guy that has more liberal positions in his closet than Obama. It just blows my mind that you all can so easily kick your convictions to the curb just to vote for the bullhorn that hits the right talking points the loudest.
In the latest Iowa polls every GOP candidate beats Hillary but one, Trump.
'He’s more fanatical. Trump is a bully and bigot but doesn’t hew to any sharp ideological line. Cruz is a fierce ideologue: He denies the existence of man-made climate change, rejects same-sex marriage, wants to abolish the Internal Revenue Service, believes the Second Amendment guarantees everyone a right to guns, doesn’t believe in a constitutional divide between church and state, favors the death penalty, opposes international agreements, embraces a confrontational foreign policy, rejects immigration reform, demands the repeal of “every blessed word of Obamacare” and takes a strict “originalist” view of the meaning of the Constitution.'

Five Reasons Ted Cruz Is Even More Dangerous Than Donald Trump: Robert Reich


The last thing America needs is a conservative, the likes of Cruz in particular.

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