We have a chance to elect the most conservative person to potus in DECADES

It's what we've been screaming for for YEARS. "We always ge stuck with a rino" is the mantra every election. With Cruz we finally have the option to vote in a conservative and unbelievably most of you are gonna vote for a guy that has more liberal positions in his closet than Obama. It just blows my mind that you all can so easily kick your convictions to the curb just to vote for the bullhorn that hits the right talking points the loudest.
In the latest Iowa polls every GOP candidate beats Hillary but one, Trump.

Sweet Baby Jesus---After 4 long years of the Tea party, right wing talk radio, and FOX news and Trump hounding Obama about a birth certificate. He finally produces one showing him born on US soil.

What does the Tea party do next? They put up a candidate that was actually BORN in Canada, and call him electable.

Republicans are the minority party at 41 million, Democrats are stronger at 46 million, and Independents are the largest party today representing 40% of the entire electorate. Independents would never vote for a Cruz nominee. Women would never vote for a Cruz nominee--(he doesn't give the 3 exceptions, for the life of the mother, rape & incest.) He has this Michael Dukakis video moment out there, that would be played 24/7 on every single channel across this nation. Cruz would get SLAUGHTERED in a National Election--so badly it would be embarrassing.


ONE MORE TIME: Romney DID NOT lose because he wasn't conservative enough. His fate was sealed long before he even became the nominee--by the Tea party Evangelical who dragged the party and made their platform about abortion which then went into who's not going to pay for birth control pills, to what is LEGAL LEGITIMATE rape questions. You have been continually lied to by right wing talk show hosts.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
How women ruled the 2012 election and where the GOP went wrong - CNNPolitics.com

This county is center, it always has been, & it always will be.
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we dont need the most conservative or the most liberal.....we need a LEADER....someone who can unite this country,regardless of your "party", and get this place rolling again....and i dont see anyone like that out there.....not even looking through the Hubble.....
we dont need the most conservative or the most liberal.....we need a LEADER....someone who can unite this country,regardless of your "party", and get this place rolling again....and i dont see anyone like that out there.....not even looking through the Hubble.....

The problem is the GOP has been hijacked by the TP... They have painted all compromise as weak...

Fiscally Responsible Conservatives have a simple choice. The previous Clinton Presidency brought them to nirvana if only for a short time... Truth is Obama have spending increases the lowest in the last 70 years and reduced the deficit.

Hillary looks like the best to control spending because she isn't going to war anytime soon. She like her husband know that the economy is strong without war... The GOP candidates are falling over themselves trying to get more troops in either Syria, Iraq or Iran...

It is simple the next president has to bring the deficit to the GDP growth rate while not robbing education(another form of borrowing, just way more expensive), increasing R & D in areas that are growing(Alternative Energy, Distribution of Energy...), Get Healthcare Spending to somewhere close to European levels before the Baby Boomers hang a large stone over the economy (tough job with vested interests and US obesity levels), Do something serious about Climate Change...

Gun Violence, Abortion, Gay Marriage..... are all side issues.
we dont need the most conservative or the most liberal.....we need a LEADER....someone who can unite this country,regardless of your "party", and get this place rolling again....and i dont see anyone like that out there.....not even looking through the Hubble.....

The problem is the GOP has been hijacked by the TP... They have painted all compromise as weak...

Fiscally Responsible Conservatives have a simple choice. The previous Clinton Presidency brought them to nirvana if only for a short time... Truth is Obama have spending increases the lowest in the last 70 years and reduced the deficit.

Hillary looks like the best to control spending because she isn't going to war anytime soon. She like her husband know that the economy is strong without war... The GOP candidates are falling over themselves trying to get more troops in either Syria, Iraq or Iran...

It is simple the next president has to bring the deficit to the GDP growth rate while not robbing education(another form of borrowing, just way more expensive), increasing R & D in areas that are growing(Alternative Energy, Distribution of Energy...), Get Healthcare Spending to somewhere close to European levels before the Baby Boomers hang a large stone over the economy (tough job with vested interests and US obesity levels), Do something serious about Climate Change...

Gun Violence, Abortion, Gay Marriage..... are all side issues.
vote for hillary then,me?.....i wont even consider her,she is too old and has more baggage dragging behind her than paris hilton checking into a hotel....
we dont need the most conservative or the most liberal.....we need a LEADER....someone who can unite this country,regardless of your "party", and get this place rolling again....and i dont see anyone like that out there.....not even looking through the Hubble.....

The problem is the GOP has been hijacked by the TP... They have painted all compromise as weak...

Fiscally Responsible Conservatives have a simple choice. The previous Clinton Presidency brought them to nirvana if only for a short time... Truth is Obama have spending increases the lowest in the last 70 years and reduced the deficit.

Hillary looks like the best to control spending because she isn't going to war anytime soon. She like her husband know that the economy is strong without war... The GOP candidates are falling over themselves trying to get more troops in either Syria, Iraq or Iran...

It is simple the next president has to bring the deficit to the GDP growth rate while not robbing education(another form of borrowing, just way more expensive), increasing R & D in areas that are growing(Alternative Energy, Distribution of Energy...), Get Healthcare Spending to somewhere close to European levels before the Baby Boomers hang a large stone over the economy (tough job with vested interests and US obesity levels), Do something serious about Climate Change...

Gun Violence, Abortion, Gay Marriage..... are all side issues.
vote for hillary then,me?.....i wont even consider her,she is too old and has more baggage dragging behind her than paris hilton checking into a hotel....

shes younger than Trump.
Cruz supports unfair trade. He even supports the president having fast track authority. No thanks
The only thing Trump is conservative about is cutting taxes on rich people such as himself

Everything else is pandering to the racists and Teatards of the radical right

Ten years ago, Trump was a liberal Democrat
It's what we've been screaming for for YEARS. "We always ge stuck with a rino" is the mantra every election. With Cruz we finally have the option to vote in a conservative and unbelievably most of you are gonna vote for a guy that has more liberal positions in his closet than Obama. It just blows my mind that you all can so easily kick your convictions to the curb just to vote for the bullhorn that hits the right talking points the loudest.
In the latest Iowa polls every GOP candidate beats Hillary but one, Trump.
You mean a non natural born citizen bought and paid for by Goldman Sachs. Yeah no thanks. I don't want a theocracy like Ted Cruz wants and I am an American first unlike him being an Christian First and American Second.
I agree, Cruz is the best choice. But he's got all those Citizenship questions swirling around. It's just enough doubt to hand it to Trump, or someone else. It's kinda sad, but it is what it is.
It's what we've been screaming for for YEARS. "We always ge stuck with a rino" is the mantra every election. With Cruz we finally have the option to vote in a conservative and unbelievably most of you are gonna vote for a guy that has more liberal positions in his closet than Obama. It just blows my mind that you all can so easily kick your convictions to the curb just to vote for the bullhorn that hits the right talking points the loudest.
In the latest Iowa polls every GOP candidate beats Hillary but one, Trump.
Yet many conservatives will vote for the most leftist Republican candidate in history. I just can't understand why conservatives are acting so gullible to simple rhetoric.

Because they are moved by flash and entertainment more than ideals and beliefs.

Every Trump ralley talks about how Entertaining he is. Clue #1
Stop the presses. Liberals get the dirt on Cruz. Appears he had the audacity to have a sense of humor in public!

Anyone posting this crap as being the least bit relevant needs to have the dunce cap stitched to their skulls

It did foreshadow his political ambitions early on. He entered the Senate, and was campaigning for POTUS within a couple years. He renounced his Canadian citizenship only so nobody questioned where his loyalties lied. He's a weasel.
Stop the presses. Liberals get the dirt on Cruz. Appears he had the audacity to have a sense of humor in public!

Anyone posting this crap as being the least bit relevant needs to have the dunce cap stitched to their skulls

It did foreshadow his political ambitions early on. He entered the Senate, and was campaigning for POTUS within a couple years. He renounced his Canadian citizenship only so nobody questioned where his loyalties lied. He's a weasel.

A better choice for potus by far

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