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We have a mass shooting problem. What are repubs going to do about it?

Republicans control congress, what are they going to do about our mass shooting problem?
What should they do about freedom, exactly?

That doesn't answer the question. Is your answer Nothing then?
Who knows what they will ATTEMPT to do, since they seem to be afraid of their own shadows. What will actually get DONE, however, is up to both a Republican legislature, which has neither a veto nor filibuster proof majority, AND a democrat president who has shown himself to be completely unable to step outside his rigid ideology and compromise to pass effective legislation. IOW, there will a lot of shouting and finger pointing, and maybe the loss of more freedoms, none of which will stop the next shooter. The best we can hope for is for more concealed carry permit holders.

We have more permit holders and the problem is getting worse...
No it's not,crime has been declining for the last 10 years,and in reality mass shootings are very rare.now we have a group that is well funded co.ing after us.i don't belive these acts of terrorism in any foreign organization name really count,thats an attack from out side.we ate not responsible,newtown,charlston,those are on us.
Discount Detroit, Philly, DC, New Orleans, Chicago and LA and the homicide rate is practically non existent....

And yet mass shootings are weekly event.
Happens every day. They just don't publicize the black on black stuff. Too boring I guess.
it doesn't fit the narrative, don't ya know.
Republicans control congress, what are they going to do about our mass shooting problem?

Who ARE you people? You post this kind of craziness after another Muslim terrorist attack?! You think tighter gun control laws are going to prevent further terrorist attacks?! France has very tough, strict gun laws, by the way. (You know: France, where some horrendous terrorist attacks occurred recently.)

FYI, even the Soviet Union, with its massive police state, could not keep guns out of the hands of organized crime in the country.

The idea that somehow tougher gun laws will deter Muslim terrorism is beyond stupid.

No the question was pretty clear, what are the republicans going to do? Answer seems to be nothing.
Aside from blaming Republicans, what are the Dims going to do?
Republicans control congress, what are they going to do about our mass shooting problem?

Who ARE you people? You post this kind of craziness after another Muslim terrorist attack?! You think tighter gun control laws are going to prevent further terrorist attacks?! France has very tough, strict gun laws, by the way. (You know: France, where some horrendous terrorist attacks occurred recently.)

FYI, even the Soviet Union, with its massive police state, could not keep guns out of the hands of organized crime in the country.

The idea that somehow tougher gun laws will deter Muslim terrorism is beyond stupid.

No the question was pretty clear, what are the republicans going to do? Answer seems to be nothing.

Here's one solution: quit importing the mentally ill (muzzies) who cause the problem.
Republicans control congress, what are they going to do about our mass shooting problem?

Who ARE you people? You post this kind of craziness after another Muslim terrorist attack?! You think tighter gun control laws are going to prevent further terrorist attacks?! France has very tough, strict gun laws, by the way. (You know: France, where some horrendous terrorist attacks occurred recently.)

FYI, even the Soviet Union, with its massive police state, could not keep guns out of the hands of organized crime in the country.

The idea that somehow tougher gun laws will deter Muslim terrorism is beyond stupid.

You can't cure stupid.

There is a big black market for guns in every country, this one included. If you have the money, you can buy almost anything.

The gun is the tool. The person using the gun is the weapon.

Gun control is a joke. The only thing gun control does is keep a law abiding citizen from getting the gun he wants to buy.

You can't cure stupid.
Ah yes, the progressive response. "Do Something", even if the something doesn't help, just do something to APPEAR like you are helping the situation.

Ah yes the republican response; problem? What problem? There
Is no problem with guns that more guns can't fix. Bring on the guns. And call everyone Muslim terrorists.

Problem fixed.
Ah yes, the progressive response. "Do Something", even if the something doesn't help, just do something to APPEAR like you are helping the situation.

Ah yes the republican response; problem? What problem? There
Is no problem with guns that more guns can't fix. Bring on the guns. And call everyone Muslim terrorists.

Problem fixed.

When it comes to rights, government doesn't get to fix the problem by restricting the rights of people who have nothing to do with any criminal activity or problem.

You progressives are always saying government is so awesome and can solve anything, let them solve this issue in a way that doesn't restrict my rights, or the rights of any other law abiding citizen.

And while they are at it, let them restore my rights in NYC, where I can't get a handgun for my own apartment without waiting 3-6 months and spending $1000.
"We have a mass shooting problem. What are repubs going to do about it?"

1. You 1st have to admit you have a problem before you can address it. LIBERALS have to admit we have a problem with Radical Islamic Extremists carrying out terrorist attacks on Americans.

2. Get Obama to stop blaming AMERICANS every time Americans die from terrorist attacks....and get him to stop changing 911 tapes and CIA reports to cover up and protect the terrorists / Islam.

3. No one on a terrorist watch list can buy weapons...until they are cleared. (This does not give the govt the right to seize any guns already owned. (& sorry, Barry - if your buddies are on the 'Do Not Enter The US / Do Not Fly' Lists then they DON'T enter the US and they DON'T fly anymore.)

3. Hire more FBI Agents - they are already chasing down 1,000 cases involving ISIS here in the states,

4. STOP bringing in / allowing in Muslims from nations that support terrorism and/or that are in the midst of civil wars between dictators and terrorists who also want to kill us...UNTIL we have an ACTUAL, WORKING background check system to ensure we are not brining / allowing in terrorists....like Barry did with the California terrorist.

5. Secure our Border.

6. Send the National Guard into Chicago to STOP the new record-setting pace for gun violence / murder.

7. Get Barry to stop supplying, funding, training, and ARMING terrorists and Mexican Drug cartels.

8. Shut down funding for Sanctuary cities.

9. Start enforcing ALL US laws again.

10. Replace Obama, Lynch, and possibly Comey (FBI). Obama has continuously violated the Constitution and Rule of Law. He has repeatedly modified reports to help him continue to lie to the American people. He has dragged out his own scandals, refused to obey court orders, been found in contempt, engaged in human trafficking, Armed criminal organizations......and after this latest disaster - demonstrating his willingness to lie AGAIN to the American people while being so incompetent he can't even successfully release a 911 call there should be a complete 'No Confidence' vote on him and Lynch. To get true Justice, begin holding people accountable, and to have the Rule of Law truly enforced again in this country those 2 at least have to go.
When it comes to rights, government doesn't get to fix the problem by restricting the rights of people who have nothing to do with any criminal activity or problem.

Dude, my gun buying rights are not restricted by anything other than my wallet. And my common sense.

The fact you don't have a gun because of 1000 dollars and a wait period is your problem and I don't give a fuck. Quit whining and buy a gun.
When it comes to rights, government doesn't get to fix the problem by restricting the rights of people who have nothing to do with any criminal activity or problem.

Dude, my gun buying rights are not restricted by anything other than my wallet. And my common sense.

The fact you don't have a gun because of 1000 dollars and a wait period is your problem and I don't give a fuck. Quit whining and buy a gun.

So you got yours, so fuck everyone else, right?

Typical progressive asshat.
You progressives are always saying government is so awesome and can solve anything, let them solve this issue in a way that doesn't restrict my rights, or the rights of any other law abiding citizen.

Hey show me where I said that. Or.stfu about what it is you "think" I mean. You have no idea.
So you got yours, so fuck everyone else, right?

You learning. Slowly but still learning.
If you want a gun in this country and don't have one, that's on you. Everybody can get a gun but you eh?

Fucking quit whining.

NYC has designed laws specifically designed to make it as hard as possible to get a simple revolver for your own home use. That is infringement, it is unconstitutional, and I should not be subjected to it.

If government wants to impose more restrictions on a given right, they can first restore my basic rights which have been taken away, then we can talk.

The only one whining is you, "fuh fuh fuh, due process is bad! government lists are good, fuh fuh fuh"
Ah yes the republican response; What problem?
Republicans were not the one deleting any reference to terrorism in the CIA's Benghazi report WHILE Ambassador Stephens and 3 other Americans fought for their lives.

Republicans weren't the one who called the Ft. Hood terrorist attack a case of 'workplace violence'. Republicans weren't the one declaring they had ISIS 'contained' and relatively harmless the NIGHT BEFORE the largest attack on France since WWII.

Republicans weren't the one who mocked US citizens for their concern over our national security and our safety, declaring all they had to fear was widows and orphans, RIGHT BEFORE the terrorist to whom Barry gave a visa - after his incredible background check - murdered 12 Americans.

Republicans are not the one who just blocked part of the Orlando terrorist's 911 call and replaced 'Allah' with 'God' to protect Islamic extremists / Islam.

Republicans are not the ones letting a city (Chicago) destroy itself, on pace to set a new record for annual gun violence / murder, without doing anything about it.

What problem? Liberals definitely have one.

There Is no problem with guns that more guns can't fix. Bring on the guns.

I wonder if that is what Barry told himself right before he handed over weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels, to the Muslim Brotherhood, to Al Qaeida - perpetrators of 9/11/01 and 9/11/12, and to ISIS?!

And call everyone Muslim terrorists.
Republicans actually believe in calling something what it is, unlike Liberals who Lie, Deny, Justify, modify CIA reports, modify '911' phone calls, replace 'Allah' with 'God', blame Americans for obvious terrorist attacks, and call obvious terrorist attacks cases of 'workplace violence'.
The only one whining is you, "fuh fuh fuh, due process is bad! government lists are good, fuh fuh fuh"

Where was I whining? I have my guns..I could.buy more guns if I so desired. And you think I am whining?

You got the stupids bad this morning.

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