We have a Muslim terror problem. What is the strategy of the left?

the problem is neither left or right .. public attacks and preventing them belongs to the city, county, and state. Elected officials bare the burden of responsibility.

go vote and live with the consequences like adults do.

Then why did #fucktardObama and #crookHillary climb on top of the still bleeding bodies to pimp their anti-Liberty agenda? The demagogue - sociopath party made this a national issue instantly. Now that it turns out to be Islamic terrorism, you want to downplay it as a local problem, but that ship already sailed.
What did the GOP candidates offer instead? Tell us.
Freeze the import of Muslims into America because there is no way to do a background check on them.
Any other questions?
I'm ok with that....but that's what they offered yesterday after the shooting in San Bernadino? Can you link that for us, please?
so now the shooters were refugees from Syria?

there is a low pressure front between weathermans ears and freezing temps...
the problem is neither left or right .. public attacks and preventing them belongs to the city, county, and state. Elected officials bare the burden of responsibility.

go vote and live with the consequences like adults do.

Then why did #fucktardObama and #crookHillary climb on top of the still bleeding bodies to pimp their anti-Liberty agenda? The demagogue - sociopath party made this a national issue instantly. Now that it turns out to be Islamic terrorism, you want to downplay it as a local problem, but that ship already sailed.
What did the GOP candidates offer instead? Tell us.
Freeze the import of Muslims into America because there is no way to do a background check on them.
Any other questions?
I'm ok with that....but that's what they offered yesterday after the shooting in San Bernadino? Can you link that for us, please?
Since Paris all rational people have called for a freeze on Muslim immigrants. For yesterday no one knows the facts yet outside it was Muslims shooting up a Christmas party.
I want to know why after years in office neither Obama or Hillary have ever presented solutions to address mass shootings.
unless elected officials have a civic obligation to express their feelings to the public I'm not sure.

Go ask the SB police cheif

The SB Police Chief acted bravely.

It is #fucktardObama and #crookHillary who acted in a reprehensible manner - along with the party press.

Will the NY Daily News print a front page retraction and apology for their attack on the GOP candidates?

Slander and libel are all we get from the party press.
Since Paris all rational people have called for a freeze on Muslim immigrants. For yesterday no one knows the facts yet outside it was Muslims shooting up a Christmas party.
I want to know why after years in office neither Obama or Hillary have ever presented solutions to address mass shootings.

Yes, but #fucktardObama and #crookHillary have called for and INCREASE in the number of Muslims imported.

Instead they want a freeze on civil rights for Americans.
What did the GOP candidates offer instead? Tell us.

Stopping the importation of thousands of people from Middle East nations known for producing Islamic extremism.

While #fucktardObama and #crookHillary called for increasing the numbers.

Which side are the demogogue - sociopath candidates on? Clearly not the side of America.
Why is it the left's responsibility to come up with a strategy while the right just bitches about it?

End civil rights and import thousands more from Muslim nations known for Islamic extremism is the "strategy" that you of the demagogue - sociopath party came up with.

Best meltdown so far today.

Stating facts is a "meltdown?"

What strategy other than ending civil rights and importing thousands more from Muslim nations known for Islamic extremism have the left and their crooked press proposed?

I'm waiting...
Ha, I knew it was nyc before I even hit the 'view ignored content' tab.

Stating facts isn't a meltdown, but NYC's reaction to them is.
Hiding under the bed is not a strategy. And throwing welfare at them doesn't seem to have the pacifying effect they said it would....what next?

CNN: Handguns Used In San Bernardino Attack Purchased 'Legally' - Breitbart

According to Messiah Barack, all ills of the world are due to global warming/climate change and overly abundant and prolificx quantities of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Evidently that pesky carbon dioxide changed its mind from the 1970's when it was supposed to reflect the Sun's heat, keeping Earth increasingly cold, leading to the cause global cooling, and the the new Ice Age. It was supposed to be responsible for cities locked in ice, people starving to death, crops failing, glaciers growing to unsustainable thickness, ocean levels shrinking to extend shorelines by miles, but, alas, covered with ICE.

It was |"Settled Science" that polar bears would be extinct. It was "settled science" that dinosaurs were extinguished by SUV's and it would have been a Hell of a lot better if the Ice Age of thousands of years ago had stayed as it was thousands of years ago. After all global warming will cause irreversible damage and destruction.

It was "settled science" that butter is bad for you.
It was "settled science" that eggs are bad for you.
It was "settled science" that sugar is bad for you.

In no more than ONE year following their original announcements, all those were debunked, renounced, denied and ridiculed by other "scientists" who knew to live by the credo: Publish or Perish.

The "settled science" o global warming/climate change would have more credibility if its loud mouth adherents would not be flying their private planes and live in their 10,000 sq ft mansions while berating and excoriating normal people who only try to make a normal living.

The ONLY "settled science" is that normal people don't give a shit about what liberal assholes predict based on faulty computer projection. Those rubes know fully well - unlike the oh so overly 'educated' elites - that humans can and WILL always come up with solutions that the doomsayers (liberals, Democrats, pessimists, anti-Americans, assholes) can never visualize: Solutions to problems written off by reasons of blindness and lack of will to see.

All the money that goes into Don Quixote wind mills, useless cloudy day sun panels and none of which promotes employment, should be used to do research and development for burning CLEAN of the almost inexhaustible supply of COAL.

Leaving the thousands of honest hard working coal miners unemployed because of a liberal pipe dream is a crime of epic proportions. Obama will get a few extra coals under his ass in Hell for abandoning the workers of all the coal-producing states.

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