We have a WINNER! Or TWO! Progressives who made good points of AGREEMENT:


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
In all the post-election arguments and assessments of who is more to blame for what imposition of bad policy or which side is violating Constitutional equality,

I want to stop, and take a moment to give a shout out and hats off to
TWO people who MADE good points of AGREEMENT
that I DO believe progressives and Constitutionalists can unite and focus on:

The Gold award for Best Progressive Defense of Marriage as a natural right
Sneekin for defending the research on homosexuality and that
change to orientation restores the person's natural default status
SEE thread and post linked here:
Gay marriage is not a constitutional right

The Silver award for Best Progressive Defense of Health Care as a natural right
sealybobo for offering solutions through medical education combined with health care services
SEE thread and post linked here:
Are progressives actually open-minded?
"And we pay any students school if they agree to work for these hospitals for ten years. They'll only make $100k a year vs a private doctor who makes $300k but this would be a great program for people who don't go to school because of the costs.

These hospitals would be in every poor big city. Long waiting lists and not as good as private but an option for people who can't afford or don't want insurance."

I agree with BOTH (Yayyy!!)
A. that research into spiritual healing to show what is happening with homosexuality
and changes to orientation will show this is a spiritual process, and will use science to
bridge the gap with faith based arguments on both sides of the marriage and orientation debate.
It will also resolve conflicts and heal relations so consensus can be formed on law by free choice.
SEE my responses to Sneekin here:
* Gay marriage is not a constitutional right
* Gay marriage is not a constitutional right

B. that progressives especially should invest in repurposing
public schools, public housing, and especially prison programs
into medical education, training, service and facilities to provide
affordable health care for all, including implementing R&D on spiritual
healing as above that cuts costs of crime, disease, abuse and addiction
so more lives and resources can be saved, and make universal health care sustainable and affordable.

NOTE: With BEN CARSON in charge of HUD, who believe in MICROLENDING to end welfare and build sustainably, maybe this can fulfill Democrat Sheila Jackson Lee's district plan for converting Public Housing into a Sustainable campus: http://www.campusplan.org
And Obama's Executive Order for Excellence in African American Education
About Us | White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans


Congratulations to both Sneekin and sealybobo
for defending progressive values in ways that
Constitutionalists Christians and Conservatives can AGREE with!!!

I will add the posts and links above.

PLEASE post here if you find a GOOD response that you AGREE with
from a progressive poster. (Mine don't count because I'm both a
Progressive and a Constitutionalist to begin with. But if you think one
of my posts said it best, you can link those to let me know which were most effective
in explaining Progressive positions to a Conservative or Constitutionalist on the right.)
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