We have no reason to be in Syria...

I fear another false flag gas attack to attempt to get Trump to stay.

What was the first?

The one I'm thnking about was Ghouta. Like hell Assad or any of his Generals would have ordered a freaking sarin gas attack while the UN inspectors were on the ground. Right then and there.
Oh... that... yeah... all those Fake Dying Children... gasping their last agonizing breaths on camera... all for Obumble... right?
Go bigger bring the troops home from all of the Mid East.
Then work on bringing our troops home from Europe and Asia

At least Iraq. I heard on NPR that we stepped up our bombings in Somolia the other day. What, in the name of anything holy, are we doing in Somolia?
Agreed, Our Military intervention is way out of control.
We need to pull back in so many areas that it is not funny.
We don;t need to be in 90% of the places we have troops in
I fear another false flag gas attack to attempt to get Trump to stay.

What was the first?

The one I'm thnking about was Ghouta. Like hell Assad or any of his Generals would have ordered a freaking sarin gas attack while the UN inspectors were on the ground. Right then and there.
Oh... that... yeah... all those Fake Dying Children... gasping their last agonizing breaths on camera... all for Obumble... right?

Oh the strike was real. Except it wasn't Assad's forces who used the sarin.

Think about it. It's a suburb of the capitol and the UN inspectors are on the ground. Kiss my ass that the Syrian army launched the attack. We're not dealing with cave dwellers here. Syrians are highly educated and compared to many regions, very civilized and there is no way on earth the Syrian army did this.
Go bigger bring the troops home from all of the Mid East.
Then work on bringing our troops home from Europe and Asia

At least Iraq. I heard on NPR that we stepped up our bombings in Somolia the other day. What, in the name of anything holy, are we doing in Somolia?
Agreed, Our Military intervention is way out of control.
We need to pull back in so many areas that it is not funny.
We don;t need to be in 90% of the places we have troops in

I disagree about Korea and Europe. When/if we go to war over in those areas, it will be a joint effort so it makes sense to learn to work with the Koreans and the NATO countries. I doubt we'll be calling on Somolia, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait or Pakistan to shoulder the burden in any war so why in the hell are we sending our best and brightest to fight someone who isn't a threat to us?
I fear another false flag gas attack to attempt to get Trump to stay.

What was the first?

The one I'm thnking about was Ghouta. Like hell Assad or any of his Generals would have ordered a freaking sarin gas attack while the UN inspectors were on the ground. Right then and there.
Oh... that... yeah... all those Fake Dying Children... gasping their last agonizing breaths on camera... all for Obumble... right?

Oh the strike was real. Except it wasn't Assad's forces who used the sarin.

Think about it. It's a suburb of the capitol and the UN inspectors are on the ground. Kiss my ass that the Syrian army launched the attack. We're not dealing with cave dwellers here. Syrians are highly educated and compared to many regions, very civilized and there is no way on earth the Syrian army did this.
Then enlighten us, oh Wise One... who used Sarin gas to attack those people?

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