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We have the blueprint for prosperity

So we've addressed taxes and energy. How about education now...

Why drop $60,000 per year to attend liberal cesspools where they hire domestic terrorists (Bill Ayers - University of Chicago) or communists who preach a plan to collapse America (Cloward & Frances Piven - Columbia University) and "teach" nothing but depraved promiscuity (proof HERE) all so you can graduate with $240,000 in debt when you can get an actual education for free?

Looking for the biggest bargain in higher education? I think I found it in this rural Missouri town, 40 miles south of Springfield, nestled in the foothills of the Ozark Mountains. The school is College of the Ozarks, and it operates on an education model that could overturn the perverse method of financing college education that is turning this generation of young adults into a permanent debtor class.

At this college, the tuition is nowhere near the $150,000 to $200,000 for a four-year degree that the elite top-tier universities are charging. At College of the Ozarks, tuition is free. That’s right. The school’s nearly 1,400 students don’t pay a dime in tuition during their time there.

So what’s the catch? All the college’s students—without exception—pay for their education by working 15 hours a week on campus. The jobs are plentiful because this school—just a few miles from Branson, a popular tourist destination—operates its own mill, a power plant, fire station, four-star restaurant and lodge, museum and dairy farm.

This College Takes Hard Work Seriously -- And Kids Want to Go There

unfortunately if two job candidates are equally qualified apply for a job, one graduated from Harvard and one from the Collage of the Ozarks, which on gets hired?
So we've addressed taxes and energy. How about education now...

Why drop $60,000 per year to attend liberal cesspools where they hire domestic terrorists (Bill Ayers - University of Chicago) or communists who preach a plan to collapse America (Cloward & Frances Piven - Columbia University) and "teach" nothing but depraved promiscuity (proof HERE) all so you can graduate with $240,000 in debt when you can get an actual education for free?

Looking for the biggest bargain in higher education? I think I found it in this rural Missouri town, 40 miles south of Springfield, nestled in the foothills of the Ozark Mountains. The school is College of the Ozarks, and it operates on an education model that could overturn the perverse method of financing college education that is turning this generation of young adults into a permanent debtor class.

At this college, the tuition is nowhere near the $150,000 to $200,000 for a four-year degree that the elite top-tier universities are charging. At College of the Ozarks, tuition is free. That’s right. The school’s nearly 1,400 students don’t pay a dime in tuition during their time there.

So what’s the catch? All the college’s students—without exception—pay for their education by working 15 hours a week on campus. The jobs are plentiful because this school—just a few miles from Branson, a popular tourist destination—operates its own mill, a power plant, fire station, four-star restaurant and lodge, museum and dairy farm.

This College Takes Hard Work Seriously -- And Kids Want to Go There

unfortunately if two job candidates are equally qualified apply for a job, one graduated from Harvard and one from the Collage of the Ozarks, which on gets hired?

Which one has $250,000 in student loans to pay off?
Last time you fellows blueprint for prosperity was in effect nationwide, we got 2008. Some prosperity.

More people were working when Bush left office than today. The S&P rating on US debt was higher the day Bush left office than today. The debt was 40% lower the day Bush left office than today.

Hope N Change indeed!
I have posted volumes of indisputable data for prosperity - from tax rates, to energy policies, to labor laws, and more. At the same time, we have seen the liberal blueprint for poverty (basically everything put forward by Obama, Pelosi, and Reid). Well, here is yet another example of conservative policy creating prosperity even in the Obama failed economy...

Texas is getting under some people’s skin. Its population is growing. Its people are becoming more prosperous. It is creating both billionaires and employing more minimum-wage workers than any other state. Its energy sector has thrived—year-over-year drilling has doubled so far in 2014, with 10,000 new wells drilled just since January. Its technology corridor now extends for hundreds of miles along I-35.

Texas is the hottest state economy this side of North Dakota.

But some still refuse to acknowledge the Texas Miracle. The recovery benefits only the rich, they say. Pro-business means pro-big-business. Job growth has merely kept pace with population growth.

But that’s just it. People are moving to Texas, and it certainly is not for the weather. Its population has grown more than 5% just since 2010—a rate exceeded only by North Dakota, another oil-boom state, and the rapidly gentrifying District of Columbia. California, by contrast, lost congressional seats for the first time in state history after the 2010 census.

Texas goes light on regulation, charges no state income tax, reduces barriers to entry and creates a dynamic business climate. California charges high taxes, imposes significant regulations, makes it hard to start a new business and has billions of dollars in debt for pensions owed to retired public employees.

So it should come as no surprise Texas’ business climate is rated in the top 5; California’s is in the bottom 10. Texas has had four times the job growth of California over the last 20 years. Its unemployment is about 50% below California’s and its incomes are growing at a faster pace than California’s.

Texas Is Booming With New Jobs and 'Dirt Cheap' Energy

How do you propose to create oil and gas drilling booms in states that don't have oil and gas to drill for?

You certainly can't drill for oil in every state - but you can frack in almost every state.

Furthermore, what you can do is not block fracking and drilling in states where it can be done. You can not block things like the Keystone Pipeline. You can not tax and regulate business to death (note the section above where it says that Texas has no state income tax).
Yeah, let's kill a entire sector of our economy...The public sector.

Let's kill research into advance tech and science
Let's kill cures for diseases

You anti-government idiots are as bad as the sexist democrats.

First of all, there shouldn't even be a "public sector" to our economy (if only you had read the U.S. Constitution.

Second, where did anybody suggest "killing" the "public sector"? A bit panic-stricken over the data that you cannot dispute?

Third, hundreds of millions of people from the private sector invest every day in Microsoft. In Apple. In cures for cancer.

It's truly astounding that you believe nothing can happen or be achieved without government. You are a communist of the purest form.
We have the blueprint for prosperity ignores the truth that the neo-corporatists' far right reactionary blue prints oppresses the poor, increases the incomes of the wealthy, and leads to depression and recession.

The free market and those who operate in it have no power to oppress anybody. Quite the opposite, I as a consumer have power over the corporations who operate in the free market. I can choose who to do business with.

The only entity with the power to oppress is the government you worship in exchange for table scraps. And since you want handouts and want the people who disagree with you oppressed, you create a false (not to mention completely absurd) narrative.
Hey, and here's a good one.

Firearms Death Rate per 100,000 statistics - states compared - Crime data on StateMaster

Texas #26 11 per 100,000

Illinois #31 9.7 per 100,000

Once again, the result of Obama and the Dumbocrats running illegal guns into Mexico and then running illegal Mexicans into the U.S. through the Texas border in hopes of legalizing them and winning their illegal votes to ensure power for themselves and their party.

How about Washington D.C. being #1 on that list while banning firearms? Way to defeat your own argument (psst - you might want to read the entire article before posting). Oops...
So we've addressed taxes and energy. How about education now...

Why drop $60,000 per year to attend liberal cesspools where they hire domestic terrorists (Bill Ayers - University of Chicago) or communists who preach a plan to collapse America (Cloward & Frances Piven - Columbia University) and "teach" nothing but depraved promiscuity (proof HERE) all so you can graduate with $240,000 in debt when you can get an actual education for free?

Looking for the biggest bargain in higher education? I think I found it in this rural Missouri town, 40 miles south of Springfield, nestled in the foothills of the Ozark Mountains. The school is College of the Ozarks, and it operates on an education model that could overturn the perverse method of financing college education that is turning this generation of young adults into a permanent debtor class.

At this college, the tuition is nowhere near the $150,000 to $200,000 for a four-year degree that the elite top-tier universities are charging. At College of the Ozarks, tuition is free. That’s right. The school’s nearly 1,400 students don’t pay a dime in tuition during their time there.

So what’s the catch? All the college’s students—without exception—pay for their education by working 15 hours a week on campus. The jobs are plentiful because this school—just a few miles from Branson, a popular tourist destination—operates its own mill, a power plant, fire station, four-star restaurant and lodge, museum and dairy farm.

This College Takes Hard Work Seriously -- And Kids Want to Go There

Sounds like socialism to me.

Really chief? Tell me, who in this scenario is having their wealth redistributed against their will? Who is being forced to attend against their will? :bang3:
So we've addressed taxes and energy. How about education now...

Why drop $60,000 per year to attend liberal cesspools where they hire domestic terrorists (Bill Ayers - University of Chicago) or communists who preach a plan to collapse America (Cloward & Frances Piven - Columbia University) and "teach" nothing but depraved promiscuity (proof HERE) all so you can graduate with $240,000 in debt when you can get an actual education for free?

Looking for the biggest bargain in higher education? I think I found it in this rural Missouri town, 40 miles south of Springfield, nestled in the foothills of the Ozark Mountains. The school is College of the Ozarks, and it operates on an education model that could overturn the perverse method of financing college education that is turning this generation of young adults into a permanent debtor class.

At this college, the tuition is nowhere near the $150,000 to $200,000 for a four-year degree that the elite top-tier universities are charging. At College of the Ozarks, tuition is free. That’s right. The school’s nearly 1,400 students don’t pay a dime in tuition during their time there.

So what’s the catch? All the college’s students—without exception—pay for their education by working 15 hours a week on campus. The jobs are plentiful because this school—just a few miles from Branson, a popular tourist destination—operates its own mill, a power plant, fire station, four-star restaurant and lodge, museum and dairy farm.

This College Takes Hard Work Seriously -- And Kids Want to Go There

unfortunately if two job candidates are equally qualified apply for a job, one graduated from Harvard and one from the Collage of the Ozarks, which on gets hired?

If an ignorant liberal is hiring, the Harvard graduate.

If anyone else is hiring, the better candidate...

Last time you fellows blueprint for prosperity was in effect nationwide, we got 2008. Some prosperity.

It's never been in effect nationwide - we've always had you ignorant communists fucking everything up with you're ignorant socialism.

For instance, Social Security was in effect in 2008 - taxing people and businesses to death. Medicaid was in effect in 2008 - taxing people and businesses to death. Welfare was in effect in 2008 - taxing people and businesses to death. Medicare was in effect in 2008 - taxing people and businesses to death.

Want to try again junior?
Texas is a race to the bottom where the real work is done by illegals.

I wonder if Rott-liar lives in Texas.

If not...why not?

Because my life is somewhere else... I'm gainfully employed (always have been) and have my family where I live. What reason would I have to move to Texas? Just because an uninformed, brainwashed liberal challenged me to on a message board? You can always count on CC to provide vintage liberal "logic"! :bang3:
And, at the end of the day, at least they've created jobs in Texas as opposed to government-dependent parasites that liberal states like California have created.

Texas takes in more federal money than they pay back. Sounds like Texas can't survive without the fed. Bunch of parasites.
And, at the end of the day, at least they've created jobs in Texas as opposed to government-dependent parasites that liberal states like California have created.

Texas takes in more federal money than they pay back. Sounds like Texas can't survive without the fed. Bunch of parasites.

Another debunked meme rears its ugly head. The fact that you could repeat that without irony is testament to your partisanship.
Texas can no longer complain that it gives more than it gets from federal government | Dallas Morning News

One frequently cited validation for that go-it-alone attitude is that Texans get a bad deal by paying more in federal taxes than they receive in federal spending. For decades, that was true: Texas received 90 cents or less for every dollar its residents and businesses sent to Washington.

But that’s no longer the case. Thanks to demographic shifts, a surge in military spending and other factors, Texas has crossed the break-even line. In six of the past eight years, including the entire tenure of President Barack Obama, Texans got more out of the federal Treasury than they put in.

Republican state officials and candidates have recently shifted their attention to arguments about the size of government rather than bang for the state’s buck. Ted Cruz, the GOP nominee for Senate, rarely mentions the disparity issue — one that the senator he’ll likely replace, Kay Bailey Hutchison, frequently tried to fight.
And the situation is not likely to flip back soon: With an exploding population of younger, more urban and increasingly poor residents — and a state government making cuts to its already minimal spending — more Texans will rely on the federal government for basic services in the years to come.

The federal government spent about $9,000 per Texan in 2010. The state spent $2,200 — one of the lowest outlays in the country, according to the National Association of State Budget Officers.
Texas on the Brink: Too Few Graduates, Too Many Uninsured

"How’s Texas doing? Not so great: The state ranks 50th in high school graduation rate"

Just wait until company's realize what they are dealing with ,with the texas yahoo's like rick perry and Cheap ignorant hayseed yahoo labor.

You get what you pay for.

Texas on the Brink: We Can Do Better

Please spread the word to all your yankee friends about how bad it is here in Texas.
Cause they just keep coming.
Texas can no longer complain that it gives more than it gets from federal government | Dallas Morning News

One frequently cited validation for that go-it-alone attitude is that Texans get a bad deal by paying more in federal taxes than they receive in federal spending. For decades, that was true: Texas received 90 cents or less for every dollar its residents and businesses sent to Washington.

But that’s no longer the case. Thanks to demographic shifts, a surge in military spending and other factors, Texas has crossed the break-even line. In six of the past eight years, including the entire tenure of President Barack Obama, Texans got more out of the federal Treasury than they put in.

Republican state officials and candidates have recently shifted their attention to arguments about the size of government rather than bang for the state’s buck. Ted Cruz, the GOP nominee for Senate, rarely mentions the disparity issue — one that the senator he’ll likely replace, Kay Bailey Hutchison, frequently tried to fight.
And the situation is not likely to flip back soon: With an exploding population of younger, more urban and increasingly poor residents — and a state government making cuts to its already minimal spending — more Texans will rely on the federal government for basic services in the years to come.

The federal government spent about $9,000 per Texan in 2010. The state spent $2,200 — one of the lowest outlays in the country, according to the National Association of State Budget Officers.

You lying dishonest fuck. Why dont you quote all of it?
At the same time, defense spending skyrocketed after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

Texas has several of the nation’s biggest military installations, including Fort Hood and Fort Bliss. A decade of war, combined with a post-Cold War redeployment from overseas bases, has brought a flood of new money.

Together, spending on the military and the major entitlement programs saw a 139 percent increase last decade and now accounts for about two-thirds of federal spending in Texas.

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