We have to consider the possibility that top Republicans are compromised after Wilber Ross

And business ties to Russia are illegal how?

You can ignore & deny all this for as long as you want to, but it's going to come crashing down on your heads very quickly.

"Despite the fact that Paradise Documents — leaked papers that expose the tangled web that is the off-shore financial holdings of the super-rich — revealed that he has business ties to Vladimir Putin's family through a $10 million stake in shipping company Navigator Holdings, the Commerce Secretary still thinks he's fit to hold office. "We have no business ties to those Russian individuals who are under sanction," Ross also reasoned in the Bloomberg interview. That may be true, but all those individuals have ties to Putin. He is the head of the country's kleptocratic government, and there's no getting rich in Russia without his blessing. A tie to Putin is a tie to all the reasons why we have sanctions on Russia in the first place. We should note here that Ross has other close ties to Russia's Putin-beholden superrich. Back in 2013, the Bank of Cyprus collapsed. Cyprus has had a close relationship with Russia's oligarchs since the collapse of the USSR, and they have a lot of money stashed there."
Wilbur Ross will never understand why he's unfit to be Commerce Secretary

Banking in Cyprus has been brought up repeatedly lately, especially regarding the Federal Grand Jury Indictments centered around Paul Manafort and Rick Gates. Manafort who is currently wearing an ankle bracelet, restricted to home, church and their lawyers office.

Here is 14 minute video from Rachel Maddow that has newly released COURT documents in hand and will explain all this banking in Cyprus. Just to let you know Rachel Maddow is the number 1 watched cable news network show, as she is the only one that has been reporting every detail out of these investigations. Tonight she is going to go over Carter Page's testimony where he finally admitted under oath, that he met with Russian officials, in that infamous Moscow trip he made in July 2016, while he continually stated he was only there to give a speech at a university.
Carter Page-Trump campaign adviser-testifies he met with Russian government officials in July 2016.
Rachel Maddow crushes Fox News in August; CNN gaining fast

It's very clear there are Russian interests in every corner of this administration.
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And business ties to Russia are illegal how?

I think you'll get it pretty quickly here someday. Like they say trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to teach algebra to a Chimpanzee.

"Despite the fact that Paradise Documents — leaked papers that expose the tangled web that is the off-shore financial holdings of the super-rich — revealed that he has business ties to Vladimir Putin's family through a $10 million stake in shipping company Navigator Holdings, the Commerce Secretary still thinks he's fit to hold office. "We have no business ties to those Russian individuals who are under sanction," Ross also reasoned in the Bloomberg interview. That may be true, but all those individuals have ties to Putin. He is the head of the country's kleptocratic government, and there's no getting rich in Russia without his blessing. A tie to Putin is a tie to all the reasons why we have sanctions on Russia in the first place. We should note here that Ross has other close ties to Russia's Putin-beholden superrich. Back in 2013, the Bank of Cyprus collapsed. Cyprus has had a close relationship with Russia's oligarchs since the collapse of the USSR, and they have a lot of money stashed there."
Wilbur Ross will never understand why he's unfit to be Commerce Secretary

Banking in Cyprus has been brought up repeatedly lately, especially regarding the Federal Grand Jury Indictments centered around Paul Manafort and Rick Gates. Manafort who is currently wearing an ankle bracelet, restricted to home, church and their lawyers office.

Here is 14 minute video from Rachel Maddow that has newly released COURT documents in hand and will explain all this banking in Cyprus. Just to let you know Rachel Maddow is the number 1 watched cable news network show, as she is the only one that has been reporting every detail out of these investigations. Tonight she is going to go over Carter Page's testimony where he admitted that he met with Russian officials, in that infamous Moscow trip he made in July 2016, while he continually stated he was only there to give a speech at a university.
Carter Page-Trump campaign adviser-testifies he met with Russian government officials in July 2016.

Rachel Maddow crushes Fox News in August; CNN gaining fast

It's very clear there are Russian interests in every corner of this administration.

At first it was just like Republicans just didn' believe it for one reason or another. Most times it was only objected to based on who presented the idea.

"Hillary said what? Russia? She's such a BITCH"

But now there are like 9 people around Trump being investigated. One plead guilty, two charged and worse...the lie that they'e had no contact with Russians have been proven a lie over and over...each time saying "my bad" and edit their statements.

Wilber Ross' son has direct business ties to Putins son in law and now we've moved from "no ties" onto "being financially tied to the Kremlin.? What's wrong with that?

So, can it really be that Republicans don't see it? Can they really be putting their party above everything else? Cyber espionage is OK because theyre scared of a tweet?

Or are they the next Wilber Ross? Someone who has a family member who' doing business with a close relative of Putin that we don' know about?

I can bet they have something on Devon Nunez.

The head of the RNC was Reince Preibus who was also Trump's first Chief-of-Staff. Reince was in charge of the RNC when the RNC changed its platform at the convention to reflect pro-Russian interests (that we now know Carter Page was involved with too). There's reason to believe the RNC was also compromised, which means alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll the Republicans who received campaign funds from the RNC are compromised as well.
offer us one outtake from your link.

The author of this hit piece claims Carter Page was a Russian agent and the dossier proves it.

The dossier said he was early last year. That was later shown to be true. That's called corroboration.
So you think that a work of fiction becomes factual if only one detail of the work is true??

Damn. Yah learn something new every day.

So if Harry Potter is from the UK, which actually exists, then Hogwarts exists? Shit, I'm still waiting on my letter. Bastards.

The dossier was raw intelligence. Raw intelligence requires verification. That has happened for a portion of it.
The "dossier" is a pile of crap. Intelligence is something a government agency produces, not some scumbag criminal organization. Nothing in the "dossier" has been validated, and plenty of it has been shown to be pure horseshit.
So, as proof of their false claim against Trump regarding non-existent 'Collusion', you are trying to brag about the indictments of 2 guys for Tax evasion Charges that date back to 2009 and an obvious Mueller 'plant' / 'ploy' - some volunteer who wore a wire and shopped a book deal about it for 3 weeks prior to doing it in HOPES that one of the other two will 'feel pressured' and give him (Mueller) something he doesn't have - EVIDENCE AGAINST TRUMP?!

As opposed to the mountain of actual, presented, confirmed insurmountable evidence against Democrats...


Yes, dope. Mueller planted an agent in the Trump campaign, set up fake meetings with Russian agents and as a cover, a phony guilty plea. :cuckoo:

Hillary setup the fake meeting with Russian agents. The guilty plea was used by Mewler to get the Greek guy to wear a wire. The upshot of the whole thing is nada, zip, zillch, nothing burger.

So that is truly what you believe?

It's far more plausible than the crap you believe.
It's not plausible that Clinton knew the Russians were going to do what they did during the election and setup Trump's people accordingly.
Crap like...reality?
Fusion GPS set them up at the request of the Clinton campaign, moron. That's very plausible.
The "dossier" is a pile of crap. Intelligence is something a government agency produces, not some scumbag criminal organization. Nothing in the "dossier" has been validated, and plenty of it has been shown to be pure horseshit.

ummm...Carter Page's testimony the other day validated a lot of the dossier.
And business ties to Russia are illegal how?

You can ignore & deny all this for as long as you want to, but it's going to come crashing down on your heads very quickly.

"Despite the fact that Paradise Documents — leaked papers that expose the tangled web that is the off-shore financial holdings of the super-rich — revealed that he has business ties to Vladimir Putin's family through a $10 million stake in shipping company Navigator Holdings, the Commerce Secretary still thinks he's fit to hold office. "We have no business ties to those Russian individuals who are under sanction," Ross also reasoned in the Bloomberg interview. That may be true, but all those individuals have ties to Putin. He is the head of the country's kleptocratic government, and there's no getting rich in Russia without his blessing. A tie to Putin is a tie to all the reasons why we have sanctions on Russia in the first place. We should note here that Ross has other close ties to Russia's Putin-beholden superrich. Back in 2013, the Bank of Cyprus collapsed. Cyprus has had a close relationship with Russia's oligarchs since the collapse of the USSR, and they have a lot of money stashed there."
Wilbur Ross will never understand why he's unfit to be Commerce Secretary

Banking in Cyprus has been brought up repeatedly lately, especially regarding the Federal Grand Jury Indictments centered around Paul Manafort and Rick Gates. Manafort who is currently wearing an ankle bracelet, restricted to home, church and their lawyers office.

Here is 14 minute video from Rachel Maddow that has newly released COURT documents in hand and will explain all this banking in Cyprus. Just to let you know Rachel Maddow is the number 1 watched cable news network show, as she is the only one that has been reporting every detail out of these investigations. Tonight she is going to go over Carter Page's testimony where he finally admitted under oath, that he met with Russian officials, in that infamous Moscow trip he made in July 2016, while he continually stated he was only there to give a speech at a university.
Carter Page-Trump campaign adviser-testifies he met with Russian government officials in July 2016.
Rachel Maddow crushes Fox News in August; CNN gaining fast

It's very clear there are Russian interests in every corner of this administration.

The "dossier" is a pile of crap. Intelligence is something a government agency produces, not some scumbag criminal organization. Nothing in the "dossier" has been validated, and plenty of it has been shown to be pure horseshit.

ummm...Carter Page's testimony the other day validated a lot of the dossier.

From Business Insider: Some of the testimony supports details contained in what has become known as the Steele dossier.

From Newsweek: Foreign policy adviser to the Drumpf presidential campaign Carter Page disputed the accuracy of parts of the dossier compiled by ex-British spy Christopher Steele in his testimony to the House Intelligence Committee last week, but his comments also appear to corroborate sections of the controversial document and raise new questions over his meetings in Russia.

Even the Daily Caller: In particular, Page’s statements about a trip he made to Moscow in July 2016 included details that are laid out in the dirty document, which was financed by the Clinton campaign and DNC and authored by former British spy Christopher Steele.

Look...I look at everything, and I know Obama's history and Hillary's history.
I didn't just wake up this year.

Obama and Hillary have nothing to do with this.

So what is it gonna take for you to admit that Trump's up to his nose in Russia stuff?
The "dossier" is a pile of crap. Intelligence is something a government agency produces, not some scumbag criminal organization. Nothing in the "dossier" has been validated, and plenty of it has been shown to be pure horseshit.

ummm...Carter Page's testimony the other day validated a lot of the dossier.

From Business Insider: Some of the testimony supports details contained in what has become known as the Steele dossier.

From Newsweek: Foreign policy adviser to the Drumpf presidential campaign Carter Page disputed the accuracy of parts of the dossier compiled by ex-British spy Christopher Steele in his testimony to the House Intelligence Committee last week, but his comments also appear to corroborate sections of the controversial document and raise new questions over his meetings in Russia.

Even the Daily Caller: In particular, Page’s statements about a trip he made to Moscow in July 2016 included details that are laid out in the dirty document, which was financed by the Clinton campaign and DNC and authored by former British spy Christopher Steele.

Try quoting the actual statements that support claims made in the "dossier." We don't need a bunch of fakenews assholes telling us what they think about Page's testimony.
Try quoting the actual statements that support claims made in the "dossier." We don't need a bunch of fakenews assholes telling us what they think about Page's testimony.

You asked for links and I gave them to you. And The Daily Caller isn't "fake news"...it's one of your own fellow alt-right websites.

You keep moving the bar for obvious reasons; you know your argument is shit.
ROFL! Hillary and Obama have everything to do with it. Hillary paid for the dossier, moron.

No, she didn't pay for the dossier. One of your Republican friends did. She picked it up from there. And so what if she paid for it? Page corroborates parts of it.

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