We have to consider the possibility that top Republicans are compromised after Wilber Ross

Yes, you said that before the indictments.
Now two indictments and a guilty plea are still zip.
I imagine when it's four or six indictments, it'll still be zip.

So, as proof of their false claim against Trump regarding non-existent 'Collusion', you are trying to brag about the indictments of 2 guys for Tax evasion Charges that date back to 2009 and an obvious Mueller 'plant' / 'ploy' - some volunteer who wore a wire and shopped a book deal about it for 3 weeks prior to doing it in HOPES that one of the other two will 'feel pressured' and give him (Mueller) something he doesn't have - EVIDENCE AGAINST TRUMP?!

As opposed to the mountain of actual, presented, confirmed insurmountable evidence against Democrats...


Yes, dope. Mueller planted an agent in the Trump campaign, set up fake meetings with Russian agents and as a cover, a phony guilty plea. :cuckoo:

Hillary setup the fake meeting with Russian agents. The guilty plea was used by Mewler to get the Greek guy to wear a wire. The upshot of the whole thing is nada, zip, zillch, nothing burger.

So that is truly what you believe?

It's far more plausible than the crap you believe.
My suggestion is grow a fucking brain and learn to Google. I shouldn't have to rub your nose in it.
My suggestion is grow a fucking brain and learn to Google. I shouldn't have to rub your nose in it.

Good advice. You should take it.
A Lot of the Steele Report Has Since Been Corroborated
offer us one outtake from your link.

The author of this hit piece claims Carter Page was a Russian agent and the dossier proves it.

The dossier said he was early last year. That was later shown to be true. That's called corroboration.
So you think that a work of fiction becomes factual if only one detail of the work is true??

Damn. Yah learn something new every day.

So if Harry Potter is from the UK, which actually exists, then Hogwarts exists? Shit, I'm still waiting on my letter. Bastards.

The dossier was raw intelligence. Raw intelligence requires verification. That has happened for a portion of it.
Democrats and snowflakes SAY they are against Russian collusion, Russian Interference, Influence Peddling, betrayal, and treason ... until you begin looking at all the evidence to the contrary.

Let's start with Barry:

Barak Obama leans in to Medvedev when he thinks his microphone is off and says, "Tell Vladimir after my election I will have more flexibility.'

- Obama to Russia: ‘After My Election I Have More Flexibility’

Obama reneged on the Budapest memorandum Agreement of 1994, which stated the Ukraine would give up its nukes in return for the recognition and maintenance of its territorial integrity, instead doing nothing to deter Russia from annexing part of the Ukraine. He made no effort to deter Putin or help Ukraine. (You're welcome, Vlad.)
- Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances - Wikipedia

- Looked the other way after an act of Russian aggression (Ukraine)

--- During the
red-line fiasco, he eagerly grasped a lifeline from Russia at the price of accepting its intervention in Syria.

- Welcomed a Russian foothold in the Middle East(Syria); Ignored Russian intervention into US elections
--- Records show Obama did nothing after learning of Russia’s attempts to incite racial violence in the US and intervene in US elections because he wanted Putin / Russia to allow to wage Un-Constitutional war against Russian ally Al Assad

- Protected Russia until after Uranium One deal went through
--- Obama, then-FBI Director Mueller, and then-US AG Holder learned and had evidence of Russian bribery, intimidation, extortion, and buying politicians and officials in an attempt to corner the US uranium market, evidence released last week proves; The news was kept secret until after the deal went through. Despite knowing all of this, Holder – who sat on the committee responsible for approving or denying the deal said nothing, and after the committee approved the sale Obama signed off on it, selling Russia 20% of the US supply of uranium. The uranium was eventually shipped to Canada, into Europe, and into Russian hands.

- Refused to provide arms to a sovereign country invaded by Russia
--- He never budged on his refusal to give Ukraine “lethal” weapons to
defend itself from Russian attack

- Agreed to a farcically one-sided nuclear deal ; Accommodated the illicit nuclear ambitions of a Russian ally
--- The president then went on to forge an agreement with Russia’s ally Iran to
allow it to preserve its nuclear program

- Mercilessly mocked the idea that Russia represents our foremost geo-political foe

--- ...before getting bent over by Vlad repeatedly

- Cut US defense spending and
cracked down on fossil fuels — a policy that Russia welcomes, since its economy is dependent on high oil prices.


if any of that is true, why did Trump choose to go along with Obama? He NEVER goes along with Obama decisions, Trump ALWAYS does or goes the opposite way of Obama....why did Trump CHOOSE to get in bed with Putin?
The Rossia Connection (with Anne Applebaum)
offer us one outtake from your link.

The author of this hit piece claims Carter Page was a Russian agent and the dossier proves it.

The dossier said he was early last year. That was later shown to be true. That's called corroboration.
So you think that a work of fiction becomes factual if only one detail of the work is true??

Damn. Yah learn something new every day.

So if Harry Potter is from the UK, which actually exists, then Hogwarts exists? Shit, I'm still waiting on my letter. Bastards.

The dossier was raw intelligence. Raw intelligence requires verification. That has happened for a portion of it.
no it hasn't, those involved all pleaded the fifth. so you are strangely wrong.
offer us one outtake from your link.

The author of this hit piece claims Carter Page was a Russian agent and the dossier proves it.

The dossier said he was early last year. That was later shown to be true. That's called corroboration.
So you think that a work of fiction becomes factual if only one detail of the work is true??

Damn. Yah learn something new every day.

So if Harry Potter is from the UK, which actually exists, then Hogwarts exists? Shit, I'm still waiting on my letter. Bastards.

The dossier was raw intelligence. Raw intelligence requires verification. That has happened for a portion of it.
The problem being none of it was verified before Obama was briefed about it. It was passed off as facts when it could not be verified, and Hillary used it to kick-start a fake Russian Collusion investigation.
Yes, you said that before the indictments.
Now two indictments and a guilty plea are still zip.
I imagine when it's four or six indictments, it'll still be zip.

So, as proof of their false claim against Trump regarding non-existent 'Collusion', you are trying to brag about the indictments of 2 guys for Tax evasion Charges that date back to 2009 and an obvious Mueller 'plant' / 'ploy' - some volunteer who wore a wire and shopped a book deal about it for 3 weeks prior to doing it in HOPES that one of the other two will 'feel pressured' and give him (Mueller) something he doesn't have - EVIDENCE AGAINST TRUMP?!

As opposed to the mountain of actual, presented, confirmed insurmountable evidence against Democrats...


Yes, dope. Mueller planted an agent in the Trump campaign, set up fake meetings with Russian agents and as a cover, a phony guilty plea. :cuckoo:

Hillary setup the fake meeting with Russian agents. The guilty plea was used by Mewler to get the Greek guy to wear a wire. The upshot of the whole thing is nada, zip, zillch, nothing burger.

So that is truly what you believe?

It's far more plausible than the crap you believe.
It's not plausible that Clinton knew the Russians were going to do what they did during the election and setup Trump's people accordingly.
Crap like...reality?
So, as proof of their false claim against Trump regarding non-existent 'Collusion', you are trying to brag about the indictments of 2 guys for Tax evasion Charges that date back to 2009 and an obvious Mueller 'plant' / 'ploy' - some volunteer who wore a wire and shopped a book deal about it for 3 weeks prior to doing it in HOPES that one of the other two will 'feel pressured' and give him (Mueller) something he doesn't have - EVIDENCE AGAINST TRUMP?!

As opposed to the mountain of actual, presented, confirmed insurmountable evidence against Democrats...


Yes, dope. Mueller planted an agent in the Trump campaign, set up fake meetings with Russian agents and as a cover, a phony guilty plea. :cuckoo:

Hillary setup the fake meeting with Russian agents. The guilty plea was used by Mewler to get the Greek guy to wear a wire. The upshot of the whole thing is nada, zip, zillch, nothing burger.

So that is truly what you believe?

It's far more plausible than the crap you believe.
It's not plausible that Clinton knew the Russians were going to do what they did during the election and setup Trump's people accordingly.
Crap like...reality?
well sure she did, she made it up!!! That's why you will never find anything nor will Mueller, nor anyone cause make believe doesn't exist only in the mind that created it.
offer us one outtake from your link.

The author of this hit piece claims Carter Page was a Russian agent and the dossier proves it.

The dossier said he was early last year. That was later shown to be true. That's called corroboration.
So you think that a work of fiction becomes factual if only one detail of the work is true??

Damn. Yah learn something new every day.

So if Harry Potter is from the UK, which actually exists, then Hogwarts exists? Shit, I'm still waiting on my letter. Bastards.

The dossier was raw intelligence. Raw intelligence requires verification. That has happened for a portion of it.
The problem being none of it was verified before Obama was briefed about it. It was passed off as facts when it could not be verified, and Hillary used it to kick-start a fake Russian Collusion investigation.
Of course you have no way to know that.
That is all you need to know to understand it was faked.

No, I kinda need the part that shows it was fake.
the entire thing is fake. everyone knows that. I'm sorry you choose to believe something that is utter bought nonsense. you can kinda need all fking year as far as I'm concerned the rest of the country knows otherwise, you know, those in charge. thanks for your stupid.
The author of this hit piece claims Carter Page was a Russian agent and the dossier proves it.

The dossier said he was early last year. That was later shown to be true. That's called corroboration.
So you think that a work of fiction becomes factual if only one detail of the work is true??

Damn. Yah learn something new every day.

So if Harry Potter is from the UK, which actually exists, then Hogwarts exists? Shit, I'm still waiting on my letter. Bastards.

The dossier was raw intelligence. Raw intelligence requires verification. That has happened for a portion of it.
The problem being none of it was verified before Obama was briefed about it. It was passed off as facts when it could not be verified, and Hillary used it to kick-start a fake Russian Collusion investigation.
Of course you have no way to know that.
Actually we do.
Hillary was talking about it during the campaign. We have YouTube videos of her describing it in detail while campaigning. I saw it last week and posted it on one of my threads.
The dossier said he was early last year. That was later shown to be true. That's called corroboration.
So you think that a work of fiction becomes factual if only one detail of the work is true??

Damn. Yah learn something new every day.

So if Harry Potter is from the UK, which actually exists, then Hogwarts exists? Shit, I'm still waiting on my letter. Bastards.

The dossier was raw intelligence. Raw intelligence requires verification. That has happened for a portion of it.
The problem being none of it was verified before Obama was briefed about it. It was passed off as facts when it could not be verified, and Hillary used it to kick-start a fake Russian Collusion investigation.
Of course you have no way to know that.
Actually we do.
Hillary was talking about it during the campaign. We have YouTube videos of her describing it in detail while campaigning. I saw it last week and posted it on one of my threads.
She put a hex on you.
offer us one outtake from your link.

The author of this hit piece claims Carter Page was a Russian agent and the dossier proves it.

The dossier said he was early last year. That was later shown to be true. That's called corroboration.
So you think that a work of fiction becomes factual if only one detail of the work is true??

Damn. Yah learn something new every day.

So if Harry Potter is from the UK, which actually exists, then Hogwarts exists? Shit, I'm still waiting on my letter. Bastards.

The dossier was raw intelligence. Raw intelligence requires verification. That has happened for a portion of it.
no it hasn't, those involved all pleaded the fifth. so you are strangely wrong.

It has, dope. We don't need testimony to know that Russia did indeed influence our election with hacked emails and fake internet ads and they did so to aid Trump.

That is from the dossier, dope.

Like I said, if you knew what was actually in it, you would know what has been verified.
The author of this hit piece claims Carter Page was a Russian agent and the dossier proves it.

The dossier said he was early last year. That was later shown to be true. That's called corroboration.
So you think that a work of fiction becomes factual if only one detail of the work is true??

Damn. Yah learn something new every day.

So if Harry Potter is from the UK, which actually exists, then Hogwarts exists? Shit, I'm still waiting on my letter. Bastards.

The dossier was raw intelligence. Raw intelligence requires verification. That has happened for a portion of it.
no it hasn't, those involved all pleaded the fifth. so you are strangely wrong.

It has, dope. We don't need testimony to know that Russia did indeed influence our election with hacked emails and fake internet ads and they did so to aid Trump.

That is from the dossier, dope.

Like I said, if you knew what was actually in it, you would know what has been verified.
bwhahahahahaahaha dude there is no evidence of any of that. too fking funny. you know no one hacked anything. I know the intelligence agencies don't know. they never looked at the supposed server from the DNC. you know this right? please tell us you know this.

the Dossier is made up.
So you think that a work of fiction becomes factual if only one detail of the work is true??

Damn. Yah learn something new every day.

So if Harry Potter is from the UK, which actually exists, then Hogwarts exists? Shit, I'm still waiting on my letter. Bastards.

The dossier was raw intelligence. Raw intelligence requires verification. That has happened for a portion of it.
The problem being none of it was verified before Obama was briefed about it. It was passed off as facts when it could not be verified, and Hillary used it to kick-start a fake Russian Collusion investigation.
Of course you have no way to know that.
Actually we do.
Hillary was talking about it during the campaign. We have YouTube videos of her describing it in detail while campaigning. I saw it last week and posted it on one of my threads.
She put a hex on you.
Sorry, but I'm protected by too many spells and repell charms for her to put a curse on me.
The dossier said he was early last year. That was later shown to be true. That's called corroboration.
So you think that a work of fiction becomes factual if only one detail of the work is true??

Damn. Yah learn something new every day.

So if Harry Potter is from the UK, which actually exists, then Hogwarts exists? Shit, I'm still waiting on my letter. Bastards.

The dossier was raw intelligence. Raw intelligence requires verification. That has happened for a portion of it.
no it hasn't, those involved all pleaded the fifth. so you are strangely wrong.

It has, dope. We don't need testimony to know that Russia did indeed influence our election with hacked emails and fake internet ads and they did so to aid Trump.

That is from the dossier, dope.

Like I said, if you knew what was actually in it, you would know what has been verified.
bwhahahahahaahaha dude there is no evidence of any of that. too fking funny. you know no one hacked anything. I know the intelligence agencies don't know. they never looked at the supposed server from the DNC. you know this right? please tell us you know this.

the Dossier is made up.
All the evidence you need is on the wikipedia page of russian influence.
The dossier said he was early last year. That was later shown to be true. That's called corroboration.
So you think that a work of fiction becomes factual if only one detail of the work is true??

Damn. Yah learn something new every day.

So if Harry Potter is from the UK, which actually exists, then Hogwarts exists? Shit, I'm still waiting on my letter. Bastards.

The dossier was raw intelligence. Raw intelligence requires verification. That has happened for a portion of it.
no it hasn't, those involved all pleaded the fifth. so you are strangely wrong.

It has, dope. We don't need testimony to know that Russia did indeed influence our election with hacked emails and fake internet ads and they did so to aid Trump.

That is from the dossier, dope.

Like I said, if you knew what was actually in it, you would know what has been verified.
bwhahahahahaahaha dude there is no evidence of any of that. too fking funny. you know no one hacked anything. I know the intelligence agencies don't know. they never looked at the supposed server from the DNC. you know this right? please tell us you know this.

the Dossier is made up.

Yes, dope. Google, Facebook and Twitter just testified last week about nothing like that happening at all. :uhoh3:
So you think that a work of fiction becomes factual if only one detail of the work is true??

Damn. Yah learn something new every day.

So if Harry Potter is from the UK, which actually exists, then Hogwarts exists? Shit, I'm still waiting on my letter. Bastards.

The dossier was raw intelligence. Raw intelligence requires verification. That has happened for a portion of it.
no it hasn't, those involved all pleaded the fifth. so you are strangely wrong.

It has, dope. We don't need testimony to know that Russia did indeed influence our election with hacked emails and fake internet ads and they did so to aid Trump.

That is from the dossier, dope.

Like I said, if you knew what was actually in it, you would know what has been verified.
bwhahahahahaahaha dude there is no evidence of any of that. too fking funny. you know no one hacked anything. I know the intelligence agencies don't know. they never looked at the supposed server from the DNC. you know this right? please tell us you know this.

the Dossier is made up.
All the evidence you need is on the wikipedia page of russian influence.
but alas there is none. not in that page or any other. the fact is there is nothing. if there actually was there would be no need to go after money laundering by Paul Manafort. but hey, I don't really care what the fk you think, I know what facts aren't out there. and there is none on trump or russia. absolutely zero.
So you think that a work of fiction becomes factual if only one detail of the work is true??

Damn. Yah learn something new every day.

So if Harry Potter is from the UK, which actually exists, then Hogwarts exists? Shit, I'm still waiting on my letter. Bastards.

The dossier was raw intelligence. Raw intelligence requires verification. That has happened for a portion of it.
no it hasn't, those involved all pleaded the fifth. so you are strangely wrong.

It has, dope. We don't need testimony to know that Russia did indeed influence our election with hacked emails and fake internet ads and they did so to aid Trump.

That is from the dossier, dope.

Like I said, if you knew what was actually in it, you would know what has been verified.
bwhahahahahaahaha dude there is no evidence of any of that. too fking funny. you know no one hacked anything. I know the intelligence agencies don't know. they never looked at the supposed server from the DNC. you know this right? please tell us you know this.

the Dossier is made up.

Yes, dope. Google, Facebook and Twitter just testified last week about nothing like that happening at all. :uhoh3:
what is it they did testify to? are you an honest man?
The author of this hit piece claims Carter Page was a Russian agent and the dossier proves it.

The dossier said he was early last year. That was later shown to be true. That's called corroboration.
So you think that a work of fiction becomes factual if only one detail of the work is true??

Damn. Yah learn something new every day.

So if Harry Potter is from the UK, which actually exists, then Hogwarts exists? Shit, I'm still waiting on my letter. Bastards.

The dossier was raw intelligence. Raw intelligence requires verification. That has happened for a portion of it.
no it hasn't, those involved all pleaded the fifth. so you are strangely wrong.

It has, dope. We don't need testimony to know that Russia did indeed influence our election with hacked emails and fake internet ads and they did so to aid Trump.

That is from the dossier, dope.

Like I said, if you knew what was actually in it, you would know what has been verified.
We do know that Russia already bought Hillary, so why would they want to help Trump?
The Clinton's are corrupt and greedy and think the GOP is the real enemy, greater than ISIS, al Qaeda, or N. KOREA
The dossier was raw intelligence. Raw intelligence requires verification. That has happened for a portion of it.
no it hasn't, those involved all pleaded the fifth. so you are strangely wrong.

It has, dope. We don't need testimony to know that Russia did indeed influence our election with hacked emails and fake internet ads and they did so to aid Trump.

That is from the dossier, dope.

Like I said, if you knew what was actually in it, you would know what has been verified.
bwhahahahahaahaha dude there is no evidence of any of that. too fking funny. you know no one hacked anything. I know the intelligence agencies don't know. they never looked at the supposed server from the DNC. you know this right? please tell us you know this.

the Dossier is made up.
All the evidence you need is on the wikipedia page of russian influence.
but alas there is none. not in that page or any other. the fact is there is nothing. if there actually was there would be no need to go after money laundering by Paul Manafort. but hey, I don't really care what the fk you think, I know what facts aren't out there. and there is none on trump or russia. absolutely zero.
Paul Manafort worked for the Podesta Group. Somehow he ended up on the Trump train. But only for a short time. He was fired pretty quickly. I think he was placed there to create an issue that could be taken advantage of by the Obama administration.

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