We have to consider the possibility that top Republicans are compromised after Wilber Ross

Bill And Hillary Clinton:

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton presented Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov with a plastic novelty ‘Reset’ prop to symbolically represent the re-setting of US-Russian relations.

--- Ironically, Hillary and her staff’s incompetence resulted in the incorrect word ‘OVERCHARGE’ being placed on the prop instead of ‘reset’. This is appropriate since the KGB Bank later would pay Bill Clinton $500,000 a speech for them and give Hillary $100+ million dollars in ‘donations’ to the Clinton Foundation while she sat on a committee that was responsible for approving or denying the Russian attempt to buy Uranium One / 20% of the US supply of uranium. Russia, during that time, was also engaged in bribery, extortion, intimidation, and buying other politicians in their attempt to acquire US uranium.

- Clinton Goofs on Russian Translation, Tells Diplomat She Wants to 'Overcharge' Ties

John Podesta:

Hillary’s Campaign Manager, John Podesa, was also connected to Putin and the Russians several different ways. The Podesta Group, a top-tier lobbying group he co-founded, lobbied for the Centre for a Modern Ukraine, a pro-Russian organization. While he allegedly hasn’t participated in the firm’s lobbying efforts for years now, his brother Tony Podesta is acting chairman. John Podesta was also a big Clinton donor and was responsible for bring in big donors for the Clintons.

The Podesta Group managed a second Russian account, i.e. Uranium One, a Russian atomic energy company that secured oil rights in Kazakhstan and the United States through direct collaboration with the Clintons. Russian company funneled tens of millions to the Clinton Foundation and in return received legitimate government benefits.

--- Hillary’s Campaign manager’s Lobbying company managed an 2 Russian accounts, one being the Uranium One account, while she was Secretary of State…while she sat on the Committee responsible for approving or denying the Uranium One deal…during which time Hillary received $100+ million from the team lead of the Russian effort to buy Uranium One

Uranium One paid the Podesta Group some “$40,000 to lobby the State Department, the Senate, the National Park Service, and the National Security Council,” for mining rights.


John Podesta also received thousands of shares of UN-reported Russian stocks … and 1/3rd of his company’s Board Members are prominent Russian Businessmen with ties directly to the Kremlin and Vladimir Putin himself.

Progressives need to take CA and leave

Fine, but we're also taking almost all of the scientists, artists, and otherwise highly educated people with. It will just be you trailer park hillbillies and a few oil barons to administer you indentured servants. Enjoy!
With no money! Funny
No money? Are you kidding? Better check the scoreboard, my man. You should compare your adorable little red/blue map you love so much to where the money is in America. I think you'll find it matches right up EXACTLY with the blue spots that trigger you so.

EDIT: Actually, let's look now:

2016 election:


Where do the rich people live? "New U.S. Census Bureau report shows the concentration of High-Income Households for each county in the United States from 200-2011":


Notice anything?
mostly all libturd states.
'Fat Tony' Podesta

John’s Brother and the one who runs the Podesta Group – until recently when he stepped down after learning his connections to the Russians is being investigated, is ‘Fat Tony’ Podesta. ‘Fat Tony worked for the KGB Bank, the chief financier for the Russian effort to purchase Uranium One, as an UN-Registered Foreign Agent.

(The KGB Bank is also the one who signed Bill Clinton’s speaking fee checks…and funneled the money to the Russian Uranium One Team lead who donated $100+ million to the Clinton Foundation…and paid the Podesta Group to Lobby for them. That’s a lot of damn ‘coincidences’.)

Possibly more disturbing is that ‘Fat Tony’ also worked for the Russian Spy Agency, the agency that supposedly hacked the DNC and interfered in the 2016 US elections…something snowflakes / Democrats do not seem concerned about and do not wish to talk about while hurling their fake accusations of ‘Trump Collusion’, for which they still have no evidence to support.
Wilber Ross' son has direct business ties to Putins son in law and now we've moved from "no ties" onto "being financially tied to the Kremlin.? What's wrong with that?

Or are they the next Wilber Ross? Someone who has a family member who' doing business with a close relative of Putin that we don' know about?

I can bet they have something on Devon Nunez.

It's more than just the number with ties to russia, but the number with russian ties that tell lie after lie, to hide their ties to russia. It's like those disclaimers a reporter leads with, saying their parent company tied to the folks the story is about.

Where did Trump find so many people tied to russia? This can't just be a coincidence.
fk dude the clin...tons did a sale of 20% of US Uranium with Putin and you think that's just fking dandy. I laugh at you.
Another lie from Comrade jc456.

Nine US agencies signed off on a deal so Russia could buy a Canadian energy company.
Dealing with Russia, specificly what is it I lied about?
Russia was dealing with Canada. The sign off by nine agencies of the US were required. Unlike Trump's and his Trumpoids' dealing with Russia, the Obama-era deal was legal and moral and ethical.
and still made with Russia. for what reason? never explained. I mean logical folks will understand it was for the 145 million. you? not so much, you are too naive to understand nothing is free.
Logical folks are well aware that comrades of the far right love Russia and want Trump et al to turn America over to Russia.
Of course, as mentioned, You have the Conflict of Interest-infested Mueller heading up the 'Get Trump At Any Cost' witch hunt.

Back in 2009, evidence released last week shows, then FBI-Director Mueller's FBI uncovered the Russians' crimes of bribery, extortion, intimidation, politician-buying in an attempt to corner the US uranium market and purchase Uranium One / 20% of the US supply of uranium..but he buried it.

He, then-Obama US AG Eric holder, and President Obama all knew about it. Holder, like Hillary, at the time sat on the committee responsible for either approving or denying the sale of Uranium one. Holder did not reveal to the Committee the Russian crimes and intentions. He also buried the information. (Much like how Hillary neglected to reveal her own conflict of interest, which was being paid over $100 million in 'Clinton Foundation' donations by the KGB Bank / Russian Uranium One team lead.) Despite also knowing all about the Russian plot and crimes, after the Committee signed off on the deal, Barak Obama signed the deal, making it official.

FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow
And business ties to Russia are illegal how?
There it is, Comrade.

Truly amazing how its gone from "there is no Russian collusion" to "where's the crime?".
no, it is still where is the russian collusion. We know, with Hitlery, Obummer, DNC and the FBI Comey and Mueller. we know, it's all been uncovered and open for reading. we read it, now we get it. we now know what the 145 million is being used for, it financed CNN, ABC, NBC MSNBC, CBS and all other MSM outlets, it bought and now controls the DNC as evidenced in Donna Braziles' new book. uranium one is the outlier to the money. All known. Now, you can start to tell us where any collusion is between the trumps and russia. ready, go.
And, without evidence to support their false claims, these f*ers continue to squeal about non-existent 'Trump Collusion' while a mountain of evidence against them regarding their own corruption, collusion, collaboration, influence peddling, treason, and betrayal.



At first it was just like Republicans just didn' believe it for one reason or another. Most times it was only objected to based on who presented the idea.

"Hillary said what? Russia? She's such a BITCH"

But now there are like 9 people around Trump being investigated. One plead guilty, two charged and worse...the lie that they'e had no contact with Russians have been proven a lie over and over...each time saying "my bad" and edit their statements.

Wilber Ross' son has direct business ties to Putins son in law and now we've moved from "no ties" onto "being financially tied to the Kremlin.? What's wrong with that?

So, can it really be that Republicans don't see it? Can they really be putting their party above everything else? Cyber espionage is OK because theyre scared of a tweet?

Or are they the next Wilber Ross? Someone who has a family member who' doing business with a close relative of Putin that we don' know about?

I can bet they have something on Devon Nunez.
Well like yanno, like, this is really getting, like, yanno, to be a pattern. Yanno?
And business ties to Russia are illegal how?
There it is, Comrade.

Truly amazing how its gone from "there is no Russian collusion" to "where's the crime?".

Collusion has never been a crime. I've always just disputed the hair brained bullshit that Russia hijacked the election.
Democrats have been colluding with the Russians ever since the Roosevelt administration.
shit dude he was all in with Stalin. he did some very sneaky things during WWII that I learned over the weekend watching a documentary. It is our good fortune he died before that was achieved. dirty fk to say the least. hated polish folks.
Wilber Ross' son has direct business ties to Putins son in law and now we've moved from "no ties" onto "being financially tied to the Kremlin.? What's wrong with that?

Or are they the next Wilber Ross? Someone who has a family member who' doing business with a close relative of Putin that we don' know about?

I can bet they have something on Devon Nunez.

It's more than just the number with ties to russia, but the number with russian ties that tell lie after lie, to hide their ties to russia. It's like those disclaimers a reporter leads with, saying their parent company tied to the folks the story is about.

Where did Trump find so many people tied to russia? This can't just be a coincidence.
fk dude the clin...tons did a sale of 20% of US Uranium with Putin and you think that's just fking dandy. I laugh at you.

And business ties to Russia are illegal how?
Getting down on your knees and sucking Putin's cock isn't illegal, but do you really want a President who does that?

You do a lot of sucking of Putin's cock yourself.

Trump and the rest of them are benefitting with cash. This fool is sucking dick for no fee.
and yet there is that fking damn dossier thing that was faked. bought for by the clintons, obummer, comey and DNC. yep you keep your eyes fking closed and hold onto that johnson.

The doskier isn't fake unless you prove it. Annnnd Go!
Been there..... Done that..
You just ignored the truth when it was released.
And business ties to Russia are illegal how?
Trump jr promised things to the Russians if they helped them win our election. Quid pro quo.

They say it was about adoptions. That's a lie.
Yes, "adoptions" is simply code word for Russian Sanctions....

Also, changing the Republican Platform for the Ukraine from supporting the Ukraine to supporting Russia was part of the quid pro quo.
and you would know this how? are you saying you have the conversion documents? hahahahaha dude, nice implication.
And business ties to Russia are illegal how?
Every member of the Trump team including Trump himself have lied over and over regarding their involvement with Russians.
The lies are falling apart to reveal they all had ties to Russia.

You can say,
And business ties to Russia are illegal how?
but we know these relationships didn't happen in a vaccuum. They were being cultivated concurrently with Russia's operation to interfere in our election. Interference that we know was done with the intention of helping Trump win.

Any American of sound mind should be very alarmed with how this is developing.
And business ties to Russia are illegal how?
Every member of the Trump team including Trump himself have lied over and over regarding their involvement with Russians.
The lies are falling apart to reveal they all had ties to Russia.

You can say,
And business ties to Russia are illegal how?
but we know these relationships didn't happen in a vaccuum. They were being cultivated concurrently with Russia's operation to interfere in our election. Interference that we know was done with the intention of helping Trump win.

Any American of sound mind should be very alarmed with how this is developing.

Also, more simply put:

If business dealings with Russia was ok, then why did all of them lie about it? And if Tiny thinks it's ok, why did he himself spend months saying it never happened?
they didn't.
Trump and the rest of them are benefitting with cash. This fool is sucking dick for no fee.
and yet there is that fking damn dossier thing that was faked. bought for by the clintons, obummer, comey and DNC. yep you keep your eyes fking closed and hold onto that johnson.

The doskier isn't fake unless you prove it. Annnnd Go!
why are you against investigating it then?

^All up in that koolaid. :cuckoo:
yes you are.
and yet there is that fking damn dossier thing that was faked. bought for by the clintons, obummer, comey and DNC. yep you keep your eyes fking closed and hold onto that johnson.

The doskier isn't fake unless you prove it. Annnnd Go!
why are you against investigating it then?

^All up in that koolaid. :cuckoo:
yes you are.

Did you ever find who the $145m donor was?

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