We haven't found aliens because they're aren't any

Again, until you come up with a process by which inorganic material becomes organic and then spawns living organisms, you have nothing. That's the key to the whole thing.
That is the seminal point and I agree. But it is only a start. If someone comes upon what some scientists say is inorganic to organic in a lab they can hardly claim victory. There has to be some kind of intelligent “force” moving these rudimentary molecules onto bigger and better things. That occurring without an I.D. is just as implausible for me as non-life to life.

Of course no one is interested in trying to solve where did matter itself originate? One thing at a time.

I think... and again, this is just my speculation, that all the various credible UFO accounts can be explained if we consider this "other dimensions" possibility. It could be that when we sight a UFO, it's merely something seeping through into our dimensions from elsewhere.
So is it your opinion there are credible eye witness accounts of UFOs? Why or why not?

When you suggest “other dimensions” for their origin is this more of the same, i.e. more unexplained life but no evidence for God?

Well, I take "God" out of the equation because we get into a philosophy thing and it's futile to try and reconcile it on a scientific level. We know, through quantum mechanics, other dimensions exist. At least, that is what mathematics predicts. Assuming mathematics is correct, there are at least 11 dimensions, we only have perception of 4.

When I said "credible UFO accounts" it needs to be distinguished, I am talking about legitimate accounts versus kooks and oddballs. Like when an Air Force pilot witnesses something unexplained, or there is some mass population who witnesses some phenomenon that can't be explained. I know there are many theories regarding natural phenomenon that can cause an illusion, etc. But I also believe that some people have actually encountered things that science and physics cannot explain. I believe this is stuff from another dimension spilling over into our dimension. For whatever reason, we briefly experience the perception of it but it's fleeting.
we have limit for light speed
and universe is big
its imposible fo travel to far .......

This is only true using traditional physics principles as we understand them. However, there could be principles we don't understand and haven't realized yet. Our sciences are only several hundred years old and even our quantum mechanics are less than 100 years old.

We are like infants in a crib inside a dark room. We are aware of our immediate surroundings, we may have limited perception of the room itself or the contents within the four walls of our room. But we have virtually no idea of what lies beyond the door to our room.
its imposible fo travel to far

Again... case in point....

Let's go back in time 150 years. If someone had told you that a symphony orchestra could be performing in New York but you could listen to it in Chicago... you would say "It's impossible!" Because, we did not know about radio waves or how to transmit them and receive them yet... it hadn't been discovered. Now, we take this for granted.

We are limited by our understanding at this time... it doesn't mean we always will be. NOTHING is impossible. ALL things are possible. They may just not be possible at this moment in time.
we have limit for light speed
and universe is big
its imposible fo travel to far .......

This is only true using traditional physics principles as we understand them. However, there could be principles we don't understand and haven't realized yet. Our sciences are only several hundred years old and even our quantum mechanics are less than 100 years old.

We are like infants in a crib inside a dark room. We are aware of our immediate surroundings, we may have limited perception of the room itself or the contents within the four walls of our room. But we have virtually no idea of what lies beyond the door to our room.

i agree with you.but you cant say that we havnt limit in universe
but if you believe evolution.you must believe allien too.
then why allien never .......... ?
because universe have limit in something.
we are in big bang and big bang is physic too
The observable universe. Astronomers have measured the age of the universe to be approximately 13.8 billion years old. Because of the connection between distance and the speed of light, this means they can look at a region of space that lies 13.8 billion light-years away

our brain cant understand size of universe very well.
we have limit for light speed
and universe is big
its imposible fo travel to far .......

This is only true using traditional physics principles as we understand them. However, there could be principles we don't understand and haven't realized yet. Our sciences are only several hundred years old and even our quantum mechanics are less than 100 years old.

We are like infants in a crib inside a dark room. We are aware of our immediate surroundings, we may have limited perception of the room itself or the contents within the four walls of our room. But we have virtually no idea of what lies beyond the door to our room.

i agree with you.but you cant say that we havnt limit in universe
but if you believe evolution.you must believe allien too.
then why allien never .......... ?
because universe have limit in something.
we are in big bang and big bang is physic too
The observable universe. Astronomers have measured the age of the universe to be approximately 13.8 billion years old. Because of the connection between distance and the speed of light, this means they can look at a region of space that lies 13.8 billion light-years away

our brain cant understand size of universe very well.

I understand the size of the universe and I'm not disputing it. I also understand, using conventional propulsion rockets and traditional physics, we aren't going to jump in our rocket and go visit an alien civilization. We will be lucky to ever be able to send men to Mars in our lifetime.

However, there may be technology we aren't aware of and can't comprehend at this time. An alien civilization that is a million years more advanced than we are, might know of ways to travel through space and time in ways we can no more imagine than a monkey could imagine quantum physics. We are bound by physics because that's what we understand. That doesn't mean physics is all there can be. It's our limits for now, that's all.

As for evolution... I believe in micro-evolution... the adaptation of species to form new species within their own genus. I do not believe in spontaneous generation because there is no science to support it. I also can't believe in macro-evolution... that we all emerged from a "common ancestor" ...ultimately, a single organism. Again... no science supports it. Those who DO believe in it are practicing a faith-based belief no different than believing in God. I believe that life and physical nature (i.e.; the physical universe) was created by a Spiritual force because physical nature cannot create itself.
This seems to be the new thought of many scientists, and I keep hearing it more and more.

I get the idea that a planets environmental hostility makes it nearly impossible for life forms to survive long enough to evolve into technological beings, but the idea that it has only happened here seems crazy to me.
They acknowledge the universe is likely filled with habitable planets. It's as if they are using that likliehood as a way of concluding there must not be any life out there, in other words, since there are likely habitable planets throughout, why aren't we finding life ? Life must be a complete fluke.
The conclusion then is to say we must be the only ones.

"What happened here was a fluke - and is highly unlikely to have happened elsewhere", the researchers say.

We Haven’t Found Aliens Because They’re All Already Dead, Scientists Say

The reason there has never been a confirmed sighting of an alien - or a message from an alien race - could be very depressing.
The reason we haven’t heard from aliens is because they’re all already dead, a new study has suggested.
Researchers from Australian National University suggest that the environments on early planets tend to be so hostile that even when life arises, it is quickly exterminated.
‘The Universe is probably filled with habitable planets, so many scientists think it should be teeming with aliens,’ said Aditya Chopra from the Australian National University.
‘Early life is fragile, so we believe it rarely evolves quickly enough to survive.’
‘Most early planetary environments are unstable. To produce a habitable planet, life forms need to regulate greenhouse gases such as water and carbon dioxide to keep surface temperatures stable.’’

We Haven’t Found Aliens Because They’re All Already Dead, Scientists Say

I agree with them for the most part. There are very likely an enormous amount of planets just in our galaxy that have life, likely none have sentient life. Sentient life is what people commonly refer to when they say "Alien". I'm sure that there are many planets with single called organisms, probably a lot with multi-celled life and maybe some with plants and non-sentient simple creatures, but advanced life? Able to build space ships? Extremely unlikely. Probably not in our galaxy and if there are one or two planets with advanced civilizations per Galaxy, there is no way we can ever meet. We are alone in the universe.
we have limit for light speed
and universe is big
its imposible fo travel to far .......

This is only true using traditional physics principles as we understand them. However, there could be principles we don't understand and haven't realized yet. Our sciences are only several hundred years old and even our quantum mechanics are less than 100 years old.

We are like infants in a crib inside a dark room. We are aware of our immediate surroundings, we may have limited perception of the room itself or the contents within the four walls of our room. But we have virtually no idea of what lies beyond the door to our room.

i agree with you.but you cant say that we havnt limit in universe
but if you believe evolution.you must believe allien too.
then why allien never .......... ?
because universe have limit in something.
we are in big bang and big bang is physic too
The observable universe. Astronomers have measured the age of the universe to be approximately 13.8 billion years old. Because of the connection between distance and the speed of light, this means they can look at a region of space that lies 13.8 billion light-years away

our brain cant understand size of universe very well.

I understand the size of the universe and I'm not disputing it. I also understand, using conventional propulsion rockets and traditional physics, we aren't going to jump in our rocket and go visit an alien civilization. We will be lucky to ever be able to send men to Mars in our lifetime.

However, there may be technology we aren't aware of and can't comprehend at this time. An alien civilization that is a million years more advanced than we are, might know of ways to travel through space and time in ways we can no more imagine than a monkey could imagine quantum physics. We are bound by physics because that's what we understand. That doesn't mean physics is all there can be. It's our limits for now, that's all.

As for evolution... I believe in micro-evolution... the adaptation of species to form new species within their own genus. I do not believe in spontaneous generation because there is no science to support it. I also can't believe in macro-evolution... that we all emerged from a "common ancestor" ...ultimately, a single organism. Again... no science supports it. Those who DO believe in it are practicing a faith-based belief no different than believing in God. I believe that life and physical nature (i.e.; the physical universe) was created by a Spiritual force because physical nature cannot create itself.
i understand you.
but problem is: ok.we havnt technology yet.maybe 100 years later.maybe 2000 years later.

but why all alliens havnt this technology too?
we cant go .but why they cant come to us?

i dont agree with you about evolution
did you read grand design by
Gotta remember that earth got in the game pretty early on in the whole 'planets hospitable to life' thing. The vast majority of earth-like planets that will ever exist have yet to be formed. We may be among the first life forms like us of many to come. Also, I don't know why everyone wants to assume that 'life' means intelligence and that intelligence means of a sort superior to man. Lots of assumptions.
This seems to be the new thought of many scientists, and I keep hearing it more and more.

I get the idea that a planets environmental hostility makes it nearly impossible for life forms to survive long enough to evolve into technological beings, but the idea that it has only happened here seems crazy to me.
They acknowledge the universe is likely filled with habitable planets. It's as if they are using that likliehood as a way of concluding there must not be any life out there, in other words, since there are likely habitable planets throughout, why aren't we finding life ? Life must be a complete fluke.
The conclusion then is to say we must be the only ones.

"What happened here was a fluke - and is highly unlikely to have happened elsewhere", the researchers say.

We Haven’t Found Aliens Because They’re All Already Dead, Scientists Say

The reason there has never been a confirmed sighting of an alien - or a message from an alien race - could be very depressing.
The reason we haven’t heard from aliens is because they’re all already dead, a new study has suggested.
Researchers from Australian National University suggest that the environments on early planets tend to be so hostile that even when life arises, it is quickly exterminated.
‘The Universe is probably filled with habitable planets, so many scientists think it should be teeming with aliens,’ said Aditya Chopra from the Australian National University.
‘Early life is fragile, so we believe it rarely evolves quickly enough to survive.’
‘Most early planetary environments are unstable. To produce a habitable planet, life forms need to regulate greenhouse gases such as water and carbon dioxide to keep surface temperatures stable.’’

We Haven’t Found Aliens Because They’re All Already Dead, Scientists Say

I can show you where two Mexican illegal aliens are......

Even space aliens would be considered illegals...
This seems to be the new thought of many scientists, and I keep hearing it more and more.

I get the idea that a planets environmental hostility makes it nearly impossible for life forms to survive long enough to evolve into technological beings, but the idea that it has only happened here seems crazy to me.
They acknowledge the universe is likely filled with habitable planets. It's as if they are using that likliehood as a way of concluding there must not be any life out there, in other words, since there are likely habitable planets throughout, why aren't we finding life ? Life must be a complete fluke.
The conclusion then is to say we must be the only ones.

"What happened here was a fluke - and is highly unlikely to have happened elsewhere", the researchers say.

We Haven’t Found Aliens Because They’re All Already Dead, Scientists Say

The reason there has never been a confirmed sighting of an alien - or a message from an alien race - could be very depressing.
The reason we haven’t heard from aliens is because they’re all already dead, a new study has suggested.
Researchers from Australian National University suggest that the environments on early planets tend to be so hostile that even when life arises, it is quickly exterminated.
‘The Universe is probably filled with habitable planets, so many scientists think it should be teeming with aliens,’ said Aditya Chopra from the Australian National University.
‘Early life is fragile, so we believe it rarely evolves quickly enough to survive.’
‘Most early planetary environments are unstable. To produce a habitable planet, life forms need to regulate greenhouse gases such as water and carbon dioxide to keep surface temperatures stable.’’

We Haven’t Found Aliens Because They’re All Already Dead, Scientists Say

We can't even leave this planet and yet they are going to tell us exactly what is out there beyond Pluto…..? They have no idea if there is life out there or not…...
Did you sleep through the years of the Moon landings and the space shuttle years?
Again, until you come up with a process by which inorganic material becomes organic and then spawns living organisms, you have nothing. That's the key to the whole thing.
That is the seminal point and I agree. But it is only a start. If someone comes upon what some scientists say is inorganic to organic in a lab they can hardly claim victory. There has to be some kind of intelligent “force” moving these rudimentary molecules onto bigger and better things. That occurring without an I.D. is just as implausible for me as non-life to life.

Of course no one is interested in trying to solve where did matter itself originate? One thing at a time.

I think... and again, this is just my speculation, that all the various credible UFO accounts can be explained if we consider this "other dimensions" possibility. It could be that when we sight a UFO, it's merely something seeping through into our dimensions from elsewhere.
So is it your opinion there are credible eye witness accounts of UFOs? Why or why not?

When you suggest “other dimensions” for their origin is this more of the same, i.e. more unexplained life but no evidence for God?

Well, I take "God" out of the equation because we get into a philosophy thing and it's futile to try and reconcile it on a scientific level. We know, through quantum mechanics, other dimensions exist. At least, that is what mathematics predicts. Assuming mathematics is correct, there are at least 11 dimensions, we only have perception of 4.

When I said "credible UFO accounts" it needs to be distinguished, I am talking about legitimate accounts versus kooks and oddballs. Like when an Air Force pilot witnesses something unexplained, or there is some mass population who witnesses some phenomenon that can't be explained. I know there are many theories regarding natural phenomenon that can cause an illusion, etc. But I also believe that some people have actually encountered things that science and physics cannot explain. I believe this is stuff from another dimension spilling over into our dimension. For whatever reason, we briefly experience the perception of it but it's fleeting.
I am sure that space aliens will still need to be nailed...oh,,,yeyah....
This seems to be the new thought of many scientists, and I keep hearing it more and more.

I get the idea that a planets environmental hostility makes it nearly impossible for life forms to survive long enough to evolve into technological beings, but the idea that it has only happened here seems crazy to me.
They acknowledge the universe is likely filled with habitable planets. It's as if they are using that likliehood as a way of concluding there must not be any life out there, in other words, since there are likely habitable planets throughout, why aren't we finding life ? Life must be a complete fluke.
The conclusion then is to say we must be the only ones.

"What happened here was a fluke - and is highly unlikely to have happened elsewhere", the researchers say.

We Haven’t Found Aliens Because They’re All Already Dead, Scientists Say

The reason there has never been a confirmed sighting of an alien - or a message from an alien race - could be very depressing.
The reason we haven’t heard from aliens is because they’re all already dead, a new study has suggested.
Researchers from Australian National University suggest that the environments on early planets tend to be so hostile that even when life arises, it is quickly exterminated.
‘The Universe is probably filled with habitable planets, so many scientists think it should be teeming with aliens,’ said Aditya Chopra from the Australian National University.
‘Early life is fragile, so we believe it rarely evolves quickly enough to survive.’
‘Most early planetary environments are unstable. To produce a habitable planet, life forms need to regulate greenhouse gases such as water and carbon dioxide to keep surface temperatures stable.’’

We Haven’t Found Aliens Because They’re All Already Dead, Scientists Say

The likelihood of life elsewhere is huge. I think there is life everywhere in some form.

Intelligent life is another matter. It may be the sequence of events that led to self aware thinking organisms is rare. It may also be that our intelligence emerged in a lull of intelligence elsewhere. Timing is everything.

We just don't know yet, we've only been looking for about 50 years. I agree its odd we haven't heard a peep that would resemble other intelligent life but that isn't proof it isn't there.

As with all such things the only thing to do is keep looking and be patient.
Given the billions of stars it is unlikely we are the only planet that can sustain life

But most of the life on those planets would be on the order of slime or single cell life. An insect would be an advanced form of development

Planets with a marginal environment would see their life forms wiped out.

Intelligent life capable of space travel?

Extremely, extremely unlikely and totally incapable of visiting earth
This seems to be the new thought of many scientists, and I keep hearing it more and more.

I get the idea that a planets environmental hostility makes it nearly impossible for life forms to survive long enough to evolve into technological beings, but the idea that it has only happened here seems crazy to me.
They acknowledge the universe is likely filled with habitable planets. It's as if they are using that likliehood as a way of concluding there must not be any life out there, in other words, since there are likely habitable planets throughout, why aren't we finding life ? Life must be a complete fluke.
The conclusion then is to say we must be the only ones.

"What happened here was a fluke - and is highly unlikely to have happened elsewhere", the researchers say.

We Haven’t Found Aliens Because They’re All Already Dead, Scientists Say

The reason there has never been a confirmed sighting of an alien - or a message from an alien race - could be very depressing.
The reason we haven’t heard from aliens is because they’re all already dead, a new study has suggested.
Researchers from Australian National University suggest that the environments on early planets tend to be so hostile that even when life arises, it is quickly exterminated.
‘The Universe is probably filled with habitable planets, so many scientists think it should be teeming with aliens,’ said Aditya Chopra from the Australian National University.
‘Early life is fragile, so we believe it rarely evolves quickly enough to survive.’
‘Most early planetary environments are unstable. To produce a habitable planet, life forms need to regulate greenhouse gases such as water and carbon dioxide to keep surface temperatures stable.’’

We Haven’t Found Aliens Because They’re All Already Dead, Scientists Say

We just found a planet in our solar system we didn't know was there. We are so small and know so little to assume there isn't other life in the universe.
Given the billions of stars it is unlikely we are the only planet that can sustain life

But most of the life on those planets would be on the order of slime or single cell life. An insect would be an advanced form of development

Planets with a marginal environment would see their life forms wiped out.

Intelligent life capable of space travel?

Extremely, extremely unlikely and totally incapable of visiting earth
Also consider a planet with life may have died out before we hit the scene
What's the universe, 13 or so billion years old?

Countless civilizations could have long since come and gone, countless more on the way.

Countless more far too far away for us to ever know about, no matter how far technology advances.


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It is my opinion that only those who are not convinced the one true God exists and is the author of life could possibly engage in such wild speculations.

Personally, I highly, highly doubt there is intelligent life anywhere in the universe because the teachings of our faith give absolute no hint of such a matter.
How does your so-called "teachings of our faith" contribute to today's knowledge about objective reality?
Life on earth is a mathematical impossibility.
That's like saying you have experienced mathematical infinity.

Well actually, if one considers a Big Bang happening, the odds that this earth just happened to become placed in a position whereby it could support life as we know it and also have all the right condition to support this life as we know it is in itself a stretch. If one further does the math, the odds of a single cell lifeform springing forth from some slime pool is practically an impossibility. The mathematical probability of a single cell mutating into a two or more celled lifeform is beyond the pale of any expectation.

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