We keep hearing about the wooden gallows built on J6, but for some reason we have no video of anyone building it

That’s a real rope and a real noose. Guarantee that could kill
If the person that built that had been intent on hanging people with it it would have been built to effectively do so. That's a prop designed to perpetuate theater. I can't figure out if you're obtuse or what. I don't think you're actually an outright idiot. Maybe you're so wasted over politics reality just doesn't matter anymore.
If the person that built that had been intent on hanging people with it it would have been built to effectively do so. That's a prop designed to perpetuate theater. I can't figure out if you're obtuse or what. I don't think you're actually an outright idiot. Maybe you're so wasted over politics reality just doesn't matter anymore.
Regardless… that thing could easily kill

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