We know cloth masks have very low efficacy (15%-20%), so why are they mandated in so many places?

Masks have long been effective in reducing the communicability of airborne viruses.

Which is why people in many cultures have been wearing them when they felt sick and needed to be in pubic, such as riding a busy subway. The only reason people think they are bad is because the Govt told them to wear one. Same goes for what they now call social distancing. Prior to 2020 when they gave it a name we all did it, if someone told you they did not feel well you would keep your distance from them. Now doing it is of the devil....makes no sense at all
I'd say it's about control and blame. The politicians want to blame it all on us --- because if they don't, we'll certainly blame it on them. (But it's no one's fault: it's an alien virus lifeform that is very happy to have a whole new galaxy to inhabit: human beings!!)
So the whole mask thing was to distract us and to make us look to blame each other, so we wouldn't blame them.

Germany is so good at this --- Merkel is a positive artist at getting the people to blame themselves, not her, and she used it with the 2015 huge sudden influx of Muslim illegals and also with this new disease. So I figured it out watching what she did.

Then the shots, vaccinations, took the place of masks as soon as they were ready: we're supposed to blame each other, not the politicians. The fact that the vaccines unfortunately don't work and are sometimes harmful is irrelevant to the pols, because distracting us and refocusing our blame on each other is all that matters. They don't care that the vaccine doesn't work. They may well have known it all along.

Excellent post, right on the money! I haven't worn a mask anywhere in a long, long while, the only place I even see them is at these national fascist organizations we call corporations, who are still forcing their employees to wear them. You occasionally see someone out and about with one, but I'd say only 5% or less are wearing them. I love being rural, you couldn't pay me to live in the urban shitholes that leftists control, nor would I have any desire to be a tourist or spend my money in them, I hope they all rot.
I think it is also about creating the feeling that we are all in this together.

When we wear a mask, we are showing that we are doing what we can to help.

Whether a mask is effective is not the main point.

It is intended as a morale booster.
Which is why people in many cultures have been wearing them when they felt sick and needed to be in pubic, such as riding a busy subway. The only reason people think they are bad is because the Govt told them to wear one.
I don't believe that most people are so easily manipulated by government. "Government" tells Americans not to mince around bare-assed in public, and to drive on the right side of two-way roads. Not many are so driven to anarchistic expression that they abandon common sense and refuse to comply.
.... Prior to 2020 when they gave it a name we all did it
We did? I don't recall that, but if it made sense then, it certainly makes sense now with all the empirical data that has accrued. Public health authorities are far more knowledgable concerning Covid-19 now than they were then.
We did? I don't recall that,

really? so if someone at work told you they felt sick or were running a fever you did not keep your distance from them? I sure did and so did pretty much everyone I know. Hell we even messed with one of our co-workers and put yellow caution tape around her cubical when she insisted on coming to work sick
really? so if someone at work told you they felt sick or were running a fever you did not keep your distance from them? I sure did and so did pretty much everyone I know. Hell we even messed with one of our co-workers and put yellow caution tape around her cubical when she insisted on coming to work sick
As much now as then, of course. Common sense has not been abandoned by the common sensible.

The CDC recommending that no one where a mask in public, crowd into enclosed, poorly-ventilated spaces, and never wash one's hands may have tricked some contrarians into responsible behavior, but not many.

Carriers and transmitters of Covid - one's self included - are often symptom free, so the usual blatant cues are absent.
The thing about common sense, it is not very common
That may be why medical expertise is needed. A transmissible deadly disease that does not necessarily identify itself through overt symptoms does not provide common sense warnings.
If N95 masks were mandated, I get it.

Cloth masks are not very effective…so why the mandates?

Even those setting the mandates are being caught not following their own rules time after time.

Lets stop this virtue signaling bullshit.

It is NOT about the science. It is about control and money.

You answered your own question - it's about control and money.

The #1 end sought is the vaccine passport, which will never go away.

You will be tracked everywhere you go.

Hooray Team CovidScam! :)
Which is why people in many cultures have been wearing them when they felt sick and needed to be in pubic, such as riding a busy subway. The only reason people think they are bad is because the Govt told them to wear one. Same goes for what they now call social distancing. Prior to 2020 when they gave it a name we all did it, if someone told you they did not feel well you would keep your distance from them. Now doing it is of the devil....makes no sense at all
The faux lolbertarian sez "just do what da gubmint tells you!"

Fucking bootlicking stooge...

If N95 masks were mandated, I get it.

Cloth masks are not very effective…so why the mandates?

Even those setting the mandates are being caught not following their own rules time after time.

Lets stop this virtue signaling bullshit.

It is NOT about the science. It is about control and money.

I have found cloth masks to be far more uncomfortable than surgical masks. So I wear the surgical masks. If they are good enough for an operating room, they are good enough for me.
It's a political power play not too unlike yellow stars forced on a certain ethnicity in Europe in the last century. What could be more obvious than covering one's face for no other reason than to acknowledge a political mandate?
Sheddup & show me yer Covid Passport™ or no food for you! :)
really? so if someone at work told you they felt sick or were running a fever you did not keep your distance from them? I sure did and so did pretty much everyone I know. Hell we even messed with one of our co-workers and put yellow caution tape around her cubical when she insisted on coming to work sick



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