We know cloth masks have very low efficacy (15%-20%), so why are they mandated in so many places?

If N95 masks were mandated, I get it.

Cloth masks are not very effective…so why the mandates?

Even those setting the mandates are being caught not following their own rules time after time.

Lets stop this virtue signaling bullshit.

It is NOT about the science. It is about control and money.

So ridiculous. You wear the mask for the 15 seconds it takes for the hostess to take you from the front door to your table at a resturant. THey you are maskless for an hour +. Then don the mask for the 15 second trip back to the front door.

Your local govt has a shirt mandate? What's their justification?

you have never seen a "no shirt, not shoes no service" sign on a business?

Try this and see how the local Govt likes it, walk around naked from the waist down and let us know how that goes for you
you have never seen a "no shirt, not shoes no service" sign on a business?

Try this and see how the local Govt likes it, walk around naked from the waist down and let us know how that goes for you
I'll ask the question again. Your local govt has a shirt mandate? What's their justification?
If N95 masks were mandated, I get it.

Cloth masks are not very effective…so why the mandates?

Even those setting the mandates are being caught not following their own rules time after time.

Lets stop this virtue signaling bullshit.

It is NOT about the science. It is about control and money.

Because you cannot advance left communism unless you have control of the people. You get control of the people when everyone is the same under fear tactics.
Because you cannot advance left communism unless you have control of the people. You get control of the people when everyone is the same under fear tactics.

I'll ask the question again. Your local govt has a shirt mandate? What's their justification?

I do not know, but I know I cannot even get on a city bus without shirt and shoes.
I do not know, but I know I cannot even get on a city bus without shirt and shoes.
If you were capable of honesty, you would have the answer to your question as to why they are no threads on "No Shoes, No Shirt, No Service"
NOWHERE mandates a CLOTH mask. Some places mandate MASKS. You have said that if N95s were mandated...you would wear one. You need to be told what to do?

Just wear the N95

Obviously not CLOTH masks. I have never seen a sign specifying CLOTH masks you dope.
What’s funny is you think you’ve made a point here.
Masks work...

Simply put N95 one of the best, surgical next and then cloth (3 play if you can)

This is about reducing the R rate, bring it below 1 and the virus reduces... Simple... Keep it under 1 for long enough it disappears... This is science...

Thinks that reduce the rate:
  • Vaccine: even on delta on people living in the same household it reduced infection from 38% unvaccinated to 25% vaccinated
  • Masks: 60% drop, see below
  • Social Distancing: 64% drop, see below
  • Lockdowns: Method of last resort, not doing the above eventually leads to this...
Want avoid Lockdowns then vaccinate and wear a mask, simple....

What’s funny is you think you’ve made a point here.
Hey stupid...the OP is whining that cloth masks aren't more effective.

And then claiming that they are mandated.

The material is not mandated. Only that a mask be used.

His criticism of cloth masks is stupid

If you don't get the point...the point is on top of your head...dunce
Masks work...

Simply put N95 one of the best, surgical next and then cloth (3 play if you can)

This is about reducing the R rate, bring it below 1 and the virus reduces... Simple... Keep it under 1 for long enough it disappears... This is science...

Thinks that reduce the rate:
  • Vaccine: even on delta on people living in the same household it reduced infection from 38% unvaccinated to 25% vaccinated
  • Masks: 60% drop, see below
  • Social Distancing: 64% drop, see below
  • Lockdowns: Method of last resort, not doing the above eventually leads to this...
Want avoid Lockdowns then vaccinate and wear a mask, simple....

Just curious, do you wear a mask at home? If not, why not?

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